1877 through __
Levi .S. Cool: Advance, 1902 and 1905 / Council Journal, Oct. 1900 – 1902
Ivan M. Durrell: Council Leader - (Oct. 9, 1908 – Oct. 5, 1911)—- Durrell was a terrible speller and typographer, and made many mistakes.
Ben F. Edlin—Council Leader, 1910
James Stinson (Oct. 5, 1911- March 12, 1912)
Fred Mullin (March 12, 1912 - 1915 )
Fred Michaelson , (1915 – May 1, 1922)
Ernest E. Southard (May 1, 1922 – Aug 27, 1926)
William Lemon (owner and sometimes editor, Aug. 27, 1926-44), Carryl H. Wines (1935-1944), Frank E. Rogers (1944-1949), Bert Rogers (1949 -1995) Adams County Leader
Edwin Elton (1899) & Frank Edlin (1902) D.C. Boyd, (early1899)-- of the Seven Devils Standard
J.H. Maxwell - "printer and managing editor of the Seven Devils Miner--1902
Thomas Nelson, editor, the Cambridge Citizen., 1903
M.W. Hunt (1906) Robert E. Lockwood (1907) Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal,
Charles Hackney (1908) Meadows Eagle
Sylvester Kinney-- New Meadows Tribune, 1913
Frank M. Roberts (1912 and maybe until-1914) New Meadows Tribune
Frank M. Roberts --Adams County Advance, pub. at New Meadows, 1914
A. B. Lucas --Meadows Eagle / New Meadows Tribune, 1914
September 25 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) [1867? 76?] INDIAN OUTRAGE
The non-treaty Nez Perce Indians on Salmon river are disposed to make trouble with the white settlers. A short time ago an Indian by the name of Red Elk, in company with two or three other Indians, after partaking freely of fire water, supposed to have been obtained at a China store on Salmon river, went to the house of Sam Benedict. Sam was not home at the time and the Indians took possession of the house and forced Isabella and the three children to wade White Bird creek at the risk of their life.
About this time Mr. Benedict appeared on the scene with a double-barrel shot-gun
and began to fire. They were armed and returned the fire and one Indian was killed and another badly wounded. It is supposed that Red Elk shot the Indian by mistake as he was killed by a pistol shot and Benedict had nothing but bird shot. The white settlers in that locality are very much excited and talk of raising a company and driving the Indians from that section.
May 27, 1876 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) To a person traveling along Salmon river, evidence of improvements are everywhere. At Slate creek the ranches
of Mr. Rhett and Mr. Cone are in fine condition. Mr. Shearer's place, at the ferry
is especially noticeable. All the fruits, berries and flowers that can grow in this latitude are brought about as near perfection as great care and thorough knowledge of horticulture can bring them. The fruit crop throughout the country will be large, it being now past the reach of frost. A wagon road is now being graded down the White Bird hill, which will be a great convenience to the inhabitants of that region.
Idaho Tri Weekly Statesman June 13, 1876
Milton Kelly, Editor
Editorial correspondence – Upper Weiser Valley
Salubria, June 2, 1876 – The Weiser river has four separate valleys and consequently, four distinct neighborhoods, or settlements. In our former letters we have given a description of the lower and middle valleys.
We now come to the third, or upper valley. The other valley which lies ten miles above this valley is on the Little Weiser river, and although really one of the valleys of the Weiser, is called Indian valley, from the fact that a small band of Indians have always lived there. This, or the upper Weiser valley, is surrounded by rolling hills, and far beyond to the north and east are the snow clad mountains of the Snake and Payette rivers; and to the southeast you observe the snow-clad peaks of the Mans Creek Mountains. The Weiser river, however, divides the Snake and Payette range, forming a low pass where may be observed an old Indian trail traveled by the Nez Perce Indians hundreds of years ago, and up to the time of the settlement of this Territory, in passing from the Salmon river this way to Snake river, which took them through what is now known as the Brownlee pass. The mail now travels over this old Indian trail, or pass in the mountains.
From Indian Valley to Warrens, the most direct route between the two sections of the Territory. This valley is about seven miles long and four miles wide. The main Weiser river runs on the north side of the valley and the Little Weiser on the south side, emptying into the main river at the foot, or lower end of the valley. The main body of the farming land and ranches lie between the two rivers; although some good farming land and several ranches are on the opposite side of these rivers. By the surveys neither of the streams are meandered; so that some farms lie on both sides of the river. The foot hills between the two rivers break down into, and occupy considerable space at the head of the valley, or rather what is properly the valley. Pine and Rush creeks empty into the main Weiser from the north; otherwise there are no other streams in the valley. There are thirty-two ranches, or farms, located in this valley, to-wit: Burrell Decker, Conrad Grab, John D. Wade, Peter Conrad, Peter Olson, Wm. Clymo, Owen Vandyke, John Holmes, Chris Lawson, Ike Powell, John Cuddy, Samuel Denny, John McRoberts, David Allison, II. And A. Abernathy, Alex Boyles, Alex Allison, Mrs. Pence, James Colston, Wm. Allison, John West, A. Jewell, Ed Jewell, Frank and Andrew Adams, Herman Lobel, Elizabeth Thompson, G.W. Philips, Wilkerson & Bros., A.J. Borland, Frank M. Mickey, N.S. Star and Alex Kesler. Many of these ranches have lately been located and have no improvements save a small cabin. Others have only added a garden patch, while some have a comfortable beginning, and a few have opened large farms and are well fixed.
The is still room for several more favorable locations on Government Land. The soil is deep, and a great portion of it is rich as a barnyard.
All kinds of vegetables grow in great abundance if only put into the ground. The snow falls from one to two feet deep in the winter and generally lies on three months, but the weather is not very cold, with no wind. When roads are broken through the snow they are easily kept open.
The summers are as lovely as the hear could wish, and the valley is as healthy as ever the sun shone upon. Among the well improved farms that we noticed is Conrad Grab's near the mouth of Pine creek. Mrs. Grab formerly carried on a boot and shoe business in Boise City, but finally turned farmer in this valley. He is farming on what many would call a small scale, because he tills only 50 or 60 acres of land, but he told us that he raised 1,200 bushels of grain last year, and 10,000 pounds of potatoes, 1,500 pounds of beans, and a large quantity of roots and other vegetables; fattens his own pork and makes considerable butter to spare. He sold his beans at nine cents a pound in the [Boise] Basin, and the incoming immigration took all his other stuff at a good round price. Mrs. Grab and his wife are very industrious, and that is the secret of their success.
Peter Olson, who lives next, above Mr. Grab, has comfortable buildings; he has not cultivated much land, but turned his attention to stock raising and butter making. He has over 100 head of cattle and some fine horses. He sold his place last week to David Bridgeman, from Baker County, Oregon, for $150. Bridgeman is a good rustler and will plow up and cultivate this farm. Olson is going to locate on Hornet creek, a fine valley of land on a tributary of the Weiser, where there are no settlers.
Harrison and Andrew Abernathy located what is known as the Warm Spring ranch pretty well up the valley, in the fall of 1868. Here are large boiling springs, which come up out of the bottom of the Weiser, mingling the hot and cool waters together as they pass off down the river.
David Allison has the next ranch above. He and the Abernathy boys fence their farming land together, and are well fixed and carry on farming in good shape. The latter keep a house of entertainment where the traveler can get good accommodations.
A quarter of a mile below is the Salubria store and post office, kept by Mrs. Alex Boyles. He is a wide-a-wake [unreadable] came [unreadable] last fall, has a family, keeps a small stock of goods, and will do well. His store is the only one in either of the valleys on the Weiser and a great convenience to the settlers. We stayed there over night and were pleasantly entertained.
Next below is Alexander Allison, the oldest man in the valley who is a blacksmith by trade, too old to do much work. He stops most of his time with his daughter, the widow Pence, who also has a new ranch. Next is Wm. Allison and James Colson; each have good farms with limited improvements, but enough to make them comfortable.
We now come to Mr. Ed Jewell's place. He is at the lower end of the valley at the confluence of the little and big Weiser rivers and has one of the choicest farms of 320 acres in this valley. Has 140 acres of splendid grain growing, a large barn, good house, blacksmith shop, granary and other out buildings, a nice lot of hogs, horses and cattle, and is a well-to-do farmer. We were kindly welcomed and stayed with him over night.
The next morning we went up to Frank and Andrew Adams' place a mile above. They are Englishmen and new comers. They have made a good beginning and till the soil with more pain than any farmers we have seen in the country. They have garden peas in blossom and other vegetables well advanced. We fell in with Mr. Thomas Farry, an old California acquaintance, at Mr. Boyles store, and he came down and accompanied us from Mr. Jewell's.
The first ranch we visited was the Wislow Thompsons, three miles above on the little Weiser. This is also a choice ranch and well improved. Captain A.J. Borland was here building a new frame house for Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. T. is an excellent house-keeper and gave us a good dinner. She is one of the best butter and cheese makers in the Territory, but has only half a dozen cows. This is the only place where we have seen any cheese making in all our travels.
From this place we visited Mr. B.W. Philips and family a mile above. Mr. Philips has located a choice piece of land, but has small improvements, save an extra good house. He had a good band of cattle, but sold them this spring to James Forbes, who also takes his place.
Cap. Borland has a ranch half a mile north with a comfortable frame house and a garden fenced and planted. He claims to be in the center of the valley, and says he will lay out a town on his place, start a cabinet shop, get Mr. Boyles to move his store and post office over, and some one to start a blacksmith shop, and make business lively. The Captain's head is pretty near right on this question, and we shall not be surprised if the town of Salubria eventually becomes a flourishing place.
The school house is about a mile this side of Mr. Jewell's. It is a cheaper building than we expected to see in this pleasant valley. A small expenditure for good seats, windows, etc., could be made with a good deal of credit. Mr. Fouts of Payette is teaching the school this summer.
The next ranch is the celebrated place of Wilkerson Bros., two miles farther up. There are four brothers here, William , Morris, James and Millard Wilkerson. The three first located here in the spring of 1868, the first settlers in the valley. They have 800 acres of as choice land as can be found in all Idaho; lying mostly on the north side of the Little Weiser, with several good springs issuing from the bench land. Nearly all of this ranch is good plowing land, and fair portion natural meadow land. They have six hundred and forty acres fenced, with over seven miles of good staked and ridered rail fence. Two hundred acres in grain, , forty acres of timothy meadow, and over a hundred acres of good wild grass meadow. Some years they turn out 300 head of fat hogs and turn out fifty fat steers in the spring, five and six years old. They raise very fine American horses, and keep a dozen large fat horses for doing their farm work. They have all the latest improved machines, tools and farming implements; use to sets of gang plows and a breaking plow on wheels; so that their work is made easy and expeditious. They have a large frame barn, granary and other out buildings, a comfortable log house, and intend to build a frame house this fall.
The next place above is a comfortable little ranch, belonging to Frank M. Mickey. The Wilkerson Bros. Are digging a large ditch from the Little Weiser, sufficient to irrigate all their land. Mickey has an interest in it so that he can irrigate his farm.
Wm. Wilkerson is the oldest of the brothers and chief manager. There are seven of the Wilkerson brothers. One is located in Indian valley and two are still back in the States. They are all hale, stout built men no one less than six feet in height. The four brothers on this ranch are bachelors and as good livers as we have struck in our travels. We were kindly welcomed and our visit was exceedingly pleasant.
Half the ranchmen in this valley are in the same fix – old bachelors, but is hardly their fault, for they are praying for more immigration of the gentler sex. A car load of school marms could get situations here without any trouble.
June 15 [1876?] (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) We hear from Solon Hall from his place in Indian Valley that Mrs. Hall has taken a great interest in their new home. They bought the Merrill and Price places so as to be at the departure of his mail routes, the Warren route and the route to Horseshoe Bend. He has broken thirty acres more, fixed up the cabins and corrals and set out an orchard of 200 trees and many berries. Abbey, his youngest son, is 15 years old, carries the mail on horseback to Horseshoe Bend.
Ben Day and family have taken up the Solon Hall place on the Southfork of Salmon.
George Riebold is often mentioned as a miner around Warren
May 8, 1877 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) Major Collins, commanding at Fort Boise is in receipt of a letter from Fort Walla Walla stating that serious trouble
with Nez Perce Indians is eminent; that the troops at Fort Walla Walla and Fort
Vancouver are already moving for the Wallowa valley. From the nature of the
country claimed and occupied by these Indians and the probable aid which they
will receive from the main body of the Nez Perces and adjoining tribes, this promises to be a second edition of the Modoc war.
May 19, 1877 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) A stage line to Indian valley will be a great convenience to those who wish to visit the Weiser country. Solon Hall, who carries the mail from Indian Valley to Warrens, always has surplus ponies and can send you on through to Warrens and North Idaho. You can make Warrens by this route in four days.
May 19, 1877 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) General O. O. Howard will remove all the whites off the Nez Perce reservation. (May 31 Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) Joseph, the Nez Perce Chief who claimed the Wallowa valley for himself and band, has at length agreed to go upon the reservation and the white settlers have to leave. They have until April 1. The improvements made by the whites have been appraised but is has long been a matter of controversy between the settlers and Agent Monteith.
Idaho Statesman, June 19, 1877
Headline - "HOSTILE INDIANS IN NORTH IDAHO" "29 settlers murdered" "Indians making for the Weiser" The news came to Boise by telegraph.
Editor angry because Major Collins has only about 15 men at Fort Boise, and Blames General Howard for this.
Notice: Volunteers wanted to join General Howard at Lapwai. Indians have killed 29 in Lapwai area and are on their way, 100 strong, to southern Idaho by the Salmon and Weiser valleys; pursued by U.S. troops. The Governor wants 100 volunteers immediately. Signed, M. Brayman, Governor.
(June 21, 1877 Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) Edgar Hall, expressman from Indian Valley, arrived here in Warrens Saturday, the 16th, with the mail. Postmaster Freidenrich advised him to get back to Indian Valley as soon as possible as he feared that the Indians would cut him off on the trail. Edgar left here that same night. He took with him a request to Gov. Brayman for arms and ammunition.
Many of our men have gone to the Salmon river country, if the wire bridge is not burnt.
Idaho Statesman, June 21, 1877
Headline, page one: "TWO THOUSAND INDIANS IN ARMS!" "Troops defeated with heavy loss" "The country is wild with alarm. The Indians are massacring men, women and children in Camas prairie, and the settlers are fleeing in all directions for safety." Joseph's and White Bird's band involved and only total about 200. But if other bands and tribes join in, there could be up to 2,000 hostiles.
Angry editorial by Milton Kelly:
Lack of troops at Fort Boise and elsewhere. Major Collins has only 8 men available for duty at Ft Boise!
About settlements north of Boise: "...fifty stands of arms have been forwarded for the use of the settlers from the Ordinance store here at the disposal of the Governor."
Boise and other towns are getting armed and ready. . . organizing volunteer militias. There is a widespread fear of a "general uprising" of all the Indians in the region.
Letter from Solan Hall:
Indian Valley, June 18, 1877
Hon. Milton Kelly
Dear Sir:
The Indians have broken out on Salmon river and have killed fourteen men. We are looking for trouble here every minute. If you can assist us in getting something to protect ourselves with you will do us a great favor. We send a petition to the Governor for arms and ammunition; and if we can get them, please send them to Crystal Springs by stage or some other same conveyance. If the Governor asks security send word and I will be responsible. Please go with my son to the Governor. Edgar (the expressman) got to Warrens Saturday night, and started back the same night and came here in 24 hours from Warrens - getting in two days ahead of time. The Postmaster at Washington (Warrens) advised him to get back as soon as possible, as he feared that the Indians would cut him (Edgar) off the trail. My son, the bearer, will give you all the particulars as nearly as I could. Please do for us all that you can, and oblige.
Yours, &c.,
Solan Hall"
Editor's note at end of letter: "Besides the 25 stands of arms taken by Judge Kelly on Monday, Gov. Brayman sent through Mr. A.H. Boomer on Tuesday another 25 stand of arms to Mr. Hall
Statesman, June 23, 1877
Baker City - June 21 - "The stage driver reports meeting about 25 Snake Indians near Malheur City, well armed and headed towards the Weiser, with about two hundred head of horses."
From a long editorial based partly on editor Milton Kelly's interviews with George Riebold: George Riebold arrived Thursday evening from Warren. He left there 1:00 Monday, June 18th.
Letter from "Judge Kelly":
"Salubria, June 20th
I reached here the next night after leaving Boise City, with guns and ammunition all right. Twelve men came up with me from the Lower Weiser and from Mann's Creek. No one had heard of the Indian outbreak. The news created great excitement here and all along the road. I was only twenty-six hours to this place, 110 miles from Boise City. The families on this, the west side of the Middle Weiser Valley, gathered in here to Abernathy's place, Salubria last night; and the men brought all the arms they had - which were not many - and remained here, keeping a guard out all night. The arms I brought were badly needed - especially the ammunition. A company of twenty-five men will be organized here to-day [sic] under Captain John Sailing, and scour around the outskirts of this and Indian Valleys to-day, hoping that Major Collins and command will be here to-night. The families on the east side of this valley, and those in Indian Valley, got together at Wilkins' place."
[Major Collins was the commander at Ft Boise. "Wilkins' place" should have been "Wilkerson's".]
The following is a Letter from Milton Kelly to Governor Brayman. The original letter is in Box 1, file 109, Idaho State Historical Library and Archives at Boise, Idaho. This letter was reprinted (apparently deciphered by Statesman correspondent, Joe Perrault who is mentioned in the letter) in this issue of the Idaho Tri-weekly Statesman (June 23, 1877). Either Perrault had difficulty reading Kelly's handwriting, or had another copy, as his version varies from the original that was sent to the Governor. The letter as printed here takes from both the original and Perrault's version. Words within brackets [ ] are generally from Perrault's.:
"Indian Valley
Governor Brayman
June 20th 7 o'clock PM
George Riebold has just arrived from Warrens with a letter which I enclose. He has one to you + He has much later [news] from the messenger from Slate [Creek]. The soldiers had a fight in the White Bird canyon and lost 36 killed. Indians say they lost 13. They have driven all the stock along or near Salmon River on this side of Salmon River, and it is expected they will come this way at any time.
There have been several stray Indians here within the last few days, 3 were corralled and 7 passed by ; 2 from Malheur and 1 from Fort Hall - 7 unknown. The local Indians are all here and peaceable with only two out, said to be out hunting. I send you a list of names who want guns. There are 50 women and children here about one half are at Abernathy's in Middle Valley and the rest here at Wm. Munday's. There are about 90 men , but only 50 guns. I send you a list of names who want guns here and must have them and we must have 100 citizens who can come armed. The people here would feed them. Every kind of business is suspended in all of the valleys. We want help in time, shall we get it? Show this to Curtis + Joe Perrault [...two unintelligible sentences]. Also send arms and all the ammunition that can be spared for north Idaho and we will send them through from here. Hall's boy will be the carrier of this and Riebold will be with him. I got here 26 hours from the time I started. Send 25 more guns and 2000 rounds of ammunition by stage. Let the men get a team at Weiser and come to the Middle Weiser valley, the same way I did. In great haste,
Milton Kelly"
[On the back of the last page of the original letter, Kelly penciled, "Those Indians are blood thirsty. They are getting all the supplies and Liquor they want and will jump on fresh horses and come here in 36 hours after they leave Salmon [River] if they come this way."]
[General notes:
Editor Kelly took every opportunity to criticize the army (and Gen. Howard specifically) for not sufficiently manning forts in the region.
1877 issues contain ads for stage lines going to Winnemucca, Kelton (Utah), and Portland.]
June 26, 1877 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) A band of seven Indians passed through the upper Weiser toward the Salmon river country. Most of the families in Indian Valley congregated at Wm. Munday's house. The first objective was to learn the feeling of the Weiser Indians, about seventy in number who were camped at their regular camping ground, next to Hall's place. They promised peace and friendship and will remain in camp until the trouble is over.
Statesman, June 26, 1877
The hostile Indians have gone eastward. Photocopy of long article by Kelly telling how he took the guns and ammunition to Indian Valley - details of journey and the situation at the upper valleys - "The farthest valley is Hornet creek valley [Council Valley]. This valley was settled this spring; there are five or six families and about ten men, and as many ranches taken up." The trip back and the situation around Weiser. This info is found in two separate places.
Statesman, June 28, 1877
Photocopy "Situation on the Weiser"
A pony express route has been established between Crystal Springs, 65 miles below [hidden in fold] on the stage road, and Indian Valley, and on to points north. Mr. L. Lansdon takes the express as soon as the stage arrives a Crystal Springs at 2:00 AM "to the Middle Weiser Valley where Solan Hall's messenger meets him and takes it to the Upper Weiser and Indian Valleys." "Address letters 'care driver to Crystal Springs' . If the party addressed lives in any of the lower or Indian valleys the name will be sufficient without naming the particular valley, as Lansdon and hall, who run the express, are most likely to know the whereabouts of each [person? (fold)] and will deliver them as they go up the valleys, and they will reach their destination in from 12 to 24 hours after leaving here." ["Here" means Boise. stage leaves 4 PM every day. Said to be sure to hand the letter directly to the driver, not put it in the regular mail.]
June 28, 1877 Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) Three men from Indian valley were out all night and saw fresh Indian tracks. Anderson and Riebold brought in the mail, traveling all night, coming from the summit on foot. Tom Clay and party have not been heard from.
June 28, 1877 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) In October, 1875, a council was held of the Chiefs at which there were about 50 Indians present. The Umatilla reservation was to be ceded to the Government and they had been invited to come with Chief Joseph in the Wallowa valley. It was adjoining white settlements who would sell the Indians whiskey and otherwise injure and demoralize them. The situation had become unendurable and if required to remain they would find themselves compelled to fight.
Since that time the silence and neglect of the Government left them nothing to hope from that quarter and they would join Chief Joseph in the Wallowa valley. In speaking of Gen. Howard, Howlish Wampo said: "The one armed white chief has a smooth tongue and speaks softly and nicely to the Indians, but his good words have no power to reach their hearts." The Indians laughed at the General and his fine speeches saying that they would never persuade them to give up the Wallowa valley.
Many of the Indians remain off the reservation and the unrestricted intercourse
allowed between them and the whites are a cause of trouble. The Indians will never be willing to give up their old haunts in the deep valley of the Salmon where reigns a semi- tropical climate, or abandon their claim to the Wallowa valley.
June 28 Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) Thomas Chapman, his brother Arthur and Wm. J. Kelly are on their way to Boise with dispatches from Gen. Howard
to Gen. Green. The Indians are now encamped on Horseshoe Bend of the main
Salmon, well armed and supplied with provisions of every kind, including an
abundance of whiskey. Chapman says that it would be folly to engage the Indians with their present force, as the Indians are superior in number, encouraged by their recent success and fanatically believe themselves to be invincible and invulnerable. Some three years ago a petition was circulated among the settlers on Salmon river asking that the Indians living there be removed and placed upon the reservation. Many of the settlers signed this petition, some refusing to do so. In the late massacre, those who signed were killed and the others spared.
Wm Rhett, who was among the signers, was, at last account, in the fort at Slate Creek. The Indians told the whites in that place that if they would give up Rhett and a California Indian named Joe that they would not disturb the others.
Statesman, June 30, 1877
"...Capt. Robbins ... says that the Nez Perce scouts are watching his command on the Weiser and that they evidently have a line of signals and sentinels extending from the Weiser to their camp on the Salmon River. Their main object in this is most probably to guard against the approach of troops from this side...."
Rumors that Indians burned Cuddy's mill are false.
Some immigrants between Boise and Kelton, Utah are turning back because of fear of Indian attack.
A Captain Bendier (sic), who arrived on the Weiser and camped at Mann Creek with 45 men had hurried there because he had heard that 60 men had been killed by Indians on the Weiser. He had been ordered to Boise, but upon hearing this rumor, he came to the Weiser. [I think the correct spelling is "Bendire" as this is the way it is spelled everywhere else.]
Tri-Weekly Statesman, July 3, 1877
page 3- "lieut. John S. Gray, of Company 'A' Idaho Volunteers, came into town Sunday evening. He reports everything quiet on the Weiser and at Indian Valley. The women and children are carefully guarded at the Stockade Forts, and most of the farmers are busy tending to their crops. Scouts are kept out all the time, so that there is no danger of a surprise."
"The Weiser Indians - Several of the Indians recently encamped near Indian Valley on the Upper Weiser are now encamped near this city. [Boise] Their professed business is to beg for flour and other provisions to take with them to the Great Camas Prairie. They met with poor success as the citizens here are unwilling to make Boise City a depot for gratuitous supplies to vagabond Indians, whom the Government and humanitarians of the East believe to be upon Reservations under the civilizing and Christianizing teachings of exemplary Agents and devoted Missionaries."
Governor Brayman ordered Robbins' Co. "A" back to Boise on July 2nd because the presence of U.S. troops "makes his stay no longer necessary. He will bring back the arms intrusted to him for delivery, unless in his careful discretion he thinks proper to supply responsible and reliable resident citizens who have pressing need of them - taking receipts." signed, Governor Brayman
Tri-Weekly Statesman, July 5, 1877
Lead story on page 1: "HOW TO AVOID AND CURE DISEASES OF POULTRY" No Indian War news until small notes later in the paper.
Editor Kelly thinks returning the guns from the upper country (see July 3 issue) is a mistake because no one knows where the hostile Indians will go next.
July 5, 1877 ( Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) July 1, Geo. Riebold and seven other men have gone to Indian Valley after the guns.
Tri-Weekly Statesman, July 7, 1877
Mail route from Boise to the Grangeville area: Boise to Indian Valley (75 miles by wagon road) - horseback to Mount Idaho via Warren and Florence by going up the Weiser River, Little Salmon (45 miles) "From the point where the Little Salmon trail leaves the mail route to the Main Salmon river at the mouth of the Little Salmon, the distance is 50 miles. Between the last named points the route is difficult, passing over a high and rugged mountain to avoid the deep canyons on the Little Salmon River. From the mouth of the Little Salmon to Slate Creek, the distance is twenty-five miles; and from there to where the Indians were camped at Horseshoe Bend, ten miles."
Approximate distances: Boise to Warren via Indian Valley = 175 miles. Warrens to Florence = 50 miles Florence to Mount Idaho = 50 miles
Company "A" volunteers arrived in Boise Thursday evening.
"Capt. Robbins, chief of scouts, yesterday sent Oglesby with a message to Bendire to have Tom Price, one of the scouts, report at this place as soon as possible."
Tri-Weekly Statesman, July 10, 1877
Fighting on the Clearwater near Mount Idaho. Soldiers coming through Boise, up the Weiser River to "Camp Bendire" and on north.
[In an issue between the 10th and 21st - news of a bad battle near Cottonwood Creek]
Tri-Weekly Statesman, July 21, 1877
Nez Perce fleeing on Lolo Trail - Gen. Howard in pursuit
Tri-Weekly Statesman, July 26, 1877
Three companies of infantry that have been camped at Indian Valley under the command of Major Egbert were ordered to Mount Idaho.
Major Collins and soldiers from Fort Boise arrived at Indian Valley and "...soon made things lively about the residence of Mr. Calvin White." Collins' company of infantry were ordered to stay at Indian Valley. "This will give the settlers confidence and allow them to harvest their grain. The exposed condition in which the departure of the troops would have left them would have prevented any work from being done as all the men would be required to remain on guard to avoid surprise."
Correspondence from Joe Perrault - description of route between Boise and Indian Valley:
Boise to Dry Creek to Bascom's hotel on the Payette River, then, "From Payette to Little Willow creek, a distance of twenty-five miles, over a parched and desert-like country." Left Willow Creek at 6:00 AM and made Indian Valley at 9:45 "The distance is twenty-five miles over a rocky and rough trail."
Tri-Weekly Statesman, July 31, 1877
Everyone thought the Nez Perce would hole up in the mountains in the Salmon and Snake River area, and if run out, they would come down the Weiser River. No one dreamed they would retrace to Camas Prairie.
Capt. Bendire mentioned
Letter from Statesman corespondent, Joe Perrault: "Indian Valley, July 29 - Fort Collins in this valley is now completed. It is made of logs, with bastions, etc., against which earthen breastworks have been thrown up. Major Collins has also had a good well dug inside the fort. Two large arbors have been erected in front of the fort; one for Major Collins and Lieut. Riley, the other for the soldiers of the company. Under these arbors they have pitched their tents . . . " We (Perrault and co.) "...stopped a moment to examine Fort Growler in the Upper Weiser valley, and called at the residence of Mr. Wilkinson, on whose farm Fort Growler stands."
Major Collins sent two men to guard Cuddy's Mill.
Tri-Weekly Statesman, Aug 4, 1877
"Besides Fort Collins in Indian Valley there were constructed during the Indian excitement Fort Growler in Upper Weiser valley, Fort Jefferies in Lower Weiser valley and Fort Devens in Payette valley. These posts should be allowed to stand as historical souvenirs of the present Indian War."
Tri-Weekly Statesman, Aug 7, 1877
"Hornet Valley" residents who left for Indian Valley fort would be safe to go home and harvest crops. "Hornet valley is about twelve miles in the mountains, nearly north of Indian Valley and is one of the most beautiful places in Idaho." [Hornet valley was the term used for what would soon be known as the Council Valley because it was at the mouth of Hornet Creek.]
Tri-Weekly Statesman, Aug 23, 1877
Mr. Lansdon, mail carrier between Payette and Indian Valley
Tri-Weekly Statesman, Aug 30, 1877
"In the Weiser band of Indians there are twenty-eight bucks. They do not want to go on any reservation, but desire to remain on the Weiser."
Mrs. Solon Hall, whose sad death was announced last Saturday, leaves two sons, aged respectively, about 22 and 18. Mrs. Hall lived many years in northern Idaho where she will be remembered as a kind, generous and intelligent woman. Mr. Hall is the mail carrier between Indian Valley and Warrens, where they has resided on Southfork of Salmon river and kept a station at the crossing. What an awful change has come to sadden the hearts of these brave pioneers.
Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman Oct 27, 1877
Levi Allen moved to Boise in 1864, but since has lived mostly in Montana. He was back to his mines this past spring, but the Nez Perce War made him leave. Isaac Lewis is with him this trip. They plan to pack the ore from the mines to Pittsburgh landing, and then by boat to Portland. They have located the Peacock mine and another claim they call "White Monument". "The base metal lead of Abernathy & Co. lies about 12 miles south of this place [Peacock] and the Heath Silver district is 12 miles farther south,..."
March I6, 1878 . (IDAHO TRI-WEEKLY STATESMAN) Mr. Solon Hall has had the contract for carrying the mail between Indian valley and Warrens for the outgoing four years, which difficult and hazardous service he performed faithfully,
rendering on many occasions, important and valuable aid to the settlers along the route and to the country. Mr. Calvin R. White has the contract for that route for the next four years, and from his known energy and experience as a mountaineer, will doubtless be equally successful in his undertaking.
Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman July 13, 1878
"... the old Nez Perce trail through... the Weiser Valley... up the Weiser... down the Little Salmon and over Packer John Mountain to north Idaho and Lolo...."
Mr. Calvin R. White, who carries the mail from the Indian Valley to Warrens, resides at present in the valley known as the Little Salmon meadows. He moved to that place in May last and put in a crop of wheat, barley and vegetables.
With the exception of two nights in the week, he remains alone in the valley. On the 18th inst., Mr. White met Col. Egbert's command on the Upper Weiser, consisting of 135 men, 20 wagons and 100 pack animals, and piloted them into the Little Salmon Meadows, a distance of 50 miles. Forty miles had never been traversed by a wagon. The entire distance was made in two and a half days. This settles the question of the practicability of a wagon road connecting Southern with Northern Idaho.
The valley of Little Salmon Meadows is twelve miles long, with an average of 5 miles width. Seven miles from the Meadows and on the direct road to Warrens are the Payette Lakes, home of the red fish. Eight miles southeast of the Little Salmon Meadows commences what is known as Long valley, which is 60 miles long by 10 wide. The
valleys mentioned are covered with the finest blue bunch grass. There are no settlers outside of Mr. White, but about Payette Lakes mining operations have been in progress in the present season with good results.
Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman Thursday, Aug 22 1878
Solan Hall says 3 horse were stolen by Indians Saturday (17th) from Wm. Munday at Indian Valley.
Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman Tuesday, Aug 27, 1878 p3, col 3
Edgar Hall arrived at Midnight on Fri. the 23rd with report of Indian Valley men murdered by Indians. See photocopy
Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman Aug 29, 1878 p.3, col. 2
Drum's unit = 100 infantry men and pack mules. Drum has now headed for the Copeland's Diggings and it is feared that the men (including Henry Childs) that went there a few days ago may have been killed by the Indians that killed Munday's group. See photocopy
More stock stolen from parties in Indian valley, Mr. Solon Hall being the principle loser. Some of the stock was set free in the mountains. The men who followed the trail came to a cliff and a deep gorge between two hills, and almost warm horse tracks leading to the pass. The striking evidences of the death-trap arrested the attention of the men and the long and practical experience and knowledge of the Indian character has impressed their minds with the murdering intent of the Indians. Finding themselves powerless and unequal, they turned back and came home, fully satisfied that the Indians have no intention of soon ending the hostilities.
April 1, 1879 (Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) N. B. Willey writes from Hall's Ranch, Indian Valley, Washington County, March 25, 1879; A pleasant ride of fifteen hours from Boise City, upon the Umatilla stage brings us within the limits of this latest of our new counties at Weiser Bridge. From the bridge the Indian Valley stage line run weekly by Solon Hall, takes us by two days easy staging to this place.
May 3, 1879-- Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman) April 15, 1879 Warrens, I.T.
The mail route from Indian valley to Warrens, after leaving the former place generally follows the valley of the Weiser river to Council Valley. About 8 miles above Council valley post office the wagon road practically ends. The trail most traveled goes over the mountains west of the river, in and out among the gulches and descends to the Weiser again at Fort Price. From there, there is a good natural road into Little Salmon valley. This valley is one of the prettiest tracts of agricultural land yet unsettled. Open prairie with excellent grass and no sage brush. The surrounding hilly country is heavily covered with pine, spruce and tamarack. There is hope that a couple of townships will be surveyed this summer, so long as the authorities are surveying tracts of land in the canyon of Salmon river. Snow fell here about 18 inches deep the past winter, but ground is nearly bare now and plowing will soon commence. Wild geese, swans, ducks and cranes abound and make the air vocal with their discords. Salmon do not come up into the valley but trout are abundant. Towards the northern end of the valley is a hot springs that a large volume of hot water flows out of the ground sufficient to keep the stream open in winter for a mile or two below. Mr. Calvin White commenced work here on the first of last June. He built a fine double house, fenced and broke about ten acres and raised a crop of wheat and barley, some potatoes and other vegetables. His wife, the only woman in the valley, with their seven children lived here during the entire Indian troubles of last summer, not wholly unconcerned it is true, and fortunately without molestation. Other settlers establishing themselves here, with stock, &c., are Messrs. Jennings, Jolly, Cooper, Williams and Smith, and more are ___
In the early days perhaps thousands passed through; it is on the direct road from
Lewiston to Boise Basin. The Goose Creek House at the foot of the mountain, a mile
from White's was a note~ hostlery, and abounded in good cheer in those days. Here
some of the earliest political conventions of the Territory were held. It has not been
inhabited for many years and is now ruin. At daybreak on Friday morning, April
11, Thomas Clay, the mail carrier and myself, struck out from Cal. White's
hospitable mansion for the Payette Lake. The only occupant of the Goose Creek House was a gray owl. A couple of miles up the mountain the snow grew deep and thenceforward snow shoes were our only practical means of locomotion. The trail
just skirts the northern end of Long valley which stretches southward farther than the
eye can reach. Back in the hills on the east side are the mining camps of Lake City,
Copelands, &c., and a dozen or more men make good wages there during the summer.
The lake was still frozen, but the last rains here raised its surface so as to leave a rim of open water. Once upon the ice however we had about 10 miles of fine traveling. In every direction now a bleak wilderness of snowy mountains surrounds the lake. Salmon swarm up the Payette as far as the lake in vast number, but do not pass it. Redfish are scarcely seen below it. The redfish spawn in August and September along the sandy shores and up all the creeks of any size and have been taken in large quantities. Those who have occasion to pass over the lake when the first sheet of ice forms in the winter tell marvelous tales of the abundance of piscatorial life in the clear and silent depths.
At the head of the lake the mail carrier has a comfortable cabin where he stops
overnight. Then another days tramp brings us to a similar lodging place at the Little
Lake. Here the snow has increased to 7 feet in depth. All this region is now completely
silent. The bears and eagles live upon the redfish, and the deer and elk upon the very luxuriant grass and in early winter some very fine pine-martins and fishers may be taken, but now they are all gone, there is not even a rabbit track. In these mountains mountain sheep are said to dwell. I have yet to meet the individual who has killed or even seen one, yet shreds of what is claimed to be their white wool are often found. From the Little Lake the route winds over the mountains, crossing the divide that separates the waters flowing into the Payette from those flowing into Salmon river, to the Warm Springs on the principal road from Warrens to Florence. Here our host, Fred Burgdorf, never fails
to furnish the weary traveler a square meal and we find ourselves in the presence of a
man who can mix a cocktail to some purpose. During this summer Fred plans to
get a fine hotel built.
Another day's snowshoeing of 20 miles brought us to Warrens, where you must
either stay or turn about and go back again. There is no place to go unless you strike out
into unknown mountains. The mail has been carried by Thomas Clay this past winter without a break of failure. The snow in Warrens basin is nearly gone, and placer mining has commenced. There has been nothing doing in quartz the past winter. An old pioneer of this camp, Chas. McKay, was found dead lately near his cabin on the Southfork of Salmon, 14 miles east of here, under circumstances which indicated that his clothes caught fire while in bed and that in making for the river near make good wages there during the summer.
farmers have commenced plowing. In favor of the lower Weiser, it may be said that the
trade of Warrens tends in that direction and a town is likely to grow up on the stage road
speedily. Everything up and down the county wears a prosperous look. The schools are
well attended. We attended a customary weekly exhibition in Indian Valley and
listened to the oratorical efforts of the youthful statesmen with much pleasure.
Readings were given by Three-Finger Smith's sons Samuel and Warren. Warren
was born on the ranch at the mouth of Elk Creek on south fork of Salmon river, and is
now about 12 years old. There followed a regular old-fashioned spelling school, in
which, yours truly, was most gloriously beaten by the Valley's most beautiful and
accomplished young lady. N. B. W.
Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman, June 22, 1880 - "...Jim Summers and another man, ... became suspicious that there were some Indians near the mouth of Crooked river, where Lieut Calley saw a lot of supposed horse thieves which he took for Indians last summer. Summers raised a small party and went out there, and saw a horse, and went towards him, and when near enough they saw an Indian was picketing the horse; and about the same time they were fired upon by a band of Indians some distance off. One ball hit Summers in the shoulder, and another man was struck or graxed by a bullet near his mouth. Summers party think there were ten or fifteen Indians. At all events, the whites left the Indians as they were too strong for them. all this occurred about three weeks ago."
Weiser City Leader, Aug 3, 1882
Isaac Spoor first Indian Valley settler and present Postmaster
Vol. 1, No. 1 = Sept 23, 1882
Council has a population of about 100. This is from a letter by Bob White that is also found in «Council Valley, Here They Labored». In his letter, White explains the location of various family's homes, etc.
Weiser City Leader, Nov 4, 1882
"Rattlesnake Jack", who's real name is B.E. Said, was shot and killed by a shotgun blast from a Weiser deputy sheriff. Said got drunk and disorderly in a Weiser saloon and began shooting at the deputy when he attempted to arrest Said. Editor says when sober, Jack was a quiet, industrious and inoffensive citizen. [Said may have been involved in an Indian battle in which Jim Summers was wounded, near Sheep Rock in the Seven Devils]
George Moser is still recovering from wounds to his leg which he suffered in an attack by a grizzly bear "some time ago". He is not expected to be able to walk for another month or more.
Weiser City Leader, Apr 21, 1883
J.O. Peters is building an addition to his Weiser brewery and adding to his house too.
Weiser City Leader, May 26, 1883
Railroad survey being done through Snake River route, from Lewiston south, by the Oregon Short Line RR
Weiser City Leader, Aug 18, 1883
Coal found at Indian Valley - locals are burning it.
Weiser City Leader, Aug 25, 1883
Council Valley - "vacant land is very scarce."
Weiser City Leader, Oct 13, 1883
Emery Boggs mentioned as a miner at the Mineral Mining Dist. [later listed as mining in 7Ds - same Boggs who ran Peacock Mine later?]
Weiser City Leader, Oct 20, 1883
Railroad is approaching Baker via the Blue Mts. - grades being built by Chinese workers in Blue Mts.
Weiser City Leader, Dec 1, 1883
Delinquent tax list:
Hornet Creek = John W. Draper, Louis Lakey, Henry F. Day, Andrew Peck, H.W. Anderson
Cottonwood = David Weddle
Weiser City Leader, Dec 8, 1883
Perry Clark, member of the 6th Idaho Legislature and resident of Salubria valley, two years ago was struck with paralysis and must walk with crutches.
Weiser City Leader, Dec 22, 1883
First ever school in Meadows opened Nov 26, 1883 with 10 pupils. Some pupils listed
Weiser City Leader, Jan 5, 1884
"The First train to this place arrived Friday." Supper and ball held. (This was written on the Friday mentioned, and the paper came out on Saturday, the 5th.)
Weiser City Leader, Jan 12, 1884
"A railroad depot has been settle on the Hull tract across the Weiser river, about two miles from this town by the wagon road, and 1 1/4 miles in a straight line." A building is under construction. It is generally understood that this depot location is only temporary.
"There is a tough crowd here now from the railroad and citizens will be safe to look after doors and windows at night." (Wm. P. Glenn, editor) Two people were robbed at gunpoint Saturday night.
Weiser City Leader, Jan 26, 1884
[Sounds like the RR east of Huntington is being built by the "Navigation Co."] The OSL track is now laid to 10 miles past (west of) Weiser.
There is some worry that a new town will be created at the depot east of the Weiser River and that it will replace the town of Weiser.
Hourly hacks transport people between Weiser hotels and business and the depot.
There are four buildings at the depot: a "saloon in full blast", a lumber company office, another office building, a two-stall round house. The Western Union telegraph office is inside the depot.
Weiser City Leader, Feb 2, 1884
Under heading, "At the Weiser depot": Hotel being built . "The stage line has removed the old building from Crystal Springs, and . . . the stables will be ready soon." The saloon at the depot is in a tent.
It is 4 1/2 miles to Crystal Springs from Weiser via the railroad.
Weiser City Leader, Feb 23, 1884
Tom Price is the discoverer and owner of a Soda mine at the foot of Mann's Creek grade.
Weiser City Leader, Mar 15, 1884
Died after a long illness on March 1: Sarah E. Wilkie, wife of Frederick C. Wilkie of Hornet Creek
Weiser City Leader, Apr 26, 1884
Letter from Robert P. White of Council about a trip to Meadows: "They have a saw and grist mill owned by Messrs. White and Jennings, who propose to sell lumber at $15 per thousand."
Weiser City Leader, May 17, 1884
Editor Wm. P. Glenn angrily blasts R.E. Strahorn "general manager and chief schemer (sic) and trickster" for the Idaho & Oregon Land Improvement Co. Says Strahorn is trying to defraud Weiser and profit by creating a new town on property bought by the company at the depot. This has been the pattern all along the Union Pacific's lines. [The Oregon Short Line was a division of the UP] "Lying, scheming (sic) and misrepresentations have characterized all of Strahorn's dealings with the people . . . ."
Weiser City Leader, May 24, 1884
The Postal Department has ordered the discontinuation of the "New Weiser" post office because it is too near Weiser. [Evidently at depot. From this, and other clues, it sounds like there actually was a post office named "New Weiser".]
Weiser City Leader, July 12, 1884
Report on the July 4th celebration at Council Valley. About 500 people gathered at a "grove about the center of the valley". Speeches by Robert White, D.J. Richardson [and sounds like someone from the Weiser newspaper, maybe Wm. P. Glenn]
Weiser City Leader, Aug 9, 1884
From corespondent "Q. REE." at Hornet Creek [meaning Council area]:"but the woods are full of men up here, and rumors, gently whispered like the sighing of the wind in the pine trees,give vague but exciting suggestions of wealth - vast, unbounded wealth, quietly awaiting development in this green-hilled, east by north, northwest corner of our mountain-girdled country." "... our school, under Mr. Richardson..." One school is not enough, as the district contains 40 school children and is 15 miles long.
Weiser City Leader, Aug 23, 1884
O.R. &N RR completed to Baker City
Weiser City Leader, Nov 1, 1884
A townsite has been laid out in the Seven Devils called Copperville.[Cuprum? Helena?]
Weiser City Leader, Dec 6, 1884
Freddie Wilkie takes a job with the Weiser Leader - son of F.C. Wilkie
Depot area now almost deserted by adjacent businesses. "nearly all the buildings are moved . . ."
Weiser City Leader, Dec 13, 1884
R.E. Lockwood owns the Lockwood mine in the Seven Devils
Weiser City Leader, Jan 17, 1885
Distances given by C.E. (Charlie) Walker:
Weiser to Salubria - 35 miles
Salubria to Council via Indian Valley = 28 miles
Council to the head of Hornet Creek where the road ends = 14 mi
End of Hornet Creek road to the mines = 25 miles
Total distance from Weiser to Seven Devils mines = 102 miles, and can be traveled with wagon except the last 4 miles.
Weiser City Leader, Feb 28, 1885
Council Valley's population is about 300, has one sawmill located on Mill Creek, owned by J.V. Wilkerson, __ Snow, and ___... and has good schools.
Weiser City Leader, Mar 28, 1885
"At Bear creek George Patterson keeps a stopping place where suitable accommodations can be found." [see May 30]
Weiser City Leader, Apr 4, 1885
In a letter from Council Valley: "There is a new town in this valley, which already has two saloons and a blacksmith shop; they will probably call it Snortville, or Spitfire. There is a young lady in Council who loans twenty dollar pieces to all parties who can give good security."
Weiser City Leader, May 30, 1885
Seven Devils:
"Charles Walker has just finished his cabin at the Licks."
"...the new town lately started on Garnet creek."
"Charles Morse has completed his hotel at 'Morse's Ranch'..." and has a large corral for prospector's ponies.
George Patterson runs the "Elk House" on Bear creek which receives boarders.
Weiser City Leader, June 6, 1885
42 Seven Devils residents petitioned the County to build a road from Council to the Seven Devils mines and pledge money or equivalent work toward such a project.
[There hasn't been much Seven Devils news in the past few years in this paper, but now there is MUCH news of many miners pouring into the area and much activity there.]
Weiser City Leader, July 25, 1885
Under commissioner's proceedings:
"A petition to move the bridge across the Middle Fork of the Weiser river one quarter or one half mile west of the present location, granted."
Weiser City Leader, Aug 8, 1885
F.C. Wilkie bought a saw mill from A.F. Hitt on Mann's Creek and will take it to Hornet Creek.
Weiser City Leader, Oct 17, 1885
Council to Seven Devils road declared a County road
Weiser City Leader, Mar 6, 1886
Idaho Territory has been using the insane asylum at Salem, Oregon, but will now us the new one at Blackfoot, Idaho, starting about May.
Weiser City Leader, Mar 20, 1886
Mose Fuchs is in the mercantile business at Salubria with R.F. Bain.
Weiser City Leader, Apr 3, 1886
Indian troubles retarded prospecting in the Seven Devils 20 years ago, for a number of years.
Weiser City Leader, Apr 17, 1886
Bridge planned at the mouth of Hornet Creek
F.C. Wilkie appointed justice of the peace, replacing Henry Childs who resigned.
Weiser City Leader, May 22, 1886
Editor Wm P. Glenn (also was Weiser Postmaster at the time) accompanied Co. Commissioners on trip to Council to inspect site for new bridge: Description of businesses at Salubria. Middle Fork bridge built "last fall". The mud was axle deep most of the way from Cottonwood creek to Council and "almost a constant mud hole" from there to George Winkler's place 4 miles north of Council. The commissioners decided to put the new bridge across the Weiser river above the mouth of Hornet Creek at the same site of the old bridge.
Weiser City Leader, Aug 6, 1886
"A semi-weekly coach is now regularly run from Indian Valley to Meadows and from there the mail is carried to Warrens by Pack Horse." C.C. McCoy has the mail route from Indian Valley to Warrens.
Weiser City Leader, Sept 10, 1886
[F.C. Wilkie is very active in the Republican party]
[Much extremely hateful editorializing about the undesirable Chinese population around Weiser, which seems to be sizable. Also anti-Mormon articles.]
Weiser City Leader, Nov 12, 1886
F.C. Wilkie elected County Commissioner from the 3rd District.
Separate mention of both Bernard and Herman Haas as merchants in Weiser and/or Salubria.
Weiser City Leader, Nov 26, 1886
Machinery for Levi Allen's new sawmill at Indian Valley... [this is the first mention of him. This would seem to be the first sawmill in Indian Valley.]
Weiser City Leader, Dec 24, 1886
Allen, Hauser and Lewis sold Seven Devils mines to Albert Kleinschmidt for $80,000
Weiser City Leader, Feb 25, 1887
New Seven Devils town to be laid out this spring - will be called "Anna Bristow". [Helena]
[Indian Valley and Council Valley are frequently referred to as "the upper valleys"]
Weiser City Leader, Mar 4, 1887
M.D. Chaffee mention, also A.M. Towsley
Weiser City Leader, May 13, 1887
The Weiser, Indian Valley, Council, Meadows route to Long Valley and Warrens is 4 to 6 weeks earlier than any other route.
Weiser City Leader, Oct 21, 1887
Story of Peck boys of Hornet Creek killing a charging black bear. On Sunday, Oct 9 two Peck boys ages about 12 and 16, were hunting in the head waters of Hornet Creek. They came across a bear cub and killed it. Farther on, they saw a large male cinnamon bear. They shot and missed which caused the bear to chase them. The older boy stood his ground and shot, breaking the bear's hind leg. The bear continued to charge, and the boy clubbed the him over the head with his rifle. The bear bit the boy's arm and leg. At that point, the younger boy ran up and shot the bear in the head, killing it. The boys packed the smaller bear home, then returned with a wagon for the big one. Story submitted by James Smith of Hornet Creek
Weiser City Leader, Apr 20, 1888 Washington County commissioners include Thomas Mackey and F.C. Wilkie
Clark Harrington appointed Hornet Creek road overseer
Weiser City Leader, May 18, 1888
G.C. McCoy's mail route between Indian Valley and Meadows subcontracted to A.W. Branner. The Weiser and Meadows stage lines both have their offices at Bernard Snow's place in Indian Valley.
Weiser City Leader, July 13, 1888
J.O. Peters was in town (Weiser) getting supplies for his new Store that he has just opened in the Council Valley. Ad on page 4 says it is a general store. [This was the first store in the Valley, located a short distance north of the present town.]
Weiser City Leader, July 20, 1888
County commissioners petitioned to build bridges on the road between Council and Salmon Meadows.
Weiser City Leader, Aug 10, 1888
"...ten bridges to be built over the Weiser river between Council valley and Meadows." bids taken "John O. Peters was here Thursday last from Council valley. He reports his business as gradually increasing, and says that he will coming week commence the erection of a new store building 18X28 feet in order to have room to carry a sufficient stock for the accommodation of his trade."
F.C. Wilkie running for probate judge on Republican ticket
People in the Seven Devils voting precinct register at Chas. E. Walker's cabin. In Council valley: lower school house, near the post office... Registrar, N.H. Camp.
Weiser City Leader, Aug 24, 1888
Arthur Robertson married Rose Groseclose
Weiser City Leader, Aug 31, 1888
The contract for the ten bridges across the Weiser north of Council went to J.W. McCulley for $540
Calvin White building a store in Salmon Meadows - three stories - 25X40
Aaron F. Parker says when he first came to the Weiser area, the only place to buy supplies between Baker and Boise was at Falk's store on the Payette river. This was the case for two or three years after this too. The Council valley is "now cultivated clear up to the timbered foothills..." There are 75 settlers at Salmon Meadows, and 82 school children.
Weiser City Leader, Oct 26, 1888
A.J. Wyatt arrived in Weiser on the 18th with the first wagon load of ore ever hauled from the Seven Devils. 2760 lbs. of copper ore from the Blue Jacket mine. More wagons have arrived since then. The ore is packed 4 or 5 miles to the wagons.
Weiser City Leader, Nov 2, 1888
Final homestead proof: Sarah Harp w1/2, sw1/4, and s1/2, nw1/4, sec 23, tp R1W
Weiser City Leader, Nov 30, 1888
The ten bridges "in the canyon between Council valley and Meadows" are complete.
Weiser Leader, Jan 25, 1889
County spent $250 on building the Indian Valley to Long Valley
Weiser Leader, Feb 8, 1889
There is talk of putting in a road from Weiser, through Paddock valley and Crane creek to Indian valley. This would avoid the Middle Valley hill.
Weiser Leader, Mar 8, 1889
Illegal to kill buffalo, elk, deer antelope or mountain sheep between the first of January and Sept first.
Ferdinand Alers married Hattie Keenan Mar 5 at Salubria
Weiser Leader, Jun 21, 1889
A ditch is being surveyed and constructed from East Fork to the head of Mill Crk.
The road through the canyon to Meadows has been greatly improved by grading. So much so that " can pass through it with safety and even comfort."
J.H. Summers is dangerously ill at Pine valley, Oregon... little hope for his recovery. He lost one of his eyes several years ago, the effects of which he never recovered. He has been under medical treatment for 6 months... now paralysis has set in.
Weiser Leader, July 26, 1889
Three Fingered Smith mentioned (made a mining discovery)
Weiser Leader, Aug 2, 1889
Billy Black of Spokane arrived here on the 25th on his way to visit relatives in Council valley.
“J.H. Rodgers came in late last Tuesday from the Seven Devils. Mr. Rodgers reports that he is still hauling ore to Weiser, and shall continue to do so, during the summer, having three to four thousand sacks of fine ore on hand, sacked during the winter. Mr. Rodgers reports the camp in good shape, and notwithstanding the stagnation of the copper market, he has the fullest confidence in its future. He still has a force employed developing the mines. Transportation is all that keeps this camp from being one of the most famous anywhere.”
Weiser Leader, Sept 13, 1889
Long report of activities in the Seven Devils. The ore now being shipped will go all the way to Swansea, England for processing.
Jim Summers and Mr. Ruth of Mineral have made some claims in the Rapid River area. The district is referred to as "The Summers District"
Frank Harris reports a big forest fire on the east side of Galena mountain near the headwaters of Hornet and Wildhorse creeks. Ten miles in length and five to seven miles wide.
Weiser Leader, Sept 27, 1889
Printed in its 24 verse entirety: The poem "Cuddy Flour" by H.F. Johnson
"We publish the same by request, believing it to be written in a good spirit toward Mr. Cuddy and that it is aimed as a farewell to his burr mill flour." Cuddy received his new roller mill Saturday for his location at Salubria.
"A telephone line between this place [Weiser] and Salubria is being talked of,..."
Weiser Leader, Oct 4, 1889
This has been a year of drought and people are praying for rain. [A man took a wagon across the Snake river recently, and the water only came up just past the axles. The Weiser river is lower than anyone can remember and the water is warm.]
Weiser Leader, Oct 25, 1889
"Farewell to Idaho" poem printed. As with the Cuddy poem, the credit is given only to "A Seven Devil Miner". [By H.F. Johnson]
Weiser Leader, Nov 8, 1889
A vote was taken on the issue of Idaho statehood. 30 voters in Council precinct voted against it; 28 in favor.
Weiser Leader, Nov 15, 1889
Wm Farleigh is moving his big sawmill from the Middle Fork of the Malheur river to the Council valley.
Weiser Leader, Dec 12, 1889
“A new town called Helena has recently been platted and a Post Office established and Moses Fuch appointed postmaster. He is having a building erected for the store and office. The town site is located on a level bench and contains only twenty acres….”
Weiser Leader, Dec 20, 1889
G.J. Stutzman: w1/2, of ne1/4, ne1/4, ne1/4, sec31 and sw1/4 se1/4, Sec 30 T17 R1W
Frank Mathias will partner with J.E. Andrews in running a blacksmith shop in Salubria.
Deep snow already this winter_
Weiser Leader, Jan 3, 1890
Ben Shearer escaped from jail, was hunted down and captured
Weiser Leader, Jan 17, 1890
More snow in southern Idaho than in many years. Only 26 inches in Meadows
Weiser Leader, Jan 24, 1890
Four feet of snow in Middle valley
Petition for a road from Middle Fork of the Weiser through Bacon valley to Salubria.
Weiser Leader, Jan 31, 1890
30 feet of snow at Warrens - 6" in Weiser - 3 feet in Council and more falling. Mail carriers are having trouble getting through the canyon to Meadows.
Weiser Leader, Feb 7, 1890
Ice jams and flooding all up and down the Weiser and Snake rivers - drowned stock, mud and rock slides, bridges and rails out, stages can't get through.
Indian Valley fears the Bacon valley road will cut their community off from the flow of traffic, and hurt business.
Weiser Leader, Feb 21, 1890
Idaho ranks third in the nation for mining yield, money wise. Montana is first, then Colorado.
Weiser Leader, Feb 28, 1890
Council - "Our winter has been a remarkable one. Snow fell December 8th, and kept falling until it was from three to four feet deep on the first of Feb. The rains settled the snow in the valleys and washed it off the hills to such an extent that some stock was put out to graze during the first week in February." Hornet Creek flooded Feb 2nd six ranchers lost almost 88 head of cattle and horses = drowned.
Weiser Leader, April 18, 1890
"The valuable place owned by Wm. Linder, on Cottonwood creek, is now the property of G. Gould, and any parties needing 100 tons of hay this fall or more, will do well to consult him for terms, and now the development of practical farming in Council is fully assured. Success to the boy."
Weiser Leader, April 25, 1890
Ben Shearer sentenced to five years in the territorial pen for grand larceny - horse stealing.
Weiser Leader, May 2, 1890
Twenty teams are enroute from Montana to build a road from the Seven Devils camp to the steamboat landing on the Snake river... to commence in mid May.
Weiser Leader, May 9, 1890
"...all the snow has disappeared from the Weiser canyon ... and with it all the bridges that span the river between Council and Meadows."
Weiser Leader, May 30, 1890
Earthquake May 13 at Bear Creek and the Seven Devils. Not felt at Hornet Creek. Woke miners in the middle of the night. "The disturbance was accompanied with a loud rumbling sound like that made by a number of horses stampeding. The ground vibrated violently and the strong walls of the cabin seemed about to fall."
Weiser Leader, June 6, 1890
Big fire in Weiser burned two complete blocks of the town.
[A May issue mentioned a baseball club in Council]
"Several of our [Weiser] townsmen are doing the Seven Devils. Stores, groceries, gin shops, town sites and mill sites are now the order of the day."
Weiser Leader, Jun 20, 1890
On the 11th, at about 7:30 or 8:00 am, the house of George Robertson, in upper Council valley, [Fruitvale] was burned and their 14 months old child perished in the flames. Misprinted as "Robinson". "It seems Mrs. Robinson and family had finished breakfast and she had left the babe asleep while she went to the garden, a few steps from the house. She had been absent but a moment when she heard a cry of alarm from some of the older children, and on turning saw the house enveloped in flames. The mother is insane with grief over the sad affair. Mr. Robinson left his home and family early last spring to seek work for the purpose of earning money for their support, and has not been heard from since his departure. Mrs. Robinson is a sister of Samuel and Wm. Harp and of Mrs. George Winkler, of Council valley."
Weiser Leader, June 27, 1890
Ned Hasbrouch staked off a gold claim at Placer basin.
Weiser Leader, July 4, 1890
Idaho is a state! The 43rd
Weiser Leader, July 25, 1890
H.C. Newman, a Walla Walla newspaper man wrote, after a trip to the Devils, of the area past Peck Mt. (he referred to it as "Peck's hill") "Mile after mile the road passes through it, the trees standing like columns out of a carpet of green, and free from obstructing underbrush." This past winter, Arthur David fed his stock for only 59 days, and this the most severe winter in twenty three years.
Weiser Leader, Aug 8, 1890
The steamship, Norma, is a failure.
Weiser Leader, Sept 5, 1890
"Mr. White is progressing nicely with his mill on Middle fork." [This may be a new flour mill, in addition to a saw mill... or maybe just his sawmill.]
Weiser Leader, Sept 12, 1890
Council valley Sept 9th: "Just after a nice rain Saturday evening, ... smoke was seen coming from Geo. Gould's house on Cottonwood, no one being at home. The house was burnt to the ground before any one could get there. The loss will fall quite heavily on Mr. Gould, as he had only owned the property six months and all that he had in the house was burned; also all the bedding and camp outfit belonging to Mr. Anderson, known as "Trapper Anderson", an old gentleman scarcely able to get around; but I am told the neighbors are contributing liberally to his wants.
Council - Our citizens are trying to replace the old school house with a good substantial frame building, in the upper part of the valley,..." "To a stranger stepping into the old log structure, the first impression would be, "a hog house, by Jove!"
Girl born to Mrs. B.D.K. Davis - To the wife of Mr. Hanson of Hornet creek, a girl.
Weiser Leader, Sept 19, 1890
"It is said that a town is being laid out and streets graded in Seven Devils."
Weiser Leader, Oct 31, 1890
Seven Devils -
"A new a town has been started called Helena, and a post office established..." Before this, mail only came to Dale. About 20 buildings in construction including stores, dwellings and a saloon.
"The new road has been completed directly to the mines, thus making a complete wagon road from Weiser to this great copper camp." ""Mr. Noel Hopper hauled about six hundred pounds of ore out of the Seven Devil mines over the new road. This is the first ore ever hauled directly from the mines in wagons."
"Town lots are selling at from $50 to $150 per lot."
Weiser Leader, Nov 28, 1890
There is some uneasiness in the West concerning Indians being off their reservations, ghost dances, etc. Some Indians have been seen on the streets of Weiser recently. [In a recent issue, the editor said this is the first time they have been seen here since the (Bannock) war of 1878 when some of our friends and neighbors lost their lives to them.] Someone somewhere else in the country said there should be a $500 bounty on the scalps of Indians caught off the reservations.
From the Baker City "Bed Rock Democrat" paper: "The road from Helena to Snake river landing, a distance of fifteen miles, is completed."
Weiser Leader, Dec 4, 1890
"Mr. Gould who had his house burnt last fall, has rebuilt and got moved into the same."
Weiser Leader, Dec. 12, 1890
Mose Fuchs, the Helena postmaster, is having a store and post office built.
"The Fort Hall Indians have been holding ghost dances."
Idaho Statesman, Jun 11, 1891—“Payette Transcript: From Mr. F. M. Butler, secretary of the Seven Devils Mercantile company, we learn that his company will put in stores at Helena and Copperalpolis, a new town on Indian Creek, about eight miles this side of Helena. He says a large saw mill will soon be erected at one of these points and that it is bound to make one of the grandest camps in the world. He is very much struck with the country in general, and that it is a good and vast one. The Baker City wagon road, to connect with the Kleinschmidt road at the crossing of the Snake River, is being rapidly pushed ahead, and that if the people of Payette ever want to control any of the trade and traffic of that vast and rich county, they had better go to work at once and build a good wagon road from Weiser to that point.”
IDAHO CITIZEN - Published at Salubria, Idaho
From microfilm at the State Historical Library
First Issue:
Idaho Citizen, June 19, 1891
Ad: F.T. Mathias, Blacksmithing – Council
Weiser Leader, June 25, 1891
“[American Mining Co. Superintendent J.C.] Rodgers has bout 75 men working on the wagon road, which will be completed in about three weeks. Upon completion a daily line will be put on from Baker and an effort made to get the mail carried over the route.”
Idaho Citizen, July 10, 1891
"F.A. Wilkie, and employee of the Statesman office...." a young man, won guard drill contest (from Statesman paper)
Major F.C. Wilkie has interest in a mine in No Business Canyon
Idaho Citizen, July 17, 1891
Ad: Isaac McMahan - general store, Indian Valley
Idaho Citizen, July 24, 1891
Butler Bros., who have the largest general store in Helena, are selling out and leaving. (From July 31 issue: store named "Seven Devils Mercantile Co.) (From Aug 21 issue: Seven Devils Merc. Co. started last spring, but only lasted a few months.)
Idaho Citizen, July 31, 1891
W.H. Whyman of Whyman and Newton, butchers, Helena - "He says business is dull in the Seven Devils since the completion of the Kleinschmidt wagon road."
Thomas Carrick has struck a rich prospect on Bear Creek and will take his family there - mining gold in quartz.
Idaho Citizen, Aug 7, 1891
There are 12 buildings in Helena - most are occupied, 13 other buildings are under construction, "... and work on them has been retarded for want of material." But there is now a sawmill in Indian Creek which may supply the need.[Levi Allen didn't have one in the Seven Devils until that fall - see Oct. 9 issue]
From a letter to the paper:
It takes 3 days to get to the Seven Devils from Weiser and only 2 now from Baker via the new Kleinschmidt road. As a result, most of the business in the Seven Devils has gone to Oregon merchants.
Mentions Towsley digging a shaft at "Bodie" claim.
Professor Rhodes has taken many photos of the Seven Devils recently.
Idaho Citizen, Aug 14, 1891
Talk of a "relapse of the boom" in the Seven Devils
Idaho Citizen, Aug 21, 1891
F.C. Wilkie can't keep up with lumber demand in his area on Hornet Creek.
Frenchy David brought his wife "... now almost hopelessly insane." here last week, then took her home again Wednesday, but "...if she does not recover her reason very soon he will send her to the asylum at Blackfoot..."
Milt Wilkerson is running a hotel and feed stable in Council - has just built "the snug building which he now occupies..." (a hotel with a bar) "with everything that is nice to drink or smoke."
Seven Devils: Talk of checks from John Rogers and T.J. Fifer bouncing - some road employees angry.
Seven Devils Merc. Co. started last spring, but only lasted a few months.
Idaho Citizen, Sept 4, 1891
"Johnny Hancock intends to open a saloon in Council as soon as his new building at that place is completed."
Idaho Citizen, Oct 2, 1891
Clark Harrington, Dale Postmaster
Al Towsley sold his "residence property" on Main street..." in Salubria. He will spend the winter at Salubria.
"F.A. Wilkie, an uncle of F.A. Wilkie, who formerly presided over the mechanical dept. of the CITIZEN, passed through Salubria enroute to Major Wilkies home on Hornet creek..." He is from New York.
Idaho Citizen, Oct 9, 1891
Rich strike in Seven Devils by Hugh Curren north of Rapid River
Levi Allen and step son, Charlie, will set up their sawmill (one of the best in the state) in the Seven Devils soon.
Idaho Citizen, Oct 16, 1891
Fred A. Wilkie - former CITIZEN employee - now at the Statesman - may start a paper at Van Wyck [where Cascade Reservoir is now]
Smelter being built at Seven Devils.
Petition circulating against removing the Seven Devils post office.
Idaho Citizen, Oct 30, 1891
New Post office established at Isaac McMahan's store in Indian Valley called Alpine. Lucy McMahan - postmaster.
[A few issues ago: Dr. Sherwood bought property in Meadows Valley] He lives there now.
Idaho Citizen, Nov 6, 1891
"A.O. Huntley and his partner, Caswell, were down from the Seven Devils... after supplies."
Moser's new house nearing completion at Council
"Mr. and Mrs. Peters have taken Arthur David's baby." His wife was sent to Blackfoot last August.
Mrs. W.S. Rynearson has been Postmaster at Indian Valley for a "number of years". The new postmaster will be Mrs. John Wilkerson
[A few issues ago: Wm Black's sister killed herself. "Billie Black" as he was referred to, lives on Hornet Creek.]
Mention of VERY poor road from Council to Price Valley
Idaho Citizen, Nov 20, 1891
Mention of Council hotel owned by Wilkerson and Hancock
Idaho Citizen, Jan 8, 1892
Wm and S.J. Woodland operate "feed stable and corral" at Salubria
J.O. Peters first started business at Weiser, then Ruthberg, but when the boom there started downhill, he went to Council.
Idaho Citizen, Jan 22, 1892
Harry Bowman, stage driver, has mail route from Biggerstaff's to Indian Valley.
Idaho Citizen, Feb 5, 1891
Several people have made a good wage by shooting Seven Devils grouse which have gold nuggets in their craws.
Frequent mention of H.F. Johnson [Seven Devils Johnson, the poet]
Idaho Citizen, Feb 12, 1892
About Jan 1, in the Seven Devils, Charlie Allen set a dynamite charge in the bottom of a 110 foot shaft at the "Lobo" mine. It was about 6 PM so they put an extra big charge to have plenty of work the next day. He lit it and started up the ladders. At about the 65 foot level, he slipped when changing ladders and fell headfirst "until within 8 or 10 feet of the bottom when he turned and struck bedrock on his side and within 2 feet of a double charge of giant powder which went off a minute later." "Charley says as he lay there breathing like a steam boat coming upstream that he thought sure his time had come,..." After the blast, his 2 companions "...carefully lowered the ore bucket and then cautiously descended into the impenetrable darkness, fully expecting to find the lifeless and mutilated body of their companion, but were surprised to find him sitting comfortably in one corner of the shaft smoking a corn cob pipe...." He only suffered scratches and bruises, none serious. Miraculous, but the men swear it happened.
Idaho Daily Statesman, January 10, 1893
Murder at Meadows – John Dickerson Stabbed Four Times. His Assailants Finish Him by Mashing His Head With a Rock.
J. L. Ward, of this city, yesterday received particulars of the murder of John Dickerson, a prominent mining man, at Meadows, Idaho county, on the morning of Tuesday, January 4th.
The affair grew out of an altercation between a man named Sam Evans and Jim Perkins. Evans struck Perkins over the head with a revolver. Dickerson interfered in some manner and was knocked down by Perkins.
Frank Perkins, Jim’s brother, then entered the melee and, drawing a knife, stabbed Dickerson four times. As he fell Jim Perkins struck him in the head with a rock, killing him instantly. The rock took the top of Dickerson’s head completely off and his brains were scattered about on the floor.
The Perkins boys left town, but were afterwards captured and taken to Mt. Idaho and jailed.
The murdered man is vice president of the Alliance mine at Rapid river, 35 miles from Meadows, and a partner in mining matters of H. F. Johnson, state senator from Washington county, who is now in the city.
Idaho Citizen, Mar 3, 1893
Council: George Gould married Viola Duree Feb 23 at the home of J.T. Townley, justice of the peace.
Idaho Citizen, Mar 10, 1893
To teach:
Miss Laura Anderson of Indian Valley, at Upper Hornet
Miss Lottie Sharp, at Upper Hornet
Mrs. Billie [Wm] Black [Dora], at "lower Council" [there was a previous reference to "lower Council" school. as well as "upper Council school.]
Idaho Citizen, Mar 30, 1893
Council: "Billie [Haas] has rented the Hawkins building and is going to put in a stock of goods."
Tom Carrick evidently lives near Salubria
Idaho Citizen, Apr 14, 1893
"Ben Sheares [Shearer] who was sent to the state prison ... three years ago on the charge of grand larceny for a term of 5 years, was pardoned out by the board of pardons... over 900 citizens of this county having petitioned for his release." He went home to his wife and family on Hornet Creek.
Idaho Citizen, Apr 21, 1893
"... our new mercantile house in Council..."
County Commissioners advertising bids to build a road from north summit of Bear Creek, north to intercept the Kleinschmidt road at some point above Huntley ranch.
Idaho Citizen, May 19, 1893
A petition was circulated to urge improvement of Bear to Indian Creek. [From a letter in this issue, it would seem this may actually be a new road, said planned to connect with the Kleinschmidt road somewhere above Huntley's.]
Idaho Citizen, June 2, 1893
Levi Allen's mill will start soon at the warm springs near Salubria.
School district 25 - lower Council
Idaho Citizen, June 23, 1893
Major Wilkie is working his Galena mine. He returned from Boise to work it.
[In a very recent issue: Dr. Wm Brown was driving a hack by someone's house in Salubria when a dog raised a hostile racket at his passing. It made the doctor angry and he let go a round from his revolver at the animal. The shot wet wild, going through the front window of the house and dangerously close to 2 young children. The home owner was outraged. No word yet as to legal action against Brown.]
Idaho Citizen, July 21, 1893
John Hancock, host at the Council hotel.
Tom Carrick has a "race" to bring water from Bear Crk to his mine to wash out gold nuggets.
Hornet Creek: Thanks to the good work of the County Commissioners and the road overseer, now "... poor mortals may ride the length of the creek and not fracture a bone, overturn his vehicle or be so sore as to be unfit for exertion for a week afterwards."
Ben Shearer and family moving to Michigan.
Idaho Citizen, July 28, 1893
J.O. Peters, General Merchandise, Council
Idaho Citizen, Sept 8, 1893
Mrs. Wm Black closed her schools in upper and lower Council and gone to her home. She will open a school in the district where she resides.
The Council Postmaster has left and turned the Post office over to Mr. Hancock "... who is putting up a new building for its reception near his saloon." Not known if he will be Postmaster.
Term just ended in school Dist 7, Middle Council, pupils: 27 Teacher: Mrs. Black
Idaho Citizen, Sept 15, 1893
Reverend Morrison is a very heavy man, over age 70. He fell off of a fence and is badly injured.
John Lakey of Salubria
Weiser Signal, Sept 21, 1893
“The banking, hardware, and forwarding house of the Idaho Commercial Company, of Weiser, failed to open for business last Saturday, having gone into insolvency, with liabilities of $50,000 and assets at $70,000, according to the company’s statement. About $43,000 is due local depositors, and it is needless to state that cheerful spirits were at a big discount about this community after the failure became known.”
Weiser Signal- Leader, Sept 28, 1893 Jim Summers found dead on Cuddy Mountain
Idaho Citizen, Oct 27, 1893
Tom Carrick is home for the winter. [Apparently the family lives at the mine on Bear Crk during the summers.]
Idaho Citizen, Nov 3, 1893
Railroad to the Seven Devils wanted. Has been talked about for some time.
Weiser Signal, Nov 9, 1893
“C.E. Walker is doing assessment work on the Arkansas and is the only miner in the Seven Devils.” [Economic Panic of 1893]
Idaho Citizen, Nov 17, 1893
Dist 23, Hornet Crk, Pupils: 15 Teacher: Mrs. Black
Idaho Citizen 1894
Idaho Citizen, Jan 12, 1894
Wood haulers ore waiting for more snow so they can move their loads of wood.
Wm Glenn has his new house almost done. It is suspicious that a bachelor should build a house so quickly.
Weiser Signal, Feb 1, 1894
"The Old Timer" column - first of about six columns by a man who came to Idaho "a quarter century ago". The column is signed "ALEX" every week and was on page two at the top: "I must say, from my first view of Idaho until I reached Weiser, it was one grand disappointment. The miles upon miles of dry dusty sagebrush seemed unending in their loneliness."
Idaho Citizen, Feb 2, 1894
[Evidently T.B. Biggerstaff is operating a stage stop and feed stable.] He sold someone's horses when they didn't pay their feed bill.
Weiser Signal, Feb 8, 1894
"The Old Timer" column - Indians used to trap fish in the rivers and dry the meat for winter. They roasted "crickets" and ate them. They "daubed" their faces with red paint made from clay in peace times and with black and white paint in time of war.
Weiser Signal, Feb 15, 1894
"The Old Timer" column - third column.
Idaho Citizen, Feb 16, 1894
Isaac McMahan has bought a building in Meadows from Cal White and plans to open a store.[?Could mean Johnathan McMahan, Isaac's brother, who operated a store in Meadows for many years.]
Weiser Signal, Feb 22, 1894
"The Old Timer" column #4 - "Old Rile H_ [had to be Harrington], of Council, used to say, 'Sagebrush tea, made middling strong and a little 'jamatic' ginger in it, will get the best of any ailment a body ken have'." Mr. Hall of Indian Valley [had to be Solon] was a good singer, and had many dances and parties at his place. Perry Clark taught school at Indian Valley one summer.
Weiser Signal, March 1, 1894
"The Old Timer" column - #5 - Long description of the situation at Indian Valley during the Nez Perce War of 1877 and the Bannock War of 1878.
"We were all terribly frightened and the settlers of Council came right down to Indian valley, and they with the Indian valley people, forted up at Solon Hall's place first, but only stayed there on night, as everyone thought it was too near the brush, as there were so many willows around his place. They put out guards, but forgot to give the first lot out any cartridges, and they stood guard for about four hours with empty guns, and were so rattled (I guess that is the right name for it) they did not think anything about it until when the relief came they asked for the cartridges. The next morning they concluded to all go down to Billy Monday's and Billy McCullough's place, as it was about the centre of the valley and no brush close by. A few only, with their families had got down there that morning when an accident occurred that came very near getting some of Salubria's citizens killed. The Salubria people had heard the report by this time and a lot of them thought they would ride up to Indian valley and see if they could see any signs of the Indians. A lot of government guns had been sent to Salubria and each man had a new, bright gun flashing in the sunlight, which made them look formidable a long ways off. We were sure they were Indians. We supposed they had passed through the hills and taken Salubria and a band of them were coming up there to take us too, and no one knew how many there were behind. The house where we were was at the upper end of a lane leading from the road, and another house, Billy Mc's [McCullough's], was at the lower end of the lane, close to the road, so this handful of men determined to meet them at the foot of the lane and keep as many as possible from coming up to the house. The nine - no, only eight, as there was one coward among them; he wouldn't go. Mrs. Mc said to him, "Why don't you go?" "I - I ain't any gun." "Take the ax, that's good for one." But no, he wouldn't go but got in the house among the women, worse frightened than any of them. The eight crept down through the tall rye grass. As they were going, Tom Price said, "Boys, every feller pick his man; that __ on the big, brown horse is mine," and they did. Each one had his man picked, and the only thing that saved them was that something got wrong with one of the saddles and they all stopped while the rider fixed it. They happened to be just on the other side of the house, so our men couldn't see them, and they thought they were preparing for a rush. But fortunately for the, when they started up again they saw two men coming down the road from Mr. Hall's and rode on up to meet them instead of going up the land. When they saw the eight men with guns come out into the road it was their turn to be frightened, as they saw how near they had some of them come to being shot. Billy Allison said it gave him a turn, for he knew if he had ever turned up the lane Tom Price wouldn't have missed, for he was Tom's man. Well, by night everybody in Council and Indian valleys were camped there - some two or three hundred, all told. A little fun was had, in spite of our fears, by the young folks getting a suit of women's clothing for the coward, who brought his bed and made it down among the women and children, but it did not hurt his feelings. He was a married man, too, but his family were east and were spared the shame of seeing him display his cowardice. They made a corral of the wagons around the house and guards were stationed this time with plenty of ammunition. The next day Mr. Hitt and some others who were out reconnoitering, captured an Indian. He claimed to be a friendly Indian but he had a Sioux warrior's headdress on him. It was composed of a pair of buffalo horns, highly polished, and eagle feathers, with a long tail of scarlet cloth that touched the ground when he had it on (standing), profusely decorated with beads and eagle feathers. They were going to put an end to him, but Tom Hailey, who lived with the Weiser Indians, said he knew him to be a friendly Indian and I believe they accepted his story of going to visit some Indian friends and turned him loose; but finding him frightened some and they thought Lower Weiser was the place, so about eleven o'clock that night several wagons pulled out for there, which was certainly a very foolish thing to do, for it there had been, as was supposed, Indians in the hills, they would have made short work of that little band. However, they got through all right, and their going stampeded the valleys on down, and at daylight the next morning they commenced coming, and all day a steady string of vehicles of all descriptions passed along the road and night found them all camped at Woodson Jeffrey's. But there was not sufficient grass and water for their teams, so in a day or two they commenced going back, and each valley built them a fort of their own. Indian valley built a stockade around the school house and all summer we stayed there most of the time, and everyone in that time eating their allotted peck of dirt. The crops were harvested after a fashion, most of the men going to the fields by day and returning to the fort at night."
"The next summer, '78, we would undoubtedly have suffered from raids if it had not been for the presence of several companies of Uncle Sam's boys stationed in Indian valley. They were a check, of course, and we remained at our own homes."
Alex said the horses stolen before the Long Valley massacre were taken from Billy Monday and Billy McCullough. "Those very Indians that killed him [Monday] had been fed by him time after time, and one summer sore eyes broke out among them and it kept Mrs. Monday and Mrs. McCullough busy doctoring their eyes; . . . "
Idaho Citizen, Apr 13, 1894
Billie Black has 1500 fruit trees, a half acre of strawberries and a big garden, but says a lack of a market is a drawback to ranching on Hornet Crk. [The Black place seems to have been a popular stopping place for travelers. Don't know if it was actually a money making proposition for the Blacks or just social.]
Idaho Citizen, May 25, 1894
[George Moser evidently died recently. He was sick a few issues back.] His widow is having his will probated. [Diffendaffer says he died in Arkansas during this year.]
Jake Lakey was driving a buckboard across Hornet Creek in high water, and the team balked half way across. Jake got out to urge the team across. The water tipped the buckboard over, throwing Mrs. Lakey and their baby out into the water. Jake caught the baby, and Mrs. Lakey caught a hold of Jake's coat. She was able to hang on until Jake struggled to shore. The horses were swept downstream and drowned. [In next week's issue a subscriber notes the poor condition of the Hornet Creek road and the fact that it crosses the creek several times with no bridges.]
Idaho Citizen, June 8, 1894
Mrs. Lois Mitchell to teach lower Hornet school
Council: J.O. Peters's store burned two weeks ago. "The insurance agent and receiver have not been here to inspect J.O. Peter's goods, consequently everyone here is going on short rations." There have been two fires here in one week.
"Johnny Hancock took his saloon fixtures to the Meadows last week and left Byron Camp in charge of it."
"A neat shingle adorns the Council hotel... Phil Markson, attorney at law."
Mrs. Black to teach "upper dist. #34
Hornet Creek: The new road from the Post office to the school is progressing. [Must mean from Dale the Upper Dale]
Major Wilkie is expected home this week with new sawmill machinery
John Montgomery carries the mail to the Bear Post office.
Idaho Citizen, June 15, 1894
Council: "J.O. Peters has resumed business."
M.D. Chaffee is building the biggest barn in this part of the country."
"George Robinson [Robertson] has been making a ditch on his ranch, when completed he will have a fine farm."
Idaho Citizen, June 22, 1894
Council hotel, saloon and feed corral
J.O. Peters has been working on a new store building. He has a barn [a big wind storm blew the roof off of it right after his store burned] and a feed corral.
Addington and Whiteley have a blacksmith shop in Council
Idaho Citizen, June 29, 1894
A railroad is being surveyed to the Seven Devils [not true, at least not the really surveyed, but looked over]
Bill Winkler got his nose broken by a baseball. He was the catcher, and wore no face guard.
Idaho Citizen, July 6, 1894
Ad: S.C. Craft, M.D., physician and surgeon, Council Valley, Idaho - office on Main street.
Isaac McMahan's Alpine store burned on the morning of July 5 while the McMahans were in Salubria celebrating the 4th.
Idaho Citizen, July 13, 1894
Mr. Lakey will now deliver mail to Bear twice a week.
Report of Salem school term Apr 9 to July 8: pupils = 55 Teacher: Mrs. Fannie Wilkie.[Salem school, dist. 17 was near Midvale, (see photo with date 1904 over door of school.]
John Hancock has a saloon in Meadows.
Council boys play baseball every Sunday [and occasionally play Salubria. Seems to be the rage.]
Idaho Citizen, July 27, 1894
Mrs. Fannie Wilkie of Middle Valley will teach in the Gladheart district. [She was Major F.C. Wilkie's wife. He lived on Hornet Creek. They will be divorced in the spring of 1896.]
Ad: Cohen and Chris = traveling merchants - clothes and dry goods
Idaho Citizen, Aug 3, 1894
Miss Lizzie Cope of Weiser taught school at lower Council and will return to teach on lower Hornet (different school).
J.O. Peters has leased or sold his store to Isaac McMahan. [I think they actually went into partnership.] Peters bought out the entire stock of a Weiser store.
Council: "The Hot Springs are getting to be quite a health and pleasure resort..."
Bear Creek school - 17 pupils (including Byron Davis, Jesse Smith,... Janie, Levern, Mary, Charles and Sam Warner. Teacher: Lois Mitchell.
Idaho Citizen, Aug 10, 1894
Road supervisor, Lewis Winkler, is building a new bridge across the Weiser river at Council.
James Bartemess, a long time miner in the Seven Devils, crossed the plains with Kit Carson in 1850.
Mrs. Black, teacher, dist 34, pupils = 22 including Cora, Ova [Josie] and Edna Biggerstaff
Ad for Peter's store in Council and news that Isaac McMahan will continue at Alpine with new stock.
Idaho Citizen, Aug 24, 1894
Ad for J.O. Peters and Company Hardware store in Weiser. [He was joined in this venture by Wm "Billie" Eckles, the Washington Co. Sheriff. Wm Eckles later had a store in Salubria and then Cambridge.]
Idaho Citizen, Aug 31, 1894
Jackie Duree and Winklers have threshing machines going in area fields.
Idaho Citizen, Sept 7, 1894
Mrs. Annie E. Wilkerson bought McMahan's Alpine store
Tom Carrick has opened the butcher shop in Salubria.
Idaho Citizen, Sept 14, 1894
Isaac McMahan's store in Council mentioned
John Eckles from Big Bar [on the Snake River]
Idaho Citizen, Sept 21, 1894
Mrs. Black will close school in Upper school district and begin a term in the lower district Monday.
Report on school District 34: Upper Council = 22 pupils including Biggerstaffs, Ida and Etta Glenn, Mary, Laura and Albert "Robinson" [Robertson] and Tom Sevey. Teacher: Mrs. Black
Idaho Citizen, Oct 26, 1894
Council may have another Blacksmith shop. Charley Whiteley may build where Peters's store stood.
Idaho Citizen, Nov 16, 1894
Fannie Wilkie will teach a 3 month term on upper Hornet creek
Idaho Citizen, Nov 23, 1894
Mrs. Black teaching school dist. 25, Council
Idaho Citizen, Dec 7, 1894
Son born to Wm Glenns Nov 25
Son born to Mrs. Bud Addington Nov 24
Idaho Citizen, Jan 18, 1895
School dist. 33 - Hornet Creek - 12 pupils including Hattie, Rena and Blanch Peck Teacher = Mrs. Waldo Piper
Names of about 30 Council Students including Ida, Edgar and Matilda Moser, Royal Mathias, Rollie and Lester McMahan - teacher: Mrs. Black -
George Winkler was awakened in the middle of the night to the sound of his chickens making a racket. He went out to the chicken house with a gun to find a large cougar which he shot.
Salubria Citizen, February 1, 1895
Editor wants telephone line between Weiser and Payette. There is already a line from Payette to Emmett and from Emmett to Caldwell which connects with the Bell Telephone Co.'s lines to all important points in Ada County and other lower country counties.
Wilson Bros. (B.W. and R.E.) store selling out. They established a small grocery store in Salubria in 1888, which soon became a general merc store. "They sold as high as $80,000 worth of goods in a single year, during the flush times just previous to the general collapse which struck the entire northwest about three years ago. B.W. will farm on Hornet creek. [B.W.= Wm or Billy R.E. = Reil, who later became a lawyer... prominent citizen of Salubria and Cambridge]
The Duree boys passed through ... Saturday with freight for ... McMahan, the popular Council merchant. (partially hidden in fold)
"The Hornet creek schools have been united in one big school in district No. 23, with Mrs. Piper as teacher."
Salubria Citizen, Feb 8, 1895
Levi Allen's son, Grover.
Anderson family of Indian Valley "taken to the hot springs for Mr. Anderson to be treated by Dr. Sherwood..." [Starkey]
Oss Groseclose and mother of Lick creek
Frank Mathias and Louis Winkler have rented Morrison's blacksmith shop for one year and will take possession March 1.
Salubria Citizen, Feb 15, 1895
Edwin Elton works in the Citizen office mornings and evenings before and after school.
Salubria Citizen, Feb 22, 1895
Mr. Crawford has sold his ranch in upper Council to Bud Addington.
Frank Glenn has rented his ranch to his brother Tom and will leave here in the spring...
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo Robinson of upper Council [Fruitvale] Feb 3, a son.
Dr. Sherwood was called to Hornet Crk. to see Mrs. Peck
Mrs. Black has been engaged to teach a spring term of school on Lower Hornet as soon as her term expires in Council.
Salubria Citizen, Mar 1, 1895
The road between Council and Long Valley is to go (if everyone will pitch in to pay for and build it) from the "...Day ranch in Long Valley and come over the mountain by the way of the Beier's saw-mill and down Mill creek to Council valley. The distance on a straight line is twelve miles." The present road is fairly good half way up the mountain. It takes eight to twelve days to make a freight trip from Middleton to Long Valley, but with the new road, they could "... get in their flour and other supplies from this section in from four to six days...."
Salubria Citizen, March 8, 1895
Mrs. Piper closed a 3 month school term on Hornet Crk. The schools in lower and middle Council will close March 8. The teachers, Mrs. Black and Mr. Allison...
There have been several references to James Bartmess of Indian Valley
Dr. W.M. Brown and Eugene Lorton bought the Pioneer drug store and fixtures of John Cuddy... and will continue the drug business at the old stand under the firm name of Brown & Lorton.
Salubria Citizen, Mar 15, 1895
Billie Black, agent for a __ Payette nursery, sold Jonny [sic] Rogers __ll of fruit trees,... (partially hidden in fold)
Mrs. Black will teach at Hornet school Mr. Allison at Cottonwood
school report - lower Council - dist 25 for term ending March 8- 47 pupils - Mrs. Black, teacher
"The mail goes through horse back now" [As opposed to snow shoes or skis]
"Charley Anderson came in form his Lick creek reservation Saturday after a fresh supply of grub. Salubria still tries to claim Charley as one of its citizens but we fear he is getting pretty thoroughly identified with his Lick creek possessions." [Anderson owned the hotel/ stage stop. Sounds like he wasn't there very long at this time and/or once lived at Salubria?]
Salubria Citizen, March 22, 1895
Council - "Geo. Loe has opened a barber shop in the Peter's block on West Main street, three doors south of the Moser hotel."
[Sounds as if Dr. Sherwood is the main, if not only, Dr. in the Council / Meadows area. He apparently lives at and owns what we know as Starkey Hot Springs]
Salubria Citizen, Mar 29, 1895
"The mail goes from Indian valley to the foot of Fort Hall hill in a buck board and from there to Meadows in a sleigh. It goes from Council to Dale horseback, and from Dale to Bear with a sleigh...."
"The ranchers on Cottonwood are taking down their wire fences and putting up rail fences. The Phipps brothers and Geo. Gould have made and hauled about 15,000 rails this winter....Fred Beier is getting ready to do a big summer's work at his saw mill"
"E. Stevenson runs a stage station, hotel, stable and general stopping place in the Canyon ten miles above Council ...." [At the mouth of East Fork. The spelling in a later issue (July 12) is "Stevens" and mentions East Fork]]
Salubria Citizen, April 12, 1895
Wilkies intend to run their Hornet Crk sawmill this summer
Louis Winkler lives 4 miles from town [with his parents on Gould place?]
[The Starkey - Glendale area, and on north for a ways, is referred to as "the Canyon"]
Ed Barbour says he has located 160 acres of coal land on Middle Fork, six miles above Farleigh's old mill. He found pieces of coal 8 inches square from which he welded steel.
H.F. Johnson has written a book of Idaho Poems.
Salubria Citizen, Apr 19, 1895
Mrs. Billie Black rides 6 miles, night and morning to and from school. Mrs. Piper of Boise will teach upper Council.
Council - "There was quite an exciting runaway in town this morning. Bill Glenn and wife came to town and hitched their team in front of the blacksmith shop. While they were in the store the horses broke loose and started for home at a lively rate. Lewis and Bill Winkler mounted a couple of horses that stood at the rack and started to head them off. The boys overtook the team at Kesler's about a mile from town, and managed to stop them. There was a box of eggs in the wagon which were pretty badly mixed up. No damage was done either the team or wagon."
School dist. 23 one month ago: total pupils = 26 includes Pecks, Lakeys, Piper and Willie Hanson - Mrs. Waldo Piper was teaching
H.F. Johnson's book of poems costs 50 cents
Salubria Citizen, May 3, 1895
Much sugar cane being planted in Council valley
A notice that Arthur David is not responsible for the debts of Henry Burt in connection with the Great Eastern or French Ledge mining claim in the Seven Devils dist. [In a previous issue, Burt was noted as David's partner.]
Boy born to the Charles Campbells in Meadows Apr 29 - ten lbs.
Perry Clark now lives in Los Angeles, Calif. [Oct 18, 1895 issue: Perry Clark is in the Soldiers Home in California]
Salubria Citizen, May 17, 1895
Mrs. F.C. Wilkie to teach at Rush crk school
partially hidden in fold like this:
...The old
n Latham, who has been
r Weiser for several years,
back to the Meadows last
Rambo & Crowell, the new
tractors, were in the valley
of days last week. They
ed the half-way station from
to Biggerstaff's; also have
eir horses from Hancock's
ew station...
Mr. Palm commenced a three month's term of school in the Middle dist. today
Salubria Citizen, May 24, 1895
Emma Edwards designed the new U.S. half dollar. Her design was picked from several hundred. She was staying in Salubria at the time she designed it, and editor Lorton says the woman on the coin was patterned after some young local lady. [Her last name was later "Green". She also designed the Idaho State Seal. She was a friend of the A.O. Huntleys, and taught at the Lick Creek school.]
Mathias and Lewis Winkler have rented the blacksmith shop of Geo. Hull and Mark Winkler while they are gone mining.
Lottie Sharp to teach at Bear school this year.
Salubria Citizen, June 7, 1895
J.C. (Johnny) Rogers and A.O. Huntley have leased the Pogue saw mill and will saw enough lumber to build each a large residence.
Salubria Citizen, June 14, 1895
John Hancock has sold his saloon in Meadows to C.R. White
Mathias and Lewis Winkler have sold the blacksmith shop to Mark Winkler
Salubria Citizen, July 12, 1895
"Mark Winkler sold his interest in the blacksmith shop to Press Anderson. Press and Geo. Hull have rented the shop of A. Morrison for five years. They have rented Morrison's house and will keep bachelor's hall."
Salubria Citizen, July 19, 1895
57 head of cattle shot in Long Valley by farmers objecting to cattlemen bringing stock into the valley. May be trouble ahead. [Controversy and legal actions followed this all summer, and some men went to jail. More or less a range war situation between farmers and stockmen over who had the rights to grass and the land.]
Salubria Citizen, July 25, 1895
In Washington County, assessment rolls show:
8 sawmills
7,747 common cattle + 637 beef cattle + 1274 cows
3718 hogs
1621 work horses
3915 stock horses
15 musical instruments (valued at $2398 total)
3 water crafts
537 vehicles
5 bicycles
[A horse race track was recently completed at Meadows, still called Salmon Meadows occasionally.] Six day racing schedule in this issue and next. Calvin White seems to be running the show.
Salubria Citizen, Aug 9, 1895
Idaho Game law - season on Elk, moose, caribou, mountain sheep, mountain goat closed until Sept 1897, then season will be Sept 1 to Dec 31. Deer or antelope season is Sept 1 to Dec 1
Ads for fruit jars have shown up
Salubria Citizen, Sept 6, 1895
The Winklers have fired up their thresher and will do threshing for Council, Cottonwood and Hornet.
"The preliminary examination of Curtis, the man accused of killing Edward Stone, was commenced in Council yesterday before Justice of the Peace Winkler." Frank Harris for the defense.
Salubria Citizen, Sept 13, 1895
Pres Anderson is also running his thresher, besides Winklers
Salubria Citizen, Sept 20, 1895
"Rumor says that Dimmick and Barton have bonded their mine in Placer Basin for $40,000."
Bill Harp's wife and mother have been visiting Hardy Harp's family at Star, Boise county.
Son born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock Sept 12
Salubria Citizen, Sept 27, 1895
Son born to the Geo Goulds Sept 21 [This was Clarence. Also about this time, George cut himself on the foot pretty badly with an axe.]
J.A. Denny and S.A. Swanstrom have dissolved their partnership in the Salubria store. Denny has purchased, and will take over, the store and post office at Alpine as Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkerson are leaving.
Salubria Citizen, Oct 4, 1895
Editor Lorton went to Idaho Press Assoc. meeting in Lewiston by train. First to Weiser to catch train, then Huntington, Baker City, Union, LaGrande, up the Blue Mts., Pendleton, Walla Walla, Colfax, Pullman and took stage to Lewiston. arriving at 9:00 PM the second day after leaving Weiser - total distance of less than 200 miles as the crow flies.
_ Smith, the Bear postmaster [Frank or his wife?]
Plans for new bridge across the Weiser at mouth of Hornet crk
Salubria Citizen, Oct 11, 1895
Miss McCall of Long valley will teach in Lower Council
"Frenchy [David] left today for Silver City where [he] has a [job] for all winter at $3.50 per day."
" Mr. _ (hidden in binding fold!) has taken up a ranch at Beier's __ mill site. [Mill Creek]
Council - "Frank Mathias is moving the old post office building, and fitting it up for a cellar for Hancock."
Alpine - Mrs. Denny is postmaster now, taking over from Mrs. Wilkerson
Cottonwood school, dist 20 - Frank Allison, teacher - 31 students including Rolla and Lester McMahan [From following issues: Allison taught at this school for the next few seasons at least.]
School dist. 34, upper Council - Mrs. Black, teacher - 20 students = Elgie Hollenbeak, Cora, Ova, Eliza and Edna Biggerstaff, Abbie and Tommy Sevey, Mollie Addington, Mary, Laura and Albert Robertson, Maudie and Lizie Groseclose, and Earl Parks. [Some of these are Fruitvale kids. Could this be the White school?]
[This is so classic of the style of writing editors had in these days:] "Rasmus Hanson, one of the CITIZEN'S old standbys, was down from Hornet creek Saturday and deposited a few dollars of the filthy lucre in our strong box for safe keeping." [This meant he renewed, and paid for, his subscription.]
Salubria Citizen, Oct 18, 1895
"Ceph Harp of Boise has been here for several days to assist in caring for his cousin Rufe." "Died - In Council Valley, October 13, 1895, Rufus, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harp, aged 20 years and 5 months. He was taken sick at Star, Boise Valley. His mother went out after him and he lived just four weeks from the time he arrived here. He was a young man of rare promise. He was well known throughout the entire county; always honest and upright in all his dealings, he won the love and respect of a host of friends. He leaves a father, mother and two brothers to mourn his loss."
There is no road down the Little Salmon River. Everything has to be hauled into Pollock on pack animals.
Homestead proof applications of James J. Jones, Isaac J. Duree
George York got the bid to build the bridge across Weiser at Hornet Crk - $346
Perry Clark is in the Soldiers Home in California
Salubria Citizen, Nov 15, 1895
Bridge being built across Weiser at Hornet crk
Salubria Citizen, Nov 22, 1895
Final homestead proof application by William H. Camp with location: N1/2 sw1/4 sw1/4 sw1/4 T16 R1W
Fred Beier is a county commissioner [has been for some time]
Salubria Citizen, Dec 13, 1895
[Charles Anderson of Lick crk sells cattle occasionally - evidently ranches as well as owns the hotel there.]
Joe Glenn has organized a singing class on Hornet and in the middle district.
There is a grave on the hillside near Frank Adam's place near Salubria. The girl was Martha Jane Roberts who's emigrant parents camped here when she died on August 21, 1862. Adams put a nice fence around the grave.
Salubria Citizen, Dec 20, 1895
Lizzie David listed, along with Matilda Moser and Rolla and Lester McMahan etc., as a student in school dist. 25 for month ending Dec 6 - teacher Flora McCall
Salubria Citizen, Jan 10, 1896
Dissolution of partnership in Council valley blacksmith shop: J.W. Hull and P.J. Anderson
Salubria Citizen, Jan 17, 1896
E.E. Lorton has purchased the drug store of Brown and Lorton. Dr. Brown will stay on as "drug clerk".
Salubria Citizen, Jan 24, 1896
Herman and Bernard Haas have bought J.O. Peter's store in Weiser
[A number of issues ago there was mention of a bridge across the East Fork of the Weiser. - Where this implies the road was at this time, I'm not sure.]
[Robert White and family live in or near Bear, and have for the past year at least.]
Salubria Citizen, Jan 31, 1896
Joe Glenn killed a large cougar at his place last week
Salubria Citizen, Feb 21, 1896
Dr. Brown and Charley Allen have gone to the Devils to examine a promising quartz claim [This is at least the 2nd time these two have paired up to go prospecting.]
"The inhabitants of Washington county are getting rich faster than anybody in the world. There will be more millionaires right here in this county within the next two hundred years than anywhere else on earth...."
J.O. Peters may erect a store in Council - three stores would not be too many here. [in other words, there are already two]
[A Dr. J.C. Lee came to Council awhile back (1895 issue), thinking he might stay. He is still in town.]
Mention of schools: Upper Hornet, Cottonwood, Upper Council
Salubria Citizen, Feb 28, 1896
Report from school dist No. 7 - F.M. Allison, teacher
Harp kids enrolled: Maudie, Bessie, Jimmie, Alfred, Frank, Etta
Article by Arthur David in the signal quoted. Says he has been in mining business 20 years in Wyoming, Montana, Colo., Utah, Nevada, Calif. and lastly, in the Seven Devils which is the most promising he has ever seen. Says there are ten or 12 patented mines and hundreds of prospects owned by men who are not able to develop them. A few of the mines that have been worked: French ledge on Bear creek, Placer Basin, the Summit owned by John Welch, Hannon owned by Chris Hildebrand, Hugh Curran, Potter and Cannon - five mines in a group. The road into the 7D "is the best mountain road almost in the west; ranches all the way into the mines."
Salubria Citizen, Mar 13, 1896
The Free Press paper (where?) says, "Teams are able now to make the trip from Meadows to main Salmon with a light load and some dodging." [There has been much discussion in recent issues about building a road down the Little Salmon, including to make it a Toll road.]
Salubria Citizen, Mar 27, 1896
Partially hidden by fold:
"The new...
ntractors have moved their
from Biggerstaff's to Steven's" [The Indian Valley to Meadows stage lines just changed one of the partners to become Brown (new) and Crowell. Maybe they changed stage stops? headquarters?.]
Council - "Andrew Adams came up last week and closed the blacksmith shop, but have heard since that another gentleman has rented it and will commence work in a few days...."
"Billy Black passed through Salubria yesterday on his way home. He had been working in Anaconda, Montana, during the winter."
Salubria Citizen, Apr 3, 1896
"Mr. Stevens, the East Fork hotel proprietor,..."
Salubria Citizen, April 17, 1896
In the early days, Kelton, Utah (the end of the rail line) and Umatilla, Oregon were the closest supply points.
"Mode Addington, an experienced blacksmith, has rented the Morrison shop and will run it for one year...."
Salubria Citizen, April 24, 1896
"McMahan has bought the store building, barn and feed corral and the lots that Peters owned in Council." "He has also bought the lot of Mrs. Moser east of the blacksmith shop and will build on it this spring." Ad in this issue says, "Isaac McMahan's general merchandise store in Council Valley"
Salubria Citizen, May 1, 1896
John "Scotty" Atwell committed suicide Friday night of last week by drowning himself in Monroe creek at Weiser. He was despondent over financial problems. Has lived in this county since 1862. [This is one of the men Levi Allen had legal battle with over the Peacock mine.]
Salubria Citizen, May 8, 1896
Short obituary of John Anderson, age 79, buried in Cottonwood cemetery
Salubria Citizen, May 22, 1896
Miss Emma Edwards will teach a three month term at Lick creek dist.
Salubria Citizen, June 5, 1896
Hidden in fold: "_mith of Bear has opened a ... merchandise store at his ..." [may be Frank Smith who is Postmaster at Bear]
Salubria Citizen, June 19,1896
"Eagle Eye, chief of the Dry Buck Indians is dead, and the tribes are making a powerful lamentation over his remains." Put his body in a pit for 10 days, and are now taking it out and burning it. "He was a leader of the band that killed Monday, Haley and Groseclose in Long Valley about 16 years ago. - Index." [this was Emmett Index, May 30, 1896 p 1]
Salubria Citizen, June 26, 1896
The Middle Fork bridge was washed out
Salubria Citizen, July 3, 1896
Meadows - Gilbert Smith (State Senator) killed a huge bear - measured 9 1/2 feet from tip of nose to end of tail.
Partially in fold: "_ J. Smith, the Bear postmaster... merchant, blacksmith and farmer,..."
Salubria Citizen, July 17, 1896
Details of big 4th celebration at Lick Creek. ...activities at "the beautiful grove above the school house..." where a temporary stage and seats had been prepared. "These had been roofed over with a green canopy of boughs affording a most delightful shade, which with the green grass for a carpet, flowers blooming everywhere and decorating the stage, ... red, white and blue draperies......" Pupils of Upper Hornet and Lick creek schools - teachers Prof. Hodge and Miss Emma Edwards. A.O. Huntley read the Declaration of Independence. musicians played for a dance in the evening.[Is this the photo?]
Salubria Citizen, July 24, 1896
Placer Basin being surveyed for patent [private ownership]
A water powered ore mill and other buildings are being built at the Lime Peak mine in the Seven Devils. Jim Ross digging the ditch. The venture is run by J.C. Rogers and Mr. Packard.
Salubria Citizen, Aug 7, 1896
Commissioner and sawmill man Fred Beier lives on Cottonwood Cr,
Salubria Citizen, Aug 21, 1896
Tommy Clay died at Meadows = pioneer of 1860s, mail carrier
Salubria Citizen, Oct 3, 1896
Perry Clark died recently in the Soldier's Home in California. He was a Union soldier during the Civil War. [He is credited with naming the Council Valley.]
Salubria Citizen, Oct. 16, 1896
Isaac McMahan and "...John O. Peters have formed a partnership in the general merchandise business at Council and will carry a $10,000 stock of goods. This will be the largest stock of goods between Salubria and Grangeville...." "They have just completed a handsome new store building, and are receiving their new stock."
"Deputy United States Marshal, Cal White of Meadows..." a lot of counterfeit money is in circulation down on Salmon river. White had a man in custody for this. Bogus $10 gold pieces
Salubria Citizen, Oct 30, 1896
Levi Allen has apparently moved, along with his sawmill, to Spokane, Washington.
A.H. Wilkie is running for state representative.
There is a 27 1/2 mile gap in the Little Salmon river division of the State Wagon Road.
Photographer, D. Marsh, of Weiser, is in Council where he will remain about a week. [Could have taken photo of McMahan and Peter's new store]
Salubria Citizen, Nov 20, 1896
In an account of travel through Council by M.T. Harlan: Hotel in Council kept by Wm. Hancock. "Geo. W. Hancock has one of the finest little stocks of goods in the county. Johnny Hancock keeps a fine orderly bar and hotel, and his excellent wife, Joe, knows how to make things pleasant."
Geo. Gould has moved his house down near his orchard.
Over 20,000 head of sheep have passed through Salubria the past week, coming from the upper country.
Salubria Citizen, Nov 25, 1896
James Ross and family moved from Indian valley to Hornet creek
13 pounds of sugar for $1.00 at McMahan's in Council
Salubria Citizen, Dec 4, 1896
Election results finally printed: Representatives: Wm. Black (ran against A.H. Wilkie and another man) and R.E. Wilson Senator: Frank Harris
Son born to the Wm Glenns [Either Ike or Herbie]
Salubria Citizen, Dec 11, 1896
Council - Dr. Sherwood was down from Meadows [no news of his having moved, has he?]
E. Stevens and Mr. Sevey are building Mr. Hansen's [Hanson] barn on Hornet crk. [This barn was mentioned an issue or so ago, along with maybe Hansen's first name, but must be Rasmus]
J.B. Peters sold his ranch to Mr. Young of Oregon.
Peters and McMahan plan to build on to their Council store this spring.
Weiser Signal, Aug 12, 1897
“Saturday was moving day in Council. Clark took several teams and men and moved the post office building to the south end of the lot and moved the blacksmith shop onto the same lot.”
“Work will commence on the race-track today, which when completed, will be one of the finest tracks in the state.”
“Last Saturday Messrs. Biggerstaff, Young, Whiteley, Addington and Jones took their families and went to the Council hot springs [Starkey] and stayed over Sunday. The springs are getting to be quite a pleasure and health resort.”
“Mr. Wilkie has the contract of sawing and hauling the lumber for Hancock’s hotel which will be put up some time this fall, but not before the races, as was first talked of.”
“Dr. Sherwood has had several teams hauling lumber to put up his new building.”
“Miss Lydia [Lakey] is carrying the mail between Dale and Bear. Wonder if any other mail route in Idaho has a lady mail carrier.”
“I understand that Fred Byer will start up his saw mill today which has been shut down during haying.”
George Root no teaching at Cottonwood and will teach a 4-month term “in the middle district….”
“The Caswell brothers who have been working a placer mine 60 miles east of Warren for the last years, passed through Council during the week going to Boise with their gold dust. They expect to return in about a week and buy a year’s supplies here and have them taken into Warren by team and pack from there.”
“Word comes over from Long valley that an eastern capitalist is there negotiating for Jim Copeland’s placer mine four miles below the big lake.”
Much talk of a dredge, that is running a day and night shift, having trouble paying it’s employees. Must be in the Seven Devils or Snake River area.
“Jim Ross went out to the Devils last week to look after a saw mill that he owns there.”
Weiser Signal, Aug 19, 1897
“The Caswell brothers returned from Boise last night. They sold 85 ounces of gold dust at $12.65 per ounce.”
“Loads of machinery are passing through every day for Warren, but it seems that our Seven Devils smelter is rather slow getting along.”
Dr. Sherwood’s house, which is under construction, burned, along with this wagon load of lumber that he had pulled up close to it, plus his coat that was on the wagon containing $50.
“Our new race track was finished last Saturday….”
“Wagons are still hauling lumber for Hancock’s new hotel and Council will soon have a nice hotel.”
Weiser Signal, Sept 16, 1897
“Geo. Winkler will start his thresher Tuesday.”
Frank Allison, Bear school teacher
Mr. Swanson, the merchant from Bear…
“The hotel changes hands last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hancock took possession and John moved into the house just north of the hotel.”
“Some of our neighbors have Klondyke [sic] fever pretty badly.”
Weiser Signal, Sept 23, 1897
Mention of Fred Beier’s sawmill
“Wm. Duree has the contract of delivering 7000 pounds of vegetables at the Bed Rock Flume Co’s. store house in Warren…..Everyone in Council will raise lots of truck next hear to supply Warren.”
Salubria Citizen,
First issue on real: March 11, 1898
Ad: The Inland Hotel, B.B. Day, proprietor - newly opened. Everything neat and clean. No Chinese or Japanese employed. Salubria
Cohen and Criss have stores in Council and Salubria now. [Before this, they were traveling merchants with no store. Their ads always claimed they didn't want money for their goods, but would rather trade for produce, etc.] "Cohen & Criss will soon put in a plate glass front in their store building." [This in general news, so must be the Salubria store] Sam Criss was down from Council
"Ad: Cohen and Criss take produce in exchange at their Council store the same as at Salubria"
Dr. Lee returned to Council after a 7 month stay in the east taking a special course in Mo.
Mention of Dr. Sherwood treating someone in Meadows.
Ad: Isaac McMahan - dealer in general merchandise - Council
[no mention of Peters]
Weiser Signal, March 17, 1898
Annie Smith, postmaster at Bear
Salubria Citizen, Mar 18, 1898
Cuprum - [note this is the name used] - mention of ore at "the smelter" Charley Allen made arrangements to start up his sawmill as soon as the water raises.
"A petition is being circulated to get a post office established at Helena.
"C.E. Walker departed for the Klondike on the 27th." [Several mentions of the Klondike in these issues- the rush is on]
"The Maine disaster in Havana has enlisted the sympathies of our citizens..."
Ad: Hotel Weiser - E.M. Barton, proprietor
The 7Devils are going great guns. "There are a large number of men at work in the mines and on the road..." [railroad?]
Abe Criss [of Cohen and Criss] has gone to Portland and San Francisco to purchase spring and summer stock of goods.
More reports of local men going to the Klondike
R.M. (Bob) Barbour and J.A. Denney are now partners in the Alpine store. "Denny & Barbour General Merchandise"
Billy Black is on his way to the Klondike.
Salubria Citizen, Apr 8, 1898
F. Alers [Ferdinand] is running the hotel and Mrs. Alers will soon be appointed postmaster at the new post office of Helena. The smelter will start running soon, and the steam ship, Mabel, is ready to operate.
Council - may be a large building erected on the corner fronting Cohen & Criss' store for business purposes. Housing is in great demand, and John Hancock is thinking of building cottages to rent.
In the Seven Devils news section: Council has "...three stores, two blacksmith shops, two hotels and other enterprises...."
Salubria Citizen, Apr 15, 1898
Two letters describing the Klondike and Yukon situation - interesting
"The smelter Co. people are now promoting a telegraph and telephone line from Huntington to the Seven Devils." Mention of a tramway - no description
Local man, Jeff Saling, was killed in the big snow slide on Chilkoot pass (Klondike) in which an estimated 100 people were killed.
Every paper filled with debate about War with Spain.
Seven Devils - "Our ship has arrived, cargo discharged and she's sailed away again for another cargo. O! we're in it; and the transportation problem is solved." [Must refer to the Mabel]
Salubria Citizen, Apr 22, 1898
Charles Allen appointed constable of Lick Creek precinct and C.W. [Charles] Jones = justice of the peace of same.
Small ad, only says: K.& W. FOR MERCHANDISE, Council, Idaho.
Girl born to the A. McDowells, April 22 at Indian Valley [Lillian]
Wylie Anderson and Erwin Mickey [the two men who were with Jeff Saling when he was killed, have returned from Dyea ,Alaska. They say times are much harder there than here. (Next issue - they didn't go "...past Chilkoot Pass, but say that was far enough.")
Salubria Citizen, Apr 29, 1898
War declared on Spain - blockade on Havana [Spanish-American War]
"Mr. Ford has arrived at Bear and is trying to get men to pack grub into the Welsh mine [Black Lake], where he will commence development work."
Repair work on Middle Fork bridge
Salubria Citizen, May 6, 1898
William Loveless seems to live in Payette
In the "Crane" area news section: "Joe Glenn, the invincible singer of Council, is in our midst."
"Mark Winkler and Mrs. Carrie Anderson were married last week."
"Hancock and son are having their lumber hauled to build a large business house in Council."
Salubria Citizen, May 13, 1898
"Council Valley - The town of Council is the metropolis of this valley. The town has a population of abut 75 people; supports three general merchandise stores, and a hotel, saloon, blacksmith shop, etc." Is about 22 miles from Salubria
Salubria Citizen, May 20, 1898
Partially hidden in fold:
Council - Darnall is getting along
ly with the erection of his
ines house in Council.
"Among the improvements going on in the Seven Devils is the construction of trail by Charley Morse from his office in Cuprum to his oat meal farm on Bear creek." [Don't know if any of this is at all serious, as the rest is an obvious joke.]
Salubria Citizen, May 27, 1898
The steam ship, Mabel, seems to be working fine. Cuprum is growing.
Al Towsley [note spelling] is mentioned a lot
Fred Biers [Beier] getting ready to run his sawmill. Much needed because the mill on Hornet Creek can't come near keeping up with demand.
"Wm. Camp is taking out an irrigating ditch from East Fork, which will, when finished, be about ten miles long, and will carry about one thousand feet of water. Bill has one of the best ranches in the valley when he gets water onto it." [June 10 issue corrects quantity of water to 100 feet, not 1,000. Must be the East Fork ditch. In Council papers, years after this, he was still cleaning and maintaining it.]
[Warren seems to be busy, and has a semiregular news section. There is no road to there past Meadows, and getting supplies in is a serious drawback.]
"The Cuprum Smelter Company." "It is expected that the smelter will start in a few days."
Salubria Citizen, June 3, 1898
Cuprum - "Mr. Denny of Alpine is having a store building put up and will put in a stock of goods immediately."
The smelter has made three runs, but it froze up each time.
Salubria Citizen, June 17, 1898
"Al Towsley has just completed a store building for Denney & Barbour...." at Cuprum
The Ford Brothers are looking over the copper belt + may invest.
Cuprum - "Samuel Morse will keep hay and grain for travelers, conveyances and saddle horses for the riding public; in short, a horse restaurant in general." Charles Morse has some kind of feed stable too.?
Ford Bros. bought properties adjoining the Decorah mine last season, and will begin work soon.
Cuprum - "Mr. Huntz was circulating a subscription list to improve the Huntz grade (our only means of ingress or egress) which is in a very bad condition at present, and really not safe to travel." [Must mean Huntley grade.]
"Allen & Brown are pushing their mill to its full capacity, but cannot keep up with the demand for lumber." Cuprum area. [This is Arthur Brown, not Dr. Brown]
"Rinhart, Sorrenson & Co. are taking out an irrigating ditch from somewhere near the head of Cottonwood creek,..."
Council - "The government lands in this valley are being settled very rapidly this spring, and if it continues thus it will be but a very short time when vacant land in this section will be a thing of the past."
Salubria Citizen, June 24, 1898
Council - we are going to have a new school... built on the hill.
partially hidden in fold:
Morrison is having lumber
on her lot north of the square
she is contemplating the erec-
of a dwelling and post office
Mention of Mr. Darnall's building - dance held there. Council
Salubria Citizen, July 1, 1898
Cuprum now has a butcher shop.
Billie Black came by the first of the week after his winter's stay in Washington. He will sell out and return to Washington. [He will actually stay in the area.]
Salubria Citizen, July 8, 1898
Council - didn't celebrate the 4th, but had a good dance. "The new billiard hall did not open on the first as was intended."
Description of required repair of Middle Fork bridge: 112 ft of trestle approach to join the present truss span on the north end and to be same width and height. Approach = 7 panels of 16' each to rest on framed bents of mud sill.. Floor to consist of 8 lines of joist 3x14x18, covered with 4x12 plank Rail to consist of posts 4x6x4 - all fir construction
Salubria Citizen, July 22, 1898
"Petition of A.O. Huntley et. al. for appropriation for road from Bear to Indian creek granted, and two hundred and fifty dollars appropriated...."
A.H. Wilkie got the bid to build the Middle Fork bridge - $210
July 29, 1898
Council - " The new post office is looming up."
"Dr. Sherwood, who has been away from home for the last two or three weeks, has returned to Council."
John C. Rogers of Bear precinct
Salubria Citizen, Aug 5, 1898
"Dr. Sherwood has sold his house and lot here and I hear that he is going to leave us."
Weiser Signal, Aug 11, 1898
“Quite a little town, named Cuprum, has grown up near the smelter. It has a store, post office, two saloons and quite a number of substantial dwellings…Two miles further down the grade, on Indian Creek, is the home of A.O. Huntley…Pete [Gaarden] is now building a saw mill on Bear Creek, three miles from Bear postoffice.”
Salubria Citizen, Aug 19, 1898
B.B. Day of Salubria, who until now ran the Inland Hotel, has purchased the Billie Black place on Hornet Creek for $4,000 and will move up there in a short time. Mrs. Black has leased the Inland hotel and will take charge of same on September 1st. "Mrs. Black's wide experience in this line of business..."
Salubria Citizen, Aug 26, 1898
Reports of excitement about gold near Thunder Mt. - Started when Caswell Bros. appeared in Warren with 10 1/2 ounces of gold.[when?1896?] Taken from Statesman
Three different outfits have tried to make the smelter (Cuprum) work. Now it is shut down, probably for good.
[During the past year, every community in the area seems to be booming = new businesses and homes - Warren, the 7Ds in general especially Cuprum, Council, Salubria, Alpine, Indian Valley, Weiser, Meadows, McCall (not called by that name yet - just Payette Lakes or Lardo) Warren gradually is going from being called "Warrens" (shortened from Warren's Diggings) to "Warren".]
Salubria Citizen, Sept 2, 1898
Council - many sick, but no deaths. [no mention of
Announcement that the railroad to the Seven Devils will be built!
Mrs. Black has taken over the Inland Hotel.
Separate item: Billie Black has gone to Republic, Wash. to make his home. [Temporarily]
Salubria Citizen, Sept 9, 1898
Council's new school is looming up fine.
B.B. Day has moved to Hornet crk. "Mr. Day informs the Citizen that he will conduct a summer resort and general stopping place for weary travelers at his new home." [Black's old place]
"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black were married in Weiser last Monday evening." [what? has to be another:] Mr. and Mrs. Billy Black are running the Inland hotel. She will cook.
Salubria Citizen, Sept 16, 1898
Council -
"Mrs. Morrison has moved into her new house north of the public square.
"Billy Clark, the blacksmith, has moved into his house south of his shop.
"It is rumored that Cohen & Criss are going to build a large business house north of the square this fall."
"Dr. Over [U.M. Over [Salubria dentist] will make you a full set of teeth for from $16 to $30 per set."
Mention of "the White school house in Council"
Salubria Citizen, Sept 23, 1898
The new Council school is finished and school will start Oct 3 - Miss [Mida] Lorton of Salubria teaching
Salubria Citizen, Oct 7, 1898
Little Salmon road has been surveyed - 27 1/2 miles
Salubria Citizen, Oct 21, 1898
Dr. Sherwood still in Council
Salubria Citizen, Oct 28, 1898
Council - "Cohen & Criss have the excavation for their new store building about completed." Will be the largest business house in town.
Council - "This fall we have been continually under the carpenter's and blacksmith's hammers. It has not always been so. The truth of it is, prosperity has come."
Salubria Citizen, Nov 4, 1898
B.B. Day's first name is Benjamin - Ben lived near Warren for a number of years. elected to Washington state senate in 1886
Salubria Citizen, Nov 11,, 1898
[There has been some controversy as to whether to build a RR down the Snake to Lewiston, or go up the Weiser to the Seven Devils. Both would serve the 7Ds. Of course the paper advocates the Weiser River route so it can serve all the citizens along the way.]
Salubria Citizen, Nov 18, 1898
News section from Landore, a new town in the Seven Devils having "...some 20 legal voters..."
Boise now has long distance telephone service - can speak to cities in California, Oregon, Washington, north Idaho, Montana.
Salubria Citizen, Dec 16, 1898
Clark Harrington application for proof on homestead: sw 1.4 , ne 1/4, sec 14 and n 1/2, ne 1/4, sw 1/4, ne 1/4, sec 23 T 17 N, R 2 W
Mention of a pneumonia epidemic, but nothing about diphtheria
Salubria Citizen, Dec 30, 1898
Cohen and Criss's new store done
Jan 13, 1899
Editor says there are definite plans to build the RR down the Snake, all the way to Portland
"It is said a new townsite has been laid out on the Joe Hunsaker place at the confluence of Pine creek with Snake river."
Salubria Citizen, Jan 20, 1899
"Garnet" mentioned as a place in the 7Ds... also "Dog Town" which may have been a nick name for Cuprum, and is somewhere between Bear and Garnet.
Grandma Addington of Council died. Wife of __es Addington (hidden in fold) age 70 buried Kesler cemetery. [Must be Mrs. Moses Addington]
Salubria Citizen, Jan 27, 1899
Hancock and Son at Council got renewed liquor license
Salubria Citizen, Feb 3, 1899
Excellent map of front page showing Brannon, Crane, etc. - all the area around Salubria - OSL railroad!
Mrs. Mose Elliott is to be postmistress at Dale.
Clark Harrington sold his place to Wm. Brauer of Rawlins, Wyoming.
"We understand there is to be a paper published in the Seven Devils, under the management of Carlos Boyd. The outfit was hauled from the Weiser depot last Monday."
The incomplete section of road north of here is between the "...mouth of the Salmon river to Little Salmon meadows, a distance of twenty-five miles." If road built, it would connect the northern and southern parts of the state.
Salubria Citizen, Feb 10,1899
Garnet mentioned again
E.D. Ford of Placer Basin
Arthur Brown & Charley Allen have purchased a 30- horse-power steam engine and boiler for their sawmill in Cuprum. [They had only water power until now, and had to stop production when the creek froze up last fall.]
Eight thousand pounds of ore from Jas. Walton's 7Ds mine arrived in Weiser. Other shipments will follow until a RR car load is ready to ship east for mill tests.
Salubria Citizen, Feb 17, 1899
Seven Devils Standard paper quoted:
"C.L. Mason has the contract for carrying the mail from Bear to Helena. He has engaged Niven Brown as mail carrier."
The Standard's first issue came out last Saturday with D.C. Boyd as editor and proprietor.
Column taken from the Standard: "Early History" (of the Seven Devils) Levi Allen discovered the Peacock, but did not "locate" it until the early 1870s. In 1876, his mine was jumped by John Atwell (Scotty) and Billy Simpson. More than half of the world's copper supply came from the U.S. in 1895. Experts estimate that "...the ore in sight on one mine in the Seven Devils is sufficient to yield four times the product of the whole United States for one whole year, or twice the entire product of the whole world,..."
Salubria Citizen, Feb 24, 1899
Taken from The 7Ds Standard paper: "William Camp, the Sampson of the Seven Devils...." Work at the Peacock is progressing under the management of F. Alers. [Ferdinand] Mention of someone down from Decora[h]...[could be the Decorah mine] The "...Arkansaw ledge joins the Decorah just above on the mountain at a depth of about 1000 [ft]."
The stage will now leave Weiser at 7 a.m., railroad time, and arrives at Salubria at 2 p.m. "The time for the trip from Meadows to Weiser is 27 hours. This will cause the stage to make the trip from Indian Valley to Meadows in the night."
Salubria Citizen, Mar 3, 1899
Swiped from the Seven Devils Standard:"Amos Warner was in town from Bear. He reports the loss of ten head of cattle by rolling off the Kinney creek slope." John Walsh [note spelling] of Rapid River says his property is bonded by Mr. Ford, who is now developing some mines in Placer Basin. Ford plans a 20 stamp mill on Walsh's mine.
Capt. E.W. Baughman will go down the Snake from Huntington to check on the feasibility of running a steamer from Lewiston. The steamer has made it to Wild Goose rapids a number of times. C.W. Jones, who has a big copper mine on the Snake, is in on the scheme, and plans to haul ore this way to Lewiston.
Sam Morse was hurt while loading the Brown & Allen saw mill boiler. It fell on him, dislocating his shoulder and cutting and bruising him quite badly. [apparently at RR depot in Weiser]
Salubria Citizen, Mar 10,1899
RR to be built up the Weiser River! Lewis Hall enters the scene.
Frederick Seffern and Nevin Brown will soon open a butcher shop in Cuprum.
Salubria Citizen, Mar 17, 1899
C.W. Jones started off with his river scow to go from Weiser 25 miles to his Copper Chief mine on the Snake.
Edwin Elton has been employed by Mr. Boyd on the Seven Devils Standard.
Salubria Citizen, Mar 24, 1899
Swiped from the Standard: "The Long Distance Telephone company is immediately to begin putting up a line to the Seven Devils via Weiser, Salubria and Council, thence to Lewiston."
The Seven Devils mining district has been reachable "... for years by a fair wagon road most of the way, leading up from the town of Weiser along Mann creek, then to Middle valley, through Salubria valley, thence to Council valley. Thence up Hornet creek across to Indian creek ..."
C.W. Jones made it to his mine with his scow on the Snake
Salubria Citizen, Mar 31, 1899
The RR down the Snake is being built
"Almost every stage brings men to town who are anxious to locate in this section."
Salubria Citizen, Apr 14, 1899
James Anderson found dead in Hornet Creek. Reported that he went salmon fishing, and his family was alarmed when he didn't return. Next morning, a search party found him dead on the banks of Hornet Creek. Reportedly found with his hands securely tied behind him. "As he is the owner of considerable property and has no heir, it is hinted there may have been foul play. Another report has it that Mr. Anderson had recently had "... a love affair and had been very despondent ever since, which gives rise to the theory of suicide."
He was the son of Rufus Anderson. about age 35
Swiped from the Standard: Nick Klosnar is now carrying the mail from Bear to Helena. Tom Ludiker was until now.
C.W. Jones has made it to the mouth of Deep creek in "Hell canyon"
The Imperial hotel in Cuprum
"The oddest sight I saw," said Sol Silverman to the Grangeville Press, on his returning from Buffalo Hump, was the snow shoes on the horses. They cross two boards and make a shoe about twelve inches by ten, with the forward corners rounded. Holes are burnt in the boards to fit the calks and toes on the horse shoes, and these are made extra long. Then the shoe is bolted on with nuts underneath the shoe. The horses show great fondness for the shoes after they have once learned their use. They stick close to the beaten trail when they have no shoes, but when the wooden contrivances are fitted on they can be driven anywhere and are enabled to go along with greatest ease. On these shoes they do not sink more than six inches at any time in the trail, and rarely over a foot in the loose snow.
Citizen editor, about the railroad missing Salubria: "Every day the indications become stronger that the railroad will go on the other side of the river." "Which shall we do? Shall we have a town or shall we move?"
Salubria Citizen, Apr 21, 1899
Commissioner's proceedings: Petition for a road from Council to Copper canyon, granted, said road being described as follows: Beginning on the line at the se corner of nw1/4 of ne 1/4 of sec 10, T 16, R1W - thence east along the 1/4 1/4 line to the present road.
Road dist. 20 begins, on the south end, at "what is known as Mosier [sic] grade. [must mean Mesa hill]
Hancock and Son seem to be the only place in Council selling liquor. (bond renewed by commissioners)
The Council reporter says that the account of James Anderson's death was exaggerated. The real story:
Mr. Anderson was suffering from a temporary attack of insanity, and while so suffering strayed off up Hornet creek and asked Mr. Jackson to come down and sit up with him that night, as his brother Press and Joe Lane were worn out from being up with him the two nights previous. He then turned and went only a few rods from Mr. Jackson and took off his coat and hat and tied his hands in front of (not behind) him and jumped into the creek. There has been an inquest held and the verdict was suicide. No one suspects foul play.
Swiped from the Standard: Frank J. French will assume the management of the Blue Jacket mines. T.G. Jones owns the Dewey group of mines.
100 Japanese are in Weiser to work on the RR
Seven Devils Johnson is "canvassing for two books..." «The Illustrated New Testament» and a history of tour war with Spain. [I assume this means selling door to door, more or less.]
Salubria Citizen, Apr 28, 1899
The Japanese working on the RR make $1.25 per day. "Of course one white man could do as much work as two of these dwarfs. Consequently the former should, and we presume do, receive higher wages."
Sorrenson and Clark have a contract for RR ties. They left Council for their mill.
Swiped from the Standard: Mr. Ford has a force of men working Placer Basin. $300 to the ton in gold.
C.W. Jones's scow is named "Hotel Weiser" and set sail on March 8
"Frank Raestle and John O. Peters passed through Salubria yesterday on their way to Council to start a meat market."
Salubria Citizen, May 5, 1899
Strikes at the mines in Northern Idaho - violence
Swiped from the Standard: A bridge should be put across Indian Creek at Huntley's. "This is one of the worst places on the road between Cuprum and Bear ...."
Dr. Brown expects to move to Cuprum and start a drug store there.
"Married - Adolph Groshen [Grossen] to Eliza Wafler, both of Switzerland, at the M.E. parsonage, on April 29. The ceremony was conducted in German." According to Washington County marriage records, this wedding was in Salubria, on April 29th, and her name was Elise.(Council Valley, Here They Labored, pages 123-4)
Salubria Citizen, May 12, 1899
The law prohibiting gambling in Idaho went into effect.
Dr. Lee's house in Council burned down. It belonged to Hancock. Lucky the whole town didn't burn. If the wind had been from another direction, it would have.
"Wireless telegraphy was first put to practical use Friday,..."
"Jacob Clark has filed homestead entry on the land where the town of Cuprum stands. This makes the seventh or eighth filing on this town site. There is apt to be some lively litigations when the Seven Devils country opens up."
Salubria Citizen, May 19, 1899
Copper spike driven at Weiser by Thomas W. Bates, father of the railroad, who has spearheaded the effort for a RR for years.
John Peters has the butcher shop in Council. [along with partner]
A large pack train came through, headed for Warren. [This is not unusual.]
Swiped from the Standard: "Frank J. French, manager of the Blue Jacket mine is building an office in Cuprum." [could this be a mistake, and really be the office at Garnet?]
Brown and Allen moving their sawmill
Phone line may be built to Salubria from Seven Devils
Salubria Citizen, May 26, 1899
Washington county has a population of over 5,000. The supply of timber is "practically inexhaustible." Coal deposits are found in Crane creek canyon and Middle Fork. The coal from Middle Fork has been used by local blacksmiths for several years.
Council has a population of about 150 people, three general merchandise stores, and two hotels, four saloons [?], blacksmith shop, meat market, etc.,. [This is THE catch phrase used over and over for every community:] "The town has an enterprising and progressive class of citizens,..." "The principle industries of the valley are farming, stock raising, mining, lumbering." About 250 people live in the Meadows area.
"The Goodrich creek sawmill, which is the property of the railroad company, passed through Salubria Wednesday."
Dentist U.M. Over practices in the Seven Devils, Council, Indian Valley and Salubria.
Salubria Citizen, June 2, 1899
Council has a new dentist.
Mr. Nane [Hugh Nave] of Bellview is going to build a restaurant in Council.
Tommy White accidentally shot himself in the foot, and had to go to Salubria to get the ball extracted since Dr. Lee is out of town.
P.W. Johnson of Spokane, is in Council visiting his ex-senator brother H.F.
Council - "Barney Camp will open his saloon next Thursday, and the meat market will open on the same day."
Peters and Raestle meat market will open in Council next week. [see above]
Dr. Brown expects to move to Cuprum this week.
Salubria Citizen, June 9, 1899
Text of F.C. Wilkie's long oration delivered in Salubria on Memorial Day. "The hatred engendered by a generation of antagonism and war is not easily cast aside, but a truly brave man is always a generous and peaceful one, and reconciliation between the men in blue and the men in gray is the rule today." "To the old confederates whose environments led him to think he was fighting on the side of right, we have only the kindest feelings."
[Salubria has been in suspense for months as to where the RR will be put.] "... nothing has as yet been done to indicate which side of the river it will be run on after leaving the Jewell canyon."
"The Clark, Sorrenson & Co. engine and boiler for their Council saw mill passed through Salubria last week."
Salubria Citizen, June 16, 1899
Edwin Elton has taken over the Seven Devils Standard paper.
Council - "Mr. Nave has quite a number of carpenters at work on the hotel building."
Council - (partially hidden in fold): "Mrs. Morrison is having a large addition put to her building where, __n informed, she intends running a hotel.
Salubria Citizen, Jun 23, 1899
"Clark Harrington died at the Moser hotel last Tuesday."
Salubria Citizen, June 30,1899
From the Standard: "Dr. Brown's new drug store building is nearly completed,..." [Cuprum]
Salubria Citizen, July 7, 1899
July 4th celebration at Council: ".. the crowd went to the celebration grounds at the grove, where a good program was carried out." Major Wilkie gave an oration. A free hack took people between town and the grove.
Council has 3 general stores, 3 saloons, 2 hotels, and a number of boarding houses, 2 blacksmith shops, two feed stables, a meat market, a drug store, a jewelry store, a barber and a dentist. McMahan's is the oldest mercantile firm there. Another store is run by Mike Kehrli and _ Wilson. ["K & W"] Cohen & Sam Criss own a store (which Sam apparently runs) and a new hotel building "...which is completed except the windows and doors. It is occupied by Hugh Nave, an experienced hotel man. The formal opening of the hotel was last Saturday, at which time 139 persons were fed. A feed stable and corral is run in connection with this hotel." Mrs. [Phebe] Webb cooks at another hotel ["Hancock Hotel"]. Peters and Raestle run the "Council Meat Market". "P.S. Henderlite conducts the drug and jewelry store. He is a practical watchmaker and jeweler and druggist,..." Dr. Lee is the Council doctor.
J.L.B. Carroll mentioned in news of the Midvale 4th celebration.
Ad: Council Hotel, Hugh Nave, proprietor.
Council news in this issue, written June 27th: The reason the new hotel has no windows is that a mistake was made in their size.
"P.S. Henderlite, the druggist, has arrived with his family and 3,000 pounds of drugs for the new drug store. He is talking of erecting a temporary building to open up in for the present. He would build permanently is he knew for sure where the depot would be located." [The RR is being surveyed as it is built, with little or no advance planning! Nobody seems to know until the last minute, when the surveyors show up, exactly where the tracks will go. Maybe the RR is just keeping it to themselves.]
"The new blacksmith shop is open for business."
Mention of "...other amusements at the Hornet creek celebration... a pulling match, at which one horse started 1625 pounds of sand at the end of a 500 foot rope." [ "the grove" must be near Hornet crk]
Salubria Citizen, July 28,1899
William Jewell, at Council, issued liquor permit by commissioners (besides Hancock)
Salubria Citizen, Aug 4, 1899
Frank Raestle left the partnership he had with J.O. Peters July 19
He is still in partnership with Mr. Donart in the "City Meat Market in Salubria.
Freighters are hauling supplies into the Seven Devils, and hauling ore out.
"The first of next month Wm. Black will retire from the hotel business in Salubria and Mrs. Day, the owner of the building, will take charge." "While regretting to see Mr. Black leave, the people are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. Day once more identified with us."
Salubria Citizen, Aug 11, 1899
Council - Mrs. Morrison has opened her restaurant
Johnny Rogers is building a new sawmill in the 7Ds
"Arthur David is reported to have sold the French ledge to Ford Bros. for $5,000."
"Wilkie Bros. are now running their mill on Middle Fork, where they have a good supply of lumber on hand."
Salubria Citizen, Aug 25, 1899
The RR will go on the other side of the river.
J.A. Denney - Cuprum postmaster
15 to 20 teams are employed hauling ore from the Blue Jacket to the RR at Weiser.
J.L.B. Carroll is a Middle Valley merchant
Salubria Citizen, Sept 1, 1899
[a few issues ago, there was speculation about a stage line that would run between Council and the Cuprum area. There was no news of one actually going in, but now they get mail 3 times a week, and:] "Duke Jewell is driving stage up at Cuprum and working in the laundry at odd times."
Indian Valley School records printed in the Adams County Leader, March 2, 1962:
School term: Sept. 1889 to Feb. 1900 (120 school days). Teacher: W.C. Kinser. Students enrolled: 58 ranging in age from 6 to 20. Subjects: 8. Average daily attendance: 60%. Some rode horses as much as 6 miles to school.
Salubria Citizen, Sept 8, 1899
RR grading to begin at Helena
"John O. Peters has sold his meat market in Council to M.W. Addington, who will conduct the business in the future."
Telephone poles are being laid out along the RR grade. "The long distance telephone will son be helloing in Salubria."
Salubria Citizen, Sept 15, 1899
From the Standard: a vein of coal has been found in Rapid River dist. near Pollock Mt. It is "between bituminous and anthracite" and burns readily.
Salubria Citizen, Sept 15, 1899
Dr. Henderson, the Council dentist
Big ad: WILKIE BROS., Proprietors of Saw Mills on Middle Fork and Hornet Creek, All Kinds of LUMBER at Either Mill.
Salubria Citizen, Sept 22, 1899
Daughter born to the Adolph Grossens
Long distance telephone line now in Salubria at the Inland hotel
Salubria Citizen, Sept 29, 1899
Map on front page. Similar to, but not the same as, the map in a previous issue. This one shows a road to Long Valley going up the Little Weiser River, a road to the 7Ds....
There is a stage all the way to the 7Ds
B.B. Day still owns his Hornet crk ranch, but is running the Inland hotel. From Ohio originally, came here from Warren.
Salubria Citizen, Nov 3, 1899
Edwin Elton, Seven Devils Standard editor, was the son of E.N. Elton, the Salubria Baptist minister that died recently.
Salubria Citizen, Nov 10, 1899
Cuprum is nearly half a mile in length, extending from the old smelter site to opposite Hathaway Bros. mines. There are three general stores, six saloons, two hotels, a drug store, a barber shop, blacksmith shop, etc.
John Clifton runs a stopping place on the road to the Devils... food for man and beast. So does Billy Black [can stay the night here, not sure about Clifton's]
The Blue Jacket Mine has been shipping a RR car load per week, via Weiser, since last July. It is sent all the way to New York.
Council now has long distance telephone service - at Henderlite's drug store.
"There are several new buildings in course of construction in the new town of Council. The new townsite of Council adjoins the old town, so it will be all one town when built up."
Stages leave Council for Cuprum on Mon, Weds and Fridays at 7 am and arrives in Cuprum abut 6 PM same day.
"The Council post office is now at the city drug store and P.S. Henderlite the postmaster."
The new town of Cambridge has a number of buildings in progress.
John Cuddy died Nov 9, obituary - lived in Ireland until 10 years old.
Salubria Citizen, Nov 17, 1899
Cuprum - "James Walton will soon erect a new saloon building between the Howell Merchandise company's store and the Gossi & Dell Acqua saloon."
Salubria Citizen, Nov 24, 1899
From the Standard - On Tues. the survey of a new wagon road began, between the Decorah mine to Bear creek near the Frank Shelton ranch. Will be shorter and less steep than the old route to Council, and will miss some of the old spots that were too muddy in wet seasons. In good weather the new road will save two days every trip for loaded teams, and during the muddy season, teams loaded for that section will make the trip in from three to four days less time . This road is being built by the citizens of Bear creek as far as the summit, and from the summit to Decorah by the Boston & Seven Devils Copper co., the Blue Jacket co. and Mr. T.G. Jones.
Mail to arrive in 7Ds daily, starting the 20th.
"Kehrli & Wilson have sold their general merchandise store in Council to Sylvester Haworth and Jeff Anderson."
"Isaac McMahan has sold his store and residence buildings to Lewis Shaw of Walla Walla, Wash., who will convert same into a saloon and lodging house. Mr. McMahan will consequently close out his stock at cost." Ad says he will quit business Dec 15., Council. [McMahan subsequently moved to Fruitvale. The saloon was the OR&N.]
Salubria Citizen, Dec 1, 1899
From the Standard - Mr. Kramer has secured the new mail contract, Council to Cuprum.
Standard - The tongue was broken out of the stage and pretty well torn up on Weds. The next day a horse was crippled: "It would certainly seem that a county which possesses such great wealth as Washington county does, might have roads on which a person could travel at any time of the year with a reasonable degree of safety."
In the last 3 mos., 16 car loads of ore have been shipped from the Blue Jacket mine, netting over $32,000. Could have shipped many times that if there were better transportation.
Son born to the Charles Campbells, Meadows. Nov 26 13 1/2 lbs.
Salubria Citizen, Dec 8, 1899
From the Standard - Mrs. J. Clark has leased the Imperial hotel to Wm. Beach and the family will move to Baker City
In the past week or so, the stages between Council and Weiser have tipped over six times because of muddy roads. They finally had to stop taking passengers. later in paper:"Almost all the freight and passenger traffic between Salubria and Weiser now goes by rail from Middle Valley to Weiser."
Nels Swanson owns a gen. Merc. store in Cuprum
"Mr. Cruthers, who is to have charge of O'Tool's warehouse and commission store at Cambridge...." "In addition to a general forwarding business, Mr. O'Tool will carry all kinds of feed and general merchandise,..." in other words a wholesaler to local stores. O'Tool has been in business in Weiser for some time.
Salubria Citizen, Dec 15, 1899
[It hasn't actually been said, but there seem to be prostitutes following the RR crews.] A reference is made in the Council section to "soiled doves" camped in tents. [Later issues talk about a "little brown house" by the Weiser river bridge at Cambridge that is evidently a house of ill repute. The area where prostitutes operated was often referred to as "the tenderloin district". Also, as the RR approached Cambridge, the Citizen editor advised local people to be careful, because all kinds of people, not all honest, will be showing up with the RR.]
From the Standard - Charles Anderson has bought half interest in the Council - Cuprum stage line.
The Cliffton house on Crooked river burned. Lige Caulk, who was tending bar there was terribly burned about the hands and face trying to extinguish the flames.
Plans for a long distance phone line from Cuprum to Pine Valley, Ore. and beyond.
Salubria Citizen, Dec 22, 1899
Isaac McMahan has moved his store from the old stand to the building formerly occupied by Henderlite's drug store. He will only sell groceries for now, but plans a gen. merc. in the spring when he can get into his large store building.
Salubria Citizen, Dec 29, 1899
[The company building the RR down the Snake has apparently run into money problems. Still talk of "resuscitating" the project.]
Salubria Citizen, Jan 5, 1900
Dec 29, the RR reached Cambridge! "...the completion of what the oldest inhabitant has looked forward to with fond anticipation through all the hardships and privations of pioneer life,..."
Andrew J. Bacon died at the Soldiers' Home in Boise last week: pioneer of the area.
Salubria Citizen, Jan 12, 1900
Killing at Council Friday night - dance given in honor of opening of the new hotel. Daniel Moore shot and killed [Sam] Harphan in self defense. Harphan was making trouble at the dance as Moore was calling the dances. Harphan didn't like the dances Moore was calling. Came to blows. Harphan shot once at Moore, but hit Mrs. Fisher who was waltzing just behind Moore. Moore fired twice.
Liquor licenses issued: Nick Klosaner, Gossi & Dellacqua, - Degitz & Jones, James Walton & Co., Andy Irving = at Cuprum. Gorman & Hawkins = at Tousley's. Charles Irish = Council
Salubria Citizen, Jan 19, 1900
Commissioners: "In the matter of the petition of the residents of road district no. 15 for a change in the county road is granted as follows, to wit: Commencing at the north west corner of the Public Square of Council to its intersection with McCullough Avenue is hereby vacated. The public to use Moser Avenue to Railroad street then Railroad street to McCullough Avenue as shown by the official plat of the village of Council...." [maybe this road cut around the hill at an angle.
"In the matter of the residents of road district no. 15 to. declare the road leading from Dale P.O. to F.C. Wilkies a County road is granted as follows to wit: The road leaving the County road at a point about 350 yards beyond the Dale P.O. and just before it turns to the west to cross Hornet creek and running thence along the left bank of said creek by the lands of O.S. Shearer, Wm. Black, A.J. Peck, Robert Nelson, and Frank Peck until it joins the old road on land claimed by F.C. Wilkie just beyond Pearl creek be and the same is hereby declared a County road."
Liquor licenses: Deaver & Norman, F.J. Beale, George Bassett, Payne & Wannemaker, Jewell and Camp = Council John Clifton = Clifton's ranch Hancock and Tousley = Indian Springs Bard & Co.= Lick Creek
Mention of road work on "Huntley grade"
Charles Whiffin in charge of I. McMahan's store in Council while family is visiting Portland.
F.A. Wilkie, who has been in the newspaper business for some time in Utah, returned to Washington county to locate permanently.
Salubria Citizen, Feb 2, 1900
"Chas. Irish has sold his saloon business in Council and left for new fields since his bout with Carl Weed, in which he came out second best." "News has been received of a prize fight or some other kind of a scrap at Council between Carl Weed and Chas Irish. Particulars are lacking."
[I get the definite impression that Cambridge and the 7Ds have phones, but no place else north of Salubria.]
Salubria Citizen, Feb 16, 1900
[There is as much news of the Heath mining dist. as of the 7Ds throughout the past few years. There have even been several reports of rich strikes of copper and gold there, plus silver and lead. Is said to be part of the same geological structure as the 7Ds ore bodies.]
Cambridge and Salubria are becoming rival towns. News of few business moving to Cambridge from Salubria.
Smallpox cases in Weiser, and quarantine put in effect. Is a very mild strain.
Salubria Citizen, Feb 23, 1900
Cuprum - Chas. Leithstrom's new hotel is nearly completed.
Salubria Citizen, Mar 2, 1900
Billy Black is part owner of the "Cracker Jack" mine in the Heath dist.
Salubria Citizen, Mar 16, 1900
Little attention was paid to quartz mining in Idaho until 1870-71. "During these two years many good gold and silver leads were found and enormous riches were taken out with scarcely any implements except the crude pick and shovel and mortar."
J.L.B. Carroll has rented a store bldg. in Salubria. Gen. Merc.
[One thing that is saving Salubria is that all wagon road traffic still runs through it.]
Salubria Citizen, Mar 23, 1900
"The next issue of the Citizen will be published at Cambridge, and the paper will hereafter be known as the 'Salubria Valley Citizens'."
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 30, 1900 Heading only says, "THE CITIZEN'
Gold rush to Nome, Alaska
James Copeland has stuck gold within a mile and a half of Council, said to yield $20 per ton.
S.F. Richardson & Son can give you the best prices in General Merchandise. (Cambridge)
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 7, 1900
RR surveyors laid a route up Price Valley to the 7Ds, and are now looking for a route up Hornet Creek in hope of it being shorter.
Long letter from Hornet Creek people protesting the county commissioners approval of the new road up Hornet, near Dale. The families of Shearer, Peck and Nelson are on the new road. John P. Elliott and sons and Wm. Black have lately taken up claims on the old road. "Mr. Peck abandoned his location on the road for another,... and now by cunningly devised schemes and questionable methods seeks to deprive his old neighbors... of the county road... if they do not keep the road as the county road, they will have gotten a good private road at public expense,...." Of the new stretch:"Yes, they will have a good road over a rocky hill for about a mile, with large rocks above it which will be continually rolling down into the road, and a swamp stretch for about 300 yards. The road is about two miles long, for which they seek to throw out one and one-half mile of the best road between Council and the Seven Devils."
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 13, 1900
Isaac McMahan is back in his own store at Council.
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 20,1900
Numerous liquor licenses, including J.H. Bolan, Theo. L. Hunt, F.J. Beale, Van Winkle & Lincoln = Council
"The people of the upper end of Middle valley want a more direct road to Cambridge."
Commissioners agreed to give $500 toward the road between Madison Elliott's place on Bear creek over the divide to Indian creek and to a point at the Decorah mine [Landore], provided the mine owners and residents of the district build the road as set forth in their petition.
Cambridge Citizen, May 4, 1900
Billy Black is off to Nome to join the others in the gold rush, and Mrs. Black will stay in Weiser. They have rented their Hornet crk ranch to Al Jewell.
Cambridge Citizen, May 18, 1900
Mention of mica mines 12 miles NE of Indian valley at the headwaters of the Middle Fork of the Weiser
Cambridge Citizen, May 25, 1900
Several steamers heading for Nome had to turn back because of ice and severe weather that was too hard on passengers. Too early until at least this time of year or later.
"Telephone poles are set 12 miles above Council on Hornet creek on their way to Cuprum."
Cambridge Citizen, June 1, 1900
"Science has achieved wonderful results within the past half century. The aged man who follows the footsteps of his fathers is lost in the movements of the present. Electricity and steam are making a new world of this old world of ours, and man is demonstrating that he is but a little lower than the angels."
John Clifton is putting in a complete blacksmith shop at his place on Crooked river. He says there are between 60 and 100 teams on the road now and a blacksmith shop is a necessity at that place.
Cambridge Citizen, June 8, 1900
"All the available claims along the Cape Nome coast are taken up. For miles in either direction from the landing place men are at work. The only show for new comers is to press inland and this is a movement which involves greater expense and privation that they had counted on. It seems that the Cape Nome craze, like that of the Klondike, is overdone."
Boise has a population of 10,000.
The Blue Jacket alone has 40 to 50 teams busy on the road.
John Rankin is a miner near the Heath dist. and is often mentioned. The dist. there is called the "Rankin District" after him. He owned several valuable properties in the Buffalo Hump county.[The Rankin Mill Rankin is "H.D. Rankin"]
Cambridge Citizen, June 15, 1900
From the Weiser Record - someone used giant powder to blow to bits the only Chinese wash house in Council. "The shack was badly damaged, but the dwellers therein escaped serious injury."
Cambridge Citizen, June 22, 1900
Another shooting in Council. Chas. Bowman came off a two day drunk to discover he had no money. He went to Bassett's saloon and demanded his money. On being refused, he left, got a gun, came back and leveled it at the bartender. "Just at that juncture the bar-tender had business behind the bar in the region of the floor,..." Mr. Bassett, the owner of the saloon, came in and Bowman turned the gun on him. Bassett shot Bowman in the elbow and stomach. Dr. Loder was called - amputated the shattered arm. Bowman died Wednesday. [Judge Frank Harris (History of Adams County, p 63] said Bassett ran a "bawdy house" with saloon and restaurant connected.]
Cambridge Citizen, June 29, 1900
E.D. Ford of the Walsh [Black Lake] mine - road to be built to this mine by a contractor named Hastings, and machinery brought in.
Ads - "Cherries, 25 cents per gallon at the Black ranch, Al Jewell." "Clothing at Richardson and Son." "Take your butter and eggs to Richardson & Son." [There was recent mention of Richardson's sawmill.]
Stuart French - Superintendent of the Blue Jacket mine
Frank J. French, Manager of the Blue Jacket
W. Bertam [Bertram?] Hancock, manager of Peacock mine
J.J. Fuller = good diggings in Rapid River
"Harris and Feltham; mining lawyers from Weiser... procuring patents for the Badger, Confidence, Bochi, Standard, Black Garnet, Copper King, and Chieftain mines near the Old Peacock..."
T.G. Jones = principal owner of the Dewey group
Cambridge Citizen, July 6, 1900
"The price of provisions is going up rapidly." Especially flour, sugar, tobacco
The Bell telephone co. will not extend its line beyond Cuprum until next spring.
Cambridge Citizen, July 13, 1900
Wm Black returned from Cape Nome. (letter from him describing the area in July 27 issue.)
Cambridge Citizen, July 20,1900
Liquor licenses, other than previously listed: J.M. Maxon, Byron Camp, Peter Nelson, M.W. Addington = Council James F. Flynn, Helena Ross Bros. = Summit House Clifton & Shell = Crooked River
Nelson Brothers, Brown & Seffern = Decorah mine Barclay & Caulk = Bear
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 3, 1900
CUPRUM - Edwin Elton, Standard Editor, appointed Justice of the Peace. "There are two new townsites starting about two miles above here, two postoffice petitions are already in,..." " The two townsites join, making practically one townsite of it, although it will be over a mile long." The new road to Black Lake is being completed and Johnny Rogers' saw mill is being taken in.
Cox & Winkler mentioned
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 31, 1900
"Monday & Riggs expect to start a branch harness shop in Council."
Cyanide plant for the Black Lake mill arrived by RR.
Cambridge Citizen, Sept 7, 1900
Wm. Scherer [Shearer?] and Janie Abernathy were married Aug 26
Weiser Signal, Sept 20, 1900
“The steamer Mable [Mabel], which has been tied up on Snake river for some time past, will be sold at sheriff’s sale September 29th to satisfy a judgment against the Seven Devils Transportation Company for $1300 and costs.—Huntington Herald.”
Salubria Citizen, Sept 28, 1900
Ad: The entire stock of Cohen & Criss is now located only in Council and Cuprum, not Salubria.
Ad: Wilkie Bros., all kinds of rough lumber, Dale, Idaho
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 12, 1900
H.F. Johnson running on the Progressive ticket for State senator - A.H. Wilkie for Rep., same party.
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 19 1900
Petition granted and ordered that this road be abandoned by the county: "...leaves the new county road at Upper School House on Hornet creek, thence crossing the creek and following the right branch by the ranches of Jno. D. Elliott, O.G. Shearer, William Black and Frank Peck, then recrossing the creek and intercrossing the new county road at a point about 100 yards above Frank Peck's residence,..." "The remonstrance of William Black et al against the abandonment of the above road is denied."
Cuprum - large crew working on the road from Bear to the upper camp....
"Mr. and Mrs. Tillman, parents of Mrs. Jas. Baker, and Miss Alberson of LaGrande arrived in Cambridge Thursday and will spend a few weeks visiting at the home of Mr. Baker."
The Seven Devils Standard is now edited by Jay C. Savage.
"The Al Jewell House on Lick creek is now open to travelers. Good accommodations. Telephone in connection. Hay and Grain."
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 26, 1900
Liquor licenses:
Council: R.P. Carter F.J. Beal,, Fleckenstein Mayer Co.,, Geo Bassett,, Addington & Kinser,, J.H. Bolan
Cuprum licenses: Geo C. Degitz,, Nick Klosanar,, Elmer Tyson & Wm Carrick Decorah: Geo Bassett plus another later in the commissioners proceedings that is hidden in the fold. Maybe Jones? Helena: James F. Flynn
Bear: E.W. Caulk Summit House: Ross Bros. East Fork: E. Stevens
Indian Springs: A.M. Tousley Mouth of Middle Fork: F.D. Wolverton
F.C. Wilkie paid "justice fees" by county. [Must be J.O.Peace]
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 2, 1900
Art Wilkie is an avid Populist... party committeeman for Council precinct... against both major parties, referring to them as "partners in crime". F.A. Wilkie is chairman of the county central committee
Dr. Wetzel of Council
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 16, 1900
Frank Ballard is the founder of Ballard's Landing, and a pioneer of the Seven Devils. (from the Standard)
"Mr. and Mrs. M. Baker, parents of Mr. James Baker, arrived Thursday from La Grande on a visit. Mr. Baker is a member of the flourishing law firm of Baker & Baker, at La Grande."
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 23, 1900
Thomas Heady enthused about the Red Ledge mine.
Jim Johnson of Union, Ore. will erect a new barber shop in Council.
Cambridge Citizen, Dec 7, 1900
Mrs. Ellen Addington died of consumption, Nov 18. Leaves husband.
Cambridge Citizen, Jan 4, 1901
Council - dance at Bollan's hall
reference to " of the ill-fame girls..."
Cambridge Citizen, Jan 11, 1901
Council will soon have a newspaper
Cambridge Citizen, Jan 18, 1901
Queen Victoria died
"Geo. McBride, one of the owners of the townsite at Decorah, ..."
Sam Criss married in Council to Miss Bessie Jermulohg, a sister to Mrs. Harry Criss.
Council Journal, Jan 23, 1901 from description of issue brought to Leader office in Aug of 1944 by Jim Winkler, and published in the Aug 18, 1944 issue of the Leader. Said it was the first issue of this paper:
Cohen and Criss= gen store , Doctors Wetzel and [Frank] Brown, William Perrill - attorney, H.H. Cosset - carpenter + builder, Lancaster + Walker - contractors and builders, Robert Visel - wagon and blacksmith shop with horse shoeing a specialty, Joe Farrello - baker, the Plaza Hotel - Mrs. H. Ketchum* proprietor, Board of Trade Saloon - W.H. Stedman prop. (the only saloon on the west side), Council Meat Market - W.E. Campbell prop., O.R. + N. saloon, P.S. Henderlite's drug store, Council Harness shop - Emel Carson owner, Council Lumber Co. (sign painting done), Haworth + Co. general store, J.L.B. Carroll general merc.. Headquarters Saloon - George E. Bassett prop., Isaac McMahan general store, Winkler Brother's blacksmith shop, Overland Hotel - J.H. Bolan prop., John O. Peters's store [Plus the Council Journal paper]
The rails are a few miles from Council with between 400 and 500 men working on it.
(*The correct spelling is "Ketcham". The name is always misspelled "Ketchum" in newspapers of this period.)
Cambridge Citizen, Feb 1, 1901
"The Council Journal [newspaper] made its appearance last week."
Cambridge Citizen, Feb 8, 1901
J.H. Bolan of the Overland hotel at Council
Cambridge Citizen, Feb 15, 1901
John Shroeder, the young man who was the cook at the Blue Jacket since last July, was killed. After putting supper on the table, he went outside. After about a half hour, Stuart and William French went to find him. Behind the cook house, they noticed two hands protruding from under a large mass of snow which had slid from the top of the wood pile. The wood pile had already been undermined, and as Shroeder had pulled wood out, it gave way under a heavy load of snow, crushing him. Dr. Brown and Judge Sears were telephoned to come from Cuprum to investigate and pronounce him dead.
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 1, 1901
"A whole stage full of niggers at Yowell's hall on Friday evening, March 8." [Cambridge]
"Dick Phillips, the Salubria liquid dispenser, has opened a saloon in Council."
From the Standard - J.A. Denny divorced from Amanda Denny. On the day the divorce was granted, Mr. Denny and Miss Garnet Beal, who has been living with the Denny family for some years, were registered at one of Boise's hotels. Amanda Denny has married a Mr. Bell. Rumor has it that Mr. and Mrs. Denny planned the whole thing, and that Mr. Denny will marry Miss Beal.
From “The Snake River of Hells Canyon” by Cort Conley and Johnny Carrey, p 128—Writing about the old town of Copperfield (just down river from OxBow Dam): “John and Garnett Denney, who had acquired the store and stock of William Weigand in 1916, relocated the store to Homestead in the spring of 1920.”
Cambridge Citizen, March 8, 1901
"Remember the nigger minstrels tonight." [see Mar 1 issue]
"Monday & Riggs will put in a branch harness shop at Council..."
Council Journal, Mar 9, 1901
Editor says railroad tracks are almost to Council, and a train should arrive "Monday, next"
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 15, 1901
B.B. Day may secure control of the Black place on Hornet again.
Council - "... F. H. Hubbard has a stock of drugs ready to move into his new building which is nearly completed."
Ferdinand Alers, the Helena notary...
Cohen and Criss moved their stock of gen merc from Cuprum to Decorah.
"The last spike on the P.&I.N. was driven in Council last Wednesday [Mar. 13] by four young ladies." Regular trains start next week.
H.F. Johnson has taken the agency for a chemical fire extinguisher, and will be traveling the area demonstrating what his machine will do.
Weiser Signal newspaper, 3-21-1901:
“Died, in Weiser, on the 19th inst, Abraham Criss, aged 51 years.
The probably cause of his death was heart failure, and took place on the P. & I. N. train that arrived at 2:30 p.m. He was in apparently perfect health up to within the minute of the arrival of the train, and his brother, who was with him, noticing that he was resting his head on the back of the seat, thought he had dropped to sleep, but in that brief time he had passed away. Mr. Criss was well known in commercial circles as one of the firm of Cohen & Criss. The firm had stores in Council and Cuprum. He leaves a wife and three children. His remains were taken to Boise for burial in the Hebrew cemetery and in accordance with the funeral rites of the people of that faith.”
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 22, 1901
Mr. Osborn of West Fork...
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 29, 1901
From the Council Journal paper - "S.F. Richardson has his log boom in the river here and has taken his crew of men and teams up the river to move his mill to this place."
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 5, 1901
Journal - first logs for the new mill
reached the boom .
The Hadley-Yowell warehouse at Council is completed. [Apr 12 issue: F.S. Hadley... "warehouse and forwarding system"]
J.P. Glenn filed on 40 acres of govt. land north of Council
Geo Yowell of Cambridge has been put in charge of Cohen & Criss store until affairs can be settled.
Council Journal, Apr. 6, 1901 Vol. 1 - no. 11
ad: "Headquarters Branch House" Saloon Jas. Gorman, Mang. (a Decorah branch of the Headquarters Saloon in Council
"Mr. Bert Lee of Weiser, took charge of the school at the Biggerstaff school-house."
Stores of Cohan and Criss taken over by mortgage holder - hopefully temporarily.
"The Sampson Group Mining and Milling Co. is located on Rapid River...."
[Ad during this year said Dr. F.E. Brown's office was in his house.]
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 12, 1901
School dist 7 teacher is H.P. Lee
James Winkler married Mary Morrison March 31
The old road that goes by Black's on Hornet has been impassible for months, but the new road on the east side of the crk is almost dry.
"The first sale of town property was made in the new town of Decorah on March 28th, when C.W. Jones sold his entire interest in the saloon business, including buildings and fixtures to Nick Klosaner of Cuprum for $4,000." elegant billiard table and other furniture
RR Water tank being built at Goodrich
RR turntable being moved to Council
Council Journal, Apr. 13, 1901
Pete Kramer Stage lines ad: Leaves Council every morning except Sun. at 7 AM. Arrives at Cuprum, Landore and Decorah at 6 PM
Ad: Cohen and Criss - Groceries and general merchandise - Council and Cuprum.
P. G. Anderson Council, Idaho _Cures all diseases by Mental or Magnetic Healing Cures as easily performed at a distance as if present. Charges Reasonable.
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 19, 1901
Landore - Strouse & Co erecting a new gen merc store building... planned: bank, warehouse, newspaper, machine shop, brewery, candy factory and confectionery, hardware store.
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 26, 1901
[Sounds like Lick Crk station has a telephone]
Cambridge Citizen, May 3, 1901
Manuel Oling has recently taken a homestead near Council. He is from Norway
Cambridge Citizen, May 10, 1901
S.F. Richardson will commence work on the new saw mill Monday next with a large force of carpenters.... has 3 million board feet of logs in the river here. "This plant in running order and an early completion of the Council and Long Valley wagon road, will more than double the town's present business."
Cambridge Citizen, May 17, 1901
Work has started on the Salmon River road
J.M. Lynch - new Council dentist
The Council Townsite company is having 1000 copies of a map of the town published by Geo G. Bernard & co.
Dr. Wm Brown has bought out Cohen & Criss and will soon move to Decorah. Mrs. Brown will run the store there, a line of drugs will be added.
Cambridge Citizen, May 24, 1901
The Seven Devils Standard is moving to Landore
Telephone line to Black Lake may come soon
Council Journal - "J.F. Surry is moving his brick implements to the ground near the Weiser bridge and will commence brick making the first of the week."
The train arrives daily in Council at 12:15 PM ; leaves south at 1:00 PM and arrives in Weiser at 4:16 PM ... road file
Cambridge Citizen, May 31, 1901
Edison is said to have finally invented a practical storage battery
H.P. Lee is teaching school in the Biggerstaff dist. near Council
New road from Middle Valley to Cambridge almost completed. [It goes "over the hill", not up the river, because the community couldn't afford this route, even though they are aware it would be a better one.]
Cambridge Citizen, Jun 28, 1901
Oil discovered within a half mile of Cambridge
Council Journal- "C.J. Arnold has leased the Overland barn and will run it in connection with the depot barn."
Council Journal - "The big irrigation ditch taken out of the Middle Fork to water a portion of this valley is rapidly nearing completion."
Surry has 12,000 bricks in the kiln
Standard - "The road from Landore to the Helena mine will soon be connected with the old Blue Jacket road."
The RR made a deal with T.G. Jones to put the future depot on the Dewey group of claims just above Landore
Cambridge Citizen, July 12, 1901
The Goodrich Post office in now open, with E.V. Milligan as postmaster. [actually opened on the 8th (July 19 issue)]
Council Journal, Sat. July 13, 1901
18 year old Edwin Bantee was herding sheep July 10 - had bent over to tend to a lame sheep His .45 pistol fell out of its holster and went off. Hit him in the chest 2" below his heart. He walked 1/3 mile to camp and was carried to the Wilkie Sawmill the next morning - He died 9 PM that evening of loss of blood and shock.
"Wm Black sold his ranch last wk. to B.B. Day of Salubria."
“Oration delivered by P. W. Johnson, Erst, Hon, Philander Drumstick Q. K., on July 4th, 1901.” This apparently apparently from a July 4 speech that PWJ made. The first part of article is in a missing page, and the continuation was published in the following issue, which also is missing. The piece that exists is a rambles from “bacon and beans” to Plymouth Rock.
Cambridge Citizen, July 19, 1901
"We understand that Billy Black has again sold his ranch to B.
B. Day."
Cambridge Citizen, July 26, 1901
S.F. Richardson to erect a large store in Council soon
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 23, 1901
S.F. Richardson & Son to leave Cambridge
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 30, 1901
Black Lake - E.D. Ford gen manager, Sim Ford, superintendent of the mines. Cyanide mill being built at a cost of $100,000. Sawmill put in last fall is sawing for construction of buildings there. The road cost $15,000 to $20,000. Tramway being put in.
Work has started on Richardson's new store in Council. [On the SE corner of Moser and main, the site, later, of the Pomona hotel.]
Cambridge Citizen, Sept 13, 1901
President McKinley assassinated
Hornet Creek land owners held out for too much money, so now the right of way land is being condemned. Construction has already started from Council.
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 18, 1901
Jas Harp of Council, filed on homestead: nw1/4 sec 33, tp 17 R1 east
Charles Poynor married Maud Harp Oct 9
W.C. Harp married Ella Hughes Oct 13
Weiser Signal, Oct 24, 1901
Front page - article about Black Lake with photos of the lake, continued on page 5, more photos = mill under construction!, tailings dump at Summit mine, continued on page 8 with photos of entrance to Summit mine, sawmill, tunnel house at Maid of Erin mine.
The Ford brothers had claims at Placer Basin, then went to look at the Black Lake claims of Welch's in the fall of 1899 and started the Gold Coin Mining Company. Bought the claims for $40,000. In 1900, the 15 mile road into the lake cost $20,000. Also built the sawmill in 1900.
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 25, 1901
Tom White of Council has been arrested and taken to Weiser, charged with highway robbery.
[There is a telephone in Council]
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 1, 1901
Frank T. Mathias was in Cambridge Saturday arranging to put his addition to Council on the market. His family lately moved from Warren to Council." [?]
Black Lake shut down for season. Tram not in yet.
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 8, 1901
L.L. Burtenshaw, the Council attorney, first mentioned.
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 22, 1901
George A. Winkler, patriarch of the Winkler family, died. About age 70. His wife died about 5 years ago. [Not true. She died in 1903 - see May 29, 1903 Weiser Signal]
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 29, 1901
Homestead filings: Hardy Harp: w1/2, se1/2, sec26...n1/4 ne1/4 sec35, tp17 n R1W
Cambridge Citizen, Dec 6, 1901
Carruthers Bros. & O'Toole area apparently going out of business. They "had stocks of goods at Weiser and Council"
Cambridge Citizen, Dec 18, 1901
S.F. Richardson is being sued by the U.S. district attorney for illegally cutting timber on sections 30 and 31 on the West Fork of the Weiser River (just west of Rocky Gulch) in the fall of 1898...331,839 ft. of lumber = expected to pay $26,547.12
Cambridge Citizen, Dec 27, 1901
Married at Council: Frank Harp to Minnie Hammond
Cambridge Citizen, Jan 17, 1902
Married at Council: Robert Harp to Miss Cleo Hait
Cambridge Citizen, Jan 24, 1902
Married at Council on Jan 17: J.E. Glenn to Miss Mary Robinson, at her parent's house, by D.J. Richardson, J.P.
FIRE AT COUNCIL - All buildings on North side of square burned. About 2 o'clock Monday morning [20th] fire was discovered in the general merchandise store of Haas Bros.,.. the clerk who was sleeping there barely escaped with this life. Fire spread rapidly both ways, destroying Mrs. Morrison's building on one side and the Council hotel on the other. The Council Drug Co. destroyed... in this bldg were also the postoffice and telephone office... books, stamps, money orders and cash were saved. Meat market a total loss. Next building burned was Mrs. Criss' millinery. The fire is supposed to have originated in the Cohen & Criss warehouse at about 1 o'clock, but was not discovered for about an hour thereafter.
Council Journal, Feb. 1, 1902 Sunnyside claims of Caswells sell for $125,000 [to Pittsburgh]
Council Journal, Feb. 1, 1902
loads of ore being hauled from 7D on sleds
Weiser Signal, Feb 6, 1902
Photos of Caswell brothers on front page: in their cabin, their "workings", trail photo
Council Journal, Feb 8, 1902
Miss Clara M. Rose of Payette new teacher at the White school...30 pupils
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 14, 1902
A newspaper called "The Seven Devils Miner" was recently started, but could not compete with the Standard. The Miner is moving to Council.
"The Haas building in Salubria has been purchased by the Maccabees of Council, who are building a hall. The glass front, counters and all the material that was worth moving has been taken out and moved up to Council."
Weiser Signal, May 3, 1902
Sam Criss is building a house on his homestead south of Council
Chub Elliot - Cottonwood ranch
Farrello restaurant in Council
Council Journal, Mar 18, 1902
P.W. Johnson - secretary of the Council Board of Trade
H.F. Johnson and his brother P.W. have a gold mine called the Ajax on the West Fork of Rapid River
Sunnyside claims of Caswells sells for $125,000
Council Drug Co. moving into new building
Council Journal, Mar 25, 1902 - (This copy was in the wall of the old Congregational church parsonage when it was torn down, winter of 1993-94). It was glued on.)
Ad. "Zumwalt Feed and Livery Stable" in Landore. C.C. Zulwalt, proprietor
Cambridge Citizen, April 4, 1902
It is a down year in the cycle of ups and downs in the Devils.
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 11, 1902
A telephone line may be extended to Meadows this summer.
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 18, 1902
The store of J.O. Peters in Council...
Cambridge Citizen, May 9, 1902
Mention of the Advance paper in Council - Mr. Jones, publisher
Edna L. Anderson appointed I. Valley postmaster
Council Journal, May 15, 1902
Mentions "Biggerstaff Hotsprings: (Ernest McMahan taken there for rheumatism at 8 years of age.
Council Journal, Thurs. May 22, 1902
"Mrs. Clark of Landore has leased Hotel Plaza, ...." [ in Council] and will open it to the public June first. S.F. Richardson and Son store Dry goods, groceries, clothes, hardware. Council [Matilda Moser memoir, p.8: S.F. Richardson had a store where the Pomona was later built.]
The Zumwalt Livery and Feed Stable at Landore - C.C. Zumwalt Land Co., proprietors
Council Journal, May 29, 1902
Nick Klossaner and Fred Seffrren [2 rs?] arrested by sheriff and taken to Weiser for selling liquor without a license in Decorah
Council Journal, June 5, 1902
B.W. Turnipseed came to Council from Boulder , Colo. and went on to Thunder Mt.
Andrew and Frank Peck "made final proof on their homestead entries" on June 3, 1902
J.F. Lowe and family move to Council to join John O. Peters in Merc. business.
June 5, 1902 Council Leader(?). Front page news item. “H. F. Johnson came in from Rapid River on Monday, where he has been doing development work on the Ajax mine which is owned by him and his brother P. W.” HFJ stated that the Ajax ledge was 100 feet wide and had assayed at $69 in gold, and that the Wright Co. had installed a twenty stamp mill on the West Fork near the Ajax. Front page news item. “H. F. Johnson came in from Rapid River on Monday, where he has been doing development work on the Ajax mine which is owned by him and his brother P. W.” HFJ stated that the Ajax ledge was 100 feet wide and had assayed at $69 in gold, and that the Wright Co. had installed a twenty stamp mill on the West Fork near the Ajax.
Editor: Frank Edlin. His wife, Larraa was reporter, type setter, and may many times put out the paper alone with a hand press, with only the help of neighborhood kids. Jesse Smith was one of those kids. [I don't remember where I found this. It may have been written in the margin by Anna Adams]
Seven Devils Standard, Sat. June 7, 1902 Vol. IV no. XXIII [This is the only copy on file in Boise. It is on the end of the reel with the "Wendell Irrigationist - 1967" I think I got this from the original at the Leader office.]
ad: Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Miners Supplies = R.M. Barbour, Decorah
ad: Brown's Store - Landore: Drugs, chemicals, confectionery, stationary, fresh fruits, cigars and tobacco, groceries, provisions, gents furnishing goods, hats, gloves, boots and shoes, paints and oils, powder, caps and fuse.
ad: Haas Bros. of Weiser
The Headquarters Saloon, Decorah - Geo. Bassett, prop.
ad: The City Meat Market - fresh and salted meats - "We deliver anywhere" A.O. Huntley, Landore-Decorah-Cuprum
"A.O. Huntley made a business visit to Boise and other points last week. It was reported to be another big mining deal."
The road is now open to Placer Basin and Black Lake
Nick Klosaner and Fred Seffern acquitted of selling liquor without a license.
Charles Allen sold his sawmill "below Cuprum" to Huntley. Allen retains "his milling interests in Landore."
Ben Gladheart returned to his Lick Creek ranch.
School election - Lester Smith reelected.
Doug Weston completed a 350 ft. tunnel contract on the Chieftain. Andrew Adams is general manager for the company owning the property... Weston will now return to his Black Lake property.
Married in Cuprum Sunday, June 1: Arthur H. Wilkie and Lillian E. Wiffen, both of Dale. J.R. Sears, justice of the peace, officiated the ceremony at the Seven Devils Hotel. The couple will reside on Hornet Crk.
Miss Margaret Ashley (teacher) of Weiser, closed school term at Bear May 30th
School program: "Mrs. Grabbs class..." [what town?] and "Mrs. Edins class..." [what town? and is this Mrs. Edlin?] List of many of the students.
Indian Valley Post office moved to home of John Anderson
Ad: Dr. J.M. Lynch, Dentist - Council, with monthly visits to Landore, Decorah and "other points"
ad: Landore-Cuprum Mills "Only sawmills located at Landore and Cuprum." Lumber to shingles - Charles Allen, prop., Landore, Idaho
ad: Lester P. Smith - notary public - Landore
ad: W.M. Perril - Attorney, Council: "Ex-judge 50th District, Texas"
ad: Ferdinand Alers, Notary public / mining recorder - Helena, Idaho
ad: Charles Morse - mining broker, notary, and recorder for Seven Devils District
ad: J.R. Sears, Assayer - Cuprum
Council Journal, Jun 19, 1902
W.B. Hancock, former manager of the Boston - Seven Devils Copper Co., has accepted a like position near Baker
"Judge Perrill has moved his law office into Hubbard Drug Co.'s old stand, across the way from Haas Bros. and Co's store."
Council Journal, June 26, 1902 Frank Shelton of Bear mentioned as co-owner in "the well known Daisy Group" of claims at Black Lake near the Salzer - Ford claims.
Charlie Zumwalt, contractor of the Bear - Decorah mail route
Council Journal, June 26, 1902 mention of Azurite Mining Co.'s property near the River Queen Mine.
Cambridge Citizen, June 27, 1902
Frank A. Farlien, homestead filed on: se1/4, ne1/4, e1/2, ne1/4, sec20 ne1/4, ne1/4, sec20, tp 17 R1W
The outlook in the 7D is so gloomy that Charley Allen has closed his sawmill and will go to Thunder Mt.
Council Journal, July 3, 1902
"A.O. Huntley contemplates building a palatial residence on his ranch near Cuprum."
From Lou Caswells diary (trip back from Boise)
L.O. Oliver hauled a lot of freight for Rogers from 7D [well known I guess, as he is mentioned a lot around this time period.]
Council Journal, July 24, 1902
Copper King Mine on Cuddy 22 mi from Council - Pete Kramer one of the 6 owners- thought to be similar copper area to 7D
THE ADVANCE Council paper C.W. Jones, publisher
The Advance, July 24, 1902
Meadows stage loaded both ways because of traffic to and from Thunder Mt.
refers to Oliver as veteran freighter
ad: F.A. Wilkie... architect and carpenter, Dale, Idaho
ad: Baird Bros. - Livery, feed and stable "We have just opened for business..." in a large new barn
W.E. Campbell, butcher shop
loose hay in Boise = $9 per ton
Burtenshaw house got a new coat of paint
Dave Lakey played music for dance
Copper King Mine up Hornet Creek
Mentions Mrs. Wm Black of Dale went Weiser last Fri.
Mentions Day ranch on Hornet
Isaac McMahan to retire from Merchandise business
Council Journal July 31, 1902
7D Standard will cease at Landore and move to Salmon Meadows to be published as the Eagle. " The move was made necessary by the general suspension of work in the district." "R.E. Lockwood and B.F. Edlin, the owner and editor of the paper."
Jim Ross contracted to build 2 1/2 miles of road at Ford's mill - will employ about 18 men and 10 teams
Law suit against Salzer - Ford Co. by "Spokane parties ... who grubstaked the prospector who discovered the mine."
Kramer's stage leaves Council from the Overland Hotel where its Council office was located at 1 PM and arrived at Landore, Cuprum, Decorah 8PM
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 1, 1902
The 7D Standard will move to Meadows soon.
Council Journal, Aug 14, 1902
New planer being shipped to A.O. Huntley's sawmill at Cuprum
There was a sawmill 1/2 mi NW of Council with planer [This must refer to Steve Richardson's mill, by the bridge NW of town]
ad: "F.A. Wilkie, practical carpenter. Drafting a Specialty. Address - Dale, Idaho"
Council Journal, Thurs. May 22, 1902 F.C. Wilkie "handling the editorial pencil" at the Council Advance paper this week.
About this time, there was more news of Thunder Mt. than the 7Ds. News of many travelers to and from the area. Council was the nearest rail point.
J.H. Maxwell - "printer and managing editor of the Seven Devils Miner, one of the neatest papers in the state...."
Aug. 14, 1902 Council Leader. Front page lead story. “Harmonious Republican Convention” held in Cambridge to elect delegates to the state convention. “P W. Johnson of Council was elected chairman…”
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 15, 1902
"Ruf & Lawrence have purchased the entire butcher business of W.E. Campbell of Council and will conduct it in the future."
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 22, 1902
"Billy Black has leased the Vendome hotel in Weiser."
Cambridge Citizen, Sept 19, 1902
A celebration was held in Council of the completion of the Council to Long Valley road.
Council Journal, Sept. 18, 1902
ad: Kramer lines leave Council Mon, Weds, Fri return Tues, Thurs, Sat
Cambridge Citizen, Sept 26, 1902
Taken from the [Meadows] Eagle: "The Iron Springs Mining Company's road is progressing nicely. Mr. H.D. Rankin begins this week building from West Fork to connect the Iron Springs road. This will put a wagon road through the heart of the Rapid river country...."
From the Weiser Signal - The cyanide plant at Black Lake started running last Saturday. capacity of 50 tons per day. about 40 men employed at the works. The Rankin Mining Co. is building a small mill on its property. "The process is a new one, the ore being treated electrically. If the process proves a success it will revolutionize the milling of mineral bearing ores by reason of its cheapness and simplicity."
J.J. Jones filed a homestead just north of the present site of Lost Lake.
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 10, 1902
"Correspondence to the Eagle": "The Salzer-Ford company has been compelled to assist their gravity aerial bucket tramway with water power. The long span across Black lake seems to be too much for the gravity system."
Council Journal, Oct 19, 1902 Thomas Mackey and Frank Shelton of Bear, and Joe Keithley of Midvale were directors of the "Mackey - Shelton Copper Co." of Bear - valuable claims within 3 miles of the Snake.
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 31, 1902
Billie W. Wilson of Hornet running for commissioner. Born in Wisconsin in 1858, northern Idaho in 1883, to Washington co. Idaho in 1885 to mine in the 7Ds until 1888 when he engaged in the mercantile business in Salubria until 1895 moved to Hornet Creek to farm.
Cambridge Citizen, Jan 9, 1903
The Rankin Mill machinery is at Black Lake. "It took a large number of men and 50 horses to get it through. They passed through 50 feet of snow."
Cambridge Citizen, Jan 23, 1903
In Commissioner's minutes: "New road ordered established at Council as follows: Commencing at west side of Main street, running west along north line of sec 15 tp 16 n r 1 w, a distance of 141I.4 [sic] feet, thence due north 500 feet, thence west to bridge across Weiser river. Width of road 50 feet."
In Commissioner's minutes: "Council was incorporated. H.M. Jorgens, Lewis Shaw, J.J. Bolan, Isaac McMahan and John O. Peters, trustees."
Cambridge Citizen, Feb 13, 1903
"A new forest reserve has gone into effect in the upper end of Washington county. It includes all of the upper end of the county down as far as Bear postoffice, and extending well up in Idaho county."
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 13, 1903
The first running of the mill at Black Lake, lasting 8 days, has yielded 40 pounds of gold.
Account of Stuart French and George Nestler almost freezing to death in 7Ds. Saved with the help of a "negro" miner who helped them. They warmed up in his cabin.
Cambridge Citizen, Mar 27, 1903
Game laws: limit of 20 lbs. of trout, bass, catfish, grayling, or sunfish. under 4" must be thrown back. no use of snag hooks or explosives or nets. Mongolian pheasants are protected until 1907. Moose, buffalo, antelope or caribou must not be killed at any time. Elk, mountain sheep and goats Sept 1 to Dec 31 - limits: one elk (either sex), two deer, one mountain goat, one mt. sheep. A hunting and fishing license costs $1.
Cambridge Citizen, Apr 24, 1903
Retail liquor license to Dillie & Ellis, Cuprum
[The arrival of the RR seems to be the beginning of baseball games between town teams along the P&IN route.]
Weiser Signal, May 1, 1903
A hint that 6 miles of road is lacking from Bear to the mines, but may just be a poor six miles instead of nonexistent.
Weiser Signal, May 29, 1903
Died - Letticia Winkler, May 15 - age 62 - born 1828
Cambridge Citizen, June 5, 1903
"The machinery for the Caviness saw mill arrived in Cambridge this week." [later issues - seems to be on Snake River under the management of A.A. Caviness]
Weiser Signal, June _, 1903
Council - Mrs. May Sumalt will close the school term in the Glenn dist.
Cambridge Citizen, Jun 12, 1903
Finished term of school at Hornet: Miss Nellie Connoughton
"Black Lake and Placer Basin district seem to be the only places where there is any mining going on this summer."
Cambridge Citizen, Jun 26, 1903
Court case: Peter Kramer vs. The Rankin Milling co.
Cambridge Citizen, July 3, 1903
From the Advance paper: "J.H. Bolan sold the Overland Hotel and saloon to James Ross." Ross is a Hornet crk rancher. D.E. Lambert will keep leasing the hotel as its manager.
Weiser Signal, July 15, 1903
Large sawmill and planer going to Iron Springs
Cambridge Citizen, July 17, 1903
[A recent issue told of a man who made it across the Council - Long Valley road, but had to cut some trees out. Said it needed work. Now:] A petition is being circulated asking "...the commissioners to appropriate $500 for the completion of the road which was begun last year. - Signal"
Weiser Signal, July 18, 1903
Iron Springs may use the Rankin process if results are good. They plan a 300 to 400 foot tram from the mine to the mill.
The mill at Rankin's is finished, and a road is planned to Pollock, a distance of 12 to 14 miles.
60 men are working at Black Lake, and the mill is running
Several Council people went on an outing - stayed with the Stevens at East Fork. Dr. Brown caught 325 small trout. The next day, L.L. Burtenshaw caught 180 and T.W. Johnson caught 45.
Seward Piper resigned as Justice of the Peace at Council. L.S. Cool took his place.
Cambridge Citizen, July 24, 1903
Liquor license: A.A. Braden, Council
Commissioners grant $300 to repair and complete the Council - Long Valley road on condition that Council people match that amount.
"The coon show..." was in town = negro entertainers
Cambridge Citizen, July 31, 1903
Liquor licensed: Roberts and Ross, Council
Cambridge Citizen, Aug 21, 1903
Power poles are going up in Weiser. They hope to have electric lights soon.
Cambridge Citizen, Sept 4, 1903
From the Weiser Signal: "These facts have been made evident by a short test run made at the Rankin mill on Rapid river Monday evening, when, in the absence of a lot of necessary machinery, 50 pounds of nitric acid, the main reducing agent, sufficient to reduce 2 1/2 tons of ore, was manufactured from the air we breathe, in one hour and fifteen minutes, and the fact was also demonstrated that ore can be reduced at a cost of less than two mills per pound."
A new town is being developed in Middle Valley.[Midvale]
Weiser Signal, Sept 5, 1903
Mr. Bach, buried in Dale cemetery - was Mrs. Fred Wilkie's father
Weiser Signal, Sept 9, 1903
The Overland Hotel was bought from James Ross by Wm. Riggs of Weiser for $5,600.
Cambridge Citizen, Sept 11, 1903
Hattie Alers married Mr. Macey in Weiser last week.
"The success of the Rankin process will make it possible for every mine of any value to be worked at a profit. The mine owner can do the work himself if necessary and will not need more than a week's grub stake to start in with."
Cambridge Citizen, Sept 24, 1903
"Rev. J.L. Baker is the new pastor of the M.E. Church at this place."
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 2, 1903
Rankin has been making nitric acid for several weeks, using a fraction of the air pressure thought to be necessary.
Weiser World: Manager Macey of the Iron Springs Mining Co. reports that the Postal Dept has granted a post office at "Iron Springs" "It is understood , also, that other postoffice will be established at Rand, 8 miles beyond, at the Rankin mine." A contract has been signed to extend the phone line to Black Lake and Iron Springs.
Under District Court Criminal Calendar: State of Idaho vs Robert White - Assault with deadly weapon.
Weiser Signal, Oct 10, 1903
Council - Mr. Westlake, from Chicago, has opened a harness shop in the Crouch building. Carpenters are building a house for Mrs. Kinser just east of the Haas Bros. store.[Carl Weed is the manager of the store]
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 16, 1903
From the Oshkosh Christian Advocate: "The custom for women to sit astride the horse in the ordinary man's saddle has become so well established that it bids fair to entirely supersede the time honored side saddle habit. It is a welcome change." Mention of divided skirts now used looking thoroughly feminine.
Liquor license: Nick Klosanor, Black Lake
Weiser Signal, Oct 21, 1903
Council - The Plaza Hotel mentioned. Also Hayworth's - sounds like a business of some kind.
Council -"Mrs. Conway opened her new restaurant on Depot street Monday.
Cambridge Citizen, Oct 23, 1903
"J.L.B. Carroll of Council has purchased the Chas. Anderson ranch on Lick creek. This is the ranch which Rannell and son now occupy."
"The jolly coon..." who cooked in Cambridge last winter was on his way, Wednesday, to Black Lake to cook for Fords.
Weiser Signal, Oct 24, 1903
"A decision in the mining case of James Ross vs. James Potter, involving the title to property now claimed by right of purchase by the Ranking company, has not yet been rendered...." "The new ditch and flume, now under course of construction [at Rankin mill] will give them about 800 feet fall on their water wheel,..."
Weiser Signal, Oct 31, 1903
Scandal in Council! "Mel Norman, erstwhile city marshal of Council, and Mrs. Lew Shaw, of the same place, have flitted toward the setting sun, one leaving a wife and six children in a destitute condition; the other leaving a husband...." They left Weiser on the midnight train.
Weiser Signal, Nov 4, 1903
Ross vs. Potter case at Rankin settled. The 500 ft to be divided between them and Potter to pay $2500.
Cambridge Citizen, Nov 6, 1903
Ford Mill at Black Lake Destroyed by Fire last Saturday morning. discovered at 5:30 am and had already gained such headway that it was impossible to check it. Mention of good fire fighting equipment inside the mill that couldn't be reached. "Attention was then turned to saving the bunk houses, commissary stores, etc, and saw mill plant, which were located a short distance from the mill plant." These were saved by hard work. Mill cost more than $100,000 to install... insured for only $20,000. - Signal newspaper.
"There has always been an unseen force holding back all kinds of progress in the Seven Devils, which may in a measure account for the burning of the Ford mill." Thomas Nelson, editor, the Citizen.
"There is a family living on Wild Horse, who have lived there for 13 years, have improved their place and have quite an amount of cattle, yet during all this time they have only had a pack trail to their place."
Weiser Signal. Nov 7. 1903
"Mr. Carrol has rented the lower part of his building to a couple of chinamen, who will open a laundry this week."
Elisha Stevens will move into town for the winter [could this be the E. Stevens of the stage station?]
Weiser Signal, Nov 11, 1903
The new flume at Rankin mill is over a mile long. H.D. Rankin, president of the company and his brother F.J. Rankin mentioned. A road has been built from the mine to the mill.
Iron Springs: "The immense hoisting machinery... is nearly all in place, and the shaft and engine houses about completed."
An engineer has finished surveying the road down Rapid River from Iron Springs to the road between Meadows and Pollock.
Weiser Signal, Nov 14, 1903
A large sawmill on the Middle fork of the Weiser river - 12 miles from the RR.
Weiser Signal, Nov 25, 1903
Iron Springs - this season a large store house, hotel, seven residences and a number of other buildings were erected.
Jack Duree died in Parsons, Kansas.
Nov 28, 1903
The reason Macey wants a road down Rapid River from Iron Springs is that in the winter, the road to the RR at Council is snowed in. A Rapid River road would be open in winter all the way to Grangeville. Rankin is getting supplies by pack train from Grangeville. A 15 mile wide strip of this mining dist is being disputed by Idaho and Washington Counties, each claiming the land. The mine owners say they will pay no taxes until the matter is settled.
Cambridge Citizen, Dec 4, 1903
The Rankin mill has been running smoothly, but not up to the expected 25 tons a day. A run of five or six days will soon produce a gold brick. The company's litigation problems have been settled.
Weiser Signal, Dec 5, 1903
"Gus Nelson is putting up a two room house on Main street and will open a bakery and lodging house."
Weiser Signal, Dec 16, 1903
A telephone exchange will soon be installed in Council
Weiser Signal, Dec 19. 1903
Council - "A new side walk has been built across the north side of the square."
"Mr. Biggerstaff has sold his interest in the Hot Springs ranch to Mr. Stewart of Indian Valley." [Probably meant George Steward.]
"Rand post office, at the Rankin Mining Company's properties in the Rapid River district, is in operation. Mail goes via Pollock."
Weiser Signal, Dec 23, 1903
"Attorney Frank Harris and E.S. Hesse went to Council yesterday morning to attempt to effect a compromise with Abe Hinkle for the right of way for a ditch through his ranch. There has been considerable hard feeling over the construction of the ditch, and it is hoped an amicable settlement can be made."
Weiser Signal, Dec 30, 1903
The Summit claim at Black Lake was originally discovered by John Walsh and George Wirtz as "the Moose" under a grubstake agreement with Toklas and associates in 1891. The claim became subject to relocation and was located by Joseph Phillips and John Henderson as the Summit in 1893. In 1897 they sold it to the original locators (Walsh 3)/4 + Wirtz 1/4) In 1897 they sold it to E.D. Ford and it eventually passed to the company now holding it = the Salzer - Ford Co.
Weiser Signal, Jan 2, 1904
Rankin Mill up to 25 tons per day. 500 lbs. of Nitric acid was made in 30 minutes. 55 men working.
Fred Weed married Miss Elizabeth Weddle at John Clifton's on Crooked river. F.C. Wilkie - J. of Peace. In Council news item, it says they were married at the home of the bride's mother on Crooked River. [Elizabeth Weddle . b. 1883, is listed as a stepdaughter of John Clifton in the 1900 census]
Weiser Signal, Jan 16, 1904
Cuprum Liquor licenses issued to John Bolan; John K. Dille
Frank Hahn moving to Council
Weiser Signal, Jan 9, 1904
Frank Hahn, of Weiser, has bought the Council - Meadows Stage line, formerly owned they the late Mr. Crowell. A.R. Krigbaum will carry the mail.
Weiser Signal, Jan 13, 1904
The Odd Fellows have purchased a lot, north of the square, and expect to build a two story brick building in the spring.
"Macey brothers have now at Iron Springs, one of the largest general stores in Idaho.
Weiser Signal, Jan 23, 1904
Trouble at Rankin Company - The Potter Brothers ordered the employees away from the mill and mine, at gunpoint, while Macey was back east. [later issue - sounds like they just ordered no ore taken from the mine, not making them leave the mill. In the Feb 6 issue, James Potter claimed the whole story was false.]
Weiser Signal, Jan 27, 1904
Council - Frank Hahn bought Mrs. Morrison's property on Moser Ave. [Feb 6 issue: Emma Morrison sold him a 50X100 lot, in Moser addition.]
Weiser Signal, Feb 6, 1904
Elizabeth Moser sold H.M. Jorgens - lot 8 blk 1 of Moser division
Weiser Signal, Feb 17, 1904
Dora Black's maiden name is Elliot. Brother's name: Madison Elliot
Weiser Signal, Feb 20, 1904
Son Born to the Andrew Lakeys
Tom Estes has gone to Stevens station to take charge of the stage horses. [Estes is the Steven's son in law.]
Weiser Signal, Feb 27, 1904
"Tom Estes moved [to?] the Canyon station [Stevens] Sunday."
Weiser Signal, Mar 2, 1904
An electric plant has been installed at Iron Springs. Charles F. Macey.
Weiser Signal, Mar 16, 1904
Road file - A tale of the hardships of just trying to get from Council to New Meadows: Frank Hahn's first spring as proprietor of the Council - Meadows stage line has been difficult. The stage left Council with a bob sled since there was still snow. But it had rained all night, and the streams were flooding. They came to a washed out bridge in the Canyon.
"The sled was unloaded and the mail sacks piled on top of the seat and lashed on, and at it Hahn went. The horses went almost out of sight and struggled through, the sled floating on top like a boat." He went back across, loaded more cargo . This time the sled went under water, and Hahn almost jumped to swim for his life before the sled finally made it across. A third trip to ferry the remaining passengers went without mishap. "At every creek on the mountain the water had cut a deep gully down through the ice and snow, and where the stage did not stand on end, we made flying leaps across, and wherever there was a depression, the horses broke through the well-soaked snow into the treacherous water beneath,..." The exhausted horses were exchanged, and passengers fed, at Steven's station at noon. "Above old miner Fillie's cabin, the down stage was met - Tommy White with a bob-tailed cutter from Norton's station. [Norton ran an establishment with a liquor license near present-day Tamarack] He also had experienced a merry time. Having painfully reached Price valley, the front of his sled had plunged out of sight in a deep, mushy stream of slow-moving snow and water and the half buried, half drowned horses could not get it out. After getting wet to the skin he had gotten the horses loose from the rig and out." Most of his passengers had to continue on foot for a wet, miserable mile until they reached Norton's, while Tommy brought in the lightened sled. When the two sleds met, they unloaded them and laboriously turned them around by hand, trading rigs rather than try to pass each other. Some of Hahn's passengers walked all the way from there to Norton's, where Hahn's group gave up and spent the night. White's group spent the night at Steven's.
The next morning, the slush was frozen. A team was sent from New Meadows and met Hahn's sled at the impassible place where White's sled had submerged. The passengers had to jump a three foot wide gap over a raging, four foot deep stream, and the mail and baggage was thrown across. The trip to New Meadows finally ended at noon, after "... dragging through a continuous string of deep holes of water and mush-snow. Several freighters on the road during this time had to abandon their loaded wagons. No mystery why people were so glad to see the coming of the railroad.
Weiser Signal, Mar 26, 1904
H.F. Johnson, of Pollock, and partners own the Alliance group of gold mining claims, about 8 miles up the main Rapid River.
The first house was "brought to" Weiser by T.C. Galloway in 1864, near the Weiser river. "It was a stage station, supply house, etc, for the benefit of the traveling public, to which it was known as 'Dead Fall.'" After the mining boom at Boise Basin subsided, the place was abandoned until 1878 when Sam Jeffreys established a post office / store in the old building. The area was nothing but sagebrush desert at that time ('78). The P.O. was named Weiser Bridge. By 1880, a number of houses and businesses began to appear: total of 2 stores, a hotel, a feed stable and blacksmith shop. By 1882: school with 40 students, a newspaper (Weiser Leader) The first cemetery was where the RR depot is now [This was the Oregon Short Line depot. The P&IN built its own depot in 1899] - Rattle Snake Jack (R.E. Said) was buried there until the cemetery was moved. RR reached Weiser in January 1884. More in a long history of the town
Weiser Signal, Mar 30, 1904
"Dick Ross will move to his ranch on Crooked river during the week."
"The new bell for the Congregational church arrived Friday."
Weiser Signal, Apr 2, 1904
RR to be extended from Council to New Meadows, and on to Warren. Much of the way is already graded.
Weiser Signal, Apr 9, 1904
"S.F. Richardson & Son, ... have sold their business to Haas Bros. & Co."
Weiser Signal, Apr 16, 1904
"Mr. King has opened a saddle shop in the Winkler building."
Weiser Signal, April 20, 1904
H.M Jorgens the Council druggist...
Weiser Signal, Apr 23, 1904
"Ike Hinkle has bought the butcher shop belonging to Ruff & Lawrence."
The Richardson sawmill started up for its spring run.
Weiser Signal, Apr 30, 1904
C.F. Macey of Iron Springs, is building a big warehouse in Council, and plan a store too.
The roads are so flooded that the Hahn stage company resorted, on one recent trip, to hauling mail and passengers by riding horses. The "stage" from Council to Meadows consisted of 23 horses bearing 19 passengers and sacks of mail and baggage.
Weiser Signal, May 11, 1904
Mr. Carroll and family will move to Lick Creek.
Meadows Eagle – Successor to the Seven Devils Standard – Meadows is the Gateway to Thunder Mountain. Issued Every Thursday. Charles A. Hackney, publisher
Vol. VI No. 15 – May 12, 1904:
Window shades at Keizur & Mitchell
“Oscar Agee has been at work for the past week at Charley Campbell’s new saw mill.”
“Walt Lyon is laying the foundation for a beautiful new home.”
IOOF Lodge meeting notice from M.E. Keisur – N.G. (Noble Grand?) Lodge No. 93 - meets Tuesday nights. Charles A. Hackney, secretary.
R.E. Wilson of Cambridge was in Meadows several days last week on insurance business. While here he made an insurance plot of town and wrote a number of __”
“Charley Campbell is making extensive additions and improvements to his saw mill in the lower valley. A shingle machine and cut off saw were added and 32-foot addition built. Meyers Bros. of Meadows are building the addition.”
“Mrs. C.W. Chapman, for the past four months a teacher in the primary department at the Meadows school, left Saturday morning for Cambridge where she has been engaged to teach…..”
Eagle editor will be gone temporarily, and W. M. Leach will run the office.
The finest line of shoes at Moss & Syme.
Lyons & Warr general hardware.
The Hotel McCall, Lardo, Idaho – Thomas McCall, proprietor.
Thomas R. Mayo – justice of the peace for Meadows Precinct.
W.E. Webb – notary public and conveyancing- office at Smith & Webb’s.
Front page is full of legal notices of homestead filing for timber land.
Partnership Dissolution notice of George Loe and D.J. Yoakum.
People’s Drug Store – Prescriptions Carefully Compounded – E. L. Bohannon, proprietor
Weiser Signal, May 21, 1904
R.S. Wilkie and M. J. McDermott were granted a patent on May 3 for a monkey wrench that is operated by "a simple pressure of the thumb" instead of the old type that is regulated with a twist of the wrist. They intend to market them.
Mr. Westlake, the harness maker has moved away.
James Bartmess, age 76, died. Old timer who was well known in Council.
"Jim Smith has bought the S.F. Richardson ranch just across the river."
"Rev. Baker, the Methodist minister from Cambridge, preached at the Alpine school house Sunday night."
Weiser Signal, May 28, 1904
Bad fire in Meadows: "the whole half block of business houses on the east side of the street was destroyed - Hotel Meadows, an old Idaho landmark, and saloon owned by F.M. Hubbard, H.H. Bolan's saloon, a barber shop, Keizur & Mitchell's general merchandise store, and one or two other businesses.
Weiser Signal, June 11, 1904
"Mrs. S.F. Richardson and children started to their home in La Grande last Saturday."
Weiser Signal, June 15, 1904
Work started on Ladd Metals Co. smelter in Landore. T.G. Jones gave them 5 acres for it. Chas. Allen has the contract to supply 300,000 ft of lumber from his Landore sawmill. Wood choppers are wanted to cut 5,000 cords of wood. C.W. Jones now in charge of the Peacock, White Monument, Helena and several other mines - lives in Landore. (July 16 issue says 100,000 ft of lumber from Allen, but also 1000 cords of wood just from him.)
John McGlinchey, a pioneer of this (Meadows) section, came up from Payette to transfer the McGlinchey hot springs to the Yoakums. [Zims]
Excavation started for new Black Lake cyanide mill - to be built near site of the one that burned last fall.
Weiser Signal, June 18, 1904
The Rapid River road is being built - a few miles of it already existed.
Mrs. John Montgomery of Hornet Crk died Tuesday.
Council is the RR terminus
Weiser Signal, July 16, 1904
Ladd Metals Co. planned an aerial tram from the Peacock and White Monument mines to the smelter, but now it appears a traction engine line will be nearly as cheap. The Co. has headquarters in the Shaffer ;building (recently purchased by them) and in the Harrod building (leased) The Portland Trading Co., an adjunct to the Ladd Co., has leased for a long time the building formerly occupied by M.W. Strouse & Co., and have put in a large stock of general supplies (will also have a bank in the building). From a population of 8 people in Landore on June 7th, the number now reaches nearly 200, and it is next to impossible to obtain housing. This has resulted in a "tent town addition". Kate Cope of Weiser teaches the Landore school which has gone from 2 students to 16 in 30 days.
Every eight days, Stuart French, the official photographer of the company, takes views of the town (Landore) to keep tabs on the splendid progress.
Pete Kramer's stage to the Devils is a four-seated mountain spring wagon - built a little on the Concord coach pattern - four horses. Leaves Council at 1:00 PM, reaches Summit (about half way) at 6:00 - after a good night's rest, the stage leaves Summit and arrives at Bear about nine, where it is met by the Bear - Landore stage, owned and operated by F.S. Knight. Arrive at Landore about 12:30 road file
Weiser Signal, July 23, 1904
Petition for road to be built from Frank Peck's place to Ralph Wilkie's ranch up Pearl Crk - denied.
S.F. Richardson & Co. mentioned
Billy Black runs a cigar store in Weiser
Weiser Signal, Aug 3, 1904
W.S. Rucker, one of Washington count's old timers, and formerly a member of the firm of Fuller & Rucker on Wolf creek,... purchased the Baird Bros. ranch on Wild Horse and will ranch.
New Plymouth Outlook, August 5, 1904
“Miss Maude Harry filed on a timber claim above Council, and is thinking of teaching school in that vicinity to make the 'holding down' process easier.”
Weiser Signal, Aug 6, 1904
Weiser got electricity this year or last.
A.O. Huntley's brother, Herbert, died in Seattle. Herbert was a well known attorney there.
Weiser Signal, Aug 10, 1904
The town of Decorah is being moved to Landore.
Weiser Signal, Aug 17, 1904
Overland Hotel taken over by W.R. Brown and Jess Lawrence
New Plymouth Outlook, August 19, 1904
“Mr. M. Sullivan, one of the Marnoch camping party, came home, Wednesday, a week in advance of the crowd and gives an interesting description of a bear hunt, in which Will Marnoch shot and killed a big brown bear weighing between five and six hundred pounds. The camp was located at Biggerstaff Springs, half way between Council and Meadows, and the big bear was shot one mile and a half from camp. One shot from a 30-30 rifle did the work, and without further resistance the Cinnamon giant gave himself up a captive.” [ Biggerstaff Springs would have been Starkey Hot Springs.]
Weiser Signal, Aug 20, 1904
Map on page six shows central Idaho. Burgdorf was called "Resort". A cut off trail up Mill crk. saves 15 miles on trip to McCall. [Resort post office was established in 1898 by Fred Burgdorf . The name was changed to "Burgdorf" in 1915. From: Ghost Towns and Live Ones by Frank Schell - A History of Idaho Postoffices 1862-1973 page 96.
Bob Barbour has a store at Black Lake.
Weiser Signal, Aug 24, 1904
“P. W. Johnson of the firm of Haworth & Co. of Council came down from the north Monday on a business visit.” Three days later, the Signal reported the Haworth Co. had gone bankrupt. [P W Johnson Indian Wars Pension File # 0577 --From Oregon Historical Society--One page only--Written on stationery from S. Haworth & Co., General Merchants, East Side of Plaza, Council, Idaho. Writing in upper right had corner says S. Haworth & P.W. Johnson.]
Mrs. Wm Harp went to visit her old home in southern Missouri
The Council Racing Association will hold their annual meet, starting Sept 1 and lasting six days. $1,000 total purse.
Council - "John O. Peters moved his store building to the lower part of town last Monday."
"The telephone business at Council has grown to such an extent as to warrant the employment of a telephone girl and Miss Morrison... has accepted the position."
Weiser Signal, Aug 27, 1904
Haworth & Co. in Council declared bankruptcy
Weiser Signal, Aug 31, 1904
The mill at Black Lake being wired for electric lights.
"John O. Peters will open up a new stock of hardware and furniture in his building in the west part of town the first of next week."
Baird Bros. began digging a well west of their livery barn.
Weiser Signal, Sept 10, 1904
The Overland Hotel was held up by a young man. The bartender and another man were held at gunpoint. $200 cash taken. The safe, containing over $2000 was unlocked, but the robber made no effort to open it and got away as quickly as possible.
Weiser Signal, Sept 14, 1904
Since July 18, over 800 loaded teams have arrived in Landore with supplies, machinery, etc. Things have never looked brighter in the Devils!
A fire wiped out almost the entire town of Warren.
"C.M. Neil has opened up a new place of business in the Crouch building and will keep on hand a choice line of confections, cigars, groceries, etc."
Weiser Signal, Sept 21, 1904
Long Valley people come to Council for supplies.
"A new feed stable has been opened up by Woods Bros. at the Addington barn."
Weiser Signal, Sept 27, 1904
A half million trout from a hatchery in Michigan were planted in Bear and Lick Creeks.
Weiser Signal, Oct 12, 1904
The Ladd Smelter at Landore seems to be working. It is experimental, and some bugs are yet to be worked out. "The heat is supplied from a gas flame... from the carbon of wet rotten white fir wood mixed with oxygen and hydrogen at the proper moment."
Weiser Signal, Oct 19, 1904
Liquor licenses: Lawrence & Brown - Council; Nick Klossner - Black Lake; C.H. King - Summit
Weiser Signal, Oct 22, 1904
Much news, lately and in this issue, and political speeches, etc. against Mormons. Feared they will gain church control of the government of Utah, Idaho and surrounding states. [A while back, the paper openly referred to Chinese people as "Chinks" and "Pigtails", and to Italians as "Degoes". Of Course calling Blacks "Niggers" or "Coons" in the paper is very common.]
B.B. Day, of Dale is showing 43 varieties of apples at the Idaho State Fair. 75 varieties are being shown from Washington County. Peanuts and tobacco are also grown in the County (probably near Weiser). Mr. Day has received an order from Walla Walla for 500 boxes of apples, and a Nampa company is anxious to secure his entire crop. Fruit file
Liquor licenses: A.A. Braden, Council J.K. Dille, Cuprum
W.W. Irwin came to live in No Business canyon (Wildhorse) in 1902 - raises cattle and horses.
Petition of A.O. Huntley and 81 others for county aid in completing the road between Landore and Cuprum - laid over until Jan. Ladd Metal Co. asked for a road up Camp Crk from Landore to the head of Deep Crk.
Weiser Signal, Nov 5, 1904
The Rankin Co. has a Nitric acid making plant in Chicago and the Seven Devils.
New Plymouth Outlook, Nov 11, 1904
Arthur L. Wilcox and Maude E. Harry were married at New Plymouth, and then traveled by train to Council, then 20 miles northwest of Council where they “will settle down on a homestead and Mrs. Wilcox will preside over the school in that district.” They expected to return to near New Plymouth after about a year.
Weiser Signal, Nov 16, 1904
The process at the Landore smelter uses "water gas" that burns with a white glow similar to that of an electric light... is free from soot.
Weiser Signal, Nov 19, 1904
"L.S. Cool has sold the Journal - Advance [newspaper] to Morgan Gifford."
Pete Kramer got the contract to carry mail from Bear to Black Lake
Weiser Signal, Dec 3, 1904
The big steel bridge across the Snake River at Weiser is finished: the dream of many decades has come true.
Weiser Signal, Dec 28, 1904
The Black Lake mill began operation 3 months ago. [Feb 11, 1905 issue says Oct] Was built in 90 days, once the materials arrived. Blasted out the rock hillside first. The mine and mill are connected by a 2 mile tram. Mill handling 75 tons of ore per day, and next spring will be up to capacity (150 tons)
Weiser Signal, Dec 31, 1904
1000 tons of coke has been ordered for the Landore smelter. [I thought the wood gas process was a big success!?]
"Al [Tousley], is as jolly as ever and delights in relating little anecdotes to his friends." (Editor's remarks on Al's visit to Weiser)
Weiser Signal, Jan 4, 1905
The wood gas process at the Landore smelter was a failure.
The Iron Springs Consolidated Mining Company was recently organized, and now includes: The Iron Springs Co. Limited, The Pactolian Mining Co. Limited, The Holbrook Mining Co. Limited, a controlling interest in the Iron Mountain Mining and Reduction Co. Limited and numerous other properties located on Rapid River and Bear Creek. The corporation also owns valuable oil and gas fields in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wyoming.
[Deaths from typhoid are very common. Almost every issue, it seems, someone is being taken to the asylum at Blackfoot, having been judged insane.]
Weiser Signal, Jan 14, 1905
"...a new wagon road will be built this spring from Lick creek, two miles south of Bear postoffice, to Black Lake and Iron Springs which will shorten the route five miles and would afford a more practicable route than the present one. An effort will be made to remove the postoffice from Bear to Lick creek."[this was never done]
Weiser Signal, Jan 18, 1905
Three men were skiing out of Iron Springs, headed for Weiser. The snow was so bad that they only made it the 12 miles to Smith Mt. by 7:00 PM. One man broke a ski coming off Smith Mt., and couldn't go on. One man hurried to Frenchy's cabin for help, arriving, exhausted at about 10:00 PM. A rescue party started out, but the weather was too bad, and they turned back. The two men on the mountain built a fire, but by the time they were rescued at about 10:00 am, their feet were badly frozen. It is hoped amputations will not be necessary, but, " they so jokingly remark, it will be sometime before they are able to dance the can-can." (Feb 15, 1905 issue: each had to had several toes amputated. One man lost all his toes on both feet.)
Weiser Signal, Jan 21, 1905
Before the recently built bridge was put across the Snake at Weiser, the Weiser Ferry was the only way to get across. It was on the main trail between Umatilla and the Boise Basin. In Oct 1871, according to a story told on the front page, there was no other route in use between these two points, but by means of this ferry. [What about the Old Boise - Lewiston Trail? Already in disuse?]
Weiser Signal, Jan 28, 1905
Pete Kramer had to go to the Hot Lake Sanitarium for rheumatism treatment.
News from Dale:
The Dale literary society debated the Indian Valley literary society.
"Our postoffice has lately moved from Mose Eliot's to Grandpa Wilkie's." Katie Elliot is Dora Black's niece.
[Sounds like J.L.B. Carroll is running the hotel at Lick Creek.]: He bought a beef " feed the teamsters on."
Weiser Signal, Feb 1, 1905
The first pure copper "matte" was freighted from the Landore smelter to Council. The bars measure 24" long by 10"X12" and weigh about 400 pounds.
[If I were someone living in 1905, reading the paper for the past year or so, I would think that the future was very bright for the Seven Devils mines. There just seems to be so many great things happening. The Landore smelter is processing 60 tons of ore every day. The towns are flourishing and growing. It seems every mining company is pouring tens of thousands of dollars into new machinery, and mining hundreds of tons of "the richest ore in the world". Towns all over the U.S., and even the world, are using the new miracle of electrical power, causing the demand for copper to increase. There is just no way to believe that in just a few years, the whole bubble will burst. It is just unimaginable.]
"Charlie Allen and Josie White came down from Council on Friday's train and departed Saturday morning for Boise." [Interesting. According to Diffendaffer, Josie's husband, Robert White Jr. died last year. Next month Charlie will divorce his wife, Amy Warner-Smith-Allen. He and Josie will marry this fall (Oct 24). In a few years, Josie will beat up a school teacher and try to kill Charlie.]
Weiser Signal, Feb 11, 1905
The new Black Lake mill has some fire hydrants outside the building.
Weiser Signal, Feb 15, 1905
B.B. Day shipped two car loads of apples to Chicago. The Advance editor advises area growers to plant thousands more trees.
A petition to change the road from Meadows to Lardo [McCall] to go up Goose Creek, so as to eliminate "the big Meadow hill."
Tommy White was driving his route alone from Meadows to Council, when his team came down the hill too fast, just below the Stevens station, and couldn't make the turn. Team, wagon and Tommy wound up 400 feet down off the bank, through brush and over logs and rocks. Miraculously, all of the above escaped the incident without a scratch.
Obituary of Aggie Shaw, buried in Kesler Cemetery.
Photo of E.M. Barton on page two + biography Page 3: photo and bio of Edgar M. Heigho. Same on Thomas Galloway.
Authorities agree that the name of the Shoshone tribe " derived from two words, viz: 'Sho,' meaning biscuit, and 'Shonny' meaning beggar." Hence: biscuit beggar. The accent is on the next to the last syllable and pronounced like Johnny begun with an S. (From the Caldwell Tribune)
Bio of Amos Hitt, Frank Harris, Herman Haas (with photo), D.C. Nevin (with photo)
Weiser Signal, Feb 22, 1905
Joe Scheloske, the Mill Creek sawmill man...
Weiser Signal, Feb 25, 1905
Snow slides in Seven Devils: One near Black Lake carried Lew Install, a mine employee on his way to Snake River, 2,000 feet down the hill. He finally encountered a tree which stopped him. "His snowshoes were broken to splinters, his clothing badly torn, and he was considerably bruised and shaken up by the blood-curdling descent."
Another slide near Iron Springs caught Victor English. He was badly bruised. Both slides were over 300 feet wide.
B.B. Day has 1,500 trees in his orchard. Other Council area orchardists: A.E. Whiffin, Seward Piper, M.P. Gifford and Mrs. O. Sorenson.
Weiser Signal, Mar 1, 1905
The Odd Fellows hall to be built will be two stories, 36'X80'. The architect is Fred A. Wilkie.
Weiser Signal, Mar 4, 1905
Maranda E. Carroll is the new postmaster at Bear, replacing Ada Smith who resigned.
H.M. Jorgens, Council druggist and postmaster
Weiser Signal, Mar 8, 1905
Wm. Camp married Mary Warner at the bride's parent's (Amos Warners) home
Weiser Signal, Mar 15, 1905
Ben Baird [of Baird Bros.?] - livery man of Council
Weiser Signal, Mar 18, 1905
Charlie and Amy Allen divorce granted by court.
Pearl Huntley's brother, Arthur Payne of Cove, Oregon, died.
The Landore smelter has closed down
Weiser Signal, Mar 22, 1905
Council still the RR terminus.
"Dr. Starkey of Spokane, Wash., who recently purchased the Biggerstaff Hot Springs, has completed arrangements to build a hotel and sanitarium at the larger spring early this season. The structure will be 40 by 80 feet and two stories high and no expense will be spared to make it one of the most comfortable in the northwest." Fishing allowed year 'round if you have a license. Limit still 20 lbs., and limit of 30 lbs. in possession at any time. Trout and black bass must be at least 4" long
Butterfield Livestock Co. [A.G. Butterfield, of Weiser, has several ranches (one at Price Valley) and runs thousands of sheep - maybe Butterfield gulch on Bear Creek was named after him.]
Weiser Signal, Mar 29, 1905
The Price Valley stage station has been taken over by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Riggs.
Weiser Signal, April 5, 1905
About four and a half feet of snow fell around Black Lake, at the end of March, in just 2 or 3 days.
Weiser Signal, April 22, 1905
A sledge hammer somehow got into a load of ore that was put into the rock crusher of the Black Lake mill. The jaws of the big crusher were badly demolished, and the mill had to be shut down. A 1000 ft drainage tunnel will be dug to remove water from the mine. This is especially a problem in the mines during this time of year.
Weiser Signal, May 6, 1905
J.L.B. Carroll is the proprietor of the Lick Creek hotel.
Weiser Signal, May 13, 1905
Materials are on the ground for new IOOF hall in Council
Lewis Hall says RR will be built to Meadows this year.
Nine month old child of Arthur Wilkie died.
Weiser Signal, May 20, 1905
McMahan school mentioned... Miss Sherer is teaching
Bill Clark moved to Meadows to open blacksmith shop
Weiser Signal, May 24, 1905
William Fifer, a jeweler from Weiser will open a jewelry store at Council.
Mrs. Tom Estes is the daughter of E. Stevens of the Canyon station
Ten carpenters are at work on the IOOF hall.
Weiser Signal, May 27, 1905
A foot of new snow fell at Iron Springs and the Seven Devils area Friday.
Herbert P. Lee teaches at Atlanta now.
Weiser Signal, May 31, 1905
R.S. Starkey and Dr. J.P. Rhodes, of Spokane have begun work on the sanitarium and hotel at the Biggerstaff hot springs. They plan dancing pavilions too.
C.W. Jones has 20 men at work cutting wood and clearing the Landore town site. The Portland Trading Co. there carries miner's supplies and groceries. Dr. W.M. Brown has groceries, drugs, jewelry, post office and telephone exchange. The Hotel Landore is now managed by Patsy Kane and his wife. Walter James has a livery stable and meat market. School taught by Miss O. Daniels. The bridge across Indian Creek is now ornamented by Bob Healy's fine building where he furnishes "liquid fish bait". Pete Kramer's stage is now arriving daily.
Material arrived for changing the RR depot to the west side of Council.
“The lands around Cambridge, as far north as Council, are being taken up at the rate of 10 to 15 entries a day, mostly by people from the vicinity of Pendleton.”
Water will be turned into the new East Fork ditch this week. The six mile ditch was constructed over the past 4 years by a number of farmers at a cost of about $5,000.
Weiser Signal, June 3, 1905
Dance at "the upper school house" held in Ike McMahan's new barn.
Nick Klosaner's saloon and Bob Barbour's store at Black Lake was totally destroyed by fire.
Weiser Signal, Jun 7, 1905
"Dr. Brown has been remodeling his house and putting up a new fence the past week."
Mr. Fifer has rented the Jorgen's building for a jewelry shop.
Weiser Signal, June 10, 1905
The first six miles of the RR north of Council, where the grade is light, will be built by Japanese, but beyond that it will be necessary to use heavy teams and scrapers. A new depot will be built in lower Council, plus side tracks.
Weiser forest reserve created May 25 by President Roosevelt
At Meadows, L.L. Burtenshaw defended two orientals accused of smoking opium - case dismissed.
Good Roads convention held at Weiser, and county association established. Will be represented at the National Good Roads convention in Portland.
Married at Council June 6: James Harp and Emma Tomilson.
Weiser Signal, June 17, 1905
A.L. Freehafer, who for the past three years has been school principal at Council schools, has resigned and will practice law.
New Plymouth Outlook, June 23, 1905
“About seven hundred Japs will start to work July 1st, in building the railroad extension from Council to Meadows. The eyes of the world are on these little yellow men now, and in arranging the itinery [sic] of your mountain trip you should not miss a chance to see these fellows work.”
Weiser Signal, June 24, 1905
Joe Brown, "the well known mine owner and prospector of the seven Devils district", is suing C.F. Macey for the balance due him for a mining claim. "Joe is well known throughout the northern and Silver City districts..."
Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord of Weiser will move to Mr. Gaylord's ranch in the Canyon above Stevens station. He has had a painting business in Weiser for some time. [Gaylord Creek must be named for them.]
During 1905, there was much written about a wagon road that was badly wanted from Warren to Thunder Mountain. It was surveyed, but not built at the time of the last issue available.
Several hundred Japanese RR workers were expected soon to build the RR north from Council. It was hoped this RR would link up with a RR from northern Idaho eventually.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Reel: July 1, 1905 thru Dec 29, 1906
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 5, 1905
Wm. Black's handsome new cottage on West Idaho street is rapidly nearing completion.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 8, 1905
Meadows - Warren stage robbed at gun point. Driver: Geo. Patterson. 3 passengers, one was the Warren postmaster [The story of this robbery and the capture and trial of the highwayman can be found in Memoirs of an Old Timer by Adelia Parke p 26]
Chris Hilderbrand owns gold property next to the Iron Springs group.
"We understand Iron Springs people have secured control of the Rankin Mill, ... now in the charge of J.D. Thorn
Mention of a traction engine and threshing machine. "It is one of the finest outfits brought to this section." steam
Correspondence from "Grouse Creek [near Warren?]:
John Addington has gone to Council to clerk for C.M. Neil
"Emsley Glenn who has been working for Frank Mathias has gone to Council."
Work to start on Big creek and Warren road... Wm Harkins, contractor "Mr. Harkins is advertising for rockmen, choppers, pick and shovel men, plow and scraper holders and teams...." The first work will be to survey over Elk creek summit. Work will begin at Warren and go to Thunder mountain.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 12, 1905
More on Meadow - Warren stage robbery
C.W. Jones - "Charlie" lives at Landore
Ad for road workers listed in July 8 issue: "Wages - rockmen, $2.75; pick and shovel men, $2.50; teams, $5.00." (For Big creek road)
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 15, 1905
Rich gold strike at White Rose claim 2 miles from Iron Springs
Geo. Basset - former resident of Seven Devils and later of Weiser.- now farming near Twin Falls
E.E. Record bought the merc. business of N.F. Kinmball "Mr. Record is a live business man and comes among us highly recommended." [at Weiser]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, JULY 19, 1905
Ladd Metals co. enlarging reverberatory furnace at Landore. Road planned from Landore to Price Valley. Watering trough put on the Landore bridge "for the benefit of the public, and the M. & M. is beautiful by shade in front."
Big gold strike near Iron Springs: The ore is "literally covered with free gold." and thought to contain $7,500 to the ton. "The ledge from which the tellurium ore is taken is about four feet wide. The vein of rich ore is several inches in width. An engine and hoist has been placed on the shaft and sinking is now in progress. President Nevin "...purchased the entire holdings of Hugh Kern in seven claims near the White Rose. Kern was the first prospector in the Rapid river country...." "The company recently purchased the Rankin mill...." "A wagon road is being completed from the surrounding mines to the mill and it is the intention to in the near future install a tramway system."
The smelter at Landore is being changed to a reverberatory furnace
Instructions on how to make a "split log" road drag [to grade roads]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 22, 1905
Liquor license: A.A. Braden, Council
The Idaho Gold Coin Co. at Black Lake bought a "complete compressor and air-drilling plant...." to be installed when it arrives in a few weeks.
On Cuddy Mt. : Curg Claybourn, while herding sheep, came across the water ditch of an old placer mine... cabin and part of the tools of the mines supposed to be abandoned years ago by a prospector whose name is not known. He was run out by Indians and has tried some three different times to find his mine though failed in the effort..
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 26, 1905
S.B. Carter and Bona Whiteley pursued an armed robber (George Shepard) on horseback and caught him at Midvale. He held up the saloon at Van Wyck [near present day Cascade]
John Gideon arrested for Meadows - Warren stage robbery.
Cuprum - Mrs. F. Mary Sullivan ":Mother Sullivan" - died July 18 at Summit Station. Was daughter of John and Catherine Burk. born Nov 25, 1846 - married Thomas Sullivan at age 18. Buried at Cuprum July 19. She was landlady of the Seven Devils hotel at Cuprum.
Mrs. M.W. (Emma) Strouse died July 16 at St. John, Oregon - age 42 - cancer of the stomach which had spread to her lungs... a terrible, agonizing death. Her husband had a store at Cuprum, Decorah, Landore and later for a short time at Council. She was a long time postmaster at Landore.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 29, 1905
John Gideon pled guilty to robbing Meadows - Warren stage.
Telephone line being built from Lardo to Van Wyck and from Meadows to Warren
Half breed horse thief arrested at Hanthorn & Hendrick's saloon at Meadows
Large forest fire raging along Middle Fork and East Fork of Weiser River and Mill Creek and Cottonwood creek.
Under Resort [Burgdorf] news section: "Mode Addington of Council and Enos Smith of Meadows are putting up a road house at the mouth of Long gulch."
From the Council Advance paper: editor very impressed with improvements at Starkey. The Hot Springs "...have been known among the people of this section as being a place they could resort when afflicted with many ills...." Dr. Starkey is now building some substantial buildings. "The Sanitarium is located on a natural terrace about 50 feet south of the main spring and is 40x60 feet in size and is being lathed and plastered within while it will be covered with rustic on the outside. When finished, each room will be equipped with electric lights, and hot and cold water, giving to every guest the conveniences of a metropolitan hotel while enjoying the rustic delights of life in the heart of the forest - far from the mad swirl of the busy world." "Below the sanitarium, five terraces are being built which will be filled with flowers and shrubbery irrigated from the springs above. Below the terraces is the main plunge through which a living stream of water continually flows. Below the plunge the river runs - a helter skelter, mad-cap stream that's filled with gamey trout."
Isaac Powell, Wash. Co. pioneer, died
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 2, 1905
Driest summer in many years. Little snow last winter. Weiser river lowest in memory of oldest pioneers. Weiser Irrigation Dist. has filed on a reservoir site at Lost Valley.
Liquor licenses: Robert Healey, Landore; O.W. Sprague, Landore; J.K. Bille, Placer Basin; Blaine Riggs, Price Valley; N. Macomb & Co. , Steens Station; R.M. Barbour, Summit.
New furnace at Landore being built with brick.
"A new boarding house has been opened by a Mrs. Cook who has opened an eating and lodging house in the Clark hotel, as the Hotel Landore is crowded."
Walter James, the butcher, also keeps a feed and livery stable.
"Joe Brown has struck a large body of ore just where a spiritual medium from California, who was in this camp, directed him to work."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 5, 1905
In Resort [Burgdorf] news: "Mrs. Emsley Glenn came over from Council last week and will spend a month with her husband who is working for Frank Mathias."
From Meadows Eagle: Geo McMahan was carrying two reaper blades and caught his foot in a wire, tripping him, causing two of the points to penetrate his right wrist, slightly puncturing an artery."
Payette Lumber Co. bought 9,000 acres of timber land on East and Middle Forks of Weiser River from the Utah & Idaho Land & Lumber Co.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 12, 1905
[There have been more shootings (accidents and murders) and robberies in the past few months than I have ever seen in the papers! A very violent time.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 16, 1905
[Murders, shootings, fatal accidents all over the front page.]
Landore: "The road to Price Valley is now assured and will be built."
Cambridge: "A petition was circulated in Cambridge and quite liberally signed, asking that the Idaho Conference return Rev. Baker to this charge for another year. While there are many who did not sign the petition, we know of no one who has any objection to him or his work."
Council: 50 teams at work on RR extension.. More forest fires. Lawrence & Brown saloon closed for having no license.
Gold rush, of sorts, to Cuddy Mountain - 300 acres said to be underlaid by a blanket formation of free-milling quartz of from ten to 50 feet in depth. A.W. Peebles found it.
"Council, Aug 16 - Mrs. Ben Baird met with a peculiar accident Saturday which almost resulted fatally. While tightening the lid on a glass jar the jar broke cutting both her wrists so badly that before medical assistance could be secured she almost bled to death. Two small arteries were severed and she suffered greatly from loss of blood before Dr. Starkey who attended her could reach town."
New Black Lake rock crusher is about in place. The old one was broken when a hammer got in its "jaws".
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 26, 1905
Copper prices are high
Hotel at Rankin mine burned
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 30, 1905
Big fire broke out Saturday near the Scheloske sawmill on Mill Creek near Council
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 2, 1905
Landore smelter done.
S.P. (Sam) Rounds, proprietor of Seven Devils hotel in Cuprum. Hotel Landore is now run by Patsy Kane- Clint Arnold has sold his interest to Patsy.
Fire near Council has burned nearly all of sections 21, 22, and 28 T1N, R1E. The Scheloske mill and Gus Bowers mill are located on these sections, but were not destroyed. It is said it was started by parties who have a grudge against the government reserve policy.
Council: Harry L. Criss sold his stock of store goods to Sam Criss and is leaving for PA.
"The Steve Richardson saw mill, recently moved to Mill creek, has been started up and is turning out ties for the Pin extension."
Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Gordon died last Saturday of cholera infantum buried Kesler cemetery.
Ox Bow project article
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 6, 1905
Big fire near Warren
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 13, 1905
J. Malon Haworth died at the home of his father, S. Haworth Sept 5. age almost 18 - buried at Indian Valley.
Hornet Creek ranchers to build 40 acre reservoir at section 20, T17N, R3W.
Council, Sept 11 -Doris Hazel, 10 yr old daughter of W.H. Smith, died of diphtheria at Richardson's sawmill at Council Friday night. "The entire community has been exposed to the disease and a decidedly panicky feeling prevails here, which no doubt will result in closing the schools until all danger of an epidemic is past."
The Ox Bow project is on the Payette River [?] Tunnel being built - hot water struck.
"The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black,..." some time ago, he was called a "babe"
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 16, 1905
Resort: "Mrs. Emsley Glen [Glenn], who has been here two months, returned to her home in Council last week."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 20, 1905
Four foot wide vein of coal found near the warm springs on the Middle Fork of the Weiser River, "by Ben Shaw, C.A. Barber and others". A big slab of coal was found far down in the canyon "a number of years ago", and many had been looking for where it came from on the hillside above. The chunk was 4'X4'X8' and "absolutely pure coal."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 23, 1905
E. Rommeleyer of Boise is new superintendent of the Iron Springs operations to succeed Howard Denison who resigned.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 27, 1905
Two trains hit head on eight miles from Weiser. 3 dead. photos.
"E.V. Milligan has purchased the H.S. Wooden ranch on Goodrich for $1,000, ...."
Seven miles of the RR grade between Council and the canyon are practically completed and ready for rails. 100 men working and 65 teams, but could use four times as many. The " are paying the highest wages of any railway contractors in this part of the country - $4 per day for man and team and from $2 up for laborers." "Mr. Heigho says that the great bulk of the Long valley and Van Wyck business is now going up on the "Pin" road. He says the town of Council is experiencing a boom. In order to bring the depot in town the "Pin" road abandoned a mile and a half of track and relayed a new route."
In RR article: The Ladd Metals C. smelter at Landore is running steadily and will begin shipping "matter" in about a month. In later article on same page: C.W. Jones says the smelter has just been blown in, and "... sees no reason why the plant cannot be operated steadily as fuel is plenty and close at hand...."
The fires around Council are now under control
The diphtheria quarantine on Richardson's sawmill camp has been removed and school will begin again next Monday.
"John O. Peters has rented the lower floor of the Odd Fellows hall and will move his stock of merchandise there."
"Messrs. A.H. Wilkie, H.E. Whin and O.C. Wilkie, the contractors on the big dam for the Hornet Creek reservoir commenced work last week with several men and teams."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 30, 1905
Landore: the new furnace [smelter] is running full blast .
Bob Healey & Clint Arnold.- owners of the "Watering trough and Indian Creek Bridge Resort" [sounds tongue in cheek on the business names]
The cutoff between Bear Crk and Landore will be built this fall.
"The precincts of Cuprum, Landore and Iron Springs will cast 500 votes next year."
"Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harp, a son, last Saturday."
Bill Winkler laid up - kicked by horse he was shoeing
Record Bros. have a store in Weiser. Also- ad for "Jackson & Record, real estate, loans and insurance." [See Evergreen]
Resort: died Sept 19 at his home on Secesh meadows, Robert Royal.. born in Denmark 73 years ago. "His remains were laid to rest on a little knoll near the log cabin where he spent so many years of this life." (more)
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 4, 1905
Story of recovered gold from Meadows - Warren stage robbery John Gideon [There was something in between this mention and last listed here .. about sentencing?]
Mention of "the Conway boarding house." somewhere between Landore and Council.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 7, 1905
Iron Springs installing cyanide plant. Six miles west of the Iron Springs = the "Copper King" owned by a Wardner, Idaho co.- copper - in charge of Joseph Rogers. "The 'American Flag' is owned by Reuben Stevens. It lies one mile west of the Copper King, is a gold proposition...."
Blackleg disease showing up in Council Valley cattle - "...nearly all stockmen are vaccinating their young stock."
"George Robertson has just closed down his cane mill after making several hundred gallons of sorghum...." "The molasses made from the cane raised here is pronounced by Missourians - who ought to be capable judges - equal to the best made in the eastern states."
"The 'Pin' [RR] construction crew has moved their camp to the McMahan ranch. One more move will put them to the Starkey hot springs, at which place the surveyors are now camped."
Meadows Eagle: A telephone line is proposed "... to connect with the independent line from Grangeville to..." White Bird. "With the completion of this line, and the line from here to Van Wyck, direct communication will be established between the north and Boise. At present the citizens of Grangeville, when they desire to talk with Boise, are obliged to talk all over the states of Washington and Oregon and the expense is so great that the luxury may be enjoyed only the rich."
"A monster 300 pound bear which had been prowling around the cabin at the Rankin mill on Rapid river was landed by Harve Harris with a well directed shot from his rifle. His paws measured nearly ten inches across."
Cambridge: "Ellis Baker sold out to the Moss Mercantile Co. at Midvale and is sanding sugar for Coon & Son."
"Jim Winkler has traded his ranch in the upper part of this [Council] valley to Frank Hahn for his feed barn."
Son born to the Tom Glenns
Miss Matilda Moser teaching at Middle Fork
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 14, 1905
"Albert Lewis, who lives on the bench between Hornet creek and the Weiser river, ... threshed 650 bushels to the acre." "Mr. Lewis has lived on his place three years and took the land as a homestead." "Besides the grain, he has succeeded in raising a splendid crop of vegetables without irrigation and is making of what was three years ago a piece of supposed worthless sagebrush land, a beautiful and profitable home. There are several sections of government land yet subject to homestead entry in the vicinity of his place,...." [This place later owned by Jim Henson (?), Fred Glenn. Part of the place, including the old Lewis house was bought (?) by E.F. Fisk about 1912.]
" 'Big Dick' Hinkley, Council's strong arm of the law,..."
Jim Winkler having a cottage built in Moser addition
"Rev. Stover and wife arrived here [Council] last week and will take charge of the Congregational church work."
Dock Phipps just finished a nice house on Cottonwood.
Council - "There is quite a demand for houses to rent and we have been told that there is not a vacant house in town."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 18, 1905
From the Payette Independent: "According to a writer in the Advance of Council, that place would make hell seem like a summer resort in comparison. If everything this writer says is true, it is a pity to waste a man like District Attorney Jerome on New York. He ought to go to Council where he would be up against the real thing in every kind of individual wickedness and municipal rottenness."
Mention of Stevens, near Price valley, 12 miles north of Council
Declared County road: road between the bridge near Frank Shelton's and the bridge across Indian creek at Landore, a distance of 5 miles.
The Rankin nitric acid plant is being converted, by the Iron Springs Co., into a cyanide plant - ready in about a month.
John Gideon (Meadows - Warren stage robber) taken to Moscow for trial
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 21, 1905
B.L. Stayner, the manager of the Portland Trading co. at Landore and at Mineral.
"John Routson will probably leave today for Moscow where he is summoned to appear Monday as a witness in the U.S. Court in the trial of Gideon for robbing the mails on the Meadows - Warren stage last July."
Contract to construct telegraph line from Council to Stevens - about 15 miles - will follow RR right of way.
Sam Rounds has been running the Seven Devils hotel the past few months.
Council - "Mrs. Arbuckle has rented her lodging house to Jack Stevens...."
Kate Cope teaching at Cuprum
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 25, 1905
Rails are now being laid on the RR extension north from Council
Godfrey Sperling of Boise and N.W. Power of Nyssa are beginning to plan a dam on the Snake River below Bay Horse rapids to generate electricity.
"C.L. Baker, a son of Rev. Baker, has been visiting his parents in Cambridge for the last couple of weeks. Mr. Baker, jr., has traveled through England and France with Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, and said to be a very handy man with a rope."
"The Council Valley Sun died in the borning" [I assume this refers to a newspaper that someone was going to try to start here. Mentioned a while back, but not by name.]
Boy born to the E.W. Bowmans
Art Wilkie says the Hornet Res. dam is done
James Winkler is building a commodious residence in the west part of town. H.H. Cossit has charge of the carpenter work.
H. Warner in town with a load of baled timothy hay - sold at $13 /ton
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 28, 1905
The sawmill, lumber and timber interests of the Scheloske Mfg. was transferred to the Hinze Lumber Co. of Council. Timber holdings and tract containing about eight million feet. The mill is located about five miles above Council and only three miles from the Meadows extension of the P.&I.N. A planing mill will be operated here in connection.
John Gideon found guilty of Meadows - Warren stage robbery - details
Landore smelter closed for the winter. Ore being shipped to Sumpter smelter.
Charlie Allen married Ova J.[Josie] White at bride's parent's home Oct 25
Council - a couple took up housekeeping in "... the Caster building opposite Haas Bros.' store."
Minnie Addington took over the telephone office at Council
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 4, 1905
Ed Fulp and Fred Powell seriously injured at the California Mine, owned and operated by the Hancock Copper Mines co. "A number of blasts had been fired and all but one exploded. Waiting a sufficient length of time the men returned to investigate, and as they arrived near the spot the explosion occurred, knocking both men down and badly cutting and bruising them about the face and body with flying rocks."
"On account of being unable to procure the necessary fluxing material and proper fuel, without enormous extra expense to the company in the way of transportation, the Ladd Metals Company smelter at Landore has suspended operations indefinitely, but it is earnestly hoped they may be able to resume early next year."
More on Gideon sentencing at Moscow. (Meadows - Warren stage robbery)
Council -"The P&IN officials are laying the south forty acres of the McCullough ranch off into town lots." [They bought this land for RR right of way, earlier this year.]
Albert Robertson married Miss Shearer of Payette.
Council - "Lowe's Madison Square Theater Co, is playing here this week. They have the new I.O.O.F. hall rented and standing room is at a premium."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 8, 1905
"Council, Nov. 3. - Information that is absolutely reliable in character has been received here that early in the spring work will be begun on the P.& I.N. branch from Council to the Seven Devils and the road will be completed, if possible, by next fall." Important to Council, as it will be the junction point of this branch and the main line.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 11, 1905
Scheloske sawmill on Mill creek.
J.L.B. Carroll was down from his Lick creek ranch
[Pleasant Ridge:] Warren Taylor went to Weiser Monday and filed on a piece of land on the bench between the Weiser and Hornet creek. He says there have been ten locations made there in the past two weeks."
Council - "A nice new school house has just been completed in the Cottonwood district...."
"Mr. Brooks who purchased the Flora Criss stock of goods has brought a building down near the new depot site and will open a store in a few days."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 15, 1905
John Kilkenny died at St. John, Ore.(near Portland)
Meadows news: Mr. and Mrs. Tommy White have gone to a mining camp in the Big Creek dist. for the winter.
Meadows: The RR will probably come into Meadows valley "... by way of the 'draw' through which the stage road comes,..."
Nov 18, 1905
Bob Barbour and Pete Kramer got the contract to haul 3,000 tons of copper ore from the Seven Devils to the RR at Council.
Marriage license issued to Perry Beckstead and Hattie Ketchum of Council.
Council: "Ed Roden, John Nelson and Jim Ross are each putting up a new barn on their properties on Galena Street. That part of town is building up very rapidly this fall."
"A bank for Council is an assured fact. The directors for the first year are C.M. Jorgans, J.F. Lowe, Frank Hahn, Isaac McMahan, John Ennis." Not known which building will be used.... rumored that a new building will be erected.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 22, 1905
"...a good portion of the town of Salubria was entirely destroyed by fire last night."
Obit of John Kilkenny
"Chas. Hinze of the Hinze Lumber company and Joe Scheloske went to Council ... to look after the property interests recently acquired there by the [Hinze] company."
Council: "C.O. Davis is tearing out the scales at the Macey warehouse."
"W.N. Warner, ... and Mart Gerking ... will open up a meat market in the rear of the Best Fur Co's. store ...."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 25, 1905
John Eckles raising fruit on the Snake. average apples are 14" in circumference and 1 1/4 pounds
Big hoist unloaded from train at Council, bound for Big Creek mine.
Andy Carroll of Lick creek
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 29, 1905
"Mrs. Ella Stevens from the Canyon stage station ..."
Council: "The bank directors have rented half of the first floor of the I.O.O.F. hall for six months. They expect to have a building put up by that time. Harry Criss will rent the other half of the room and will move his stock of goods in."
"Mr. Brooks has opened a general store in the Berg building in the west side ..."
Frank Hahn has sold his livery barn to Jim Winkler and is selling his horses.
"Prof. Freehafer is putting up a new house on his ranch across the river."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 2, 1905
A Mr. Pope, a renowned RR engineer, is seeking an RR route from the east to the coast. He recently came down the main Salmon River in a boat and raft, looking it over as a possible route. Now he has just come up the Snake River Canyon from Lewiston with pack animals. He says both rivers present "... great difficulties, in places,... " [There has been constant talk of a RR connecting the northern and southern parts of the state by means of a Snake River RR or by going on through Meadows.]
Plan proposed to build an electric rail line between Boise and Spokane via Grangeville and Lewiston. Water powered generating plants would be built along the Salmon to power the trains.
Frank Hahn has leased his Council - Meadows stage line to Mode Addington.
Council is suffering from a shortage of lumber. All the lumber from the Hinze mill , about 20,000 feet per day, is contracted to people in the lower country. The same firm has contracted for all of 's lumber, about 25,000 feet a day. "This leaves Council with only one mill, the Wilkie mill, near Dale,... to supply the local demand and that mill's capacity of 8,000 feet a day is much less that the local market calls for." "... a great deal of building planned for this fall will have to be postponed ..."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 6, 1905
Miss Lansing of Lewiston is teaching in the Glenn school district.
Frank Allison of Landore is teaching school in the Warner dist. on Hornet crk.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 9, 1905
The Hornet Creek mining dist, which was organized "about fifteen years ago", but up to the last year very little work had been done,... Dist. located about 20 miles NW from Council and only a few miles from Dale postoffice. R.S. Wilkie, Wm Howard and Frank Peck, owners of the Red Iron Group... Sam Stephens and Frank Lauson have bonded the Idaho Group.... Fred Miboy and R.S. Wilkie owners of the Red Boy and Lucky Star claims....
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 16,1905
Rails have reached "... the McMahan place, near which there is a gravel bed which the company wishes to reach as soon as possible to secure material for ballasting, no more track will be laid until spring. The thermometer has registered from 5 to 14 degrees below zero every day this week and it is almost impossible for the men to handle the iron when the temperature is so low."
Dr. Starkey, of the hot springs, stated that he has made application for a post office there to be called "Evergreen". He is filing as Postmaster.
Bert Draper died, age 19. Only son of the Drapers, who live two miles north of Council.
The Eagles organized in Council = 40 members.
The Hinze Lumber co. is building a planing mill in Weiser beside their lumber yard. Lumber from their Council mill.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 23, 1905
Ed Ford explains the Crane Creek reservoir project.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 27, 1905
Story of Indian battle in 1860s near Weiser, as told by John D. Wooden, the only survivor of the fight, who "now" lives on the Salmon River. [Quite a story... actually several]
Man disappeared near Council. "Last summer, a well-dressed stranger about 40 years old, of portly build, arrived here, driving a little team of brown mules and leading a small bay saddle pony. He was of reticent disposition and while he mingled freely about the town with the people he never mentioned his name nor his business, other than that he was looking over the country in search of a location as rancher. While here, he traded the mule team to James Krigbaum for a team of horses. the following day he drove to Henderson canyon, about a mile east of town, unhitched his team threw the harness on the ground, unrolled his bed beside the wagon and went away up the canyon, apparently hunting. That is the last that has ever been seen of him." The horses came back to Krigbaum's on Hornet Creek on their own. The wagon is still there. A rancher named Grossen picked up the harness and put it in the wagon. Nobody said anything until winter set in. Constable R.D. Hinkley and Attorney Freehafer are investigating.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 30, 1905
Ralph E. Wilkie and Beatrice Davis were married, along with Lafayette Davis and Mary Beem in a double wedding.
"D. Davis and family moved into their new house near the depot last week."
Council: Isaac McMahan was down from "upper Council"
??? : "The Richardson saw mill is being moved from Mill creek to the John Taylor Ranch just above the hot springs." [Starkey?]
Council : Tolbert Harp died at Starkey - son of the Lewis Harps, of hemorrhage of the lungs. Buried at " ... the Morrison cemetery two miles north of town."
Miss Mayhall teacher at Bear school.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 3, 1906
Former Idaho Governor Frank Steunenberg assassinated.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 6, 1906
Harry Orchard linked to killing of Steunenberg. Two other suspects, Campbell and Harold, were arrested in Weiser, then released, then rearrested in Council.
Council Valley: "Almost 3,000 acres of land that one year ago was open to entry as homesteads have been apportioned and now every cove and canyon in the surrounding hills is occupied by some one who is busily building a home. The population of the valley has increased nearly 60 per cent, while land which 12 months ago was on the market at $20 an acre now would find ready sale at $50. A company ditch carrying 2,000 inches of water has been completed during the year, into the valley from the east fork of the Weiser river, and 4,000 acres of land has been reclaimed hereby.
Within the year, 5,000 fruit trees have been received here and planted on the surrounding ranches."
Ten or 15 teams bring from 20,000 to 30,000 feet of lumber every day to the RR to be shipped by the Hinze lumber company.
The contractors who are hauling ore from the Seven Devils [Barbour and Kramer] are advertising for 100 teams and will pay $8 per day for them.
The safe for the new bank hasn't arrived, so the bank opening has been delayed.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 10, 1906
50 teams are currently employed hauling ore for Kramer and Barbour, but they hope to have 75 by the 15th. It's hard to find the right kind of sleds. "It takes four days to make the trip." [Don't know if this means round trip or one way. probably round trip.]
Sheep are depleting the range in the Council area, leaving no feed for horses and cattle. Locals petitioned Major Fenn, the Forest Superintendent for Idaho to set aside a strip along the southern part of the Valley that is only for cattle and horses.
"Judge" Perril: "Provo, Jan. 6. - On October 23, 1905, W.M. Perril, a transient, cashed a draft for $66.95 at the State bank of Provo, which draft was bound to be forged." He is now in jail in L.A. "The above dispatch created considerable surprise in Weiser as it is thought by many that this is the Attorney Perrill formerly located at Council, coming there from Texas. As far as the Signal is able to learn, Perrill, who became a habitual drinker, went to Provo, Utah, when he left Council some time ago."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 13, 1906
J.A. Carr and A.L. Freehafer have formed a partnership in real estate, insurance and mining brokerage businesses under the firm name of the Western Idaho Real Estate agency.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 20, 1906
A.M. Tousley mentioned as a juror
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 24, 1906
L.L. Burtenshaw took the petition to Major Fenn, and it was agreed to. "...The country immediately adjacent to Council is set apart for the horses and cattle raisers and the hills are given up entirely to the sheep raiser. The main sheep trail for moving bands as now indicated crosses the middle fork bridge, thence up the divide, between the middle fork and Cottonwood creek, to the summit between Weiser and Payette rivers. Another trail is designated which leads down the main branch of the Weiser river in order to allow the shipping of sheep from Council.:"
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 27, 1905
"A.L. Freehafer is teaching a class German [sic] which meets at his home every Tuesday evening."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jan 31, 1906
[There is an anti-Mormon article on the front page of almost every issue]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Feb 3, 1906
Idaho has an Immigration Commissioner (a Mr. Miller) who has scattered promotional material throughout the east and Midwest to attract people here to settle..
Idaho's population estimated at 250,000.
The Bank of Council opened Thursday.
Dance at Sam Harp's
"Mr. Bolan will have his butcher shop open in a few days."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Feb 7, 1906
RR grade is finished to Stevens. Large shipments of oats are arriving nearly every day to supply freighting teams from the Seven Devils.
New Post office opened at Starkey, named "Evergreen". The tracks are laid to that point.
Dr. Brown performed surgery at Mrs. Zink's house on Milt Hopper of Midvale - removed an injured eye.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Feb 10, 1906
RR V.P. Heigho will give free pass to immigrants seeking homes who have tickets from points east, on to Council, Cambridge or Midvale.
Council's population = 600
Elisha Stevens of the Canyon.
Mrs. Vassar teaching Glenn dist school
"The way population is increasing in Council, we think it would be a good idea to build an eight room school house instead of six."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Feb 14, 1906
Hancock Co. to build reduction plant in Seven Devils that uses the new Dewey process
A Mormon ritual described in detail.
P&IN robs Council: The RR was told it could not lay tracks across the McCullough farm "... until $1,000 for a right of way was paid. As the farm could be bought for $4,000 it was considered cheaper to buy the whole thing, as the land would easily bring that much after the right of way was deducted. The RR formed a town site company and told the people of Council that they would place their depot at a point outside of town unless "... a price variously stated at $6,500 to $7,500." was paid for the land. "...- otherwise there would be the necessity of placing the station at a point on the McCullough tract very detrimental to the present town, and, with the necessity of company stores, hotels etc., which would follow (very sorry)." The locals paid up. "The only point is the manner in which the people here were whipped around the post. The railway could have purchased the farm and sold what it did not need for all of the purchase price or more, and have been free of the odium of clubbing a helpless community."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Feb 21, 1906
Lot Feltham, Sec. of the P&IN writes a letter saying the above RR article was "unjust and false in its every statement" The McCullough farm was up for bids, and the RR was the only bidder, at $4,500. The P&IN , having straightened the RR through Council, "... the old depot would have to be relocated, and in consideration of a right of way granted to the Railway by the Townsite Co., across the McCullough tract, the Ry. company agreed to locate the depot on the tract, thus saving itself and expense of about $1,000." "A portion of the tract, 30 acres adjoining the Moser Addition to Council, was surveyed and platted and the depot grounds located as shown by the plat within 40 feet of the extreme south boundary line touching the Moser addition." "The townsite company applied to the town trustees of Council to take the new addition into the corporated limits of Council, which was done, and the townsite then became subject to the levy and collection of taxes levied by the town.." RR could easily have planned elsewhere. "A few days ago a number of Council citizens expressed a desire to make arrangement to change the location of the depot grounds by placing it upon the Moser Addition at or near the foot of Moser Ave. This would move the depot about 640 feet south of where it had been planned to place it.." Townspeople wanted to buy the land. "Owing to the fact that the movement came from the community as a whole, the townsite company, while it did not care to part with the townsite, finally concluded to consider the proposition and agreed to sell for $6,500, conditioned, however, that the contract should be carried out in good faith in the interests of all property owners in Council by the changing of the depot site to the foot of Moser Ave." "At the time of the sale, the townsite company's property was reasonably worth $9,000, and the company could have realized $7,500 out of it to other buyers." The townsite co. was: formed by E.M. Heigho, D.C. Nevin, Frank Hahn and Lot Feltham. Editor Lockwood still not convinced they are on the up and up.
" 'Mink Skin Charlie' was down from Council..."
J.L.B Carroll down from his Lick Crk home.
"Mrs. Arbuckle sold her hotel on Moser avenue last Tuesday to Bud Addington."
Social at the Glenn school house to raise money to paint it.
The Council school dist. voted bonds to build a six thousand dollar schoolhouse. It will be brick.
Henry Stutesman of Dayton, WA bought the Jim Winkler livery barn and will move to Council.
50 teams hauling ore
Albert Lewis located on the Ridge a year ago. [not called "Ridge" yet]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Feb 24, 1906
Activity in power project on the Snake River Ox Bow. The co. now has machinery on the way... a tunnel is to be dug thru the "bow" to power an electric generator. It was surveyed a year ago. This will bring electricity to Baker and the Seven Devils.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Feb 28, 1906
At a Weiser Commercial Club excursion meeting at Council with the Council Commercial Club: "Lew Burtenshaw recited how that sturdy pioneer (now departed) Sol Jeffreys turned the first settler into Council valley in search of possums. This settler was old Bob White, who arose and said he still had his possum teeth but had never found the possum." [White was not the first settler (2nd family after Mosers) after , but sounds like the story might have some legitimacy. See Frank Harris' History of Adams County.]
"The Council Improvement Company, limited, capitalized at $13, 000 ..." "The object is to buy and sell real estate, operate farms and irrigation lands. The Directors are H.M. Jorgens, William Winkler, J.F. Lowe, L.L. Burtenshaw, C.L. Wood, W.R. Brown, C. Addington and J.L. Mohler, all of Council."
Mrs. Arbuckle has moved to Pendleton after selling all her property.
[The Fruitvale area is referred to as "upper Council" or, when talking about school matters, "the Glenn District".]
"Council Drug Co." Mr. Hartman, clerk
"Mrs. Moser has sold her fine ranch adjoining town to Dr. Brown."
"Bud Addington has sold all his stock cattle to Walter Rinehart."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Mar 3, 1906
Phone line finished, Meadows to Grangeville
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Mar 7, 1906
Ox Bow project called off for now due to lack of customers for power.
Cambridge: "Mrs. Rev. Baker is able to get around on crutches after being laid up for eight weeks with a broken ankle. She is getting along well."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Mar 10, 1906
J.J. Jones bought the [Bill] Hartley ranch four miles north of Council [Later, Lester Gould's ranch, then Steve Shumway's]
The Plaza Hotel - Council also the Overland
Tom Glenn of West fork
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Mar 21, 1906
A set of wireless telegraphy instruments arrived in Boise. Soon Boise will have "a big station installed. Instruments for five other Idaho stations, including Pocatello and Weiser, were shipped with the Boise instruments."
Council: "S.G. Addington is having the building in the 'West End' which was formerly known as the Wanamaker property, enlarged and remodeled for hotel purposes." Will have 5 rms on first floor and 14 on 2nd floor.
T.A. Clark, former RR engineer, says in the 1880s Nampa was known as "Boomerang and Payette as "New Jerusalem".
Ben Baird appointed city marshall to replace Dick Hinkley
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dillon of Hagerman arrived in Council to stay permanently. Both were teachers here 3 years ago but move the Hagerman after their marriage.
Kate Cope = "It is reported that she will be given a position in our school this fall." "Miss [Maude?] Peters teaching [at Council?]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Mar 24, 1906
Idaho is 4th in wool production with 2,300,000 sheep.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Mar 28, 1906
Overland Hotel sold by Mr. Bolan to Joe Riggs. Bolan will still run his saloon on the northeast corner of the Plaza and his meat market next door south.
The Southern Idaho Fruit Growers Assoc. lobbying to make billing to places like New York more simple. Railroad refrigerator charges are excessive... want to get "other refrigerator lines besides the Armour line to come to the west." Recommend standard apple box which has been adopted by the Northwest Fruitgrowers' assoc: 10 1/2 x 11 1/2 x 18 inches.
Pete Kramer got mail contract, Council to Landore and Bear to Iron Springs = $1800 per year for four years.
Wm Fifer, Council jeweler.
Arrangements are being made in Council to pipe water to the town from the springs above.
Jim Ross moving his sawmill to the Stevens ranch ten miles north of Council, to saw for the P&IN.
"Bud Addington moved into the Arbuckle property on Moser Avenue and will run a restaurant."
"Mrs. Basett has rented the rooms adjoining the Council meat market and is running a barber shop."
Wm Fifer bought the Plaza hotel
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Mar 31, 1906
Cold snap damaged fruit around Weiser. Midvale, Council and Hornet have no damage so far.
Bear teacher: Miss Louisa Mayhall. List of parents and pupils.
A railroad line is being pushed from Baker to the Seven Devils. Editor Lockwood predicts a competition "scarcely less interesting than that of the Hill and Harriman forces...."
The Western Idahoan (New Plymouth) - April 6, 1906:
“Weiser – A surveying corps of 15 men, in charge of Engineers Jewell and Luck, has left her for the Salmon river, to begin the work of surveying the route of the Pacific & Idaho Northern railway to the north. The work will be taken up where it was stopped last winter by the cold weather. It is stated the survey will be continued north to a connection with the Northern Pacific, somewhere in the neighborhood of Grangeville. A number of contracts for grading work have already been let by Vice President and General Manager Heigho of the Pacific & Idaho Northern, and work will be begun as soon as the snow melts off sufficiently to permit of it.”
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Apr 7, 1906
M.W. Addington sold the Meadows - Council stage line to Ross Krigbaum
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Apr 14, 1906
J.B Lafferty has been appointed temporary deputy forest ranger at a salary of $1000 a year. He will become a Forest supervisor for some dist. in Idaho after he becomes familiar with the routine.
"Bud Addington sold his ranch seven miles north of town to John Koski."
"Miss O'Leary of Midvale has opened millinery parlors in the Kilkenny building."
"Jim Winkler has opened a feed store in the west part of town."
"Wm. Fifer moved his jewelry store into the Plaza.... He will run a soda fountain and ice cream parlor during the summer."
"Postmaster Jorgens will move the postoffice and telephone office into the rooms adjoining the drug store. Mrs. Ketchum will take charge of the postoffice and Minnie Addington the telephone."
"Fred Cool has opened a feed store on Main street."
Mrs. Ella Stevens of the canyon. Son, Claud. [Two times before mentioned son, Henry.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Apr 18, 1906
Liquor licenses: E. Stevens, Stevens Station ......Joseph Riggs, Price Valley
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Apr 21, 1906
San Francisco destroyed by earthquake!
"L.L. Burtenshaw is building a porch on the west side of his dwelling."
Miss Matilda Moser will finish teaching an 8 mo. school term at Middle Fork.
About 5,000 fruit trees were delivered to Council area last week.
Robert White Jr. died. Was confined to his bed since November. Crossed the plains as a boy. Not quite age 30. Buried in Kesler Cemetery.
Died- Charlie, 2 yr. old son of the Andrew Lakeys. Dale cemetery.
Died - at Bear, "the old gentleman Warner". Heart failure.
"Lafe Davis is driving stage between Council and Landore."
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ryals of West fork.....
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 2, 1906
Died at Cambridge - Harrison Abernathy, of consumption. Lived in the valley since coming here in 1862 with "Tim Goodman's" train. [Must mean Tom Goodale.] one son and two daughters. One daughter is Mrs. Wm. Sherer [Shearer]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 5, 1906
Council - "Mrs. Phillips has opened a restaurant in the west part of town."
Tom White and wife....
S.F. Richardson sold his sawmill to a Utah man.
John W. Routson died at Weiser. [See Memoirs of an Old Timer by Adelia Parke] [Letter from, Adelia Rouston Roberts, the granddaughter of John Routson. Routson died in Weiser in 1964 at the age of 91. Mrs. Roberts wrote: “He spent much of his life in the back country at Big Creek, Idaho, as a miner and mail carrier. He, along with his wife, Lettie McRoberts Routson of Midvale, raised 4 sons and 2 daughters there. The last of his children, a daughter, died in 2000 at the age of 96.”]
Mill Creek: "A few years ago that was one of the finest trout streams in this section, but since the mills have been put in on the head waters of it, the fish have all been either killed or run out by the sawdust, which every spring is allowed to pollute its waters."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 9, 1906
R.S. Wilkie organized a mining company to work his big steel - galena property on Cuddy near the head of Crooked River.
State inspector requires Weiser area fruit growers to spray trees to prevent "scale".
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 12, 1906
"The President has signed the proclamation creating the Seven Devils addition to the Weiser forest reserve."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 16, 1906
Graduating 8th grade at Council: Lena Koontz, Maud Lewis, Bertha Mathias, Howard Elliott, Georgia Ross, Gertie Cossitt, Will Hahn, Della Jackson.
THE MEADOWS EAGLE - Charles Hackney, publisher
Meadows Eagle, May 17, 1906 Vol. 8 - no. 20
Albert and Carrie Campbell graduated from __ school.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 19, 1906
J.B. Lafferty, the newly appointed Forest Ranger, made the 75 mile trip from Pine to Boise between early in the morning and noon on his bicycle.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 23, 1906
Name of post office at Starkey changed from "Evergreen" to Starkey.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 26, 1906
Frank Harp has opened a barber shop at the Starkey Sanitorium.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, May 30, 1906
Grazing permits issued for Sawtooth, Payette, and Weiser Forest reserves. The ranges will be watched very closely, and records kept. The number of stock allowed on is "largely an experiment.". Future numbers will be judged by results of this year. [Sounds like these are the first permits issued.]
Council RR depot is being built
"the brick plant" mentioned in Council news
the White school house mentioned
"Al Tousley"
Landore: Prof. Edwards closed a 9 month school term here. "Anna and Pearl James and Winnifred Brown graduated from the eight grade."
Landore will celebrate memorial day at Cuprum.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jun 6, 1906
A new town called "Yoakum Hot Springs" is being platted 8 miles north of Meadows along the line selected by the RR as the most suitable through the valley. [Zim's]
Miss Bradshaw - Cuprum teacher
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jun 9, 1906
Northwestern Railway Co. bought Ballard's Ferry on the Snake, including buildings, ground and mining claims nearby. To build steel bridge across the river and electric line to Cuprum and Landore.
"Jim Mitchel has leased his barber shop to Bassett for one year...."
The Bell telephone co. is gradually extending its line to all rural districts. "...a double line will be built to Council and other upper country points, making a metallic circuit"
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jun 13, 1906
S.S. Peacock and Rich Wilkie have 2 yr lease on Wilkerson mine near Summit. 60% galena and some silver. Men at work.
Council will not hold a July 4th celebration. Starkey will... big one.
Hornet reservoir dam broke. Water took out trees, huge boulders, bridges (one at Peck's) and fences. Reservoir covered 25 acres, average 8' deep.
Jun 16, 1906
"Rev. Baker of Cambridge came up Saturday and held services at the White school house Sunday. A Sunday school has been organized at that place also."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jun 20, 1906
At Cuprum flag day festivities, "Albert Tousley gave an interesting talk about the battle of Gettysburg, he being in that great battle, also his experience at the break out of the war in West Virginia and the battle of Antietam."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jun 23, 1906
Another "missed hole" accident. At the Queen mine, Bill Carrick and Fred Lincoln were on the night shift. They were using picks, when Carrick hit a "missed shot" left by the day shift, exploding the charge. "A piece of rock struck Carrick over the right eye knocking him down and rendering him unconscious for a short time. Lincoln uninjured. Dr. Peacock fired the day shift crew for negligence and carelessness.
Only 10 teams hauling ore to Council - hard to find teams to hire. [All of Idaho is having a manpower shortage.]
Greeks working on RR in Canyon.
A dancing pavilion is under construction at Starkey.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jun 27, 1906
" Dave Lakey has rented the big barn in the west part of town and will keep rigs and saddle horses to let."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jun 30, 1906
D.C. Nevin [real estate man] will close the deal for the B.B. Day ranch on Hornet Creek, for himself and Sowash Brothers, of Irwin, PA. 320 acres... $11,000. Ranch will be in the charge of Wm. Sowash, who will arrive here with his family after the 4th. Plan "... to make this an exclusive fruit farm..."
"W.J. Ryals and wife, parents of W.S. Ryals of Council, arrived ... from Everton Ark., for an extended visit."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, July 4, 1906
[When people want to say the 4th will be an exciting time, they say "the eagle will scream", referring to the American eagle, the nations symbol, or so it seems.]
Legal problems are holding up RR construction on the P&IN.
Amos Warner died at Bear Thursday evening.
Daughter born to the Art Wilkies June 23.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jul 7, 1906
RR will arrive down the Snake in Lewiston next year. [Almost every issue has an article on the surveying of one or more RRs down the River... for months now. Says it is a SURE THING.]
Teachers at Council for coming year: Principal, Miss Elizabeth Lapp, of Meadows; Intermediate department, Miss Louise Mayhall; Primary, dept. Miss Catherine Cope.
Hornet school = Lillian Cole.
Brown & Lawrence Saloon - Council
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jul 11, 1906
Fire in Cambridge - 7 bldgs gone.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Jul 14, 1906
Maud Peters married George Gregg. After the ceremony, supper served at "the Eagle house"
"Seward Piper and wife and Dr. and Mrs. Brown went up west fork fishing the Fourth and caught four hundred fish."
"Harlow Cossett [Cossitt] has the contract of building a new school house on Hornet creek near Mr. Warner's place." [I would assume this is the Lower Dale School?]
The Culver sawmill on Mill creek....
July 18, 1906
Lawrence & Brown, Council - lot 10 blk 2 Perril div.
July 25, 1906
Hay help is hard to find - some ranchers are offering $2.50 per day plus board.
Minnie Addington replaced by Grace Taylor at phone office.
Mrs. Ketchum resigned at Council Postoffice to take charge of the PO at Starkey.
East Fork Ditch Co., Limited.... formed by John Hancock, Mark E. Krigbaum, Robert Young, C.L. Whitley and J.E. L. Gerking.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 1, 1906
Hinze sawmill on Mill creek burned down. Charles Hinze & son, Herman mentioned [actually the location of the mill as being on Mill Creek is given in a later issue, not this one]
Frank Raestle sold his interests in the meat business at Council.
A Mr. Ham of Prescott, WA bought the Addington ranch on West Fork.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 8, 1906
Hinze mill rebuilding. Ordered boiler and engine.
Front page 1st column. Some parts of words not visible on microfilm-- RR worker, James "Shorty" Dunn, had been drinking. He toppled off a platform on the edge of the 100 foot "cliff" in back of the Stevens house. 30 feet down, he hit a rock, then turned about 20 somersaults before he reached the river. His head struck a rock, cutting a 9-inch gash in his head. Is recovering. [Had to have been the steep bank about that height in back of the houses at East Fork where Elisha and Ella Stevens lived.]
"Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly arrived here last week from Prescott, Washington, and have bought the Nelson ranch on Hornet." [Dale Donnelly?]
Mention of Andrew, Lewis, John and Charlie Lakey at Council
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 15, 1906
Fraternal Order of Eagles incorporated at Council. Aerie No. 1267. Frank Hahn and Thomas Dartmouth as directors. A new building will soon be erected.
Two weeks ago, someone left a candle burning on some rags and paper on the wooden sidewalk near the Lowe & Jones store. Building caught fire, but was extinguished. J.F. Lowe accused John Peters of arson. Peters was arrested.
Boy born to the Will Camps
"Connor Young and Mr. Cossitt are building the new school house on Hornet near the Warren ranch." [Must have meant "Warner" ranch.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 18, 1906
Lewis Filley of the canyon.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 22, 1906
The Weiser river bridge at Council is impassible for teams with a heavy load, and they are compelled to ford the river. Needs to be repaired.
Cambridge news - "B.B. Day was down to make final proof of his Hornet creek homestead last Monday. He was accompanied by R. Hansen [Hanson] and A. Peck, who came as witnesses for Mr. Day." [?]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 25, 1906
Council - "Two Mormon preachers have been holding meetings in the school house all week."
"The foundation for the new school house is completed and the brick kiln will be fired this week."
"C.F. Lappin, a rancher north of town, has a young orchard of 500 trees badly affected with 'borers' and the entire orchard will have to be reset." Apparently a pest carried in when the trees were shipped from an Oregon nursery.
Prof. Hayes of Nampa will teach at the White school.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Aug 29, 1906
Mrs. Ketchum quit Starkey postoffice - moving to New Plymouth
Mr. Hearst will teach at White school [? This one may be more dependable than last issue's report.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 1, 1906
The First Bank of Council "has been in business but a little over eight months,...
"J.C. Crickmore, station agent for the Pin at Council, will take charge of the new station at Biggerstaff in a few days."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 5, 1906
Nice photo on page 8 of Payette Lake with boats.
The Hinze sawmill is already sawing lumber again after the fire.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 12, 1906
Forest Service announced its intention to start planting trees in Idaho. Nurseries will be established in a year or two.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 22, 1906
Bill Winkler running for sheriff on Democratic ticket.
"Miss Coe of Salubria is teaching in the Warner district on Hornet." [Lower Dale?]
"Frank Hahn has bought the Macey warehouse and is moving it to his ranch on the bench across the river."
"Jim Winkler and wife will leave for Roseberry in Long valley next week, where he will take charge of a store for J.F. Lowe."
"Madison Elliott is putting up a new barn on his property near the Congregational church."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Sept 26, 1906
"For a number of years there has been known to exist a number of dens of these [rattle] snakes along the rocky bluffs that border Hornet creek valley, and a few years ago an effort was made to exterminate the largest colony, at which time more than three hundred were killed in one day without exhausting the supply. Failing in the effort to kill them the ranchers living adjacent to the den fenced the snakes in with a tight board fence." [Mentions there are no rattlesnakes close to Council itself.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 3, 1906
John Peters found not guilty of arson.
Council school dist. 17. = 16 boys 14 girls. Including Ernest, Charles and George Winkler. Teacher = W.M. Hays
Repairs made on Weiser bridge at Council
Henry Stutesman sold his interest in the barn on Moser Ave. to his son in law Mr. Starr.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 6, 1906
Partly hidden in fold on last page: Oscar Ketchum killed at Wilkie sawmill. Age 17. Hauling _ to the mill, horse ran away, the wagon rolled on him. Leaves a widowed mother.
[Always news of the RR down the Snake as a sure thing.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 10, 1906
Mr. Bassett sold his barber shop to Mr. Reeves
John Hancock and father who have been in charge of the Baird barn for the past year turned it over to Baird.
"The old depot in the east part of town and all the tracks and yards are being torn up this week and moved farther up the line." Council
Mr. Crim who was to build the new school, gave up the contract because he could not make brick from the material on hand. Brick was shipped from the lower country and work is being pushed.
E.V. Milligan is now in charge of the Cambridge postoffice. [See Goodrich]
W.N. Rannels of Bear is putting in a big sawmill at the Clifton ranch on Crooked River.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Oct 17, 1906
Photo of Woodson Jeffreys on front page.
Petition of B.J. Dillon and others granted and becomes a county road: beginning at the residence of O.M. Osborn on the West Fork and running SE about 5 mi to the Seavey ranch where it joins the county road. [Must be the West Fork road]
Liquor licenses: Lawrence & Brown- Council
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 3, 1906
There is a Fruit Vale addition at Weiser [part of the town]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 7, 1906
Council school report - list of some students.
"Mr. Bradford has sold his property to Joseph Whiteley."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 10, 1906
Sullivan gold discovery in the Canyon. Front page, bottom right.
Ox Bow on the Snake in the news again. $2,000,000 supposedly to be invested in power plant, etc.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 14, 1906
More on Sullivan gold find in the canyon.
"A.A. Caviness, the Cambridge sawmill man...." [mentioned all year]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 17, 1906
Details of Ox Bow project on the Snake.
[There is a local and national coal shortage, yet no mention of local coal supplies. Why? Supposed to be coal on Middle Fork and elsewhere.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 21, 1906
List of all precinct officers for Washington Co. Council: Justices - Geo F. Gregg, Jackson Ross - Constable, Jeff Donart. Bear: Justices, J.L.B. Carroll, Sam Warner Constable, Charles Allen Cuprum- Justices, Thos. B. Shaw, Sam Morse Constable, J.E. Bramlett [James Bramlett the black man?] Landore: Justices, Geo. A. Jones, F. Alers Constable, Chas Porter Iron Springs - Justice, J.D. Thorn; Constable, Patsy Dane
Lowe & Jones have a new store in Roseberry
Frank Hahn has a large barn under construction. Fell and broke three ribs while working on it.
A. Beckstead of Payette visited his brothers in law: Wm Fifer and Frank Hahn.
Fred Cool, manager of the Council Grain & Commission Co.
[Football games of Weiser High school team have been mentioned once in a while.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Nov 28, 1906
"J.B. Lafferty, for some time ranger in charge of the Weiser forest reserve, has received the good news of his promotion to the position of supervisor of the same reserve and of course will retain his office in Weiser."
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 1, 1906
Page 3, col. 2, top - "Weiser River Gold Field" Sullivan's Del Val Mining co has completed a half mile of road from the main road to their principle ore body, where they built cabins, a large stable and a store room for winter provisions. Have a hoisting apparatus nearly completed.
Married: E.E. Record and Addie Wright, in Weiser, he member of Record Bros.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 5, 1906
One of our two State Representatives from Washington County = Albert L. Freehafer of Council
Frank Edlin, for many years connected with the Signal.....
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 8, 1906
R.E. Lockwood has severed his connection with the Signal to engage in other interests. M.W. Hunt is the new editor.
Dr. Starkey has some certificates of assays from samples from the new gold fields [Del Val / Sullivan] which for surface samples were excellent.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 15, 1906
The Goodrich postoffice has been discontinued.
Stevens station has been the terminus of the P&IN RR for some time.
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 19, 1906
"The following item appeared in the Statesman on Monday:
Weiser, Dec. 16. - The Pacific & Idaho Northern railroad company has purchased 900 acres of land two miles west of the town of Meadows. It is stated the railroad company has purchased the ground for the purpose of locating a townsite, and when the extension of the road, work on which is now in progress, reaches that point a station will be located there and work on the new town begun. It will be a bad proposition for the present town.
Inquiry at the offices of the Pacific & Idaho Northern develops the fact that this dispatch is altogether erroneous, as the company has purchased no land at Meadows whatever, and has no intention of going into the town building business." [Maybe the RR hadn't... technically, but I wonder if its managers formed a "separate" company to profit from this.]
The Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 26, 1906
Wm Winkler is sheriff elect of Washington County.
The plans for a RR down the Snake, along with the Ox Bow power plant plans, on top of talk of a "road" [RR?] from Baker, OR, worries some that Baker may displace Idaho towns as the main trading center for the Seven Devils.
Weiser Signal, Jan 16, 1907
Wm. F. Winkler is the new Washington county sheriff
Weiser Signal, Jan 30, 1907
Evergreen, the terminus of the P&IN RR, 76 miles north of Weiser, 16 miles north of Council. [This is the first mention of the name Evergreen. Up until the RR reached this point, the general area was referred to as "the Canyon". Now it seems that the whole area between Starkey and Price Valley (Tamarack is not used yet) is sometimes called Evergreen.]
Weiser Signal, Feb 6, 1907
"The new hotel at Evergreen..." Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Record, proprietors. [Not to be confused with his brother, «A.A». Record]
Weiser Signal, Feb 13, 1907
Average daily wages in Idaho in the mining field: Miners, $3.50 - shift bosses $5.00 - blacksmiths, $4 to $5.00
Weiser Signal, Mar 16, 1907
Haas brothers in Council going out of business
Weiser Signal, May _, 1907
J.R. Sowash mentioned as going to Hornet Creek. [Kampeter's bought the Black/Day ranch from Sowash]
Weiser Signal, June 15, 1907
Pete Kramer has extended his stage line to include Homestead, Ore.
Hinze Lumber Co. - Council [Herman Hinze]
Weiser Signal, June 19, 1907
B.F. Edlin is the manager of the Weiser American newspaper.
The "Ox Bow" power plant on the Snake River is planned Plan is to run lines to Boise.
Weiser Signal, July 31, 1907
E.B. Barton, from the Lambert sawmill, 12 miles above Council...
Weiser Signal, August 3, 1907
Charley Sullivan, Meadows - Evergreen stage driver
Weiser Signal, Aug 10, 1907
G.W. Boggs has taken a ten year lease on the Peacock mine
L.L. Burtenshaw was taken in by Game Warden M.A. Nelson on a charge of killing birds out of season. Plead guilty.
Game laws:
Seasons - prairie chicken, pheasant, partridge and turtle dove Sept 1 to Dec 1 -- limit 12 to 18 Snipe, plover, ducks and geese Sept 15 to Jan 1. -- limit 24 except geese, which is 3 Quail Nov 1 to Dec 1, limit of 18
Elk, deer, mountain sheep and mountain goat Sept 15 to Jan 1. Hunting and fishing license costs $1
Weiser Signal, 9-19-1907:
“The new road from Dale to West Fork which the Wilkie-Wright Lumber company has been building is completed and the company will immediately begin hauling lumber from their sawmill near Dale to the railroad at West Fork. A traction engine has been received and put in commission hauling the lumber and it is expected that at least a car load will be moved at each trip. Eighty acres of land has been purchased at West Fork by Art Wilkie and will be platted as a town site. The railroad company is building the longest switch above Council at West Fork and will soon begin work on a handsome depot. Phillip Walster [sic, Walston] will erect a modern hotel and post office will be established at the new town as soon as possible. The promoters of the new town are confident that they will be able to direct the Seven Devils traffic from Council into West Fork at the road from the latter place is several miles shorter and is free from heavy grades.”
Weiser Signal, Aug 28, 1907
Preston Anderson was taken to Weiser where he was judged insane and ordered to undergo treatment at Blackfoot. "Anderson's hallucination is that he is revising the Bible, and hypnotism, claiming that he would soon publish a Bible according to his own ideas." "He is a man of perhaps thirty years and is noticed by almost everybody on account of his long and unkempt hair." [There are reports of people suddenly going violently insane are in the paper almost weekly! Why so much back then?]
Weiser Signal, Oct 23, 1907
The Oregon Idaho Power Company is working on putting in a power plant at Ox Bow, but not much can be done until the RR reaches the place. The dam is to be concrete, 32 feet higher the present water level, and 800 to 1000 feet long.
Iron Springs bankruptcy case mentioned.
Weiser Signal, Oct 26, 1907
Former Signal editor, Robert Edwin Lockwood, accidentally shot and killed himself at his ranch at Riggins. Photo. Obit. age 39. Born Feb 1868. Came to Weiser 1888 [Lockwood Saddle is named after him]
Weiser Signal, Oct 30, 1907
"Joe Shilosky purchased an automobile in Boise Saturday and made the run to this city [Weiser] Sunday. This is Weiser's first machine and has attracted lots of attention."
Weiser Signal, Nov 2, 1907
"Work on the new road [Railroad] between Huntington and Lewiston has stopped, and a force of 3,500 men have been indefinitely laid off. The cause is said to be the stringency of the eastern money markets. When work will be resumed is not known." [This RR has been in the planning or construction stages for years.]
Weiser Signal, Nov 6, 1907
Preston Anderson released from Blackfoot asylum and is much improved.
Weiser Signal, Dec 18, 1907
Haas Hardware Co., Council
Weiser Signal, Feb 8, 1908
J.G. Stephens of Council, formerly proprietor of the hotel there...
Weiser Signal, Apr 4, 1908
A. Beckstead of Payette recently purchased the old Winkler ranch, and will move there shortly.
Weiser Signal, May 2, 1908
300 acres of apples trees were set out in the Council area
Weiser Signal, May 20, 1908
Louis Jermolowske, Council merchant...
Hot Lakes is a common destination for those with rheumatism
Weiser Signal, May 23, 1908
I.J. Conley, Council's druggist and postmaster
Weiser Signal, May 27, 1908
The Forest reserve was established long after the town of Cuprum got started, but the town has grown over the years. "The early settlers never believed that the village was destined to grow to any great size, and little attention was paid to how the title to the lands on which the buildings of the little mining camp were erected was vested." The townspeople got a judge to officially withdraw 80 acres from the Forest for the townsite and arranged to have each person's property delineated. Now they have discovered that some of the land is owned by miners as mineral claims. The miners have filed protests to anyone taking their claims.
Weiser Signal, June 3, 1908
The Council Commercial.. a systematic plan of advertising Council valley will be adopted to bring in more people. [More people seemed to be taken for granted as the most important factor toward improving the county and subjugating the wilderness.]
Weiser Signal, June 6, 1908
The train leaves Weiser at 10 a.m., arrives at Hot Springs [Starkey] at 1:04 p.m. and at Evergreen 26 minutes later. The cost: Weiser to Council or any point north thereof and return $3.00. Council to Hot Springs, Glendale, East Fork, or Evergreen and return $1.00 [First mention of the name "Glendale". I think it originated as a RR name... like Strawberry, Rubicon, etc. Also: $3 would have been a good days wages!]
"... the failure of the Iron Springs company was a blow from which that section will not recover for several years."
Weiser Signal, June 10, 1908
There is a movement afoot not to license the sale of liquor in Weiser.
Weiser Signal, June 13, 1908
Slight earthquake in Weiser. [There was a fair one in Meadows awhile back.]
[The papers report every agonizing detail of an injury or death, down to the last broken bone, severed arm, crushed skull, etc.]
Weiser Signal, June 17, 1908
Many horses stolen in the country between the Columbia River and the Weiser area. [In the past few years, there have been a lot of horse thieves caught, and a lot of horses stolen in the general area.]
Weiser Signal, June 24, 1908
New town site in the Seven Devils to be named "Ogemaw" - on Indian creek on the Kleinschmidt grade, three miles south of Cuprum. A hotel is under construction. Is to be a big BBQ on July 4
Meadows Eagle, Apr 23, 1908 - "The wave of temperance that is sweeping over the country is approaching flood tide in Idaho." Cambridge and Midvale have banned saloons. This is a local option, but editor Hackney advocates statewide prohibition.
Meadows Eagle, Apr 30, 1908 - County Commissioners established a county road from Meadows up Goose Creek to connect with the Meadows - Payette lake wagon road.
Meadows Eagle, May 7, 1908 - Electric lights being put in Meadows Woodman hall.
"The way to the Meadows leads over a steep, dangerous stage-road, which winds for sixteen miles from the end of the Pacific and Idaho Northern railway around precipitous cliffs, through forests and along the circuitous course of the wild Weiser river."
"Will Moyer, with Smith & Webb [Smith & Webb's store in Meadows] since last fall, has taken charge of W.E. Webb's fine ranch, adjoining town, and his place in the store has been taken by Ellis Baker of Cambridge. Mr. Baker is a capable and worthy young man and is already winning the goodwill of the patrons of this popular house."
Another column, quoted from the Cambridge News: "Ellis [Baker] is a good salesman and an industrious young man."
A.L. Freehafer, president of the Washington county Sunday School Association. Secretary is Dr. Brown of Council
Meadows Eagle, May 14, 1908 - Many buildings in Meadows are being wired for electricity. "The lights are popular."
Weiser American July 2, 1908
“Sam Criss’ warehouse near the depot was burned Friday night with its contents. It was valued at about $6,000, insurance $3,000. O.A. Huntley had a shingle machine burned worth about $250. It is not known how the fire started.
Miss Lapp, formerly principal of Council schools will be teaching in Seattle the coming year. “She is now teaching near Lardo.”
“Mr. Bolan has returned to Council and taken charge of the Overland hotel.”
Under editor Ivan M. Durrell from Colville, Wash. Weiser Signal said, "Council formerly had a paper, but the manager proved incapable of running, so the publication had to be discontinued." Note that Mr. Durrell was a terrible speller and typographer: many mistakes.
Council Leader, Oct 9, 1908
Last Sunday night "the planer and lumber yard at Hillsdale [Fruitvale] owned by A.H. Wilkie was destroyed by fire." "... the engine and a carload of lumber on the sidetrack..." fire caused by sparks from the engine.
James Ross sawmill on Hornet Crk. Ross stepped on a board to break it and a piece flew up into his eye, piercing it... lost the eye.
Register to vote at Mrs. Harlan's house... "first house east of the Burtenshaw residence in the eastern part of Council."
"Geo. T. Russell, postmaster at Dale,..."
"good showing of coal" at "coal mines on Middle Fork"
Roads- "A petition is being circulated for a new road from Cottonwood to Fort Hall... along the east side of the valley."
Fruitvale: "Call on C.E. Cox, Hillsdale [Fruitvale], Idaho, for blacksmithing of any kind." [E.F. Fisk said Cox was a very good wheel wright]
Rev. Stover got a new buggy
Fred Weed bought half interest in J.E. Lawrence meat Market... now called "Lawrence and Weed"
Council Leader, Fri. Oct 16, 1908
ad: "C.E. Cox, Blacksmith" "Hillsdale,(West Fork) Ida." [Last quote is exactly as printed] Cox very busy
Democratic party rally "at Eagle Hall in Council"
Council Drug Company
Lowe and Jones General Merchandise
A.H. Wilkie has built another, larger planer mill to replace the one that burned at Hillsdale [Fruitvale]
Frank Farlien and Joe Glenn cutting wood to ship by RR to Huntington, Ore.
Cool's store - "hay and stock food"
"Andy Carroll and Jesse Shaw... from Upper Hornet Crk..."
Professor Dillon sick... unable to perform his school duties
New steel bridge across Weiser River at Council completed .... cost $6,000... strongest wagon bridge in Wash. County. Editor says Next steel bridge should be on Middle Fork
Council Leader, Fri. Oct 23, 1908
ad: Fifer's Jewelry Store
Miss Boher - teacher at White school
Council Leader, Oct 30, 1908
"For many years the Day orchard on Hornet Crk. has been shipping out apples which have taken prizes at national exhibits..." " was not until last year that the planting of commercial orchards was begun;..." Now there are about 175 acres of young trees in the Council area. "Last year those interested in this industry organized themselves into the Council Valley Fruit Growers Association..." "...they sent an exhibit to the Boise fair and carried off 22 first prizes and 8 seconds on apples."
ad: Peters and Gregg, hardware, furniture, Gen. Merc.
Council Leader, Nov 6,1908
Peacock mine has yielded $750,000 / 12,000 tons of ore "New capitalist"(backers) "...intend to build a tramway from the mine to the new railroad that is being built down Snake River below Huntington at a cost of $50,000 and they will then be able to dump the ore right into the cars."
The Arkansas mine looks promising too. the "owners have been pushing the work during the past summer." Hancock Mining Co. have been working their claims and building a wagon road from Cuprum to their mine
Council Leader, Nov 13, 1908
ad- Livery, feed and sale stable- Dahl and Rinehart, prop.
Middle Fork postmaster Chas. Barbour
Mrs. Bert Kilkeny's bakery
* "A.F. Johnson, an old Councilite, now of Salmon River..." [Must have meant H.F. Johnson, as he is mentioned soon as living at Pollock]
Council Leader, Nov 20,1908
"R.E. Gray, one of the old time freighters in the northern part of Washington county...."
"...Geo. T. Russell, the old reliable freighter on Hornet Creek..." hauling for Mount Marshall Mining Co. to near Warren
S.G. Addington suing Ralph Wilkie for property
James Winkler sold his interest in a gen. merc. store in Long Valley, and moved to Council for the winter
"The Wilkie and White traction engine is at work hauling lumber again."
Quoted from Weiser signal: "Charlie Sullivan is the crack whip of the Idaho Stage Co.... between Evergreen the terminus of the P+IN RR to Meadows;...." with 4 or 6 horse teams
"Joe Russell, the freighter from Hornet creek to Meadows...."
G.W. Boggs - superintendent of Peacock mine. Shaft house and blacksmith shop just completed are 45' X 90' in size. Engineer surveying the tram route to RR at Snake.
Council Leader, Nov 27, 1908
Peter M. Gladhart married Alma Kennedy Thanksgiving day
People starting to raise hogs - may be profitable
Art Wilkie moving his sawmill onto Ralph Wilkie's property
Miss Lulu Sabean, teacher on Lower Hornet Crk. - 10 students
Ralph Wilkie moving to Boise for the winter
Council Leader, Dec 4, 1908
Eagles spending $ repainting an furnishing the opera house stage 32' X 22' deep the house is 22' X 74' with seating capacity of nearly 400
"Rile Harrington, better known as Old Riley..."
Tom Stanton and John Hayton freighting provisions to Peacock mine
Council Leader, Dec 11, 1908
Our new printing press has arrived and we are now printing a regular size paper
Jim Ross's sawmill
Frank Mathias building a new blacksmith shop on Galena St.
Albert Robison [sic] of Hillsdale......
Council Leader, Dec 18, 1908
Last several issues "the church" mentioned also Rev. Stover
Chris Hildebrand has bought the Overland Hotel and lots from J.H. Bolan
A.O. Huntley has a crew "cutting and yarding out logs...."
Council Leader, Dec 25, 1908
Council apples win 17 prizes at Council Bluffs, Iowa at the National Horticultural Congress.
Charlie and Andy Carroll of Hillsdale (Fruitvale)
Funeral of Jacob Groseclose .. born 1824...lived here nearly 40 yrs...buried at Hornet Crk. cemetery
Prisoner escaped from Council jail "by digging the bricks out of the wall under the window in his cell."
Weiser Signal, __, 1909:
“Settlers in Wild Horse canyon are having a serious time with the forest reserve people regarding possession of their homes. the district is embraced in the forest reserve but is strictly agricultural lands and a number of people attracted there by the remarkable climate took up lands and begun making homes. Two settlers, Thomas White and Mr. Haskett have already been dispossessed by the department and their place take presumably for ranger stations, although why two ranger stations within calling distance of each other should be desired is past understanding. Especially since the places claimed are not in the timber belt where it is generally supposed forest rangers do most of their work. Mr. Haskett was given a permit to go on the place taken by him and had built a house, taken out an irrigation canal and in other ways improved the place when the ranger in charge notified him to move off, which he proceeded to do, coming to Council.”
“Mr. White had also made considerable improvement on his place, seeding part down to hay and building a little home, and he too had notice to vacate, which he also did. Both places were then posted as ranger stations.”
“B. B. Day was the next settler to receive instructions to skidoo, but Mr. Day objected and the matter is now pending before the department. His place is also very much desired as another ranger station. This is hard to understand since that would make three ranger stations all in a row and how one ranger is to occupy all three simultaneously is a puzzle to the ordinary laymen. The land in Wild Horse canyon, as pasture land, is extremely valuable, and when planted to fruit will produce several hundred dollars per acre each year.”
“There is no especial objection in this section to the forest reserve policy, indeed if administered for the benefit of the people by conserving the timber supply, and the range possibilities as well as to prevent the gobbling by corporations of the timber, most people here are in hearty accord with the forestry department. but it is considered unfair and unnecessary to dispossess bona-fide settlers of agricultural lands. It is believed that the cause referred to are brought up through the undue conduct of the ranger in charge rather than through a desire on the part of the department to work hardships on homesteaders and it is sincerely hoped that the people who have been ordered off that part of the earth called Wild Horse canyon may be allowed to return to their homes and live in peace.”
[Benjamin B. Day succeeded in retaining his homestead.]
Council Leader, Jan 1, 1909
ad: the Council Dairy, Frank Weaver, prop.
"Middle Valley has 25 phones...."
Indian Valley " 27 " on farms
"The Middle Fork grade has been changed and the road home has been made much easier."
"M. Rosenfeld has opened a tailor shop in the Mitchell building at the Leader's old stand...."
Council Leader, Jan 15, 1909
Cotton wood Rd. referred to as being known as Gould's lane. Talk about route of road proposed from Cottonwood to Fort Hall hill near E.M. Tomlinson's place.
The Postal Dept. will only consider a mail route which serves at least 100 people.
For Sale - 160 acre farm on Hornet Crk, 17 mi from Council , R.E. Wilkie
Council Leader, Jan 22, 1909
Boy born to Lewis Winklers
"Frank Lincoln, who has been driving stage for Mr. Kramer has gone to Thunder City" to carry mail.
A.J.Haskett now has a harness and shoe shop in bldg south of the Overland Hotel
Petition for Post office on Gray's Creek. "It will be temporarily supplied from Middle Fork. The name Alpine has been suggested."
Meadows Eagle, Jan 28, 1909 - Mr. C.S. Gibbs, vice president of the Council Valley Fruitgrowers association brought a load of apples to Meadows, but the road was so bad he had to leave half his load at the Stevens place. [East Fork]
Mention of the Eagle Hall
Charley Whiteley and John Kesler have been working at the coal mines on Middle Fork.
Council Leader, Jan 29, 1909
Prof. B.J. Dillon seems to have been a Council teacher
Boy born to Will Camps
Mrs. E.C. (Ellen) Baird died Jan 29 - buried at IOOF cemetery
Congregational church mentioned - Rev. Stover
Kesler's Jewelry Store
Council Leader, Feb. 12, 1909
Ralph Wilkie family moved to Boise
Alpine mentioned - Albert McDowell of Alpine
Earl Walston of Hornet Crk.
Council Leader, Feb 19, 1909
"R.M. Brooks who for the past four years has "...had a general merchandise store here, sold his store to J.M. Young. Young is old settler
H.F. Johnson of Pollock
Council Leader, Feb 26, 1909
Council Leader, Mar 5, 1909
Joe Gayetti opened assayers office opposite the Leader office - also does mechanic work
Bids wanted for excavation of bldg West of Post office
?Mr. and Mrs. Day of Wildhorse - (previously mentioned their orchard)
Council Leader, Fri Mar 12, 1909
New Lumber Co. formed at West Fork : Lincoln Lumber Co. The company takes the sawmill of A.H. Wilkie, who is President of the new Company. L. Adam of Ontario is Vice President, Andy Carroll is Secretary and Treasurer
Lincoln Post office established - Andy Carroll, Postmaster
Apartments in the Dr. Brown building mentioned
H.F. Johnson delivered a lecture at the Macabees Hall
Council Leader, Mar 19, 1909
Still a reference to "Hillsdale" for Fruitvale - Camps, McMahan's and Hams there
Every issue advertises butter wrappers for sale at the Leader office. A law was just passed against rubber stamps on these wrappers... they must be preprinted with the accurate amount of contents, ie 1 lb. etc.
Council Leader, Mar 26, 1909
G.A. Christie - new vet and dentist, located at Dahl and Rinehart livery barn
Gold ore from "Peck ledge on Hornet Crk."
Council Leader, Apr 2, 1909
Council "... single file dilapidated sidewalks ... should be removed and new ones put down wide enough so that two ladies can pass without one having to step off in the mud."
20,500 fruit trees being shipped to Council Valley from 4 different nurseries
new addition to Fred Weeds house
Philip Walston of Lincoln
Dr. Potter....
Council Leader, Apr 9,1909
Council Leader, Apr 16, 1909
Council Leader, Apr 23, 1909
Col. C.F. Drake, gen mang of Hancock Mining Co, .. Co. owns the Haas Mine near White Monument - over 300' tunnel Also Climax mine - 600' tunnel Much excitement at the mines about the extension of the RR down the Snake River
"G.F. Gregg has just received a supply of hunting and fishing licenses. Parties who have receipts will please call and exchange them for the official license."
Oscar Wilkie filled for homestead in 1904: S 1/2, NE 1/4, NW 1/4, SE 1/4 and NE 1/4, SW 1/4 of Sec 35, T 18 N, R 3 W Final proof 1909
Council Leader, Apr 30, 1909
Stevens Ranger Station selected as experiment station "... all kinds of fruit and ornamental trees will be tried and tested ... to determine what kind of trees are best adapted for this climate."
James Winkler has contract to excavate for new bank bldg
Mentions a "folder" published by the P+IN RR with articles and photos of Weiser to Long Valley
Council Leader, May 7, 1909
"Mr. Nelson's and Peck boy's mine..." near Summit doing well 95' tunnel - gold
On May 2nd, and excursion up the P+IN RR from Weiser was taken by 500 people attending the Oregon-Idaho Development Congress at Weiser. Co. E.M. Heigho, Vice President and general manager of the P+IN was in charge. Stops were made at Midvale, Cambridge and Council. Idaho Governor J.H. Brady came along. He and Heigho gave a speech in each town.
See photo, front page of May 21, 1909 issue. It became a post card. The photo was taken at the depot. "Along the side of the table were several boxes of the big wonders [apples] for the welcome visitors to fill their pockets out of." The crowd did just that, and the boxes are empty. Then Gov. Brady spoke, then Heigho. These apples were some that had been stored over the winter in cellars "without ice" since last fall, and they kept very well. In the photo are fruit blossoms from this spring. The lower country had just had a bad frost which severely damaged their fruit crop.
A.C. Biggerstaff acquitted of murder of Sam Moore. [Not Daniel Moore, who shot Harphan] They were at odds over something. Moore showed up badly beaten and died soon after. ???(Nov 1909) There was a newspaper in Council then. The evidence was only circumstantial.
Council Leader, May 14, 1909
L.L. Burtenshaw enjoyed shooting tournaments - he attended many. This paper, he was at one in Boise. (He was on the school board for a long time and frequently handed out the diplomas at graduation)
Council Leader, May 21, 1909
The W.R. Brown bldg
"A corporation has been formed known as the Washington County Land and Development Co. for the purpose of developing Council Valley...."
Someone asked how Council orchardists kept the worms out of their apples.... Editor says "... Council Valley possesses a peculiar climatic condition which worms cannot become climated to." Also, "An apple failure on account of frost is something that has never been known of here."
Council Leader, May 28, 1909
Change in management in Cool store - business to continue in the same place.
"L.C. Washburn has purchased the dairy herd and milk business of S.G. Addington. Mr. Washburn will now be known as the milk man."
Council Leader, June 4, 1909
"James Kesler has had a store front put on his jewelry store."
"Fruitvale Townsite Co., Ltd. have sold a five acre orchard tract to W.T. Walker who will build at once."
Leader installed a gas engine to run the press.
Ad: Sam Criss sells mowing machine fixtures, Jackson forks, equipment parts
Council Leader, June 11, 1909
Land slide at Roosevelt (Thunder Mt. area)
Robert Barbour of Bear (mentioned in 1908 too)
Son born to J.J. Allisons
Ice cream and sodas at Billie Brown's + candy
"Asa Kingsbury has disposed of his interests in the Cambridge hotel to Ellis Baker." "Messrs. Watt and Baker will continue to run the hotel in the same up-to-date manner...."
Council Leader, June 18, 1909
Jay Piper accidentally shot dead when pistol fell at Lester Crk. - son of S.D. Piper - he was 17 or 18
Bids wanted for building a "concrete foundation under a school house 24 x 36 in Dist. 34." "Enquire of J.E. Glenn or Mrs. Albert Robertson, trustees. Lincoln, Idaho."
Ball game last week between Council and Hog Creek. Hog Creek won
Council Leader, Fri. June 25, 1909
In a past paper: Weiser is not having a July 4 celebration, so many Weiser people will come to Council. The celebration here is to be held on Monday, July 5th. Will have a mock Indian attack on an emigrant train east of town. The rescue by "2 companies of I.N.G. [Idaho National Guard] assisted by a band of pioneer scouts under the command of Captain Chaffee will be one of the most interesting events of the day as it is being enacted on the same ground that genuine Indian battles were fought on 40 years ago." [Don't take this "same ground" stuff too literally.] Reference to "the beautiful island park near the river" at Council where the activities will be in the shade. There will be a trap shoot, baseball, and banners with the word "Welcome" stretched across the street near the RR depot.
Charles Ross married Cassie Koontz
Ad: Seven Devils Lumber Co., "on the Y in Council" Jim Ross, Mgr.
"Mrs. Arrington has rented the Council Hotel building of G.H. Smith and has taken possession."
Council Leader, Fri. July 2, 1909
P. Van Graven, Weiser photographer took some fine photos of the Council area last week.
W.T. Colvin has purchased the Rocky Mt. photo car, and "will be a permanent stand hereafter at Council"
Chairman of the Village Board (F.E. Brown) asks no on to use firecrackers longer than 4 inches long in town.
Council Leader, July 9, 1909
The celebration held on July 5th is said to be possibly the largest gathering of people in Washington County up to this time: 2500 to 3000 people in Council. In the shade of the "towering trees" at Island Park, there was a speech by E.M. Heigho, a big feed, and a tight wire act. Elsewhere: a bucking bronco contest, dance, baseball game, circus, fruit and grain exhibits.
Ad: Bud Addington selling building supplies, cement
Council Leader, July 16, 1909
G.M. Winkler sold his ranch North of Council to L.C. Waterbury of New York though E.W. Bowman (real estate agent as of late) The price was $12,000.
Council Leader, July 23, 1909
Council sodding its park
Apple profits in Council Valley: $100/yr on 6 year old trees per acres... $600/yr on 10 to 12 year old trees per acre. Peaches, pears, plums, grapes, prunes and more are grown here.
Strawberries are especially well known here, yielding $500 to $900 per acre
New bank building is progressing
Council Leader, July 30, 1909
Some Seven Devils mines have been closed "a long time" however, the outlook is good. The Hancock Co. has 20 men employed at the Peacock. Ore being stockpiled in anticipation of a RR to Homestead because it is less that 1/2 the distance to Council. "The Hancock company also has a force of miners working at the properties on Bear creek, recently bonded of Arthur David." (gold properties)
Moving houses seems to have been common.
Council Leader, Aug 6, 1909
Martha J. Kesler died (Mrs. Alex) age 72
Real estate boom last few months
Council Leader, Aug 13, 1909
Children of Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Daughty burned to death in house fire.
Council Leader, Aug 27, 1909
New cement sidewalks being laid in Council
Infant son of Ralph Wilkies died - buried in "Wilkie Cemetery on Hornet creek."
Gov. Brady passed through Council, and ate at Mrs. Arrington's Council Hotel.
"Whiteley Bros. are building a new cement block store building 30 X 60 feet with a 20 ft. ceiling. They will have a 7 foot balcony 12 feet from the floor."
Andy Carroll married Olda Davis Aug 21 at Meadows. They will live "at Fruitvale" [why didn't they call it Lincoln?]
Council Leader, Sept 3, 1909
Intentions are to start building the Lost Valley Irrigation project this fall.
Wm. Brown of Landore moving to Seattle [?]
Wm. Fifer has moved his jewelry store into the Hahn Bldg. formerly occupied by Mrs. Arrington
Council Leader, Sept 10, 1909
Lost Valley Reservoir has been started - will cost about $50,000. Construction under supervision of J.J. Allison of Council, "an old experienced hand at the business." It is to be 25 feet high this fall, and 55' when done - 40' wide at bottom X 350 at the top.
Mrs. E.M. Clark, mother of Mrs. J.M. Lynch, died last Friday at Cuprum, of cancer of the stomach at age 63. Buried at Hailey, Idaho. She was well known here - ran hotel "in Seven Devils for several years and formerly resided at Hailey." Her husband died at Cuprum nearly 10 years ago. "She was spending the summer at Cuprum with Dr. Lynch and family."
Girl born to Carl Weeds
A.R. McClure arrived from Boise to live just West of the river from Council (grandfather of Senator Jim McClure) - bought the Peterson place.
Council Leader, Sept. 17, 1909
30,000 apple trees to be set out by J.J. Allison on his "tract" "on Middle Fork just South of Council. This tract comprises 4,000 acres and when all set to fruit will be the largest orchard in the United States."
"The Home of the Big Red Apple" promotional logo was begun last year with a Red apple on envelopes.
W.G. Koontz having H.H. Cossitt build a 24' X 30' building (cost $1500) on his lots North of Winkler Bros. blacksmith shop.
Mr. Pickett to teach at White School
Council Leader, Sept 24, 1909
Destroyed by fire 2:30 A.M. Weds., Sept 15: stables and sheds of the Idaho Stage Co. at Evergreen. 3 horses killed - one coach burned, 5 sets of harness and a quantity of feed. The "hotel, freight house and other buildings were saved." A drunk sheep herder is thought to have been careless with a cigarette.
Bids wanted for school Dist. 55, Glendale - school house 20' X 30' with 12' ceiling on concrete foundation = 1' X 1 1/2' 6 windows, brick or concrete chimney, two closets one wood shed 12' X 14'
"Mrs. Allen of Kramer..."
Bank building apparently done - also new sidewalks
[Note: the Sept 29 Weiser Signal reported a "group of local people have acquired control of Starkey..." and 100 acres with it. They contemplate building a hotel east of the River.
Sept. 30, 1909 Idaho Free Press—from Warren Times book—“The old Packer John cabin, which stands on the banks of Goose creek at Meadows, has become the property of the State Historical Society and plans for its preservation are being taken up. The historic old structure was owned by John Irick and donated to the society.”
Council Leader, Oct 1, 1909
Frank Harp shot accidentally - pistol on wagon seat in his coat slipped off and discharged
[Man! Editor Durrell misspells a lot: "Clyne Smith grade"]
Council Leader, Oct 8, 1909
Lost Valley dam nearing completion
Sam Criss moving his general merchandise store into "new location in the bank building." in New Bank bldg.
Council Leader, Oct 22, 1909
Whiteley Bros. store nearly completed = two story
"... Council Mesa Orchards have increased their order for apple trees from 30,000 to 80,000."
Twin girls born to Mrs. T.J. Glenn Oct 19
Ditches at Mesa orchards to be done by May of 1910 at cost of $300,000
Council Leader, Nov 12, 1909
Son born to Mrs. Charles Ward Nov 11
Council had only one saloon (1908) but it closed in Aug 1908
Council Leader, Nov 19, 1909
J.M. Young died. lived in Wash. Co. 12 yrs born Ill. in 1839
fought in the Civil War for the south. Came to Eastern Oregon in 1885 Sons: Robert and O'Connor buried in Weiser beside wife who died Oct 1906 (Susan Whiteley Young)
On election day, Washington County went "dry"
town votes: dry wet
Council 221 132
Cuprum 7 24
Landore 12 21
Bear 14 5
Council was apparently already a "dry" town
E.M. Heigho has resigned as gen. Mang. of P+IN RR
Lowe and Jones store
Council Leader, Nov 26, 1909
Council won top prizes again this year at the Horticultural Congress in Council Bluffs, Iowa
Big article on Mesa orchards = 1/2 page = describing financing of the 5 and 10 acre lots. 100 men working on ditches
"The Council planing mill, with its two planers and edger is now dressing 4000,000 feet of lumber cut in their saw mill on Hornet Creek,..."
"The Council Mesa Orchard company is installing its own sawmill up the middle fork of the Weiser river and will cut its own material for flumes, etc."
Council Leader, Dec 3, 1909
"After completing the OxBow power tunnel, the contracting firm of J.G. White + Co. have resigned...." and will leave Copperfield Dec. 1 Due to "friction with the Arnold Company [who will] take over the construction until the contract is let to some other firm." Owners of the enterprise: Idaho - Oregon Light and Power Co. "The work still to be done consists of concreting the power house and constructing the dam across Snake river."
A.L. Freehafer = State Senator
C.W. Holmes joins E.W. Bowman in real estate business
ad: C.C. Casey - Tonsorial Artist - Baths 25 cents ["Tonsorial Artists" or "Tonsorialists" were barbers.]
Council Leader, Dec 10, 1909
Dale Grange was organized Oct 28
Chinese pheasants being released to the wild in this area
"Mrs. Arrington has moved into her own house across from Carr and Freehafer's office."
Box social to be held at Fruitvale school house [notice they called it Fruitvale]
Whiteley Bros. store done and in business - moving from old store
ad: Fred Cool building a coal shed = capacity is 150 tons
Council Leader, Dec 17, 1909
P+IN RR sold to the "Weyerheuser syndicate, representing the Hill interests, and the road is soon to be extended beyond its present terminus." Possibly clear to San Francisco (last paper) Edgar M. Heigho reelected Pres and gen. Mang. [There was great excitement over new possibilities and growth from this extension. ]
Edna Seavey married Lyman M. Cossitt - oldest son of H.H. Cossitt. They are Cossitt and Son, contractors and builders
Weiser Semi-Weekly Signal, Dec 18, 1909
New Whiteley store in Council finished
Council Leader, Jan 7, 1910
Miss Hattie Anderson died New Yrs morning - 18 years old
Council Leader, Jan 14, 1910
Ruth Kitzelman married David Lakey
Edmund James, only son of Walter James of Landore, died at Weiser where he was attending high school - scarlet fever. His sister, Anna, was married on Christmas day to Ernest Adams of Council. Other sister is Pearl.
Council Leader, Jan 21, 1910 (Small magazine format with cover, about 8"X 11")
Permission given to build power line to Meadows from the Falls of the Little Salmon River
Son born to Mrs. Fred Weed Jan 15
Council Leader, Fri. Jan 28, 1910
"Last Saturday, about noon, the Eagle Opera House collapsed under heavy load of wet snow...." 3 feet deep
Heavy snow slides - no mail to Council for the past week
Warehouse at Midvale also collapsed from snow
There is to be a new bank: Council State Bank
J.J. Jones retired from business. J.F. Lowe will continue in the store under his own name.
Fruitvale: Phillip Walston - 5 year proof of Homestead - SE1/4, NW1/4, Sec 10, T17N, R1W
Council Leader, Feb 4, 1910
"The big Lost River reservoir dam north of Council was completed in November [?], as was also the tunnel, which is 8 X 10 feet in the clear, and 250 feet long ...." The dam is to replace water taken from Middle Fork of the Weiser river.
"The Eagles will build a $7,000 building...."
Being built: Dr. F.E. Brown's house = finest in the valley - $1500 worth of plumbing
"A.H. Caviness has a big saw mill on Crooked creek...."
Heinze Lumber Co. of Weiser has a mill on Mill Crk
[First Pleasant Ridge column heading]:
D.L. Marble mentioned several times, but also under Dale news in past. Also James Hensen, Guy Marble
Council Leader, Feb 18, 1910
Wm. Higgins married Florence Whitney (daughter of Fred Whitney of Cottonwood)
Council Leader, Feb 18,1910
Andy Carroll - secretary of Lincoln Lumber Co., Ltd.
300,000 fruit trees will be set out this spring - list of people and acres
Council State Bank opened Weds. in the Fifer bldg.
Dr. Green has located his barn west of the RR depot - buying and selling milk cows.
Council Leader, Mar 4, 1910
Avalanches and floods all over the North West as warm weather hits suddenly
Walter Schroff, mang. of "Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co. here for the past number of years...."
"The Weiser Valley Land and Water Co. have their new [saw]mill running...."
"The Congregational church has decided to install a regular pastor in the valley." A meeting called to decide site to build new parsonage.
Weiser American Mar 10, 1910 [there seems to be two issues with this date -both promotional issues]
Big front page spread on Council Valley with photos: 1-E.W. Bowman at desk 2- Panorama of Council by H.C. Myers taken from the foothills, looking West (also appeared in the ACL) 3- A.L. Freehafer
Article by Bowman on page one: 2 million board feet of lumber per year is produced in the Council area. Council has "concrete walks". Mesa Orchards has 5,000 acres (article is more poetic than accurate)
Article by Freehafer said Council banished saloons (not necessarily recently)
Page 2- Big real estate ad for Carr and Freehafer with photo of 5 trophies won at Council Bluffs, Iowa in 1909. Also big ad for Bowman - Holmes realtors
Page 3- BIG photo of Mesa (just hills) photo of buggy in Middle Fork ford and a pig panorama with 2 men and hills captioned "Weiser Valley Land & Water Company's Irrigation Project Near Council."
Plans for Mesa laid out = 10 acre lots to be sold, town with electric plant, trolley line to a nearby RR depot, large club house. Orchard acreage priced at $400 to $500 per acre. At that price, the company will plant trees and care for them for 5 years plus pay the owner 3% interest on his investment. After 5 years the co. will take care of the land for 10% of the net profit. The co. will build a house on owner's land at cost of "materials, labor and supervision".
Second Weiser American, Mar 10, 1910 [there seems to be two issues with this date -both promotional issues]
Photos of nice homes in Weiser - one of E.D. Ford's. Photo of Benjamin F. Edlin, born Jan 30, 1869 --
large photo of E.D. Ford and article on Crane Creek reservoir - Ford is president and treasurer of the Crane Creek Irrigation, Land & Power Co. A.G. Butterfield is vice president
page 3 (sic) - article headed "Rich Mining District" by Col C.F. Drake = The Seven Devils Copper Co. ". . . has just completed a wagon road from the [Arkansaw] to Cuprum down Indian Creek to the Kleinschmidt Grade."
The "Hancock Copper Mines Co. of Idaho Limited" "are taking out rich gold and silver ore" one mile east of Landore. Not clear where: "This winter they have just completed a 50-ton mill to work their ores by plates and a Wilfley concentrator." The company is "represented" by Col. C.F. Drake of Weiser, Pres and general manager.
Council Leader, Mar 11, 1910
S.G. Addington, "purchasing agent for a large packing house."
Ben F. Edlin of Weiser - editor
Council Leader, Mar 18, 1910
Big photo of Council, courtesy of Bowman - Holmes Co., taken from the east of town (and maybe North of the Piper place) on the front page of the paper. [There is still an original at the Leader Office]
20' X 36' addition to be built on North end of RR freight room at depot
Council Leader, Mar 25, 1910
"H.P. Lee will erect an office bldg in the rear of the Hancock Hotel."
Council Leader, Apr 1, 1910
"Chas. Carroll left last week to work at the sawmill south of Council."
"Tom Glenn will erect a livery stable in the north part of Fruitvale."
"Work began at the planer Tuesday with Art Wilkie as manager and Vollie Zink of Council engineer."
"J.J. Larkey, formerly of Oxford Nebraska,..." recently purchased 10 acres from the Fruitvale Townsite Co.
"The hotel company organized this week will erect a hotel building as soon as the material can be obtained."
"A.H. Wilkie has moved from his place on Hornet Creek to the Walston farm north of Fruitvale."
"The Fruitvale Townsite company is putting a new road just north of the ten acres recently purchased by J.J. Larkey."
2 new doctors in Council: H.T. Low, M.D. and R.B. Parris, Dentist plan the build a hospital.
W.H. Camp sold F.E. Brown 40 acres thru the Bowman - Holmes Co.
Council Leader, Apr 8, 1910
"Miles D. Chaffee of the Cotswold ranch...."
Chas. Carroll to work at Huntley's Sawmill in Seven Devils
"Rich Wilkie moved into his new real estate office Wednesday."
Council Leader, Apr 15, 1910
Mrs. Elizabeth Groseclose died at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Clifton. She was an early pioneer
Council Leader, Apr 22, 1910
A.H. Wilkie, Pres. of the Hornet Crk Water Storage Assoc. Ltd.
"The lot where Fred Cool's feed store now stands has been purchased and the erection of the [new Pomona hotel] building will be commenced as soon as possible,...." Mr. Cool will move his bldg down by the RR
E.W. Bowman bought a 5 passenger White Steamer touring car
L.L. Burtenshaw = Secretary - Treasurer of the East Fork Ditch Co.
J.D. Neale, school principal, is running for county superintendent of public schools
son born to Mrs. Sam Osborne
R.E. Wilkie and family purchased a lot in Fruitvale, expects to build. He will now have charge of the Wilkie sawmill.
Fruitvale: "The hotel company held another meeting Saturday evening and elected the following persons: J.J. Larkey, president, Andy Carroll secretary, Isaac McMahan treasurer, Tom Glenn and W.T. Walker, the directors, met Tuesday evening and selected a location which the Fruitvale Townsite Co. has donated."
Weiser American, Apr 28, 1910
Hotel to be built on Fred Cool's corner [SE corner of Moser and Main]
E.W. Bowman will erect a "two story brick front with cement walls, on Moser Avenue." to be occupied by Bowman & Holmes Realty and the Council State Bank on the first floor. The second floor will be leased
The Eagles plan a $5,000 building - no exact location planned as yet
Dr. Frank Brown is building a nice home. "He has installed a plant that will supply him with electric lights, heat and water service, including fire protection. He has installed a gasoline engine with which to generate the electricity and furnish air pressure power that forces the water up from the well. the electrical current generate [sic] 110 volts strong and will light his office and barn as well as his residence."
Council Leader, Apr 29, 1910
Mesa Orchards "hiring every man they can secure to work."
Girl born to Mrs. Soren Hanson
"Charlie the Chinaman who has spent a number of years in Council...."
A.O. Huntley Sawmill near Cuprum
"Andy Carroll, the manager of the Lincoln Lumber Co.'s store...." ordered a stock of shoes
"Fruitvale Real Estate Agency" [must be Rich Wilkie's]
ad: G.M. Winkler and Co. Hardware
Council Leader, May 5, 1910
Fred Cool bought 90 ft lot east of Whiteley Bros. store and will build a new store there. His old store will be moved to the P+IN track and used as a warehouse.
"Prof. B.J. Dillon came up from Cambridge and occupied the pulpit in the congregational church Sunday evening." (He also preached at Cottonwood this week.)
Henry Childs moved back to his old home in N.Y. state. Has lived here about 42 years [1910 minus 42 = 1868! Long before the Mosers]
Mr. Hinze to open big lumber yard in Council
Mrs. A.H. Wilkie visited her sister, Mrs. Dillon, in Cambridge
Weiser American, May 5, 1910
Mesa - Weiser Valley Land & Water Co. has 6,000 acres. The plan was conceived by J.J. Allison after searching for 5 years for such a place all over the West. He was brought to the Council area by an exhibit at the State Horticulture meeting at Payette two years ago. C.E. Miesse is president, C.E. Macey is general manager. These two men came on board last September. O.M. Carter is a partner.
Council Leader, May 13, 1910
New [Pomona] hotel will be mission style - 2 stories high
Burtenshaw went to Boise to shoot with Boise gun club
Wm. Brown of Cambridge....
Council Leader, May 20, 1910
Big story on new hotel that is to be built
Frequent reference (every paper) to the need for better roads
Seven Devils booming - Arkansas mine hiring every available man.
Mrs. Davis of Bear Crk visited her sister in law, Mrs. Andy Carroll
Phillip Walston to build a feed store and stable
Shingle mill at the Brooks place
Council Leader, May 27, 1910
Lincoln Lumber Co. ad wanting timber for its Hornet Crk mill
Seven Devils: Copper King mine and Buena Vista mine being worked
Sawmill and shingle mill at Fruitvale mentioned
Fruitvale school measures 24' X 36' X 18' bids wanted for painting
Weiser American, Jun 2, 1910
J.O. Peters died at his home in Council - obituary
Dr. J.H. Kellogg, professor at the College of Physicians and Surgeons says ". . . everybody will be insane 250 years from now if insanity increases at its present rate . . . " He says insanity has increased 100% in last 100 years. "Dr. Kellogg declared that insanity has increased 100 per cent in the last 100 years until there are now 34,000 lunatics and idiots to every million people in the world."
Council Leader, June 3, 1910
John Olaf Peters died. "In 1880, he built the first business house in Council Valley about one mile north of the present town of Council. Later, Mr. Peters built a store where Wm. Fifer's jewelry store now stands. In 1894 the store burned and he then went into business with Isaac McMahan for a short time...." Then to Weiser for 3 years. Fall of 1900 returned, and operated a gen merc store with J.F. Lowe for a short time, then sold to J.J. Jones. Had more stores here.
Mr. Hinze opened the Independent Lumber Co. in Council - B.C. Bullock, manager
ad: Washington County Land + Development Co.: Bowman and Holmes Co., managers.
Council Leader, June 10, 1910
16 miles of rail to be laid, Evergreen to Meadow Valley
Boy born to Mrs. J.F. Lowe, Jan 7
"H.H. Cossitt has his store and office building, opposite Kilkeny's confectionery, completed and has a full line of building material."
Council Leader, June 17, 1910
The State Restaurant - Council
Seven Devils: Hancock Mining Co.'s new concentrator began running last week, day and night
Montana parties working the old Peacock
"McMahan school house" mentioned
planer mill mentioned
Weiser American, Jun 23, 1910
Mention of "the corner where the Moser Hotel used to stand"
Council Leader, June 24, 1910
"Joe Glenn is building a new house." [1/2 mile west of Fruitvale where I (Dale Fisk) live now... same house. When remodeling, I found construction paper with "H.H. Cossitt and Son, Council, Idaho" stamped on it inside one wall.]
Son born to Mrs. J.W. Davis, Jun 16
Council Leader, July 1, 1910
From Emmett paper: Saturday, Oscar C. Wilkie married Lena May Wilson at the Methodist Church. They left for their new home "on the Emmett mesa." The bride, a teacher, is not a local girl. The groom is the brother of F.A. Wilkie, who is president of the Northwestern Engineering Co.
New store bldg progressing rapidly
Charlie Carroll has been working at the Huntley sawmill
July 9, 1910 Council Leader. Old As We Heard It news item. “H. F. Johnson returned last week from a stay of several months in California.
Council Leader, July 8, 1910
Wilkies may build a railroad over the Ridge from Crooked River to Fruitvale.
Byron Davis of Council, son of B.D.K. Davis, married Matilda Anderson, daughter of Mrs. Mark Winkler, July 3 - [Cary Davis George's parents]
ad: Furniture at Peters and Gregg store
Council Leader, July 15, 1910
Council is the only town is Wash. Co. using the Rocky Mt. Bell Telephone exchange. Other towns have independent ones. Editor urges similar independent exchange here = cheaper and more freedom
Work began on the Pomona hotel Friday
Council Leader, July 22, 1910
Jas. Ward working at Caviness Lumber Co. sawmill on Hornet
Lewis Winkler moved his house from the [NW] corner of Main and Moser to the lots on the east side of Main, North of the Freehafer house. [This was formerly the Council Journal Office, and became the first Adams Co. courthouse after it was moved.] "The Council State Bank has purchased the lots on the corner and expect to build this fall..." or next spring.
Council Leader, July 29, 1910
C.E. Miesse, pres of Weiser Valley Land and Water Co., has resigned to "take charge of the selling dept. of the great Orchard Tract in the Council - Mesa."
Chas Poynor bought the Home Table Restaurant from Mr. Brown
Lincoln Lumber Co. moved stock into new Fruitvale store
New Case engine purchased by the Lincoln Lumber Co. arrived Saturday and was taken to Hornet Crk Mill.
Council Leader, Aug 5, 1910
Contract for new Eagle hall to Brinson and Gasman - construction to begin with 2 months.
Mention of a telephone at Kramer
Council Leader, Aug 12, 1910
"Whiteley Bros. are the first residents of Council to bring an automobile to this valley. They have four which they recently shipped from St. Louis."
E.M. Heigho in fist fight - a woman died of a heart attack while watching the fight
Council Leader, Aug 19, 1910
"The body of Joe Brown, the well known miner who disappeared in the Seven Devils a year ago, has been found in an old tunnel and indications point to foul play. Sheriff Courdin and Attorney Richards left for the scene Tuesday. Brown owned several valuable claims and had considerable money with him when he disappeared. - Weiser American."
W.T. Walker helping at Fruitvale planer during absence of Emsley Glenn.
J.J. Larkey laying foundation for a house at Fruitvale
Council Leader, Aug 26, 1910
girl born to Mrs. Edgar Moser Aug 13
Photo of Charles A Hackney of Meadows
Dentist J.W. Easter opened office in Hancock bldg
Council Leader, Sept 2, 1910
Primary election results. [I've seen no mention of Wm Winkler in this election, or in 1908 election.]
Erection Eagle Opera house and new hotel progressing
Council Leader, Sept 9, 1910 [out of sequence in book, between May 27 and Jun 10)
A.E. Hinke to build hotel in Indian Valley 30' X 56'
Council Leader, Sept 16, 1910
school teacher is Carrie Waugh of Maryville, Mississippi
"J.J. Larkey and Fred Brooks began work on their residence last week and C.E. Cox is building a new barn."
E.E. Cook from Colo., formerly of Springfield, Mo. bought the J.L.B. Carroll store - will stock drugs and school supplies
Council Leader, Sept 23, 1910
Richardson sawmill at Price Valley mentioned
Miss Smelker - teacher at Cottonwood - from S. Dakota
C.S. Gibbs has bought the "veterinary dentistry outfit from Mr. Christie..."
W.G. Koontz family moved into their new house
Rev. J.L. Baker sent to Council by "Methodist conference for a
year and that denomination will establish a church organization here."
Weiser American, Sept 29, 1910
RR being built to New Meadows - big article - water tank being built at Mail Cabin Hill & at Woodland (supplied by springs)
Council Leader, Sept 30, 1910
Miss Hutchinson, niece of Chas. Draper, will teach at the Dale school
Sam Criss's store will close Tues. and Weds. for the Jewish holiday
Fruitvale: "James Fry and Henry Shaw came up from Weiser Monday and are plastering the hotel. They will also plaster J.J. Larkey's residence."
Weiser American, Oct 10, 1910
RR construction being done by "husky Greeks". The first spike was driven "yesterday". [Grading has been going on for weeks. These are the first rails.]
Weiser American, Nov 13, 1910
The Dillons moved to town from their ranch. Mrs. Dillon will stay home while B.J. goes on a lecture tour.
1911 [Seems to be no ACLs on microfilm until until Oct 5]
Weiser American, Jan 5, 1911
New opera house has moving pictures twice a week
Weiser American, Jan 12, 1911
page 4- Son of O.G. Shearer choked to death on a bean he was eating for lunch at Hornet school.
page 8- Jim Ross family is moving away
The Macabees have abandoned their old hall and will meet in IOOF hall
Weiser American, Jan 26, 1911
Court case of Ova J. Allen - assault case known as the Bear School fight. Beaten because teacher (Mrs. Burris) corrected Allen's child.
page 2- post office to be established at Tamarack. postmaster is to be S.F. Richardson
Weiser Signal 1-31-11
S.B. No. 74 Introduced by Senator Freehafer—Valuation $1,500,00.
Council County Seat.
Boise, Jan. 30.—Senator Freehafer, of Washington county, Friday introduced the much expected Washington county division bill, which calls for the creation of Adams county from the upper half of the present one, with Council as the county seat.
The line of division proposed starts near the mouth of….[description of boundaries]
It is said that opposition to the bill has been developing for some time, and that petitions are now or will be filed by people of Meadows, Cambridge and Indian Valley, although the delegation here seem to have no fear for the bill as at present drafted.
The new county, under the present form of the bill, will include Indian Valley, Council Valley, Meadows valley, Hornet Creek, Bear Creek, the Seven Devils country and Price Valley. The area of the two parts is about the same. The assessable valuation of the old county would be $3,000,000; that of the new (Adams) county would be 1200 to 1500.
Weiser American, Feb 2, 1911
Special train came to New Meadows to celebrate completion of tracks - big celebration - no date given as to when tracks actually made it there.
Weiser Signal 2-28-11 (Blanks where text was in the fold shadow)
Bill Creating Adams County Passed the House—
Fate of Measure in Hands of Governor
Notwithstanding ninety percent of the people of Washington county have shown the members of the legislature plainly that they were opposed to a division of the county, the measure creating Adams county from the Third Commissioner’s district of Washington county passed the house, last evening by a vote of 32 to 21, one more vote than that by which it was recommended for passage by the committee of the whole. The bill now goes to the governor, and what he will do is problematic. If he believes in majority rule he will veto it, but if he yields to political fixer the new county is a certainty.
Boise, Feb. 28.—There was a nervous tension all during the morning and afternoon sessions over Adams county. The members were not a bit loathe to state that they had been labored with by both sides and they hardly knew what to do. Many things seemed to hinge on county ___--appropriations, bridge bill and everything else. When it was called by the clerk at about 4 o’clock almost every member was in his seat.
Galloway was the first to be recognized. “Mr. Speaker,” he said, “I feel that action on this bill should be deferred at this time. I have received notice that those who brought these petitions here and secured the signatures from the people in the upper country, falsified. I have received this word from Mr. Lucas of Salmon Meadows. I would like to ____ until tomorrow to get the exact ___ on this.”
“I move that the bill be indefinitely postponed,” shouted Representative Brewer.
“Oh, let us vote on it right here and now and be done with it,” said ___ of Boise county.
“I am going to vote against the bill,” said Morgan, “but I would like to have a chance to vote on it today and I would ask that Mr. Brewer withdraw his motion. The people of the state should know how we vote on these matters and I want my vote on the roll call. I might not dare to go near Adams county for two of three years, but I will vote ‘nay’ just the same.”
A roll call was repeatedly demanded, but the speaker recognized Davis. “I am like Mr. Morgan,” he said. I want to vote on the bill today and have it done with, but unlike him. I am going to vote for it. I think that the people have a right to create a new county if they want it and I insist that we vote on it now.”
The motion to indefinitely postpone was lost and the bill was passed 32 votes to 21.
According to Senator Freehafer, the author of the bill, the lineup was but little changed from what it was on Friday, when it was acted favorably on in the committee of the whole. He stated yesterday afternoon that while he had lost four supporters for the bill he had gained four.
Weiser American, Thurs, Mar 9, 1911
page 1- New County created = Adams County. The pen used by Governor Hawley to sign the bill was presented to L.L. Burtenshaw. The bill becomes effective on March 15. Was signed Saturday. List of officials appointed by the governor
Celebration in Council because of new county - bonfire on "Council Hill" into wee hours. Senator Freehafer give much credit for putting the bill through.
Weiser American, Thurs, Mar 16, 1911
celebration in Council [another one] - Governor Hawley spoke.
Weiser American, Thurs, Mar 29, 1911
The First Methodist Church will begin construction of a new church in Council. - cost= $1,500. The congregation is presently holding services in the IOOF hall. Pastor is J.L. Baker
Council has organized what is, as nearly as editor can tell, the first Boy Scout "company" in Idaho. Organized by the Methodist church.
County commissioners have rented the Lewis Winkler building for County offices.
Weiser Signal--April 4, 1911
Buildings Destroyed—Hancock,
Hotel With All Its Contents
Burned Loss $8000
Saturday morning between 2:30 and 3:00 o’clock, a fire started from some unknown cause, in the Hancock Hotel and rooming house at Council. When discovered the fire had gained such headway that with the means at hand it was impossible to check the flames. The fire appeared to originate on the ground floor in the southwest portion of the building. There were no lamps in that portion at the building, and the fire that was in the cook stove with which supper was cooked, was long since dead. About 20 people were in the building when the fire started, all of whom succeeded in getting out, but some of them with but little clothing. Some of them had narrow escapes.
The loss on building and contents will amount to about $5000, with $2000 insurance. The loss to the occupants in clothing and valuables will amount to several hundred dollars.
Two residence buildings adjoining the hotel on the south were also destroyed, but the contents were saved. The first was owned an occupied by J. E. Lawrence, and the next by John Voigt of Boise. A residence building belonging to Wm. Woodland adjoining the Voigt property also took fire but by heroic work on the part of the citizens with buckets, was saved.
The new hotel building is directly across the street from the Hancock building, and for a time it was thought it would go also, but as the lumber in the roof which was all that was exposed to the flames is still green, it did not catch on fire, although the eaves were somewhat scorched. The heat was so intense however, that the big plate glass windows in the new hotel were broken, and also several small windows on that side.
Through the use of a gasoline engine and pump that was on the rear of the buildings, the furniture store and stock of Peters & Gregg was saved. Had it not been for the engine
and pump, both store and residence
buildings would been consumed. The
total loss will be
about $8,000 with insurance amounting to about $3000. The fire
is quite a serious blow to
Council. It is the first fire that has occurred here in several
Weiser American, Thurs, Apr 6, 1911
Bad fire in Hancock rooming house at 3 AM. Of 15 people in the building, some "narrowly excaped" - one man jumped from a window - few saved any clothes - $5,000 in damage. The two buildings south of the Hancock were destroyed = one owned by Jesse Lawrence and the other by John Vogt of Boise. "A number of windows of the new hotel, which stands on the corner opposite the Hancock house were broken by the intense heat."
Weiser American, Thurs, Apr 27, 1911
Addition to Congregational church being built
Weiser American, Thurs, May 11, 1911
J.H. Bridgewood bought the Osborn place on West Fork.
New grocery store opened by L.J. Rainwater
Weiser American, Thurs, Jun 8, 1911
Mention of alfalfa being grown on dry land at Midvale and Cambridge - [sounds fairly new, but don't know]
Weiser American, Thurs, Jun 22, 1911
Hugh Whitney and accomplice robbed a saloon of $200. On train, arrested by deputy Sam Milton. Milton laid their two guns on a seat while he searched for his handcuffs - one robber grabbed one of the guns and shot Milton in the abdomen. Conductor, Wm Kidd, was wrestling with the shooter when the 2nd gunman grabbed a gun and shot Kidd 3 times in the upper body. Kidd fell across Milton. Passengers ran to the front of the train. At least 15 shots were fired, total, in the compartment. One of the robbers pulled the "bell rope" and evidently knew the signals, as he signaled the engineer to "stop quick". The robber "shot twice through the window when the engineer gave the usual short whistles in response" to the bell rope signal. "As the air brakes ground on the wheels of the train, the robbers stood in the corridor at the head of the car and held the passengers at bay at the point of a revolver." "Throw up your hands, " one of them yelled, flourishing an ugly automatic revolver, "the first man who moves is dead," he threatened."
This happened last Saturday. Whitney is believed to be heading for Jackson Hole area. "After shooting and wounding Edgar McGill at Hamer, Whitney stole McGill's horse and rifle and started due west. Monday morning Rude Scott, the bridge watchman at Menan, endeavored to stop . . . " Whitney and was shot in hand, making him drop his rifle - lost three fingers. Bloodhounds were put on the trail, but proved worthless. A posse is forming at Soda Springs
Weiser American, Thurs, July 15, 1911
Baseball player or observer named Verne Sage mentioned [for museum photo]
Weiser American, Thurs, July 20, 1911
T.J. Stutzman died July 11 of cancer - age 72 - father of 8 = Henry, Jacob, Sherman, Mrs. Ada Shearer, Mrs. Mollie Williams, Mrs. Mintie Ross and Mrs. James Ross. His wife died years ago.
Weiser American, Thurs, Aug 3, 1911
infant of Byran and Tilda Davis died the 25th
Nampa Leader-Herald—8-4-11
Packer John’s cabin article quoting State Historian John Hailey: “This association of ladies, headed by the indomitable Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lucas of Meadows, put us to work and through the energy and good efforts of Senator Freehafer, got a small appropriation to rescue this venerable old convention hall from decay. Suffice it to say that the building has been taken down, decayed logs taken out and new ones put in, ten acres of land in and around it purchased, arrangements made to have the ten acres fenced and all at the total cost of less than $500 to the state.”
Weiser American, Thurs, Aug 10, 1911
Lawrence & Weed butcher shop sold to Robert Nelson and Fred Peck
Weiser American, Thurs, Aug 17, 1911
Crew working on Hornet Reservoir "to finish construction of dam" for Hornet Creek Water Storage Association.
Thomas C. Jones, owner of the Hahn ranch, is remodeling, adding rooms and sleeping porches
J.H. Taylor died - buried Kesler Cemetery
Nampa Leader-Herald—9-5-11
From Meadows Eagle: Maney & Wells were the contractors for the RR to New Meadows. From Evergreen.
Weiser American, Thurs, Sept 7, 1911
Dray business of W.G. Koontz bought by Fred Cool and WM Woodland - will be run by Woodland.
Weiser American, Thurs, Sept 14, 1911
Nampa Leader-Herald—9-15-11 STILL AFTER WHITNEY—BANDIT AND PARNER HELD UP COEVILLE BANK. –Posse Following Him Into Section Is Which He Escaped Before.
The Pocatello Tribune of Thursday says that Hugh Whitney and his brother were seen Tuesday crossing the toll bridge at Chubb Springs, 30 miles north of Soda Springs, headed south through the country which Hugh traveled in making his escape from the posse which pursued him following the killing of Conductor Kidd. Joe Jones, chief detective of the Short Line; Deputy Sheriff Jim Francis of this city; Sheriff Fisher of Fremont county and Deputy Clem Booneville formed a posse at Idaho Falls to travel east and south along Whitney’s old trail to intercept him and are now in the field.
Elmer Bazzert, a sheepman, says the two Whitneys stopped at his ranch eight miles from Cokeville, the morning after the bank robbery and begged smoking tobacco. The same day they stole a feed and a pack horse from the Kinney ranch.
H.M. Jorgens died, age 54
Weiser American, Thurs, Sept 21, 1911
Pete Kramer is building a new barn east of the Eagle hall
Press Anderson judged insane by Judge Gregg and sent to Blackfoot asylum
Weiser American, Thurs, Sept 29, 1911
Crane Creek reservoir dam contract let - to be built at once
Council Leader, Oct 5, 1911
"Rev. J.L. Baker of Cambridge is in Council this week meeting old friends and attending to some business matters. He states that he is enjoying life in Cambridge and that he and Mrs. Baker like it there very much. He will be in town for several days."
"About 20 teams are on the road hauling lumber from the Caviness saw mill."
Crane Crk. reservoir to be built soon. The site was "discovered" "years ago" by E.D. Ford of Weiser. "Since that time he has been constantly at work perfecting his plans...." " He is now to be congratulated on his success."
Fruitvale hotel taken over by A.H. Wilkie
"At present there are 40 pupils enrolled in our school and still more to come as soon as new seats arrive."
"Ben Shearer's boys took two four-horse loads of cement up to the reservoir Monday."
Ad: Peters and Gregg sells furniture - Council
Council Leader, Oct 12, 1911
Dave Garrett - stage driver at Bear
Ralph Wilkie has started work on his new house west of Fruitvale.
Hotel Pomona to open soon. Idea for building originally that of Wash. Co. Land and Development Co. and Council people contributed about $2500. A Mr. Becker of N. Dakota has been found to be its first tenant and run the hotel: experienced hotel man.
Council Leader, Oct 12, 1911 Uncle Joe Clement's oats on Hornet Crk. Averaged between 90 and 95 bushels per acre.
Council Leader, Oct 12, 1911 Thomas Mackey of Bear - county commissioner
Fruitvale lumber yards "pretty well filled"
New doctor in Council. Previous Dr. was H.T. Low Dr. D.L. Martin has decided to locate here and will occupy Low's former office. [This was apparently his first practice after his residency at Cook County Hospital in Chicago.]
Housing shortage: "It is about true that if a family comes to Council they must bring their house along with them."
Council Leader, Thurs. Oct 19, 1911
Gus Lapka of Black Lake
Mr. Garret - stage driver, Bear - Landore
Thos. Mackey of Bear, Frank Shelton of Bear and Joe Keithley of Midvale were directors of the "Mackey-Shelton Copper Co." of Bear. Valuable claims within 3 miles of the Snake River.
Mrs. Fanning is Postmaster at Wildhorse
Mrs. Dillon teaching at Fruitvale
Weiser American, Thurs, Oct 26, 1911
Reverend Cathers arrived in Council, and will take over the Methodist church
Council Leader, Nov 2, 1911
J.L.B. Carroll has been employed as teacher in the Glendale school
the Joseph Clement sawmill (Clement = manager) thriving, many orders
Council Leader, Nov 16, 1911
Bill Winkler and his bros. are going on a trip back to heir old home state of Virginia. Bill asked for 40 days leave of absence from the Co. Commissioners. Editor joked that his leave read,"Application of Wm. Winkler for 40 days leave of absence to go east to try to get married is hereby granted."
"The school house on lower Hornet" teacher- Mrs. Iva Brune
Council Leader, Nov 23, 1911
Wm. Winkler on Board of Directors of 1st Bank of Council
Archie Bardmas building a house
Pete Kramer participated in the erection a much needed barn at Landore.
Mr. Grant - teacher at Bear school
Bill and Geo. Winkler left Fri. for Sandyville, West Virginia
Next paper mentions the New Meadows Tribune paper
Council Leader, Dec. 7, 1911
Ernest McMahan, 19 year old son of Isaac, installed electric power plant on his ranch and placed lights and various electric devices around buildings. A project is underway to light more houses with his plant. It is run via the irrigation ditch. He installed the entire system himself. Private generators like this are rare and the only one of its kind in the County.
New Methodist Church in Council dedicated Sun. Dec. 10, 1911
A phone will be installed in the hotel soon and "we hope that before long phones will be placed in a number of homes."
Officers of the literary organization at Bear: Edward Mackey, Vice pres., Edith Shelton, Secretary
Mention of R.M. Barbour of "Bachelor's Flat"
photo of Leader presses and 2 people
Council Leader, Dec. 14, 1911
Archie Bardmas from "Bachelor's Flat"
Church services at Bear school Sunday by Mr. Grant (teacher at Bear school) Next Sun. as usual- He was regular speaker there.
"Rev. Baker of Cambridge visited at the home of G. W. Phipps on his way to Council Saturday." (Phipps lived at Cottonwood)
church services at lower Hornet Crk. school
There are 3 papers in Adams Co.: Meadows Eagle, New Meadows Tribune, Council Leader
Council Leader, Dec. 21, 1911
"Born - to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baker and wife Dec. 11 a fine boy."
ad: "I have the only public bathtub in town." Frank Weaver
ad: Mountain States Telephone Co.
Council Leader, Dec. 28, 1911
Geo. and Bill Winkler back from almost 2 mo. Trip
The Meadows Eagle, Vol. XIII, No. 8. – December 28, 1911:
Front page too blurry. Biographical sketches of John W. Knox (photos Hotel Meadows), George G. Rigdon family (photo), O.N. Brown (photo), Walter White, John T. Mossman. W. E. Webb (photo of store).
George Rigdon left Oregon “20 years ago” to find government land and make a home. First arrived July 1, 1881 (? unclear) and stayed for 3 months during the harvest season. The rest is too blurry. “At that time there was very little land under cultivation. All one had to do was fence his land to keep the stock off and the next year he could cut a good crop of hay. For the many kinds of grasses grew in the greatest abundance. And to this day there are many acres of land that has been mowed for hay for the past 20 years, and I don’t know how much longer and at still There is land here that has been seeded to timothy for twenty years that has been cut every consecutive year and this year some of it yielded three tons per acre. Can you beat it in any other country. I settled here with my family in 1891. I am not sorry that I did so.”
Walter White – well known rancher. Born at Idaho City 1867. Came to Meadows Valley with his parents in 1880. Took up a homestead as soon as he was of age and is now one of the wealthy ranchers here. Married Miss Nellie Smith 18 years ago. She is the daughter of Senator Gilbert F. Smith. They have four children: Beula, Blanche, Nellie, Earl.
John T. Mossman – Came to Meadows 1903. He and Ross Krigbaum were partners in the Evergreen-Lardo Stage company for “a long time” but sold out to Mark Peterson, the present owner of the line. In 1909 he married Miss Lent Chrisholm [?] and they operate a ranch. John T. Mossman – Came to Meadows 1903. He and Ross Krigbaum were partners in the Evergreen-Lardo Stage company for “a long time” but sold out to Mark Peterson, the present owner of the line. In 1909 he married Miss Lent Chrisholm [?] and they operate a ranch.
William LaFay, “our well know barber” came to Meadows two years ago.
Photo of E.L. Bohannon. Came to Meadows from Colo. in 1903. His store stocks drugs and sundries
People’s Drug Store – Meadows
Peters & Gregg, furniture store, near depot in Council
Pioneer Drug Store, Lardo, Duke Robins, proprietor
Photo of John McMahan home and letter from him. Has been a resident here for the past 17 years.
Photo of George Mitchell (museum has same) and letter from him. Came here about 24 years ago as “a mere boy” with his parents. Photo of Mrs. Mitchell. “At the time I came here, the whole valley maintained but one school, and that little old log structure which stills stands at the lower edge of town.” “today we have in our valley and Price Valley, which is tributary to this place, five schools ranging in cost of construction from one to to twelve thousand dollars, in three of which the higher branches are being taught and employing in all at the present time nine teachers to which salaries are paid amounting to six hundred and fifty dollars per month.” When I came here, there was weekly mail service, and one or two sacks contained all the mail. Now we get daily service, “which we have enjoyed for some time past, and today there are dozens of sacks of mail unloaded at our office every evening containing hundreds of pounds of mail, and from our office mail is being sent out each day to except Sunday to three points of the compass.” Area has gone from “one sash mill” producing about a thousand feet per day, to six mills producing hundreds of thousands of feet per day. Meadows has gone from “a post office and log hotel to the present proportion. Mr. Calvin White earned the distinction of not only being one of the pioneers of the valley, but also being the pioneer merchant of Meadows, and while the stock he carried was not large but it filled a long felt want and many a poor devil was enabled to fill his haversack and thus keeping the wolf of hunger from the door. And from that date forward, our town began to grow….” “The next in line of merchants was Uncle John McMahan, with M. E. Keizur a close second with whom I soon afterward formed a partnership, a few years later the firm of Smith & Webb was brought into existence.”
Letter from Mrs. W. H. [Florence] Campbell – Came here in 1884. “That fall and winter I taught the first Meadows school. This school was held for the first week or two in a small building owned by a Mr. Estabrook from Boston. It was then moved to a new cabin on Mr. Jenning’s ranch and situated a short distance north of Cal White’s old home.” Calvin White and his wife – a “immense rock fireplace in the old log hotel. Their daughter, Sadie White, was the first child born to the Meadows. I am not certain, but I think the first post office was established this year (1884). Johnny Clay had the mail contract, and with his assistants, carried the mail to Council and Warrens.” “Mother Clay mothered the valley…..” “Besides these, the first two families to remain permanently were Johnny Wilson with his excellent mother and sister, the two latter came from Scotland. Chris Madison and his wife who is now Mrs. George Glenn. Her mother them Mrs. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Latham, who were the parents of Mrs. George Clark, and a family by the name of Knight who afterward moved to Weiser. There were also a number of bachelors among whom I remember Mr. Jennings, Uncle Tom Cooper, [Wits, Wils] Williams, Leman Smith, Chas. and Wm. Campbell and some others. The first snow came on Thanksgiving Day that winter and after a short time became much deeper than it falls now and lay smooth and level over the valley, unbroken by a road or trail so that all going about had to be done on snowshoes. We managed to have a pretty good time that winter; there was a little literary and reading circle which met at the houses. A dance and fine supper at Chris Madison’s on Thanksgiving to celebrate his wedding which had occurred a short time previous and was the first marriage in the Meadows.”
“A Christmas tree at Cal White’s, a New Years dinner at Jenny Clay’s.”
“A number of people moved into the valley during the next year, and 85 or 86 we held our first Fourth of July celebration at the old log building which was then the new school house. Isaac Irwin, one of the newcomers, who afterwards represented the county in the legislature, made an excellent Fourth of July speech, going over the early history of the United States. …. We then and there started our fashion of Fourth of July dinners, which has been maintained ever since. In the afternoon there was a parade of puguglies, led I believe, by Jim Latham. We have always celebrated this day and Christmas and for many years if was our custom to take all our family and other presents and have them hung on one common Christmas tree, or piled around it, so that we could all see what Santa Claus brought all the others. I remember that Charlie Lisle , one of the early teachers, had a very nice tree and program in the hall over Cal White’s old store.”
“The first minister to teach in the Meadows was a cousin of Dan and Clay Yoekum [sic], who used to come up here summers, the first resident minister was the much esteemed father of Andy and Sam Mitchell, who with his family settled in the valley at and early day. Soon afterwards, Jack Wisdom, another preacher, moved into Round valley and would walk from there to town to preach the gospel without pay. I do not think any of these early preachers asked pay for their services.”
Letter from J.A. Mitchell –photo of home -- Moved to Meadows Valley 23 years ago, May 1, 1888, “with my father, mother and two brothers” from the Grande Rhonde Valley of Oregon. Mentioned his brother John and a younger brother. “For the first decade after coming here, the farmer and stockgrower depended almost entirely on the native grasses for both pasture and hay. the native wild clover and the ever present white clover showed that this valley was the home of the king of grasses. It was not long until it was found that timothy also had an affinity for this soil and for this climate. Scattered broadcasts upon the sod among the native grasses, timothy would take root and grow surprisingly. It seemed perennial and in time would crowd out the native grasses and give in hay from 2 to 3 tons per acre. That fact alone in light of the common market price of timothy and clover hay told the story of the value of Meadows valley land. A year ago timothy hay sold for $8.00 per ton in the stack. This year, 1911, it brought $7.00 to $7.50 per ton. When saved and cut for seed, the average timothy field yields from 600 to 800 pounds of prime seed per acre. The market price of timothy seed ruled between 8 cents and 11 cents per pound, with instances where as high as 13 cents per pound was paid.”
Prior to the coming of the railroad, “we were obliged to freight by team and wagon some 17 miles to Evergreen, and before that, 30 miles to Council. When we first came to the valley, Weiser was the nearest railway station, and it was 98 miles away.”
Mentions how many days a round trip to Weiser took with a wagon, but it is too washed out to read. “Only a pioneer who has experienced the inconvenience of a lack of transportation can fully realize the advantage of having the road come. It has been the cause of buyers coming here for hay and grain and grass seed. Even now, several baling machines are being made ready to begin baling several thousand tons that before the advent of the railroad would have been sold in the stack for stock feed. That this hay will top the market, in the opinion of the shippers, and it will thus advertise to the world the fact that Meadows valley is one of the garden spots of the west.”
Letter from A. H. Butler: Arrived June 6, 1896 after traveling 3 days from Weiser. Bought an interest in the Rock Flat Mine. (photo of home)
Council Leader, Jan. 4, 1912
O.C. Selman - New merchant
Ernest McMahan going for a week in Chicago for electrical training
Council Leader, Jan. 11, 1912
R.M. Barbour of the "Crow's Nest"
Council Leader, Jan. 18, 1912
C.G. Nelson of Tamarack opened a store in the "Cook Building" selling candy, nuts, cigars, tobacco and stationary.
R.S. Wilkie - permanent secretary of People's Improvement League of Adams County. Apparently organized to keep Council from becoming Co. seat by Fruitvale and N. Meadows people
Council Leader, Jan 25, 1912
skis called snow shoes
Council Leader, Feb 1, 1912
"Archie Bardmas of "bachelors town"
Prof. Grant to speak at Bear School
F.H. Kleinschmidt of Landore ...
Council Leader, Feb 8, 1912
Dr. Starkey at Hot Springs.....
Council Leader, Feb 15, 1912
Seven Devils:
"The prospects for transportation to reach these mines is very bright,..."
Cora Ada Peck Nelson died Feb 10, wife of Wm R. Nelson, ... buried at Hornet Crk Cemetery
At Fruitvale: Andy Herbert Carroll died of pneumonia Feb. 13. born Mr 9, 1886 He was almost 26 hrs old Secretary and Treas. of the Lincoln Lumber Co., first Postmaster, Vice Grand of IOOF Parents are Joseph and Ellen Carroll
Council Leader, Mar 7, 1912
Judge Dillon of Fruitvale
"Phone 27 for groceries"
Good dance at Summit last Sat. night
Fruitvale: Fire in Cook Bldg occupied Mr. Nielson - no damage
"W.T. Walker is building a blacksmith shop one block south of the hotel,..."
Council Leader, Mar 14, 1912
Fruitvale: W.T. Walker helping Dr. Starkey with power house
Rev. Cathers will begin series of meetings
Craig Wilkie left for Ashton Idaho where he will do some surveying.
Dale: new teacher employed for lower grades.
Bear: P.L. Gaarden doing development work on his mine in Deep Crk. Visited his wife and daughter in Bear.
Billie W. Wilson died last Monday of consumption - buried Cambridge Cem. born Jun 7, 1858---- spring of 1885 came to 7 Devils and mined. Ran a store in Salubria for many years 3 time Wash. Co. commissioner. Married Rebecca J. Lakey ... 5 kids: Walter, Billie, Ora, Archie, Maude In 1894, moved to Hornet Crk and ranched for the rest of his days.... cattle and farming.
Council Leader, Mar 21, 1912
Bad accident on P+IN at Rubicon....Engine hit hand car head on. One man killed, 2 very seriously had both arms and one leg cut off. [in next few papers he died]
Came to Council: Dr. C.P. Gillespie and wife from Glen Elder, Kansas and her mother, Mrs. S.E. Ransopher who is also mother of Council druggist E.E. Ransopher. Dr. Gillespie purchased property on the corner of Main and Moser now occupied by Lewis Winkler's blacksmith shop. Gillespie will remodel the building by May 1 and will add 2nd story with ten office rooms. Will put Mr. Ransopher's Drug store in 1st story. The Dr. with practice dentistry on 2nd floor.
Adolph Grossen to receive final naturalization papers. He's Swiss
C.T. Ward and F.E. Weed bought Nelson and Peck Meat Market. Mr. Ward formerly owned the market.
Council Leader, Mar 28, 1912
C.E. Miese, pres of the Council Valley Orchards to set out 17,000 peach trees this spring and 13,000 more apple trees. 2,000 pear trees were set this year. 500 acres eventually and will use 75 to 100 men seasonally and 1500 to harvest the crop.
Lewis Winkler, having sold his Blacksmith shop to Dr. Gillespie, is building a new 24 X 40 shop just north of his old one.
Geo. C. Miesse, bro of C.E. Miesse moved here with his wife and 3 kids.
R.D. Hinkley and family moved out to their new ranch on Hornet Crk.
"Rev. A.L. Cathers, pastor of M.E., church here..." more
Tamarack: "The shed over the Wilkie Traction Transportation Co.'s engine fell in and damaged the engine considerably. The engine has been sold to some Weiser parties.
Dale: "A Mrs. Coulter of Weiser is teaching the primary grades at Dale, Miss Sloneker being called away to take another school she had previously engaged."
"The Wilson children will finish the spring term of school at the upper Dale school."
Landore: Frank Shelton to continue work on his mine at Mud Springs.
Council Leader, Apr 4, 1912
Interview with Robert White, he was in Confederate Army, 88 years in 1912.... some of paper torn out here.
Wm Fifer and P.A. McCallum of the Adams Co. Abstract and Title Co. spent several days getting records from Was. Co. to transfer to Adams Co. " There are 8 or 9 thousand pages of these carbon copies...."
Court House News:
Deeds recorded- Anna and J.O. Peters to C.L. Ham, Lots 13 to 18, block 11, Perrill addition
J. Dwight Neale [pronounced Neal] superintendent of Public Instruction, Adams Co.
"Dr. F.E. Brown had to go to Wildhorse. "He drove to the Lakey place, rode on of his horses to the Kramer stage station, changed horses there and rode on, part way through loose snow, to Wildhorse, returning here Monday evening."
"S.F. Richardson, the Tamarack postmaster, merchant, sawmill man and lawyer...."
Rev. Stover preaches a Mesa one afternoon every 2 wks.
Bear: Wm. McReynolds of Bachelor's Flat
Mail can reach Shelton's by team and on in to Landore etc. on foot
"Charlie Carroll, the Kramer stage driver..."
Geo. Glenn died - 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emsley Glenn of TB of the bowels. buried in Winkler Cem. (3 pages from back of issue)(He died, according to Amy Fisk Glenn, on April 1. See photo of digging up stored potatoes that day.)
Burtenshaw Res. remodeled. Addition to west side, screened porch on N. side, dormer, windows in chamber on N. side and front window replaced. (see photo copy)
[2015 Note From New Meadows City Clerk: The Village of New Meadows was recognized by Adams County on April 9, 1912 by petition signed by 202 individuals and presented to the county at that time. At the incorporation of the Village, five individuals were appointed as its leaders until such time as their successors were elected and qualified: Lee Highley, Issac Lee, James M Hart, T.S. Martin and Don Mathias, all of New Meadows, County of Adams, State of Idaho.]
Council Leader, Apr 11, 1912
S.F. Richardson deeded school grounds at Tamarack to school Dist No. 4
R.B. Bailey from Glendale "expects to hunt rattlesnakes for a livelihood the coming summer. He was very successful last season in killing rattlers, having killed something like two thousand, which averaged him three dollars each, or $6,000 for the summer's catch." He marketed hides, oil poison and gall.
John Kesler's son Chester may go blind.
"It was only an "Echo" drifted down from the hills." This was at the bottom of a page - set to itself. A reference to the first issue of the Fruitvale Echo?
John Freeze has mine near Summit. 75' shaft with an 85' lead. "Mr. Freeze is associated with Messers. Clifton and Spoor
Dr. Browns recent trip to Wildhorse was to tend a Mr. Fuller who had dropsy and was staying with W. S. Rucker. The horse ride was at night. Total of about 30 miles out there.
Miss Curtis = teacher at Glendale
Council Lumber Co.
Weed and Ward Meat Market remodeled
"Mr. Sullivan is carrying mail to Landore on snow shoes at present."
"A. David struck a rich ore vein while doing assessment work on Great Eastern mine."
Dale: "Geo. Russell and Soren Hanson are making quite a large ditch and have several men employed."
alley "vacated" in Fruitvale by Adams Co. by request of Mary Larkey - Apr 18 paper
School dist No. 23 has new fence, yard leveled (Dale or Upper Dale)
"O.C. Selman has moved the Post office to the front of the building." He will become Postmaster at once.
Dr. Henderson, dentist from Emmett has located in the Hotel
Sunday school classes moved from the school to "the hall here in town." "Preaching services will also be held here."
"The commercial club has purchased a printing press and will send out the first issue of the Fruitvale Echo this week."
S.F. Richardson has given ground to school dist 4. Nice school building is paid for.
"It is expected that work on the road from Tamarack to Landore will begin soon."
Fruitvale Echo, Apr 17, 1912
"O.A Selman is planning to build a store building soon."
ad: O.A. Selman - groceries, dry goods, shoes
O.A. Selman appointed postmaster -"took charge of the office Monday morning."
A Road from Fruitvale through Starkey has been surveyed. The only way people above Starkey had to get out was "by the Fort Hall road, which is a steep and roundabout way."
Council Leader, April 18, 1912
Eagle opera house opened in Dec. 1910 "Represents and $8,000 investment..." "has not been a paying proposition..."
Around this time.... several mention of Council Valley Orchards and Mesa orchards shipping large amounts of potatoes which they grew between the trees.
Last week a road was surveyed from Fruitvale to Starkey... work to begin soon. Road to go on to connect with Meadows road at East Fork.
Bear: Charlie Allen and family moved to new home at Glendale
Elizabeth David visited Sheltons
New organ purchased for Congregational church by Rev. Stover
L. Winkler sold Dr. Gillespie lots 9, 10, 11, of block 5 of Moser division
L.W. James, teacher at Wildhorse - her home is Robinette, Ore.
H.H. Blanchard, Crooked River teacher is driving stage since school closed
Ore being hauled to Homestead from Blue Jacket Mine and on to Tacoma
New jail being built soon for joint use by County and City of Council just south of the old jail... modern steel cage already purchased.
Fruitvale Echo, Apr 24, 1912
Before the post office was established at Fruitvale, people went to Council for their mail.
Council Leader, Apr 25, 1912
Council was designated as Temporary Co. seat when Adams County was created, until the general election of 1912, when the permanent county seat was to be determined by the residents
In a list of schools: "Dale, Lower Hornet...."
Work on Gillespie and jail buildings progressing - both ready soon
"Born - To Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Fisk, on Saturday, April 20, an 8 1/2 pound boy. All concerned are getting along nicely." [This was Herbert "Hub" Fisk]
Council Leader, May 2, 1912
Dr. Starkey has built a 30' dam on "Coldwater Creek" and power plant = 12 HP dynamo and motors installed for 300-lamp plant. "The buildings, bath rooms and plunge are wired for light; will have electric heat...." "About 75 lots have been sold in the Starkey Hot Springs Townsite, and when 300 lots have been sold it is the intention to build near the railroad, one of the finest sanatoriums in the northwest; also an out-door and in-door plunge."
F.E. Brown sold his Hornet Crk. ranch to Chas. C. Draper
L.L. Burtenshaw remodeling the inside of his office.
H.S. Gum of Bachelor's Flat
Wm Robertson working on Kleinschmidt Grade
C.F. Lappin soon to build 32'X34' home .... 2 stories, 7 or 8 rooms..... on ranch 5 mi NE of town.
Council Leader, May 9, 1912
"H.H. Blanchard is now carrying the mail from Bear to Landore." Mr. Sullivan having finished his contract."
T.G. Jones of Landore died suddenly Sunday afternoon at 4;00 PM... buried in Bear Cem..... leaves on son, George
"Miss Elizabeth M. David was visiting at Mrs. Shelton's Friday."
Mrs. Coulter, teacher at Dale school returned to her home in Weiser as school year is over.
Schools: District:
Fruitvale 34
Wildhorse 10
Bear 35
Landore 42
Cuprum 39
Council Leader, May 16, 1912
Oscar Russell, son of Joseph Russell of Hornet Crk. BADLY hurt when drug by horse in Council. His horse fell on a "cement crosswalk at the Gillespie corner, and threw the boy, but the lad's right foot remained fast in the stirrup." The horse got up and drug the boy, kicking him every jump, some 350 to 400 feet until he "struck another cross-walk and was jerked loose." Both doctors were out of town until Dr. Brown returned 2 hrs later. Oscar had a concussion, "right side crushed in, right lung punctured, liver bruised, skin and tissues of right groin torn to the extent of 8 inches... the horse also stepped on the inner part ....." (See photocopy)
Deeded: A.H. Wilkie to J.L.B. Carroll, lot 37, Fruitvale
Mrs. B.B. Day, at new home in Oregon, broke her arm
Geo. Phann ]Pfann], late of Seattle, has leased Winkler Bros. blacksmith shop. Lewis is going prospecting for the summer.
C.T. Ward (Butcher) building a 6 room house in the Whiteley addition in the NE part of town." one story bldg
"Rev. J.L. Baker and son of Cambridge came up the first of the week and went out to do some work on his ranch near Fruitvale."
Mrs. P.L. Gaarden - home in Bear
F.F.[Flem] Fife of Landore
W.H. Grant left for his home near Alderdale, Wash. as school yr over
"Born to Emsley Glenn and wife on Friday, May 10, a fine boy." (This was Fred Glenn)
Rev. Cathers bought 5 acres from Tom Glenn and is setting out fruit trees.
Council Leader, May 23, 1912
"Geo. F. Brinson began, today, to remodel the opera house by tearing down the cement brick and replacing them with red brick."
Council Leader, May 30, 1912
"One of our oldest settlers stated a few days ago that it has not been long since he knew personally every man in the Valley, but they were coming so fast now he could not keep up with them, as there were too many new faces."
Before the Council Valley Orchards were put in: "sage brush, rocks and a tangled mass of shrubbery,..."
"Lee Zink fell from a scaffold at the opera house Tuesday and escaped with a slight injury of the arm."
Charles Hackney, former editor of Meadows Eagle....
Council Leader, June 6, 1912
Mrs. Sarah Lakey was sitting in a chair in the back of a wagon when the roughness of the road threw her out of the wagon. She broke a rib and shoulder blade.
"The more the merrier." last sentence in an announcement that a new family had come to Council
Fruitvale: "L.W. Riggs of Meadows took charge of the section here Saturday. He takes the place of C.L. Ham who resigned and moved onto his ranch west of town." (Ridge?)
Rev. Stover - regular speaker at Dale, Weds., Evenings at 8 PM
Council Leader, June 13, 1912
The Fifer Building being remodeled to be occupied by Morgan's barber shop.
Harvey Houston left for Portland where he's employed ... let the contract for a new 5 room house which, when completed , will be occupied by Wm. Fifer.
Dr. Martin has new office in Bowman-Holmes bldg
Geo. Brinson has finished "changing the coat of the Eagle opera house from white to red brick."
C.M. Lucas - Postmaster at Meadows
On June 20, "Kit Carson's Buffalo Ranch Wild West and Trained Animal Exhibition" came to Council with a real aeroplane, "not a model" and "guaranteed to give flights daily. It will circle the city and alight at the fairgrounds for the public's inspection."
In Adams County: 1911 - 42 8th grade graduates
1912 - 56 " " " Bear had the most, with 10 graduates of which were: Mary Gaarden and Edith Shelton. Nearly 100 students total county wide without an absence.
There are 4 sawmills at Tamarack
ad: phone 27 - Rainwater's Grocery
Council Leader, Thurs. June 20, 1912
J.M. Morgan has moved his barber shop to the Fifer Building
Oscar Russell recovering from horse dragging. "He has nearly recovered his mind ...." "He remembers looking into the new drug store building..., and from that time his mind is a blank as to what has been going on." (See May 16 issue)
F.H. Kleinschmidt of Landore...
Fruitvale - "W.L. Riggs, the section foreman here,..."
Bear - Elizabeth David visiting at Sheltons, first of the wk
Nampa Herald-Leader —6-25-12:
“Dan Hansen, marshal of Cokeville, Wyo., died at that place Friday as a result of wounds received in a fight Thursday night with the Whitney brothers. Bert Dalton, an accomplice of the desperadoes, is in jail and has confessed his connection with the Whitneys. Peter Olson, a local banker, found a note on his gate post Wednesday night, demanding that $1,500 be left deposited Thursday night at a spot near the Bear river bridge. The note was signed ‘Hugh and Charley Whitney’ and contained a threat to kill Olson and his entire family unless the money was forthcoming. Olson turned the note over to Marshal Hansen, who went to the spot indicated and at once became engaged in a battle with the bandits. He received a bullet in the side at the opening of the fight. His horse was killed by a second bullet. The wounded officer was found by the roadside two hours later by an automobile party and was taken to town. Six armed guards are keeping watch over the jail to prevent the Whitneys from attempting to release their confederate.
Council Leader, Thurs. June 27, 1912
Future of fruit bright - we have the quality - now need quantity!
Many orchards expanding. Talk of canning plant expansion in previous paper.
Still hope for RR to 7Ds - Dr. Brown advocating
ad: Fifer's Jewelry Store
Council Leader was basically ignoring the county seat issue
Nampa Herald-Leader —6-28-12:
Bert Dalton was thought to be the killer of Marshal Hansen: “He tried to lay the blame on the Whitney brothers, but the Whitney brothers, by reputation fight in the open and Marshal Hansen was killed from ambush. Tracks left by Dalton showed beyond doubt that he is the murderer.”
”During our investigation we learned that Charles Manning, who has lived in Cokeville since the Whitney brothers became active in that section of Wyoming, is a friend of the Whitneys. He admitted that the Whitney brothers called on him the night before the murder and told him of their scheme to blackhand a resident of Cokeville out of $1.500. Authorities found that Manning had photographs said to have been taken three weeks ago of himself and the two Whitney brothers in an automobile. It was also learned that, on the night before the murder, Manning left with two big six-shooters and double belts of cartridges. When he returned he was without the weapons. It is the general opinion among citizens of Cokeville that Manning furnishes the Whitney brothers ammunition and other supplies and keeps them in touch with the movements of agents of the law. So convinced are the authorities in Cokeville that Dalton murdered Marshal Hansen that they will file charges against him. He is known to be a close associate of the Whitney brothers, but not of the dashing character of the two principal bandits.”
Council Leader, Thurs. July 4, 1912
John Eckles death - Saturday - 25 yrs on Snake River, crossed plains in 1882. This part of Idaho 30 yrs. 72 years old, never married.
Services at Mesa by Rev. Stover, every Sun for the summer
Son born to Byron Davis "big boy"
Fifers moved into new Houston house Mon.
Council Leader, July 11, 1912
Baseball games between towns written up in detail in every paper.
Blue Jacket and Queen mines running strong with "good forces of men."
Miss Harriet Shaver taught the White school past yr.
Mrs. Gertrude Smelker-Warner hired to teach at Fruitvale coming yr
Dale school employs 2 teacher- 8 month term
"Oscar Russell was able to take in the 4th of July doings and just feeling fine."
Nampa Leader-Herald—8-16-12
Bert Dalton, Whitney Brothers accomplice, broke out of jail at Evanston, Wyoming with 5 other prisoners. “They overpowered the jailer, gagged and bound him and covered him with blankets. Dalton took the jailer’s revolver and ammunition. Two of the other prisoners were captured again. It is supposed that Dalton’s confederates have helped him to escape.”
Later in same issue: Dalton captured a short distance south of Sandy, Utah, by Sheriff Joseph Sharp of Salt Lake county. Caught on a ranch where he went to work. Now in Salt Lake city jail. Won’t say where the two other escapees are.
Council Leader, Thurs. July 18, 1912
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Ransopher died Tues. = much bio into
"A.H. Wilkie shipped his engine and trucks to Tamarack Sunday, where he will haul logs."
Council Leader, July 25, 1912
L.L. Burtenshaw's mother died at Portland - much info
Political editorial - nothing on County seat issue
Ben Shaw killed by falling hay Derrick at Middle Fork
"Jim Winkler and Jim Ward have organized the Council Box Company and today sent to Portland for their machinery." To locate at Council Lumber Co. yard by Aug 15
"P.J. Gerhart, receiver for the Caviness - Slaggle saw mill near Summit,... the mill will ... saw 1,000,000 feet of lumber and then close down for good."
Lost Valley Res. lake trout caught "as long as your arm"
"Hancock and Koontz are putting in a fine pair of hay scales." (livery stable)
Half of the town is out gathering huckleberries
Council men caught over 600 fish in Bear Crk and Lick Crk area
Council Leader, Aug 1, 1912
"As many as 20 wagon loads of people from Indian Valley, Cambridge and other points have passed through here yesterday and today on their way to the hills north of town after huckleberries."
"M.E. parsonage is being moved to Rev. Cather's lots on Main Street."
Council Leader, Aug 8, 1912
Mrs. Ketchum has rented Ensign house east of the Cong. church.
Hancock and Koontz - new wagon scales = buy and sell horses and vehicles. They also sold wood and coal
There have been lots of people fishing and huckleberrying. Easier to say who isn't huckleberrying "than who is".
Modern dairy run by L.C. Washburn supplying bottled milk
John Knight, at 9 miles up Hornet Crk - dug 60 potatoes from one hill "not very many were what you would call small."
C.L. Ham building large barn on his ranch near Fruitvale
George Russell has contract to saw logs for Caviness - Slagle Lumber Co. - will start up Mon. (This was also mentioned under "Dale" news too.)
Council Leader, Aug 15, 1912
J.V. Morrison house, west of the school burned to the ground
"Public weighing on a Fairbanks scale by a licensed weigher, at Cools." also selling "pure river ice", grain sacks, sack needles and twine.
"[Jim] Winkler and [Jim] Ward have received all of the machinery for their box factory..."
"... proposed new road between Middle Fork and Goodrich."
Jim Winkler has started a house west of the RR depot... 28' X 32' with concrete foundation. Builders: Cossitt and Ward (probably Jim Ward. H.H. Cossitt was a well known local builder who built a lot of the buildings in Council.) Barry and Annette McDaniels house, in 1991.
Fruitvale: J.L.B. Carroll house on Monroe St.
Nampa Leader-Herald—8-16-12
Bert Dalton, Whitney Brothers accomplice, broke out of jail at Evanston, Wyoming with 5 other prisoners. “They overpowered the jailer, gagged and bound him and covered him with blankets. Dalton took the jailer’s revolver and ammunition. Two of the other prisoners were captured again. It is supposed that Dalton’s confederates have helped him to escape.”
Later in same issue: Dalton captured a short distance south of Sandy, Utah, by Sheriff Joseph Sharp of Salt Lake county. Caught on a ranch where he went to work. Now in Salt Lake city jail. Won’t say where the two other escapees are.
Council Leader, Aug 22, 1912
Teachers for coming year:
School and Dist no.- Teacher- from-
White, no. 7 Beth Briggs Council
Crooked River, no. 8 not definite yet
Wildhorse, no. 10 Nellie Johnson Goodrich
Lower Hornet no. 13 Mrs. E.A. Briggs Council
Dale no. 23 principal-R.C. Watt Council
primary-Grace Hutchinson "
Fruitvale no.34 Mrs. Gertrude Smelker-Warner Vista
(Sam Warner's wife)
Bear no.35 W.H. Grant Alderdale, Wash.
Cuprum no.39 Mrs. Laura Wilson James Robinette, Ore.
Glendale no.55 Lester Reeves Weiser
Fred Brooks blacksmith shop
G.M. Winkler and Co. - tools, hardware, building supplies
Winkler and Ward started making boxes Tues. [20th]
Council Leader, Aug 29, 1912
Leader editor finally fed up with Fruitvale Echo editor enough to respond. "The Echo has never announced the name of an editor. Has it one?"
"the Kilkeny corner" in Council
7 devils mines going strong and prosperously
"... helping Mrs. Wilkie at the hotel."
"Frank Harp opened up a confectionery, Monday, in the room adjoining R.S. Wilkie's real estate office."
"Perry McCumpsey of Meadows has rented the Cook building and is putting in a full stock of groceries and dry goods."
Pete Kramer is precinct committeeman of Summit voting precinct
Ferdinand Alers " " " Landore " "
Mr + Mrs Lester McMahan had a big boy born Weds. morning [George]
eye specialist to be a Mrs. Arrington's hotel
The Indian Valley Post office and telephone exchange have been moved from the A.M. Henke building to the IOOF hall
Council Leader, Sept 5, 1912
New Meadows: New congregational church dedicated Sept 1 - shaped like a cross and seats 200 and has electric lights.
C.E. Miesse mentioned almost every week - influential in Council Orchards
"Miss DeGaris has moved her millinery parlor to the building, first door, south of the Overland hotel."
dance enjoyed at Kramer's last Sat. night
ad: Homemade ice cream, bread, cakes, pies and cookies at Kilkeny's
A Mr. Kampeter mentioned frequently - has fruit orchards on Hornet Crk. (old Wm Black place)
Dale school: new pump and more seats installed
Council Leader, Sept 12, 1912
Leader editor unleashed a scathing attack on the Fruitvale Echo "... the poor thing does the baby act by crying that we abused it. If you can't stand it why don't you get a man in your place?" Front page had 3 separate shots at the Echo.
G.W. Phipps at Vista, has fine apple orchard... hasn't had a crop failure in 20 years.
Much news of orchards and investors,... many people coming to Council to check out investing in land for orchards.
Fruitvale - school started at Fruitvale Sept 9
Fruitvale - "R.S. Wilkie is getting the planer ready to plane the lumber that is piled in the yards here."
C.L. Weed has added "a new walk" along the west side of his Winkler and Co. hardware bldg.
"The Jewish new year holiday is now in effect and the Criss stores are closed until Saturday."
"Charles Poynor is building a fine new house at the mouth of Mill Creek canyon...." 1 1/2 stories, cement foundation.
W.A. Walker = prosperous rancher near Fruitvale
The John Clifton's daughter is Fred Weed's wife
G.M. Winkler and Co. = guns and ammo too
Council Leader, Thurs. Sept 19, 1912
"August Kampeter, who lives on upper Hornet."
8 room house to be built in Mesa [NW of store I think, from mention a couple issues ago] for C.I. Rush cost= 3 to $4,000 lumber from Council Lumber Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Keithley Lakey = new baby boy the 18th
ad: Overland Hotel = Chris Hildenbrand, Prop.
ad: "B.F. Shannon - Shoe and Harness Repairing - Across the street from the Leader Office (where was the office?)
ad: Dr. W.E. Fuller - veterinarian - at Hancock and Koontz livery barn home phone: 8
ad: Council Dairy = phone no. 30
J.I. Lorton - Druggist - "Rexall will please all"
Council Leader, Sept 26, 1912
Illinois men came to inspect local orchards. In their Idaho travels, they had heard that "...Council Valley was regarded as one of the safest and best fruit districts in the state,..." They proclaimed this area was "... almost a miracle in fruit raising." "While going through Mr. Hildenbrand's big orchard, he offered us one hundred dollars if we could find a single worm in his orchard." Apples, peaches, cherries, pears
Campbell Bros. of Wildhorse (during these years, there were frequent notes of the Campbells bringing several hundred head of cattle through town on the way to pastures to the south.
Council Lumber Co. - cement for sidewalks, etc.
Council Leader, Oct 3, 1912
T.A. Barton from Vale, Ore. opening new furniture store in Hildenbrand bldg. (Overland hotel)
ad: Crisco - the new cooking compound. Better and cheaper than lard. Also cooking bags.
Nampa Herald-Leader —10-8-12
Sheep were being herded to the new Idaho Northern railroad at Montour (between Emmett and Horseshoe Bend) to be shipped by rail to Twin Falls for the winter: “They come from the Council country and are driven from the range to Montour instead of to points on the P&IN road where they were formerly loaded. In driving to point on the ‘PIN’ road sheepman were compelled to go through settle communities where they could not graze on the way. In driving to the new shipping point on the Idaho Northern they can graze all the way, thus making it cheaper and much more convenient.”
You may recall that when Hugh Whitney shot the conductor and sheriff on the train, he was accompanied by a man named Albert Sessler (spelled Sesler on Whitney’s wanted poster).
Council Leader, Oct 10, 1912
1st actual editorial about the Co. Seat issue: Adams Co. created Mar. 15, 1911. Now, "...the population has almost, if not quite, doubled in the new county...." Council has cement sidewalks, one hotel costing "upward of $20,000." 4 big gen merchandise stores, a bakery, [a dairy], "...within a radius of 12 1/2 miles of Council there are at the last calculation 3,000 acres of orchard, worth at least $500 per acre...."
"Fayette Davis from the Caviness mill...."
born - son to Mrs Sam Osborn Sat. night
Thomas Mackey, Co. Commissioner, hurt by runaway team last week. He was driving a 2 horse team pulling a wagon. One horse ran on each side of a tree, the wagon hit the tree. Mackey attended the next Commissioner's meeting on crutches. He was one of the first set of 3 Adams Co. Commissioners. Dist 2 (some of this from next wks paper)
"Nels Hanson had one of his hands cut off by a saw." at the Caviness mill
B.J. Dillon - attorney
Henry A. Haines and Levern Warner married (both from Bear)
Council Leader, Oct 16, 1912
Local photo on front page - many more issues did this following this one.
another editorial about Co. Seat issue
T. Roosevelt shot in chest - gave speech, then had bullet removed. He was running for a third term as Pres. (was not Pres. at this time. Running on Bull Moose independent party ticket)
Christ Hildenbrand - proprietor of Overland Hotel
Harry Criss buys hides and furs - ads in many issues over several years.
Nampa Herald-Leader —10-18-12 Helald-Leader contained the following. Notice how long the first sentence is:
“Nick Carlson, the man brought to Pocatello from Green River last week on suspicion of being the man who held up, shot and robbed President C. A. Valentine of the Farmers & Traders bank of that city on the night of July 4, is in reality Sessler, an ex-brakeman on the Short Line who was one of Hugh Whitney’s companions at the time the latter shot and killed Conductor Billy Kidd on a Short Line train near Spence over a year ago, is the firm belief of Chief of Police, John Ellis, of Pocatello, who brought the suspect back from Green River, put him through the third degree, and yesterday turned him over to Sheriff Cooper for safe keeping until a further investigation can be made.”
“That Carlson, or Sessler, is a bad egg, has been definitely proven by letters found on his person. One of them is a from a man in Jackson Wyo., who addresses Carlson as Steadman, and contains mysterious allusions to ‘clouds gathering in the east and threatening storm.’ Another letter is from Belle Fisher, a notorious courtesan at Kemmerer, relating to some sort of a frameup between the two, which Chief Ellis believes refers to a conspiracy to burn some property in order to get insurance. While in Green River, according to scattered evidence gathered by detectives, Carlson had a large diamond, answer the description of one of the stones taken from Banker Valentine, concealed in the butt of his gun. This information was gleaned from inmates of a house of ill repute who state they saw the gem repeatedly. The officers have the gun, with an aperture in the butt large enough to conceal the diamond, but the stone is gone. While in Green river, Carlson sent a telegram to a young lady stenographer at St. Anthony, instructing her to notify a certain person that there would soon follow a registered letter for him containing matters in connection with ‘H. and C. Whit.’ In writing the message, Carlson ran his pen through the last three letters of the world ‘Whit.’ That the message referred to Hugh and Charley Whitney, the desperadoes, seems certain.”
High school in Salt Lake City bans the “Rag” dance. Banned = “grizzly bear” and “Texas Tommy” “While the various rags and glides which make up this form of flitting about the floor have been barred at the public dance halls by police edict, the students in their high school expected that indulgence might be allowed them at their “hops” which are private affairs and without the jurisdiction of the police.”
Council Leader, Weds. Oct 23, 1912
R.S. Wilkie tried to get the court to remove the names of Council and New Meadows taken off the ballot for Co. seat. Represented in court by Frank Harris
"A.L. Cathers, former pastor of the M.E. Church..."
Dr. Starkey just sold 40 lots to one Eastern purchaser. He has started work on a 40' X 80', 14' deep "plunge" (at lower end)
10-25-12 “Robert Ludwig, a ranch owner near Cambridge, Idaho, cut his throat with a penknife and died in the police station at Galesburg, Ill., Monday. Ludwig was on his way from Idaho to visit his parents in Germany. Worry about the trip unbalanced his mind and he left the train at Galesburg and asked to be locked up. He had more than $600 in cash and a ticket to New York.”
Council Leader, Oct 30, 1912
Wilkie's court case argued that Fruitvale had gathered the required signatures to be on the ballot, and Council and New Meadows hadn't. Judge E.L. Bryan ruled that the law didn't outline requirements for inclusion on a ballot in such a case, and refused to rule against the inclusion of the names. [Wilkie had traveled all over the Co. gathering signatures] From other letters etc.: There was evidently some obvious efforts to make $ for New Meadows parties who bought land there and thought the Co. Seat there would make them wealthy. Seems to have been Wilkie's motives as well. There were accusations that the RR went to land bought up away from Meadows by land owners pulling strings to get the RR to their land.
"W.M. Campbell, forest sup. of Weiser, is assisting R.E. Clabby for a few days."
B.J. Dillon "is one of the ablest speakers in the county ..." and is running for prosecuting attorney.
T.A. Barton furniture store now open - he is also and undertaker with hearse.
Council Leader, Nov 6, 1912
Election Nov. 5 Council wins Co. seat in "land slide" by 269 vote majority over a competitors combined
Votes received by each town:
Council 919 New Meadows 560 Fruitvale 87 Meadows 13
Fruitvale precinct gave Council 76 votes!
Election day weather was miserable: a blinding storm with a mixture of rain and snow all day
Woodrow Wilson elected pres.
"John Jorgens expects to open his pool hall next Friday night."
Elizabeth David visiting Dr. Browns of Landore for a few days
Council Leader, Nov 13, 1912
votes for Fruitvale for Co Seat:
Cuprum 15 = highest number of votes from any other town other than Fruitvale itself. The next highest votes for Fruitvale from another town: Landore 7 and Bear 8. These were the only towns with more votes for Fruitvale than Council.
votes for Council: Cuprum 12 Landore 4
Weed and Ward butcher shop now Weed and Brauer. Otto Brauer bought out C.T. Ward
William M. Brown of Landore elected "first member from Adams County to the Idaho Legislature.
Fruitvale: "Frank Harp has sold his confectionery to Philip Walston...." W.T. Walker has bought the stock of goods formerly owned by I.W. McCumpsey. Give him a call in the Cook bldg.
A.L. Cathers now at new home and pastorate in Flora, Ore.
The Home Table restaurant open again
"A new and much needed bridge has been built across the creek back of the livery stable. [SE corner of Galena and Ill. Ave] Another new bridge has also been put in at the opera house corner."
"E.D. Koontz has traded his ranch to S.G. Addington for the latter's town property just north of the Winkler hardware store." [Winkler store formerly Haas Bros. - NE corner of Galena and Ill. Ave]
Council Leader, Nov 20, 1912
Telephone line about to reach New Meadows
Zink hospital mentioned
Council Leader, Nov 27, 1912
The Schroff sanity case
New prosecuting attorney B.J. Dillon "secured the suite of rooms opposite Hotel Pomona, formerly occupied by the Bowman - Holmes Co."
Mesa planting trees - C.I. Rush house almost done
Wm. Bacus building good sized barn on his Hornet Crk ranch.
Council Leader, Dec 6, 1912
Frank Weaver, recently elected sheriff, sold his barber shop to Charles Warner. Warner has just come back from barber college.
Albert Robertson has bought out O.A. Selman and taken over the store and Post Office
"Ralph Wilkie has sold his property here to Mr. Gibbs [C.S. Gibbs?] of Meadows and will soon leave for Portland, Ore."
Work started on foundation of 5 room house of Frank Weaver in "Whiteley addition"
"T.J. Stanton, the popular Seven Devils freighter", was in town with his 6-horse outfit after merchandise.
Council Leader, Dec 13, 1912
Court news: "R.S. Wilkie, custodian property of Caviness et al,..." sounds like the Caviness mill had lots of $ problems and was going under
Nels Hanson asked Leader to print that he did not file a complaint against Schroffs as reported 2 wks ago.
New Plymouth Sentinel, Dec 19, 1912
William Lemon sold the Caldwell News to F.G. Burroughs, “a former proprietor of the News.” “Mr. Lemon purchased the News about a year and a half ago, prior to which he was employed as reporter on a local paper.”
Council Leader, Fri. Dec 20, 1912
James Fisk Jr. died - first mention of Fisk name in paper
John Freeze ... his Peck Mt. mine.
Council Leader, Dec 27, 1912
Telephone central system being installed at New Meadows
Attempted murder of John Hancock with shotgun at point blank range at night [Ike Glenn, in later years, said that Hancock was shot with a shotgun by Billie Brown after Hancock made a remark about Brown's wife.]
_____________________ 1913 ___________________________________________
Council Leader, Jan 3, 1913
no suspect in Hancock shooting
Ross Krigbaum - stage man of Meadows
Fruitvale: "A.H. Wilkie and family have moved into the Farlein [Farlien] property." "The Fruitvale Grange has bought the hotel building here and are making a hall out of it."
Council Leader, Fri. Jan 10, 1913
On Thurs. Wm. Woodland sold his dray outfit to J.J. Elliott
Caviness mill is located about 20 miles from Council
John Hancock may be blind in one eye because of shooting
Dr. Gillespie bought a large lot across the tracks from Starkey Hot Springs and will build a summer home.
Deputy Sheriff Jim Winkler
"The Modern Woodmen of America organized on Tuesday evening in Odd Fellows hall in Council...."
Council Leader, Jan 17, 1913
Fruitvale - Ralph Wilkie and family moved to Portland - left Mon.
Cambridge - fire destroyed whole block except hotel.
Council Leader, Jan 31, 1913
J.I. Lorton bought the Ransopher drug stock and fixtures. He will operate only one of his stores - the one he is now in.
C.I. Rush house finished at Mesa. 9 rooms - old English mission style - electric lights - water pipes. Mr. Rush was an "eastern lumberman"
stillborn girl born to A. H. Wilkies Tues.
E.I. Getman pastor of M.E. Church
Council Leader, Feb 14, 1913
John Hancock who's murder was attempted Dec. 26th had to have his left eye removed. The eye had continually hurt since the attack and got not better. When removed, a small piece of brass was embedded in the back of the eye ball.
girl born to Will Freehafer and wife
George Elliot house, 11 mi up Hornet Crk. burned to ground Mon. no insurance, will live in woodshed for rest of winter
New Meadows Tribune sold to Sylvester Kinney, "late of Salt Lake Tribune". Former owner : Frank Roberts, founder, will take old printing equipment to McCall to start a paper
Council Leader, Fri. Feb 21, 1913
Wm and Sam Woodland lease Gillespie bldg "where the Ransopher drug store was" [first floor of the bldg] will be a general merchandise store. Wm has been "our popular drayman the past year or so."
F.H. Kleinschmidt directing operations at the Blue Jacket with good work force. Ore to Homestead, on to Tacoma smelter. Peacock still owned by American Mining Co of Helena and will operate too
Hawkeye mill at Tamarack
Council Leader, March 7, 1913
Council debating whether to get electricity and lights for town
Wm T. Robertson: road overseer around Bear
Council town lots in Perill's, Moser and Brady Additions by Wash. Co. Land and Development Co.
Council Leader, Mar 14, 1913
"Billie (W.R.) Brown, our well known and popular confectioner, has sold his establishment to Albert Woodell,..." Woodell was a clerk in Criss store. Grown retains ownership of the building, but is going mining with Lewis Winkler, Sam Whiteley and Frank Mathias on S. Frk of the Salmon
Bert Kilkeny traded his bakery and confectionery to John Lakey for Lakey's ranch 8 mi up Hornet Crk. Kilkeny to ranch ,,, Lakey to go into business.
Waldo Wilkie listed as student at Fruitvale school
"Sleds were laid away and vehicles started on wheels here...."
G.A. Jones of Landore, representing the Ladd Metal Co....
Fruitvale section:
Born to T.J. Glenn & wife, a girl,Sunday, March 9.
“Isaac Glenn is carrying his arm in a sling. He was riding a fractious colt which threw him off, breaking his wrist.”
“Pupils neither tardy nor absent for the month ending Feb. 28, are: Vern Caldwell, Anna May Cox, Lillian Cox, Vera Cox, Ila George, Ina George, Henry Glenn, Roy Glenn, Isaac Glenn, Hallie Ham, Harold Ham, Maud Henderson, Barbara Larkey, Elizabeth Riggs, Ida Rigs, James Riggs, Lena Riggs, Clifford Williams, Harry Walker, Irene Walker, Waldo Wilkie, Tommy Williams. Mrs. Gertrude Warner, Teacher.”
Council Leader, Mar 21, 1913
"A.H. Wilkie left Thursday morning for Arlington, Idaho...." and will move his family there soon.
Viola Gould's sister = Mrs. Edgar Moser
Council Leader, Mar 28, 1913
Rep. Wm Brown says of lower country tourists: "We should endeavor to throw out every inducement to persuade them to take a run with their machines up this way,..." "It will be largely up to the people of Council to induce them to come up here or other wise, for they will no doubt ask for information in regard to roads, accommodations, hunting, fishing, etc."
A.E. Gravestock moved to old Piper ranch east of town
Movement afoot to extend phone lines to "Council Mesa" and Indian Valley
Council Leader, Apr 4, 1913
Edgar Brown - stage driver on the mail line between Bear and Landore...
Judge McCallum and Sheriff Frank Weaver "have abandoned the attic, rickety stairs and fire risk at the court house and have fixed up neat offices in the building next to Fifers jewelry store."
Council Leader, Apr 11, 1913
Julietta Peck of Hornet Crk. Died Weds. Came here in 1882
Children: Fred P., Frank P., Mrs. Hattie White, 2 other girls. She was 62
Commercial Club organized
T.A. Barton moved to near Boise to run undertaking business
Council Leader, Apr 18, 1913
Fruitvale: Craig Wilkie "loading a car with his and his brother Art's...." property to move to Ashton, Ida. Craig moving too?
Caviness, Slagle Lumber Co.
W.E. Freehafer bought interest in Albert Woodell confectionery store. store to be remodeled and built onto to make room for a bakery Dr. Gillespie bought the little house on the Cossitt lots near the court house and moved it to Starkey for a summer home.
Nels Hanson had Ed Schroff arrested for an alleged assault. In a jury trial, he was found not guilty.
Charles Warner, Barber shop and Baths, Fifer building
Council Leader, Apr 25, 1913
Swedish man, Carl Nelson drowned near Hawkeye Lumber Co. at Tamarack, during log drive. Body packed in snow to await his brother's arrival to bury him. He had never been on a log in the water before - the river was very high and swift. A young and educated man.
"Rev. J.L. Baker of Cambridge was in town Tuesday on the way to his homestead seven miles north of town."
Council Leader, May 2, 1913
Died: Elizabeth Jane Fife-Camp Wife of Harrison Camp, at her home near Fruitvale.
Landore has a store, post office, long distance telephone station, hotel, a non-operating smelter and a number of empty buildings.
says Helena was named after Helena, Montana
Blue Jacket has small crew working, but bigger later in summer
Dick Ross and family have moved to the Jim Ross place on Hornet Crk.
Fruitvale: Mr. Farlein [Farlien], who spent the winter with his son in Calif. has died. His son, Henry left for Calif.
"Roy Pickler, proprietor of the Cuprum hotel, is farming on his ranch below Cuprum."
"Collis Lynes is packing mail between Cuprum and Landore."
Council Leader, May 9, 1913
Alex Kesler died.
"P.J. Gerhart receiver for the Caviness - Slagle Lumber Co. ..." is moving the planer from the Fruitvale mill to Council." [Must have bought it.]
Otto E. Braur married Iola M. DeGaris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen have moved to Council from near Evergreen
Shaw Logging Co. - Tamarack
James Bridgewood, Fred Jackson - near Fruitvale Mrs. Downs of Fruitvale.
O.I. Ellis, mail clerk on the P+IN train past 7 years has traded positions with R. Frank Ely of the Boise Post office
Middle Fork has formed a baseball team and played Goodrich Sunday
Council Leader, May 16, 1913
Runaway team in Council
Fred Brooks' girl dies
Woodells to open bakery and restaurant next Monday - addition done
Weed and Braur now changed to the Council Butcher Co., with Paul E. Schaff becoming member of the firm.
Local markets: apples = 60 cents per box eggs 15 cents/doz.
timothy or alfalfa hay, baled: $11.00/ton
Oats $1.00/cwt Barley $1.00/cwt Wheat $1.30/cwt
"Rev. Cathers from Flora, Ore., has been here several days looking after his five - acre tract and doing some carpenter work for Tom Glenn."
Council Leader, May 23, 1913
Dr. Brown of Landore: assessor for the upper country has been assessing property at Bear
Council Leader, May 30, 1913
"The McMahan school house" at Fruitvale - church services Sun.
Daughter born to the Charles Warners, Sun. May 18th [The daughter born was Vera Pearl Warner. Charles Warner married Clair Walston. This is a different Charles Warner than the one from the Warners at Bear.]
"Miss Matilda Moser has accepted a position as clerk in Sam Criss' Store."
Walter James and daughter Pearl, of Landore
Court house recently remodeled to accommodate the treasurer's office.
John Clifton of Crooked River
Son born to Edgar Mosers @ 4 AM Sat.
Council Leader, Jun 6, 1913
Dr. Brown (F.E.) just got portable X-ray machine in his office. Nearest one before was in Weiser. There were frequent mentions of a local doctor going with a patient to Weiser to operate on the patient at the Weiser hospital.
Son born June 1 to the Ernest Tomlinsons - they lived in Council
"The old hitchrack is being moved from the square to a point south of its present location and the square is being fenced and parked." For sanitary and appearance reasons.
Council Leader, Jun 13, 1913
"the public square park has been prepared and fenced and will be seeded at once." (notice, first time referred to as a "park")
Moving picture shows every Tuesday night in the Council Opera House - latest electric lights - adults 20 cents .... children 10 cents [Billie Brown runs projector]
Council Leader, June 20, 1913
Deputy Game Warden J.R. Scotts of Boise caught men fishing without licenses - fine $10 Apparently license cost $1.00
John Freeze - promising fold mine near summit
"... the old Whiteley store building, which is now used for a warehouse, was ablaze." gasoline fire quickly brought under control.
Dr. W.M. Brown of Landore - deputy assessor for 7D country
A.L. Freehafer traded his ranch NE of Council to Dr. C.P. Gillespie for business property on the corner of Main St. and Moser Ave. J.A. Stinson has bought 1/2 interest in the building with Freehafer
Big 2 story dance pavilion being built at Starkey. Dance floor on 2nd story. Bottom two have bathrooms. This right near the plunge.
Council Leader, June 27, 1913
Twin boys born to Fred Jacksons of Fruitvale on West Fork, Jun 22
$1,000 has been spent on the Ham property by G.W. Lewis (his house) he has move in... 24 X 40 ... concrete cellar, 7 rooms
Operation on shattered leg of Charlie Allen from gunshot wound of about 6 wks ago. "He could not be operated on at the time, owing to the mangled flesh about the bone." [There was no mention of his wife shooting him in a previous paper, and none here.]
Rev. Stover buys expensive registered milk cow.
Tom Heady in from his place on Deep Crk.
Gus Lapkai and Charles Anderson in from Deep Crk.
Mrs. L.C. Washburn has a strawberry 9" around and some more 8"
Each community advertised its own July 4th celebration: North Hornet, Council, Goodrich, Landore, Starkey - most will have big dances and speeches.
Council Leader, Fri. July 4, 1913
"School wagons" suggested to bring students to school. Centralization of schools said to be good except for the conditions of the roads, especially during the winter.
Ed Cossitt, brother of H.H., moved here from So. Dakota
Tues - boy born to the Lee Hills who live near the mouth of East Fork
Ad.- C.D. Rose Farm Agency (Real Estate) main office in New Jersey - "World's Largest real estate agency" Dist. Rep. = Charles F. Kautz, 1/2 mi E of the White school on "Mill Crk Rd."
Council Leader, July 11, 1913
Description of school wagons and how they are run and managed. (About like bus routes)
Dr. Brown plans new brick office building on Galena St. and Ill. Ave. 100' X 25'...2 stories on 70' of it...... 40' basement. Upstairs divided into 3 suites of offices. His office in the front. Post office to be located in the rear.
Charles Warner putting up hay on Snake River (were there 2 Charles Warners?)
Dr. Brown got a new auto - a Ford runabout
a G.H. Dixon to make bricks on "Gassman tract" near Weiser river...the clay there is good. may cost $15 per thousand... Brick is cheaper than lumber
Hotel and dance pavilion at Starkey - dance every Sat. night during the summer
Pete Kramer's 12 - passenger wagon hauled people to the 4th of July celebration at Landore.
W.T. Walker, Fruitvale merchant
Forest Service phone line, Council to Squaw Flat, completed. It is a 10 hour drive to there
Council Leader, July 18, 1913
Cuprum news:
"O.A. (sic) Huntley and little daughter Elloise, are visiting relatives in Cove, Oregon."
"Asurite mine" mentioned - must be active with fair crew. Maude Lynes cooking there for Frank Wall. Hew father (Chas.) working there
"Archie Bardamas from Buckshot Bench...."
"L.W. Butterfield has a crew of men at work at the Huntley sawmill."
"Arthur Robertson from Bear is filling a position as sawyer at the sawmill."
White Rose mine mention in Black Lake country
7Ds will boom this summer
Council + regular news:
Grange hall mentioned at Fruitvale
Married July 10: Clyde Marble of Fruitvale and Winnie L. Harrington of Hornet Crk.
Dr. C.P. Gillespie appointed deputy game warden
Mrs. Wm. Black (Dora) visiting from Silverton, Ore. She is visiting old friends
Blight is so feared that G.W. Phipps, Wm Phipps, and J.D. and C.A. Poynor arrested and tried for not cutting it out of their orchards. They were found not guilty as they had made an effort, but circumstances kept them from getting it done sooner. A State fruit inspector makes regular inspections of orchards in the valley.
Council Leader, July 25, 1913
Starkey is a "flag station only" for trains
Elmer Harp broke his leg and arm badly when he jumped from the train at Starkey. Son of Lewis Harp. He got on at Fruitvale... the train didn't stop at Starkey, so he jumped. His leg was broken in 3 places.
J.D. Neale started a 5-room plastered bungalow on lots he recently bought just NE of his residence.
Wm Fifer bought a phonograph
Ad in last few papers = Barber shop and baths, Warner and Rice, shop in Fifer bldg... agent for Weiser steam laundry
Council Leader, Aug 1, 1913
"A trifle more than a year ago at the south end of the depot there was an unsightly depression in the ground; partly filled with nasty water, old ties and sundry rubbish." The spot was filled with dirt last year (it was noted in the paper), and now is a nice rose garden.
Moonshine stolen from impounds at jail
Fence posts for sale at Whiteley Bros. store
Clarence Gould cut leg with scythe
Council Leader, Aug 8, 1913
Fred Brooks bought lots + moved his blacksmith shop to them. Also purchased a house and moved it. Lots are south of his old location
Council Leader, Aug 15, 1913
"Dr. W.M. Brown of Landore and others from that section were in town Saturday... after 22 cans of trout with which to stock Lick, Bear and other Creeks."
[Within the past year, someone in the Council Leader told of trout up to 25" in Rapid river. There has also been frequent mention of people fishing at Bear and Lick Crks.]
Mrs. L.J. Longenecker and daughter, Hazel of Mr. Morrison, Colo. were visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Baker for a couple wks... now to Cambridge to visit relatives.
Dr. Gillespie was "standing on top of the world" near Landore, and said "he could see the excavations at Frisco for the Panama exposition." [Probably at Lockwood or Smith Mt.]
County Assessments in supplement:
Harry Criss - improvements to lot 30, blk 8 Mosers div.
Wm Woodland - lot 4, blk 9, Mosers
Weed and Braur S1/2 lots 1,2 blk 2, Perrills and lot 11 blk 2
F.E. Brown tract 13a, blk 2, Perrills and lot 8,9 blk 4 (all improvements)
L.L. Burtenshaw - lots 25 to 29 blk 4 Perrills and lot 36 blk 4
C.L. Weed improvements on lot 43 blk 4
Hancock and Koontz - lot 2, blk 5, Perrills
Council Oper Co. lot 11, blk 5
F.E. Brown, lot 22, blk 9, Perrills
Wm Fifer, lot 1, blk 1, Whiteleys
Frank Weaver, lots 4,5,6 , blk 1, Whiteleys
W.C. Whiteley, lots 10, 11, blk 1
Philip Walston, 10 acres sect 10
M.D. Chaffee, 95 acres, sec 15
Hornet Crk, etc.:
C.C. Wilkie - timber in sec 35, 18, 3 W NW SE sec 35
A.O. Huntley, 360 hd of cattle raised to $10,800 and improvements raised to $5,000
Council Leader, Aug 22, 1913
John Jorgens, proprietor of the pool hall...
Jess Smith of Bear filed on homestead on Big Bar
Delinquent taxes:
Earl Walston - SE1/4,NW1/4, SEC30 T17 1W and lot 2 NE1/4,NW1/4 same SEC
O.C. Wilkie SW1/4,NW1/4, SEC 5 T17 2W and NW1/4,SW1/4 of same SEC
A.H. Wilkie N1/2,SE1/4, SEC 6, T17, 2W
F.A. Wilkie SE1/4, Sec 9, T17, 2W
A.O. Huntley = Sugar Mining claim, North Alaska Mining claim, South Alaska claim, Blue Bird claim.
In the town of Starkey: R.S. Wilkie lot 14, blk 48
Council Leader, Friday, Aug 29, 1913
To be a big labor day celebration Sept 1 at Starkey with Council Concert Band and shooting matches, BBQ, food served "at the Cafe.", bucking contest, dances at the new pavilion
Cab on the big traction engine that runs Gerhart planing mill ruined in fire at planer Weds.
"Dr. Gillespie has bought the Bowman property next to Mrs. Arrington, from Sam Criss and is fixing up the south rooms for his dental parlor."
Council Leader, Sept 5, 1913
Miss Winifred Brown of Landore has position as assistant high school teacher at Cambridge
Edgar Pickler and Jim Potter have returned to Iron Springs
"Cuprum is doing a humming business. The woods are full of campers,..."
"Daddy Pickler returned from Rankins...."
Mrs. Huntley gave a party for daughter Eloise.
A well is being drilled at the school
Work on Dr. Brown's new building is going well. The basement is dug.
Council Leader, Sept 12, 1913
Mrs. Gertrude Warner teaching at Fruitvale again this year.
M. Turner and Dr. W.E. Fuller = partners - opened a "feed, sale and exchange stable in the Harry Criss barn near the court house."
Dr. Gillespie moving dental office and residence into bldg formerly occupied by Dr. Martin and B.J. Dillon. Dillon moved into court house.
Girl born to the Dave Lakeys on Hornet Sept 5
A new school district has been created, composed of parts of the White and Council Dists.
"Hutchison Cole and Miss Katie Cole, brother and sister of T.J. Cole of Hornet creek, arrived... from Sedalia, Mo., accompanied by J.T.(sic) Cole's children. Miss Cole will teach the Lower Dale school."
Teachers: Prof. Grant - Upper Dale
Miss Hutchison - White
Miss Boyer of Mt. Home - Crooked River
Mrs. R.A. Weddell has rented rooms over hardware store (the Winkler store owned by Carl Weed.)
Council Leader, Sept 19, 1913
Arrangements being made to play a series of basketball games with Cambridge (probably the first games)
Good water reached at new well at school - 112 ft.
New Railroad through Long Valley within 18 mi of McCall
Council Leader, Sept 26, 1913
"School has commenced in the new school house on the Bowman place in the new district, with Mrs. Briggs teacher and 18 pupils enrolled."
Thurs. Sept 18 Wm. Smith of Bear and Pearl James were married in home of her parents, at Landore
Diseases mentioned about this time: scarlet, typhoid, and spotted fever - and cholera
Council Leader, Oct 3, 1913
Sam and Harry Criss = Bros.
School news: "Carlos Weed entered the primary department this week."
Council Leader, Oct 10, 1913
"Gold Standard" mine owned by John Freeze and John Clifton = gold - near Summit
There are 25 school dists. in Adams Co.
Council Leader, Oct 17, 1913
Dr. Gillespie bought 2 lots from Winkler Bros. on the corner west of the old J.J. Elliot property near the M.E. Church and plans to build.
Chas. Allen able to be out on crutches now.
Sam Whiteley adding to his house on W side of RR
Council Leader, Oct 24, 1913
Earth Quake in 7 Devils
New Doctor: C.E. Watson from West Virginia - lives over Sam Woodland and Son's store.
Dr. Martin married Ida Yager
L.C. Washburn sold his dairy to E.M. Cossitt
"H.F. Johnson, the one-time populist senator... has sold his ranch near Pollock and will spend the winter at Los Angeles with relatives."
Sol Dickerson - livestock buyer from the lower country buys hogs, cattle [Sol is mentioned over many years, buying cattle]
Oct. 24, 1913 Council Leader. Middlefork news item. “H. F. Johnson, the one-time populist senator from this and Washington counties, has sold his ranch near Pollock and will spend the winter in Los Angeles with relatives.”
Council Leader, Oct 31, 1913
Ernest McMahan married Fane Larkey Oct 25
Boy born to "Rolla" McMahans of Fruitvale Tues night at Council
Dr. Starkey has "let the contract for the completion of another half mile of road between Fruitvale and Starkey."
Albert Woodell and W.E. Freehafer dissolved partnership - Freehafer bought Woodell out - Woodell moving to Portland
Council Leader, Nov 7, 1913
"Charles Allen and little son, George left Monday for Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. Allen has moved out to the ranch."
L.C. Washburn fixing up the old Sam Criss property in S part of town to live in it.
Boy born to the Mode Addingtons of Meadows
Council Leader, Nov 14, 1913
Freehafer and Stinson moved their law offices into bldg they bought from Dr. Gillespie
County needs Court house = rooms to hold court are rented about town - records are in a "cheap frame building" in danger of loss to fire or theft." At present, the sheriff and probate judge are in one bldg, the county superintendent in another and the remainder of the offices in the third, while court is held in a fourth building.
F.M. Slezak running thresher engine at Bear and will run same for sawmill
[No mention of Dick Fisk being born Nov. 11]
Council Leader, Nov 21, 1913
Gold discovered at Goodrich
"Fred Jackson is moving the W.T. Walker Blacksmith shop to his place on West fork for a hog house."
"Albert Robertson has rented Philip Walston's barn for the winter, thus giving people an opportunity to shelter and feed teams while attending dances, etc."
RR foreman of Sect 9, L.W. Riggs "helping the Glendale crew"
Dr. Starkey installed steam radiator in his Hotel, "works perfectly" with hot springs water.
Council Leader, Nov 28, 1913
(This is about the third paper to discuss a North South Highway - some debate as to whether it should go through here or Long Valley)
Council Leader office is moving to the rear of Dr. Brown's new brick bldg on Galena next week
Fruitvale Grange No. 70 has raised the ceiling in their hall and done some repairs - expect to "accommodate the dancers better than ever this winter."
Floyd Camp of Fruitvale
Council Leader, Fri Dec 5, 1913
Everett Ryals - his home near Tamarack
Boy born to Wm Woods - Indian Valley, Weds Morning
Gaarden still mining deep Crk.
Arthur Robertson's sawmill
John Jorgens to sell his pool hall to Mitchell Yberry of Cambridge
Dr. Brown moved into new office in "new brick" on Galena
Council Leader, Dec 12, 1913
"Jim Fisk lost a horse with mountain fever."
R. Hanson missing
Council Leader, Dec. 19, 1913
F.H. Kleinschmidt of Landore
Franz Hugo Kleinschmidt and Miss Mabella Ann Gilmore of Mass., married Dec 10, 1913 in Weiser. She arrived by train from the East in the morning and they married that afternoon. F.H. is the son of Albert Kleinschmidt. and he owns some rich copper mines. They will live at the Bluejacket mine.
R. Hanson home and safe, from Denmark, his old home country
"Dan Farlien, R. Kelley and others are building a bridge across West Fork at the ford above Mr. Jackson's place."
"W.E. Baker is going to Cambridge to assist his brother who is running a hotel."
"H.F. Johnson left yesterday... for L.A. to spend winter with relatives
"The weather and the roads have been such that Dr. Brown has been able to be out in his auto up to Dec. 17, when the snow began falling."
M. Turner bought Jorgen's pool hall and is running it
Council Leader, Dec 26, 1913
W.A. Walker's place on West Fork
"The bridge across West Fork below the Dan Farlien place is completed."
Post office to move to brick on Galena in Jan.
Dr. and Mrs. Gillespie had Christmas dinner with Dr. and Mrs. Starkey (must have been good friends)
Dr. Brown broke the record this year and he and his wife were out auto riding on Christmas day."
Council Leader, Jan 2, 1914
Train service on Sundays discontinued because of light traffic. "This is a hard jolt for those of us who like to have our Sunday mail,..."
Council Leader, Jan 9, 1914
State highway commission decided to put highway from Weiser to Lewiston.
Council Leader, Jan 16, 1914
Wm Fifer, manager of the opera house. («Lots» of out of town entertainment troupes come to opera house - last several yrs I've read)
M.D. Chaffee's brand = C on right hip
Fruitvale: "...Phillip Walston related some of his own experience in Sherman's march to the sea,..."
Goodrich: Wedding at home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gallant = Freida Schmidt and Earl Gallant married
Dr. Fuller and H.W. Stoecker, headed to Indian Valley in a "cutter" (sleigh?) "When they got to School creek the ice was broken and the horses lunged through at full speed..."
Council Leader, Jan 23, 1914
New Parcels Post policy hard on mail carriers
Rev. Stover about to resign and move to Colorado for his hay fever - congregation "implored", and persuaded him to stay by giving him a paid vacation to the coast during hay fever season.
Old shed next to Whiteley Bros. store fell in from snow
Council Leader, Feb 6, 1914
Rabies showing up again - was around last year too
"The Goodrich orchestra furnished music for the school show here [Council]...."
Fruitvale: :J.H. Corn and family have moved to their home at the mouth of Lost river."
Council Bowling Club organized several wks ago - several teams organized - competitive bowling - location of alleys not mentioned.
Under County expenses: "E.F. Fisk, wood for county offices $26.00"
Council Leader, Feb 13, 1914
Photo of Hotel Heigho, New Meadows
A.H. Wilkie - now of Ashton, Ida - in Council for court
"Ed Dent, the old reliable stage driver...."
Council Leader, Feb 20, 1914
Fruitvale: "R.A. McMahan has his house wired and lights with electricity now."
Dan Farlien moving his family to West Fork
Pete Kramer "... is preparing to put his stage line on wheels as the snow is about gone."
Council Leader, Feb 27, 1914
L.L. Burtenshaw taken all the way to Idaho Supreme Court by Adams Co. Prosecuting attorney for signing Nels Hanson's name to "information" charging Walter and Minnie Schroff with insanity. He was acquitted.
Council Leader, Mar 6, 1914
Judge G.F. Gregg dead - came to Council 1905 - husband to Maude Peters Gregg
E.S. McMahan family to move from Fruitvale to Cambridge where he "has a position with the electric light company."
Council Leader, Mar 20, 1914
Mrs. Thomas Evans was up at Stevens station...
"Dr. Brown made his last auto trip last year on Christmas day, and his first trip this year on March 18,... [evidence that this area is] not such a bad place when the automobiles only have to lay off that long."
Council Leader, Mar 27, 1914
Young Harry Shearer of Hornet dressed like a woman, cashed phony checks in Council. He was caught and expressed remorse.
"...purchased the Dr. Brown place near the Congregational church..."
Council Leader, Apr 3, 1914
Sam Woodland and Son closed and moving to Homedale. Couldn't compete with the 4 other stores in town.
Council Leader, Apr 10,1914
Movement afoot to join "Indian Valley and Council by direct telephone line via the Mesa orchards."
Miss Beatrice Bean - teacher at Cuprum from Walla Walla
Hometable Restaurant and Passtime Pool Hall
Log drives at Tamarack
"Harry Camp of Fruitvale..."
Council Leader, Apr 17, 1914
C.L. Ham....
L.L. Burtenshaw finished new plank sidewalk in front of his house
Council Leader, Apr 24, 1914
Son born to the Clyde Marbles, Apr 20
"Guy Walston has recently purchased the Carey property east of William Farlien's place and after putting in their crop expects to move their house home."
[W.P. James lived in Chicago and frequently visited his "valuable property interests" NE of town]
"...all the vast forest on West Fork could be successfully floated to Council if we had a mill here of sufficient size to handle them."
Council Leader, May 1, 1914
S.E. McMahan of Fruitvale got a motorcycle
Fruitvale: "Frank Harp sold his property on West Fork and has moved into the Farlien house here."
Depot to be built at Starkey - Dr. Starkey wants a siding - has offered to build the grade and guarantee $80 per yr. in business - nothing has come of it.
"Mrs. Josie Allen expects to move next week to her ranch near Bear."
"Mrs. H. Ketchum moved to her homestead near Starkey..."
"Geo. T. Russell has traded off his property on Hornet creek..." and is moving to Grandview, Idaho
Jas. Mitchell - barber shop - now in old post office bldg
Council Leader, May 8, 1914
Adams Co population estimated by Meadows Eagle editor: 3,000
Eagle editor says we can't afford a new court house - Leader editor is very much for building one, says we can and must afford it.
Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. moving its central office from the Odd Fellows building to the rooms over the Post office in Browns new brick building on Galena. System being updated in the process with a new switch board and wiring.
People in I. Valley not excited about a new court house
Sunday trains to be resumed May 17th
Miss Compton, Fruitvale teacher
Frank Richardson is S.F.'s son
Council Leader, May 15, 1914
son born to the Robert Youngs May 9
Mrs. Ketchum, homestead near Starkey
Council Leader, May 22, 1914
"Ed Brown, stage driver on the Council - Summit line, informs us that the mail route has been changed to go by Peck's instead of by Kampeter's. The route was changed by petition, and the driver says the road on the new route is h?!o?^!"
Headline: "Seven Devils Looking Good" "...coming to the front in better shape this season than for many years. Several properties working with promising prospects." Red Ledge being developed. Azurite preparing to build a 25 ton concentrating plant. "Miller and Kleinschmidt are still at work on the old Blue Jacket."
Mrs. Miranda E. Carroll of Fruitvale dead - Andy's mother - born 1861 - husband = Joseph L.B. Carroll
J.D. Neale, Frank Neale and A.L. Hagar fishing "up at the reservoir"
"Charlie Warner has installed an electric fan in his barber shop for the comfort of his patrons. This is the first fan of the kind in town."
Whiteleys to build brick "addition" with a 20' front, the length of present store, and 2 stories high. This, with the old store, will equal 50' wide front, total. Also to build a 20' X 50' brick ware house to the rear of the 2 buildings.
Council Leader, May 29, 1914
Frank Neale will erect a paint shop near the square
The Arrington hotel mentioned
Fruitvale: "Frank Richardson, road overseer, was repairing the bridge on West Fork."
Council Leader, June 12, 1914
Ad: W.E. Fuller, prop. of Council Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable. One block N. of Sam Woodland and Son store.
Council Leader, June 19, 1914
Geo Robertson of Fruitvale - his horse pulled back and strangled itself at the hitching rack behind J.F. Lowe's store in Council. Winkler & Company
Every few weeks there is a story of some kind of runaway or accident involving a horse lunging or running etc.
RR will reach McCall tomorrow
Walker and Robertson girls in court for running away
Frequent accounts of the capture of bear cubs after shooting the mother bear. People kept them as pets.
Council Leader, June 26, 1914
John Freeze and Frank Peck have discovered a rich gold vein 1 1/2 mi. north of Hornet Reservoir
G.S. Mitchell, new New Meadows Postmaster
Stewart M. French, engineer of the state road survey camped with his corp of engineers at Starkey, working on the state road survey. Building of state highway may take 20 years and will be done in sections.
Council Leader, July 3, 1914
"Dr. Starkey has decided to build his plunge of cement...." getting sand from below Vista
Frank Morrison has his sawmill on Mill Crk. Byron Davis staying there with his family while working there.
Post office got a new big safe
Council Leader, July 10, 1914
John B. Kunz, mining engineer from N.Y. here to prospect at Black Lake for eastern capitalists. Looking for promising deposits to justify working the property on a large scale.
Mail to Landore area from Council too expensive for 6 times per week and bids are being taken for a carrier to go 3 times a week.
Fruitvale: Floyd Camp marries
First issue of Adams County Advance, pub. at New Meadows and edited by Frank M. Roberts, former editor of the Tribune.
Room vacant where phone office was
son born to the C.W. Holmes
Council Leader, July 17, 1914
Editor advocates good roads and consolidating area schools
Caviness - Sagle Lumber Co. has finished its business here - planer sold and taken to upper Mann Crk.
Pete Gaarden's daughter, Mary, taught in Adams Co. last year and it is "claimed she was the youngest teacher in Idaho."
School library open to the public every Sat. afternoon - (saw this sometime back too.)
Council Leader, July 24, 1914
First passenger train reached McCall
Rev. J.J. Corn on West Fork
"Forest Ranger N.F. Phelan of the upper Hornet station...."
O.E. Downs, of Pleasant Ridge, on the Jim Henson place
"H.F. Johnson, who has spent the past several months in California, returned here Tuesday evening."
Jim Henson and Dick Ross working on streets with traction engine.
Ad: Council Lumber Co. is running its mill for a time. Order while we are sawing.
July 24, 1914 Council Leader. Told As We Heard It news item. “H. F Johnson, who has spent the last several months in California, returned here Tuesday evening.”
Council Leader, July 31, 1914
War broke out in Europe
Mr. Sovereign, manager of the picture shows at the opera house generally travels to New Meadows to show movies (the word "movies" is never used in this paper)
C.L. Ham running for sheriff
Council Leader, Aug 7, 1914
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson died
Fire destroyed fence and grave markers at Winklers Cemetery
Son born to the Wm. Hahns Aug 2
Son born to the Frank Neales Aug 2
ad in many papers = Freehafer's for lunch
J.J. Jones and T.B. Biggerstaff have claims near North Star mine between Pollock and the 7 Devils.
Mrs. H.M. Ward, mother of C.T. and James Ward
Council Leader, Aug 14, 1914
Whiteley building well along - bottom floor of cement = upper floor has large hall and four rooms for rent.
Concrete addition to the vault at the courthouse
Rev. Stover back from vacation east of Long Valley and off again to the coast
Son born to Roy Pickler, Cuprum merchant
Isaac and S.E. McMahan have new auto
Council Leader, Aug. 21, 1914
Dr. Starkey's new plunge about done - cement 41' X 81' and 12' deep at deep end [This is the present pool]
Council Leader, Aug 28, 1914
Charlie Allen, former resident, visiting
Girl born to Soren Hansons
O.B. White "fixing up old Koontz barn and expects to use it for a livery barn ..."
"W.S. (Sid) Geddes, the contractor, has a new School House, in District No. 11, nearly enclosed ...."
Geo. Gould to build new barn.
New Plymouth Sentinel, Sept 3, 1914:
Albert would have been about 25 years old at this time. The younger brother mentioned would either be Loyal (about 15 at the time) or Rollie (about 19).
“Albert Campbell of near New Meadows, says the Weiser Signal, is being the object of a variety of opinions right at this time. By some he is being called fearless and by others foolish. His own opinion is that he acted in a somewhat hasty manner. The reason for all the big talk sounds like the beginning and ending of a nature faking story. As told by the young man himself, the story is substantially this:
“Last Monday while riding in the hills near New Meadows, Albert and his younger brother jumped a 2-year old black bear from some bushes where it was feeding. The animal hit for the timber and the boys crowded it until it took refuge in a tree. Albert then went to the house of a rancher to borrow a rifle. He found a rifle, but ho shells. The next gun in size on the place was a shotgun. This he took and with it two shells filled with bird shot. Getting back to the bear in the tree he missed the first shot, but with the other he put enough into the bear's face to induce it to come down. Both boys were a little alarmed concerning the rout the bear would take, and the horses were cutting a few fancy capers as well. The bear, however, started in the opposite direction and it was then that Albert decided to lasso it. Running close behind, he made the catch with the second throw and caught it square around the neck. After that he was in worse shape than ever and didn't know what to do with it. The bear started for the horse and the horse started to keep out of the way. Campbell said h noticed a tree a short distance ahead that had been bent over by the heavy snow last year. He rode under this, and as he went under he threw the end of the rope over the limb, caught it on the other side and rode on. Fastening the rope to the saddle horse, he only had to pull the bear off its feet and sit tight while it strangled. He said it took only about 10 minutes. When life was extinct, he let the body down, rode back, put it on the horse in front of him and took it home. For a really true bear story, this does not sound so poor.”
Council Leader, Sept 4, 1914
Winifred Brown to teach at Weiser
6 1/2 by Kramer stage Landore to Council
Mrs. C.C. Draper died - buried at Winkler cemetery
Dr. Watson moved into an upstairs office in new Whiteley bldg
Wm Winkler requests those replacing grave markers to use stone so they won't burn again.
Phillip Walston - peach orchard N. of Fruitvale
J.L.B. Carroll has moved into Ralph Wilkie house
Geo. Robertson baling hay
Council Leader, Sept 11, 1914
New plunge opened at Starkey - all day and night dance at pavilion
Mrs. B.B. Day died at Boise. She "lived where Kampeters do now" The Days exhibited apples at St. Louis, Chicago and elsewhere. They were 1st to bring Council apples to world attention
"The old Koontz stable opposite Whiteley Bros. store has been remodeled , repaired and opened ...: by Dr. Fuller (veterinarian) and O.B. White as a feed and sale stable (Hancock and Koontz still advertising every week)
Warren items in paper for the first time
"Miss Lucille Wallace came up from Cambridge Tuesday evening and will teach at the ridge school, new district 13, near Fruitvale."
"M. Yriberry, the new Seven Devils stage man...." moved to N.W. of Council from N. Meadows
Dr. Watson moved to old C.C. Draper or Lawson Hill house on Lucille Ave.
Miss Elizabeth Skinner of Wisconsin to teach at White School
Mrs. Jose Allen - from her ranch near Bear - her daughter Ruth White
Thomas Evans moved from Stevens Station
Council Leader, Sept 18, 1914
J.I. Lorton bought his brother's store in Cambridge and will run both that store and his present one in Council
G.S. (Sam) Mitchell, N. Meadows Postmaster, former Co. Commissioner, ex-merchant at Meadows. His wife had a girl Mon.
John Westfall died
Council Leader, Sept 25, 1914
girl born to S.E. McMahan's
Fruitvale: "Pete Robertson has installed machinery for making flour ...."
"Rob't Young is building a carpenter and cabinet shop along side his store,...."
Dr. Starkey "trying to make arrangements to have his hotel moved to a location near the new plunge."
P + I N equipping its handcars with gas motors = 4hp, can go 30 mph
"Al Towsley, one of the citizens of Council Valley thirty hears ago, ..." was in town on his way to the Seven Devils
T.B. Biggerstaff and his son in law E.E. Hart in from Glendale
Council Leader, Oct 9, 1914
E.E. Ransopher and wife living at Bear
Council Leader, Oct 16, 1914
Dr. Starkey talked to the Co. Commissioners about building a road to Starkey. Looks like it will begin immediately
Political candidates:
Harrison Camp - Democrat - Justice of the Peace - Fruitvale precinct
J.L.B. Carroll - Socialist, Probate Judge - Fruitvale precinct
C.L. Ham - sheriff, Fruitvale precinct
Council Leader, Oct 23, 1914
Mrs. L.L. Burtenshaw bagged another deer. "We will bank her against any woman huntress in the state." She got one in another issue ... last year?
Girl born to Mrs. Lester McMahan, Fruitvale
Miss Smith - Fruitvale teacher
Harry Criss came from Portland to visit his brother Sam
Council Leader, Oct 30, 1914
C.W. Holmes was appointed Co. Clerk in 1911 by Gov. of Idaho
L.J. Rainwater store soon to "be in its own new building." Rainwater bought the Feltham property next door to his grocery and will raise and repair the bldg. A glass front will be put in bldg. Intends to cover outer walls with iron
Died Oct 26, 1914: Rebecca Marshall - Glenn of Fruitvale, born in 1827 "Grandma Glenn". Her husband died 21 years ago.
ad: Rev. Stover selling all house furnishings and leaving Council
Fuller and White now have up to date livery rigs
Meadows Eagle / New Meadows Tribune-- October 30, 1914
The editor was A. B. Lucas. The heading of the paper says, “Great is Meadows Valley and the Eagle is its Prophet.”
Several of the appointed county positions were up for election.
The Republican candidates were: W. P Briggs—Prosecuting Attorney; Minnie M. Carson—Treasurer; John McMahan—Commissioner; third district; Billie Brown-- Clerk and auditor. A photo and biographical sketch of each of these was on the front page of the paper. A photo of Parker V. Lucas, along with his bio is on the same page, but it isn’t mentioned which office he was seeking.
The Democratic candidates were: Thomas Mackey—State Senator (currently Commissioner, Bear); James Linder—State Representative; Rudolph T. Motley—Commissioner, First District (Indian Valley); G. W. Phipps—Commissioner, Second District (Council); William Branstetter—Commissioner Third District (Meadows); C. W. Holmes—clerk, auditor and recorder (incumbent); Luther L. Burtenshaw—Prosecuting Attorney (incumbent); Charles L. Ham of Fruitvale—Sheriff; Harriet A. Carr—Treasurer; A. M. Henke of Indian Valley—Probate Judge; Maude Gregg—Superintendent of Schools; James A. Winkler—Assessor; W. E. Fuller (veterinarian)—Coroner
Announcement that a bond for $25,000 will be on the ballot in the November 3 election for the construction of a court house and jail.
From the “Local and Otherwise” section:
“Remember the young People’s Temperance meeting at the Congregational Church next Sunday evening.”
“Col. E. M. Heigho and family returned Monday evening from their trip to Washington and New York.”
“The Eagle’s exhibit of Meadows Valley products was made more attractive this week by the addition of sample potatoes weighing 3 ¼ and 3 ½ pounds—clean –smooth and solid, that we will back against any potatoes in the State.”
“The merchants and businessmen of Kamiah have joined hands with the farmers of that section and instituted a co-operative creamery. Isn’t it about time Meadows Valley was taking action on the creamery proposition?”
“The threshers report a splendid yield of grain and timothy this year in Round Valley. Charlie Campbell’s oats tallied something over 7,000 bushels and Noah Irwins’ timothy was the largest yield per acre ever threshed in the Valley.”
“Ichabod Hoskins, of the well-known firm of Hoskins & Rand shipped two car-loads of fat cattle to Portland on this morning’s freight. He bought them of Jonathan and Edward McMahan. He will be back next week to ship the consignment contracted of Andy Mitchell.”
“Messrs Weyerhauser [sic] and Campbell, the big chiefs of the Weyerhauser lumber companies passed through town Saturday on their way to Boise. They had just finished a tour of inspection of a portion of their Long Valley holdings. When asked concerning their timber here, Mr. W. said there was ‘nothing doing’ at present.”
[Frederick Weyerhaeuser and his associates formed the Payette Lumber and Manufacturing Company at Emmett in 1902. The Payette Lumber Company merged with the Barber Lumber Company to form the Boise Payette Lumber Company in 1913. The Boise Payette Lumber Company eventually merged with another company to become the Boise Cascade Corporation. Exactly when Weyerhaeuser extracted himself from these companies is not clear to me. Obviously he had his fingers in other timber pies and went on to head one of the biggest lumber companies in the world.]
From the “Meadows School Notes” section:
“Razel, Dazel, never frazel not a thread but wool, all to-gether, all to-gether, that’s the way we pull. Meadows!”
“Don’t forget to attend the field meet at New Meadows Friday Oct 30th. There will be a picnic dinner at noon.”
“Throw away your old books, put on a smile and good looks, come have a gay time, a glad time, a jolly time, Rah! Rah! Rah!”
“TEMPERANCE MEETING—The Meadows Sunday School will observe the National Lincoln-Lee Temperance day next Sunday evening by appropriate exercises in the Congregational Church. An interesting program of speaking, singing and recitations, all by the young people, is announced, and everybody in the Valley is invited to attend.”
Council Leader, Nov. 6, 1914
bonds defeated... Sheriff= Charles Ward, Council
L.L. Burtenshaw - Pros. Attorney
Orchard school mentioned. Also Lower Hornet and Dale schools
Mrs. Josie Allen bought Mrs. Bishop's restaurant next to Cool's feed store
Mrs. S.F. Richardson from La Grande, Ore. visiting relatives and friends in Tamarack
Teacher at White school = Beth Skinner
Council Leader, Nov 13, 1914
Isaac Hinkle - former Council Butcher - visiting her
Contract let for road to Starkey
M.E. Krigbaum - formerly of Council Valley - now Pine, Ore. (see photo of his Dairy ranch on Hornet in past issue.
Winkler Bros. building a 16' addition to the N. end of their shop for auto repair and more room in main bldg for other work. They moved a house a little further N. to make room.
Royal Neighbors of America organized here with 24 members. This is a branch of the Woodman for ladies.
First mention of "Donnelly and Cool". Dale Donnelly lived on Hornet Crk.
Council Leader, Nov 20, 1914
Mention of New Meadows Advance newspaper
Rev. Stover's last Sunday her nest Sun. He's going to Salem, Ore.
Chas. Allen operated on to remove steel plates in his thigh
Rev. Baker of Cambridge visiting her Mon.
Harry Camp was elected justice of the peace of Fruitvale precinct
Council Leader, Nov 26, 1914
"Billie Brown has lease the old drug store building, has repapered it...." for a billiard hall, candy, cigars - tobacco
Dirt work on Starkey road. Dirt road done almost to Emsley Glenn's pasture. Rock work to be done this winter. "... the old road and the river fords are rough, and not usually passable until the middle of the summer."
" school at Hillsdale ..." under Indian Valley items
S.F. Richardson and wife left for their home n La Grande after visiting their son Frank at Tamarack.
Council Leader, Dec. 4, 1914
A.L. Hagar of the Council Lumber Co.
Guy Walston of Fruitvale ("Con Walston" lived W. of McMahan's bluff, S. of river)
Rev. Stover left for Salem - will be missed - was here 9 yrs
Ads for Fred Cool last few papers; no mention of Donnelly except the "Cool and Donnelly shipped a car of fat hogs to Portland...."
The Rainwater grocery has moved to its own home next door to its former location and has a new front.
Marion Lee will open a "pressing and cleaning works" in old Rainwater store
Council Leader, Dec 11, 1914
School Supt. Neale "... reports a new school on Indian creek, ten miles below the Cuprum camp, where a number of homesteaders are developing that section. He will reach the new school by traveling over the old Findlay trail from Bear."
" road directly west from village of Indian Valley and connecting with the public road at the Richland school house." A new concrete and steel bridge across the Little Weiser River will save miles.
ad: "Magic cleaning and Pressing Works"
Dr. Clyde E. Watson...
Council Leader, Dec 18, 1914
Wm Winkler, Odd Fellows Treasurer
A flag pole will be erected at school over Christmas vacation
Mrs. J.W. Arbuckle died at Ola - last name now Vaughn - was a Council pioneer- 61 years old - lived at Middle Fork 27 years ago through 8 years ago.
7 lb. boy born to Mrs. John Kesler yesterday
O.C. Wilkie, former resident here, now lives in S.E. Idaho- visiting here
ad: Overland Restaurant = in Overland Block, F.M. Slezak, prop.
Dec. 18, 1914 Council Leader. Additional Local news item. “H. F. Johnson, the Seven Devils poet, left Monday for Los Angeles, Calif., where he expects to spend the winter with relatives.
Council Leader, Dec 25, 1914
New planer at Council Lumber Co. will plane 6X6 on all four sides at once, and "...will be driven by the monster engine that was used at the Caviness planer, with Jim Henson at the throttle."
Fire in Mrs. Cox's rooming house (see photo copy)
"Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baker are the proud parents of anew boy who arrived December 12."
Council Leader, Jan 1, 1915
Frank Long, who had charge of Hotel Heigho in N. Meadows took charge of Pomona today. Will install steam heat and "gasoline lights"
Gray's Creek (Mr. Bacon, teacher) and Hillsdale schools mentioned under Indian Valley items
Wm Shearer and Elsa Harrington married X-mas day at North Hornet home of her parents, Robert Harrington. He is the son of Ben Shearer. They will live near the Dale school house
"Frank M. Roberts of the defunct Adams County Advance passed through...."
Council Leader, Jan 8, 1915
Mrs. P.A. Cypert has taken over the restaurant on the corner by Cool's feed store, from O.J. Allen
son born to T.J. Glenn Jan 1 at Fruitvale
Council Leader, Jan 15, 1915
Addison Missman house burned down - on John Kesler place 2 mi N. of town
J.A. Stinson and P.A. McCallum (attorneys) formed partnership and are moving into Fifer bldg where probate judge and sheriff were.
A.L. Freehafer moved to Boise, and is now on the Public Utilities Commission [He still owns property here, and has many friends and relatives. He will visit often.]
W.A. Walker traded his farm on West Fork to W. Fiddell for property at Mr. Home (Walkers lived down in the canyon S.E. of Eagle Point, next to McMahan land)
Manual Oling and Pete Kramer freighted "the remainder of the machinery and boilers from the Caviness mill near Summitt (sic)." to Council
Council Leader, Jan 22, 1915
WWI reeking havoc with international fruit market
I. Valley Congregational church moved into "town" from S. of town
Fruitvale - mention of Mr and Mrs. Earl Walston Later: lived on Hornet, but have moved to Caldwell
boy born to Mrs. Amos Shaw 8 1/2 lbs.
" " " Mrs. C.T. Green on Johnson Crk 10 lbs.
W.E. Freehafer - discontinued restaurant part of his store - still serving cold lunches and baking. Has moved into his brother's house since he moved to Boise
"Everybody is taking advantage of the fine sleighing now to do their heavy hauling."
Council Leader, Jan 29, 1915
"Ruth and Ray White left Monday for Baker, Oregon, to join their mother , Mrs. Josie Allen."
S.W. Ford (manager) and John Nelson (cook) came in from the Maid mine at Black Lake, and Mr. Ford has gone to his home in Weiser for the winter
Frank Glenn visiting from Arkansas
Guy Walston rented his brother Earl's ranch on Hornet and will "run the threshing machine in season."
Jim Larkey Jr......
Council Leader, Feb 5, 1915
Dr. C.E. Watson moved to Caldwell
Frank Weaver and family moved to Redmond, Ore. He is our ex-sheriff and barber
Boy born to Mrs. Tilford Lindsay of Indian Valley
ad: Overland restaurant
Council Leader, Feb. 12, 1915
J.O. Nord - Sawmill man at Tamarack
Council Leader, Feb 19, 1915
Phone lines hooked directly to Indian Valley now "and we can talk to our neighbors to the south at 15 cents per talk instead of 40 cents, as heretofore."
Black Lake Game Preserve: Governor has signed Sen. E.W. Bowman's bill creating the preserve. U.S. government has donated 50 head of elk from Yellowstone Park = 35 cows and 15 bulls. (see Feb 26 paper photo copy)
At Fruitvale Grange meeting "The newspaper edited by Earl McMahan was also well enjoyed,..."
Lucille Wallace had been teaching "near Fruitvale" left for lower country
H.R. Struthers, former proprietor of Hotel Pomona...
"Wheels took the place of runners here last week,..."
Council Leader, Fri. Feb 26, 1915
Wm Winkler appointed Postmaster
B.J. Dillon has moved into rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Gillespie in Gillespie bldg. The Dr. has gone to Boise - has been ill for a long time - hoping Boise will be better for his health. The other two rooms in the Gillespie building will house the real estate firm of Cole [sic] and Freehafer. Should read “Carr and Freehafer.”
ad: meals at Pomona Cafe
Mrs. Harpham moved into the Mitchell bldg to open a bakery.
ad: Barber shop and baths, C.H. Warner, Fifer bldg.
"The 50 elk for the Black Lake preserve arrived in two cars attached to the passenger train on Tuesday, and nearly the whole town was down to see them. They were taken to New Meadows to be unloaded and two of them escaped and made of for the hills."
Emmett Index—3-4-15
“Fred Wilkie engineer of the Canyon canal during the latter part of its construction, has been named assistant engineer and will have special charge of Carey Act projects.”
New Plymouth Sentinel – Mar 4, 1915
Governor Moses Alexander signed the prohibition bill, making Idaho dry.
“The cattle men across the river are having a fight to hold their winter range. The settlers in the Crane and Indian Creek [Indian Valley?] county have petitioned the Washington county commissioners to create a herd district in that portion of the county. The hearing comes next week and if the herd district is created it means that the cattle men affected will either have to seek new winter range or go out of business. The herd district affects all the cattle men of the lower Payette valley and the Willow creek cattle men.”
Council Leader, Mar 12, 1915
State law to take effect Apr 20 will allow no possession of alcohol at all in dry territories without a special permit
Weed and Brauer sold their meat market to W.C. Whiteley - will be at the same store under the name "Whiteley and Son"
Fruitvale: "M.D. Chaffee went up to James Fisk's after a load of oats a few days ago."
Council Leader, Mar 19, 1915
Pioneer Robert White died. Born Aug 1827... died Mar 11, 1915
Survived by sons T.J. (Thomas) and W.H. White Paper says he named Council after finding 3 Indian tribes holding Council where Council now stands. [Not likely since Mosers were already here the year before Whites came]
Sarah Harp (Mrs. James Harp) died Mar 14 born 1832 mother of Elizabeth Winkler, Mrs. Geo Robertson of Fruitvale, Wm Harp, Hardy Harp, Sam Harp buried in Winkler cemetery
W.H. Hoover family arrived to make their home here
Rev. C. Edwin Cox, wife and baby arrived from San Francisco - he is to be the new Congregational church minister
Rev. Baker of Cambridge in town to visit his son near Fruitvale
Bridgewoods have come from Mt. Home to make their home on West Fork
Henry Farlien... on Wm Farlien place 5 miles up West Fork
Council Leader, Mar 26, 1915
Fuller and White are building a 34'
x 40' addition to their feed barn "This brings the front of the barn out to the sidewalk...."
Frank Roberts publishes the Advance newspaper in New Meadows
Council Leader, EXTRA! April 1, 1915
FIRE SWEEPS BUSINESS SECTION! all buildings from Sam Criss's store to Dr. Brown's brick destroyed, plus all Hildenbrand buildings (see photocopy)
New Plymouth Sentinel – Apr 8, 1915
“Council Has Fire – Council, April 1.--The heart of the business section of Council was wiped out by fire at 12:30 Thursday morning, damage to the amount of $30,000. It started in the Freehafer restaurant and spread rapidly up both sides of the street. The fact that Council [is] without a fire department could do nothing but let it burn its way into the business houses. Council is badly crippled as a result. Nine business houses were completely destroyed, while four were damaged. The total lost is covered with $17,000, little more than half.”
Council Leader, Apr 2, 1915
Dr. Gillespie back from Boise = better but not all well
S.G. Addington - sheep man
Council Leader, Apr 9, 1915
Description of business locations after the fire.
Ordinance to build future buildings of brick or cement
Village dump is located on 2 acres on the NW corner of the Byron Davis homestead
J.W. Davis appointed "deputy game warden for this county"
Miss Facey, teacher at Crooked River school
Council Leader, Apr 16, 1915
Slezaks, who formerly had the Overland Restaurant, have named their restaurant the Council Cafe. It's located in the Home Table building
boys born to Mrs. "Jno." Woods and Mrs. Sylvan Woods: Indian Valley
Since Whiteley Bros. installed a new "window fountain" they now sell fresh vegetables at all times - also fruit. This noted in last wks paper as "an expensive fountain spray to keep their vegetables in first class condition."
In small print on the back page: Council granted the Adams Co. Light and Power Co. the contract to build an electric power plant and system in Council and furnish power. Has been discussed for a long time.
Council Leader, Apr 23, 1915
Frank Hahn sold his ranch to James McGinley of Nebraska
Ground secured on Washburn place near the river bridge for brick yard. G.H. Dixon of Cambridge and J.W. Faubion of Caldwell
Mrs. Wm Woodland has opened confectionery store in old Jorgens pool hall west of the square, second door from the meat market. Will sell cakes, cookies, bread, candy
A.L. Cathers of Oregon still has property here - preached here Sunday
There was some fire damage to Dr. Brown's store building. It's being repaired
Council Leader, Apr 30, 1915
Dr. W.E. Fuller appointed deputy state veterinarian in this area
R.E. Clabby married Genevieve Robertson (daughter of W.T. Robertson)
Fred Weed and Soren Hanson have moved to run butcher shops; in McCall and New Meadows respectively.
Harry Criss leased his old livery barn to Robert Young
Organ installed in Orchard school
ad: B.F. Shannon = shoe repairing - in Sam Criss' Store
ad: Fuller and White - Council Livery - across street from Whiteley Bros. store
Council Leader, May 7, 1915
Girl born to Mrs. Arthur Campbell - Wildhorse
R.H. Kleinschmidt here from Helena, Montana - on business and visiting his nephew in the 7 Devils
Excavations started for some new brick buildings
W.H. Grant ended his 2nd teaching year at Dale
Council Leader, May 14, 1915
Bounties paid on coyotes, wild-cat, lynx, bear, cougar and wolves. "The whole skin must be presented to the defooter, who will detach all four feet."
Ball game between Boise (4) and Council (1)
J.W. Davis, deputy game warden, was in Meadows Valley checking on the new elk band. They are "doing fine".
Sam Woodland had to have hand amputated - "necrosis of the bone"
P+IN: round trip to Boise costs $10
Council Leader, May 21, 1915
Mail contract between Council and Landore let to Pete Kramer June 15. The present contractor, M. Yriberry, took it 9 months ago on a 4 year contract, but it was taken from him. Editor cries foul!
C.B. Irwin, wife and daughter were coming down Mesa hill in an auto, and met Robert Coutts of Indian Valley coming up hill with single horse and buggy. The horse shied, overturned the buggy - dislocated Coutts shoulder
C.E. Miesse died at his home in Chicago = Pres. of Council Valley Orchards He was only 40 years old. He was working on bringing a canning factory here.
W.H. Grant will teach at Fruitvale
C.E. Ransopher working in Midvale. His family is at Bear.
Council Leader, May 28, 1915
"Sam Criss is putting in a new motor supply gasoline tank on the Hildenbrand corner."
animal "pound" established at Fuller and White's barn
Council Leader, Jun 4, 1915
Rev. Cox set out 20 shade trees around Cong. parsonage and church
J.I. Lorton has installed a massive, marble soda fountain, plus a backbar with mirror.
"Mrs. May Robertson, the Fruitvale merchant...."
Council Leader, June 11, 1915
"J.Q. Kauffman and son are building the Gould barn,..."
Business managers and publishers of the Council Leader are Fred Mullin (also the editor) and Ivan M. Durrell (former editor). Paper owned by Council Publishing Co. with 16 prominent local men as stock holders including Wm, Geo, and Lewis Winkler, Fred Cool, F.E. Brown, L.L. Burtenshaw, and Whiteley Bros. (I.A. and S.J.)
Council Leader, June 18, 1915
Herbie Glenn graduated 8th grade at Fruitvale
C.R. Johnson now in charge of Starkey plunge
Council Leader, June 25, 1915
Mine inspector Bell's report on Cuddy Mt. district = new gold strike in 1914 near head of Hornet about 8 miles W. of Hornet Ranger Station "on the Seven Devils wagon road." It is the "Last Chance" claim of Frank Peck and John Freeze - looks very promising. One mile west of there is a "high grade lead silver ore in the form of clean galena..."
C.F. Tripp, who has been running the planer at Council will start a box factory
Rainwater's and W.C. Whiteley's brick bldgs going up. They are using the local brick noted earlier by the river bridge (Dixon-Faubion). The buildings are being wired for electricity which should be here by August.
Ex-senator E.M. Barton...
Council Leader, July 2, 1915
Dr. Starkey will sell the Hot Springs property to R.H. Kleinschmidt for $15 - $20,000: "cement plunge, dance pavilion, small hotel and electric lights, about 200 acres. Mr and Mrs. Starkey located here 10 years ago before the railroad was built. They expect to move to the coast.
Brick work done on Rainwater bldg. Bricks made by Dixon - Faubion brick yard, who will now supply bricks for the W.C. Whiteley bldg. W.R. Brown's will adjoin Whiteley's.
"Glen Saling, the Bear creek printer..."
Council Leader, July 9, 1915
L.L. Burtenshaw played fiddle for the July 4th dance at Starkey. He said he had furnished the music for a July 4 ball 32 years ago at Wasco, Ore.
brick work started on W.C. Whiteley bldg
Tandy sisters millinery goods in home 3 doors N of Winkler's hardware (Weed store bldg)
H.F. Johnson back from several months in California
Council Leader, July 16, 1915
Buildings in Council being wired for power
Billie Brown let contract for his building to Geo. Dixon - brick work and Sid Geddes - carpentry
There has been much written and meetings etc., of late about a RR to join Meadows Valley and Grangeville so that the state will be joined N to South. Lewiston already spoken of as a sea port. "The opening of the Celilo canal furnishes water transportation from the Pacific coast to Lewiston,..."
J.E. Jackson has bought the Woodland bakery and will open in the W.C. Whiteley bldg when done.
Dances every Friday night at Starkey - music by Goodrich Orchestra
Caviness - Slagle Co. mill machinery sold the banker Bradford who held the mortgage.
The liberty bell was in Weiser, on its way from Independence Hall to San Francisco exhibition
A big meeting at New Meadows "Mon. night July 26, may mean the salvation of this country in the way of transportation facilities." RR 1/2 fare to get people to attend. Subject: the RR from New Meadows to Grangeville. Governor of Idaho, Alexander, will be there.
The Farmers Union Exchange Ltd. organized by local farmers to build a warehouse 30' X 64' with full basement for storage of fruit and vegetables.... are selling stock.
"I.M. Durrell of the Leader force..."
"Pleasant Ridge, No. 16, is a new school district on the bench, with W.D. Fitzgerald, Wm. Marks and D.J. Farlien trustees. They expect to bond for $1000 and build a modern one-room building."
Floyd Camp and wife of Fruitvale...
Miss Mary Gaarden back from attending the State normal school at Albion... father Pete Gaarden.
New Plymouth Sentinel, July 29, 1915
“Weiser, Ida – The hotel at Starkey Hot Springs, a health resort in the hills 70 miles north of Weiser, was totally destroyed by fire Monday night about 9 o'clock, with nearly all the contents. A number of guests escaped with few personal effects. The fire started from a defective flue and when discovered, the flames had gained such headway that all efforts to save it were futile.”
Council Leader, July 30,1915
500 - 800 attended North - South Railroad meeting in New Meadows. Everyone in favor of the RR
9:00 Monday eve, the hotel at Starkey was discovered on fire. Dr. Starkey and R.H. Kleinschmidt were at the New Meadows meeting about the North-South railroad. Mr. Kleinschmidt plans to build a number of 3-room "bungalows to be used either as single rooms or suites... and also... a restaurant...." Mr. K has been staying at Starkey, and lost all the belongings he had with him, including his personal papers. (Starkey and Kleinschmidt have been mentioned as being in town together on business in almost every recent paper.)
The "Perils of Pauline" multi-part picture show series will begin at the opera house Saturday night, with a dance after the show.
Council Leader, Aug 6, 1915
Starkey: 400 ft. grade done for a "stub switch" (siding). L.J. Rainwater and the Mullin family have cottages on their lots. I.M. Durell has a house there. Post office: Mrs. Ketchum is Postmaster - the Post office is temporarily closed. Dr. and Mrs. Starkey left for Seattle where the Dr. expects to go into business. They have been here 10 years and will be missed.
Rainwaters new grocery opened where the old store burned [This was 118 Illinois Avenue. Rainwater's used to be right against Dr. Brown's building (See photo #98443) until December of 1914.]
Whiteley and Son's new meat market reopened on its pre-fire location
Rev. J.L. Baker in town on his way to Fruitvale.
Frequent reference to community "boosters" and "knockers"
Council Leader, Aug 13, 1915
R.H. Kleinschmidt building kitchen. Also fixing up a dining room under the pavilion at Hot Springs. Had been serving meals at the Morrison cottage, but it was "too small for the crowds that are going there."
"B.F. Shannon is now clerking in Sam Criss' store and has another man running his cobbler shop."
30 cents a meal at Council Cafe
Bids wanted for school house to be built at Goodrich, Dist. 12 this summer
Council Leader, Aug 20, 1915
Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Vinson have opened a bakery in the east room of the new W.C. Whiteley brick building. Mrs. Vinson is Mr. Whiteley's daughter
Soren Hanson back to Council - sold butcher shop in New Meadows or McCall.
Letter from Mrs. Starkey : The Starkeys are now at 4243 7th st., N.E., Seattle in a 7 room house which has just been built. The Dr. expects to practice medicine. Mrs. Starkey says it's strange to only cook for two.
Mr. Kleinschmidt says Starkey is now called "Medicinal Hotsprings"
Two Emmett men looking for hidden bag of gold and other treasures left at Burnt Wagon Basin in early 1860s [Evidently a myth arose of Dunham Wright's and his 7 companions' journey in 1862]
Council Leader, Aug 27, 1915
Mrs. H. Ketchum "received her commission as postmistress and the office will be opened soon...." at Starkey
Mitchell's barber shop still opposite the Pomona.
Council Leader, Sept 3, 1915
Billie Brown's new bldg will have and ice cream parlor... also a billiard hall in back.
"Electric light and power poles and wires are going up all over town...."
Council Leader, Sept 10, 1915
New school room at Indian Valley
R.O. Hall of Johnson creek died - bachelor - born 1849, homesteaded on Johnson creek in 1900
Mrs. B.J. Dillon and her sister, Mrs. A.H. Wilkie...
"The electric lights were turned on in a number of residence [sic] and business houses Saturday night...."
Council Leader, Sept 17,1915
Creamery to be built - Carl Weed on board of Directors- S. side or Hornet creek road and immediately west of the RR
P+IN in financial trouble. Talk about unfair competition from a jitney that operates in the summer.
Mary Gaarden back to Albion normal school
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Sept 24, 1915
"It is hard to imagine anybody else but Rev. Baker as minister of the Methodist church here [Cambridge]. It was Baker that built the parsonage and it was Baker that built the church, but he has decided to devote a few years to his ranch up near Fruitvale. He wants some 'wherewith to lay his head' in his old age. Rev. Baker will be missed by the church-going people in Cambridge. He was one of those quiet, unassuming persons who never sounded a trumpet before him, but somehow he always got results."
Sam Woodland died last Monday. Funeral at Council
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Oct 8, 1915
Earthquake felt in this area. Centered around Utah. No damage.
P&IN depot at Council burned down, along with the water tank and pumping plant. A small depot has been moved down from Fruitvale for temporary use. -From Council Leader
Council Leader, Oct 22, 1915
Commissioners Proceedings: “In the matter of the road subscription of L. J. Rainwater and others for money to complete the wagon road between Fruitvale and Starkey Hot Springs. It is hereby ordered that the said application be and the same is hereby denied for the reason that the board does not consider the said road of sufficient importance to justify the expenditure of the required amount of public money at this time.”
“In the matter of the Coeur d’Or Development Company for cancellation of part of their 1915 tax on the Hotel Heigho and lots covered by same.” This application was denied because, “this matter should have been brought up by said company at the meeting of this board as a board of equalization held during June and July, 1915.”
In the matter of the petition of L. H. ‘Lee’ Muckensturm and others asking that the road known as the Wilkie Traction Road [now the Ridge Road] be made a public road. In this matter it is hereby ordered that all obstructions across said road be removed, and the road overseer in Road District No. 6 be and he is hereby ordered to cause with the assistance of the proper authorities, the removal of such obstructions.” This doesn’t seem to have answered the petition to make the road public. I think my grandfather, Jim Fisk, was the road overseer on this road at the time.
Also under the commissioner’s proceedings, a detailed plan is laid out for the bond election for the construction of a new courthouse. The bond was, “to be payable and redeemable within twenty years and from the date of issue, and to be issued in denominations of $1,000 each and to draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, . . . “
Every detail of the printing of the ballots—their size, wording, etc.—was outlined. A list of people appointed to act as judges and clerks of the election was printed, as well as the building within each precinct where the voting was to take place. Here are the voting places in each precinct: Mesa, school house; Goodrich, school house; Council, Eagles Hall [theater], Fruitvale, Grange Hall [now the Joslin house]; Meadows, I.O.O.F. Hall; Indian Valley, school house; New Meadows, Brown Hall; Tamarack, Dance Hall; Landore, school house; Bear, school house; Cuprum, school house; Summit, school house Dist. 8; Wildhorse, school house. I’m not sure what school would have been meant near Summit; maybe it was the Crooked River School.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Dec 17, 1915
Hotel Cambridge, run by Ellis C. Baker. Baker came from Fort Collins, CO in 1909 - bought the Kingsbury & Watt interest in the hotel and the firm was known as Baker & Bell. In 1911 he sold his interest to Dimmick and engaged in other business. In April of this year he leased the hotel from T.A. Bell.
Adams County Light and Power Co. = A little over two years ago this company secured a franchise, and by Christmas they turned the lights on in Cambridge, taking power from the Salubria Valley Milling Co's plant. The following spring, work started on the power plant on Rush creek, and on October 6th, power was furnished to Cambridge. About a week later, to Midvale. This fall, the line was completed to Council and it received "juice".
[Information from a legal appeal to the County Commissioners from Earl Walston and William Freehafer, dated December 20, 1915. Walston and Freehafer made reference to a decision the commissioners had made on December 13 as to where to locate the new courthouse—on the hill south of downtown.]
From a clipping of a newspaper notice inside the J.D. Neale scrapbook donated to the museum. The clipping that is not dated, but fortunately the date is contained within the notice:
“Sealed bids will be received by the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Adams County, State of Idaho up to February 4, 1916, at the hour of one o’clock p. m., for the doing of all excavations, furnishing all of materials, the furnishing, and installation or the heating plant, and the completion ready for occupancy, including plastering and painting of a court house and jail in Adams County, Idaho, except the steel cage for jail, which the County will furnish, but bid must include the setting of the same, . . . . The said building to be complete and ready for occupancy on or before the 1st day of August, 1916. Dated at Council, this 28th day of December, 1915.”
J.D. Neale wrote in the margin of the clipping, “This meeting ‘died’. “ Your guess is as good as mine as to what he meant by this.
New Plymouth Sentinel, Dec 23, 1915
“On December 11, 1911, Oliver Zeirlein of this city, was working in the vicinity of Dinson creek, near Indian valley, when he captured a young eagle. Mr. Zeirlein kept the eagle three weeks when he turned it loose. Mrs. Zeirlein put a metal tag on the eagles neck giving the date and address. Last week he received a letter from H.H. Haines of Council, stating that he had killed an eagle with a tag around its neck. Mr. Haines, who is a trapper, killed the eagle while hunting coyotes on Wildhorse creek near Council on December 2, 1915. The eagle was a large one, measuring 5 feet 11 inches from tip of wings to tip.”
Weiser American, Jan 13, 1916
John McGlinchey of Payette died, age 75
Blake Hancock and Lillian McMahan, both of New Meadows, were married in Boise.
February 3, 1916 – the following abbreviated headlines were distributed throughout for the great southwest portion of Idaho from the day before:
2 February, 1916 / Snowstorm - The Worst on Record
Measured in acre feet of water content, the burden placed on southwestern Idaho by the storm king during the past 48 hours was worth millions of dollars.
Snow began to fall at 9:30 Monday night, and continued without interruption until Wednesday afternoon, when some rain began to fall with the snow. About 6 p.m. the snow ended, but rain continued to fall. The rain settled the snow rapidly. At 6 p.m. Wednesday the depth was reduced to 16.4 inches.
As the reports started to trickle in about this monster storm people throughout were wondering. Then the following from the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. began to emerge:
From the community of Ola word was received that they were plundered for two full days until the snow reached a depth of four feet. The roads remained almost impassable, but as will have it, the people of that community remained cheerful.
In High Valley the heavy snow fell for some 36 hours and they reported that the snow drifts reached the telephone wires (about 15 to 20 feet in places).
Meanwhile Meadows and New Meadows reported that there was five feet of snow on the level. Trains were at a standstill.
Following the rails south Council was dumped upon to the tune of over four feet on the level. The Pacific and Idaho northern tracks were covered with five to seven feet; drifts were immense and beyond belief.
Cuprum and Landore received seven feet of the white stuff on the level; and in the southwest portion of the state Silver City was inundated with 8 feet and above.
Boise and Idaho City found themselves mantled with some 6 feet of the heavy and soggy snow pack.
The only place that reported very little snow fall was Hailey. It seems that the storm went around that community.
Weiser American, Apr 13, 1916
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Brown are moving to Salem, Oregon. Stopped at the newspaper office on their way. He sold his office and some property to Dr. R.T. Whiteman of New Meadows
Weiser American, Apr 20, 1916
Ad - A.O. Huntley - Hereford Bulls - "I have 5 head of registered Herford Bulls from 2 to 4 years old - Also several yearlings."
Weiser American, May 18, 1916
Edward M. Barton died Saturday at San Francisco. born Dec 16, 1856, Miller Co. MO. Came to Weiser with parents 1877. Married Carrie M. Garb - had 4 kids
Weiser American, May _, 1916
A new baseball league was organized at Midvale, to be called the P&IN League. There are 4 teams: Council, Cambridge, Midvale and Weiser. Limit of 15 players. 24 games are scheduled.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - May 26, 1916
Council Leader taken over by F.H. Michaelson. Bought it from Durrell and Mullin.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - June 9, 1916
Michaelson has changed the name of the Council paper to The Adams County Leader.
Weiser American, June 20, 1916
Page 5 - Obit of Mrs. Mary E. Harlan - had no children of her own, but raised 2 orphans. One of them is Arthur V. Robertson of Bear (he has lived there since 1889). Mrs. Harlan taught school in Washington and Adams Counties.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - June 23, 1916
Council's new water system completed. New reservoir holds 100,000 gallons
The Boise-Payette Lumber Co. has announced it will put a mill at Emmett at a cost of $500,000
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Jul 21, 1916
"T.A. Bell has again taken charge of the Hotel Cambridge. Ellis will remain as chief clerk." Baker file.
The News (Cambridge) March 9, 1917
Goodrich – "Mr. A. Schmid has sold his ranch to Mr. F. M. Jewell of Cambridge. He expects to move out in the spring. Jim Denny of cow Creek is visiting at Ferguson's this week."
"J. J. Shaw of Boise, president of the Hawkeye Lumber Company, spent Friday here, returning from his stock ranch at Council."
"Rev. Baker came down from Fruitvale Saturday and went to Indian Valley Sunday to conduct the funeral services for Wayne Motley [of Indian Valley], who was killed in a snow slide a week ago, at Haley."
Weiser American, Mar 22, 1917
Steamship Norma dismantled [evidently near Portland, as is taken from Portland newspaper]. R.H. Kleinschmidt and his brother, Albert now live in Weiser. The Norma went down the Snake River to Lewiston in May of 1895. Parts of the ship are to be used in other ships.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - April 6, 1917
Congress votes WAR. U.S. to join conflict in Europe.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - April 13, 1917
"Thomas Cavanaugh, Yale graduate and civil engineer, who went into the Heath District of Washington County, about two years ago, mysteriously disappeared March 12. The sheriff and his deputies are on the scene. It is believed that he was murdered, that his body was cut into pieces and either thrown into the Snake River or buried. Forest rangers have scouted the district in the hopes of getting some trace of him, but without success. It is the belief of many that he was killed during an attempt at robbery. Cavanaugh comes from a prominent family in New York."
"WORK BEGINS – Highway engineer here to look after it – Soon there will be gangs at work all along the line. It will be the very latest." A state engineer, "is here to personally supervise the construction of the North and South highway through Washington County." Work will begin as soon as the ground is "in shape for it." "Already a man has been hired by the contractors in the canyon to begin clearing the right-of-way as soon as the snow is gone. While this is the only piece of road upon which the contract has been let, other contracts will be made as soon as it is fit for work, gangs will be strong all the way from Weiser to the Adams County line. The road is going to be built according to the very latest standards in road construction. When completed the state takes over the maintenance and thus relieves the county of that burden. Then this money that has been spent in keeping up this main road can be used to improve the laterals, and in this manner we will soon have good roads all over the county."
"Mrs. Baker came down from her home at Fruitvale the first of the week for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bell."
"Anyone desiring a copy of the Indian Valley cookbook may obtain it at the News office at the regular price of $1 per copy."
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Apr 20, 1917
From AC Leader - Sheriff Ham investigated a stove explosion at Fruitvale school house. Teacher, W.E. Tyson arrived at the school about 8:30, started the fire and carried in wood. - dumped one load, and had almost reached the door when "... an explosion occurred that broke the stove into small pieces, scattering the wreckage, including stove pipes and contents of stove all about the room. Tyson not injured. He thinks it was dynamite.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - April 27, 1917
"The State Supreme Court Tuesday affirmed the judgment of the Seventh Judicial District Court for Adams County against Clyde Smith, who is under sentence to serve from 1 to 14 years in the state penitentiary for grand larceny. Smith was found guilty of stealing 10 head of cattle from Ben Wooden in Adams County in May, 1914."
The April 27 and Nov 6, 1917 issues of the Adams County Leader were DONATED TO THE COUNCIL LIBRARY, AND ARE NOT FOUND IN THE LEADER OFFICE, and are probably not on microfilm either:
Adams County Leader, April 27, 1917
Businesses: G.M. Winkler + Co.
Hancock and Koontz, dray etc.
Winkler Bros. blacksmithing
Council Lumber Co.
Whiteley Bros.
Fuller and White (Livery and dray)
W.S. Turnipseed - clock repairs, jewelry, phonographs, etc. - in old Whiteley bldg.
Sam Criss, Gen. Merchandise
A new barber between meat market and billiard hall - E.J. Deckler, Prop.
Archie Poynor: Plumbing, heating, sheet metal work, ..installs bath tubs. ad says "... it is estimated that there are more than three autos in Idaho for every bath tub...."
Council Pharmacy
R.T. Whiteman, M.D.
Edward C. Burtenshaw - Attorney
J.A. Carr, real estate
B.J. Dillon, Attorney
Stinson and McCallum, Attorneys
References to the Grange Hall in Fruitvale
Methodist church services in Council
Cambridge News, May 4, 1917
Mountainview – "Miss Leona Nyquist is expected to return home from Wild Horse, this week, where she has just finished her first school."
Indian Valley – "Born – To Mr. and Mrs. Clem Woods April 24, an 8 lb. girl."
Weiser American, May 10, 1917
"considerable building going on" in Council
Weiser American, May 17, 1917
Adams County votes for $100,000 bond. $80,000 is to go for work on the North - South Highway, the rest for connecting roads.
The News (Cambridge) June 1, 1917
From the Adams County Leader: "Dr. I. S. Carter, dentist, formerly of Cambridge, has located at Council for the practice of his profession. His offices are in the Addington building."
Indian Valley: "A surveying party is at work, staking out the new state highway through the Valley this week."
Valley View – "It begins to look as though we would have the highway through here this summer. The surveyors are busy and have been working along here the last few days."
Midvale – "Quite a number of teams are at work on the State Highway just outside the city limits."
New Meadows, from that Eagle: "Mrs. Oriana M. Hubbard closed last week a very successful term of school at Landore and is now at home for a short vacation. She has been re-employed to teach a summer school in the same district and also re-elected to teach the school another year."
"A. E. Troyer, manager for the Hawkeye Lumber Co., Was down from Tamarack this week looking after business." [There is also a Hawkeye Lumber Co. hardware store in Cambridge, managed by I.T. Robinson, "across from the depot."]
"The editor of the News has sold a portion of the land adjoining the Hawkeye Lumber Co.'s yard to that firm. They expect to greatly enlarged the Cambridge yard and will also have a sufficient amount of slab wood down this fall to run during the winter."
"Fred Hinkley, for about 20 years a resident of this valley, died Saturday, May 26, of Spotted Fever and was buried Monday in the Cambridge Cemetery, Rev. Baker conducting the funeral. He was aged 50 years, 3 months and 27 days."
The [Cambridge] News – June 15, 1917
"Quite a bunch of our people went to New Meadows to attend the opening of the Hotel Heigho."
"A telephone line is being built by the forestry officers from Indian Mountain to Indian Valley, a distance of 9 miles. This line will connect with the fire service lookout station for the Indian Mountain."
Weiser American, June 28, 1917
Front page, center headline = "Idaho Needs Your Help, Young Man - Be A Real Man And Respond Quickly" Men wanted to join 2nd Idaho Regiment
Weiser American, July 5, 1917 and other issues:
Men must register for military draft
Cambridge News, July 6, 1917
"Robert Franklin Kirkwood, better known as Bobby Price, died at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Price of Goodrich on June 29, and was buried in the Salubria Cemetery on Sunday, July 1. Death resulted from intestinal trouble. He was aged 15 years, six months and 27 days. When six days old his mother was taken from him by death and he was raised by his grandparents."
“F.M. Hubbard and family departed Tuesday for Cuprum where they will make their home the coming year while Mrs. Hubbard is teaching the school there. – Eagle."
New Plymouth Sentinel, Aug 9, 1917
"One of the most terrible accidents that ever happened to a family in Idaho was that which befell the Hahns Monday morning at Woods spur crossing near Payette. An automobile containing six members of the Frank Hahn family of Council was hit by the pony train on the Oregon Short Line. The dead are F. Hahn, Mrs. Hahn, Joe Hahn, Elsie Hahn and Frank Hahn, Jr. Alice Hahn is the only survivor of the fatal ride. The auto was hit squarely by the locomotive and some of the victims were hurled more than 50 feet. The engineer thinks the auto engine went dead as the car was crossing and stopped on the track.” The funeral was held at the Methodist Church in Payette. “The five bodies ….were buried in a single grave in Riverside Cemetery.”
Weiser American, Aug 9, 1917
Page 1, continued on p 8: "Five members of Hahn family killed" 2 miles East of Payette. Train was going 35 mph. Engineer said the car didn't stop after he saw it approaching the tracks 75 feet from the crossing, then it appeared to stall on the tracks. Mr. Hahn Sr. "was carried along on the pilot of the engine with his feet entangled in the braces of the headlight." "Mrs. Hahn died in the baggage room at the Payette depot. Elsie died soon after she arrived at the Doctor's office. Joe died Monday afternoon. Alice is the only survivor = broken hip, knee and head wound - she woke up Tuesday afternoon.
The Hahn's came to this area from Montana about 18 years ago. Mr. Hahn was an overland freight in Montana. He was on the first board of Adams Co. Commissioners. Frank Jr. had been examined and accepted for the Navy, and was to leave for Salt Lake in a week.
Weiser American, Au 16, 1917
Contract let for North - South highway in Adams Co.
Adams County Leader, Nov. 16, 1917
L.L. Burtenshaw - YMCA county chairman
ad: Rainwater's Grocery
A.G. Hallet of Lander, Wyoming bought land from W.E. Freehafer, and has ordered lumber for a house.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - July 13, 1917
North - South Highway being built between Cambridge and Midvale.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Aug 10, 1917
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hahn and children hit by train at crossing two miles north of Payette. Whole family killed, except daughter, Alice, who was alive when paper went to presses.. Pieces of the car were thrown 100 feet. Frank was 60, Mrs.=54 Frank Jr. = 25 Joe = 20 Elsie = 17 Alice = 13
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Nov 16, 1917
Collis Lynes of Cuprum and Austin Tracey Robertson of Bear shipped out for Camp Lewis for military training.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Nov 30, 1917
Levi Allen killed by auto in streets of Spokane, WA. Moved there about 19 years ago.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Dec 14, 1917
Levi Allen was killed Nov 22. Had gone to store for milk. Returning home, crossing street - auto hit him, carrying him 150 feet. He was a cabin boy on a steamer between St. Louis and the upper Missouri river. Came west when 10 years old. Went to California in 1849 during the gold rush. Ran a shingle mill at Puget Sound. From there he went to Helena, Montana and entered the lumber business. On trip up the Snake, the miners at Lewiston tried to buy their provisions because supplies were so scarce. Moved to Boise. Built a saw mill at Washoe, three miles east of Payette. Sold this one... later built on 12 miles east of Indian Valley, then later moved this mill to Salubria for several years. Later moved the mill 30 miles north of Spokane for a few years. Was 82 years old.
Goodrich: Abe & Anna Schmid bought the Goodrich store from Aston Robie in 1918.- Glen Gallant, 199 6.
ACL Mar 29, 1918 Dr. Fuller barn. Fuller is a deputy state veterinarian
Turn your clocks ahead one hour. [Sounds like the first time for this across the nation.]
J.J. Jones left here last Aug and lives in "Monmouth, Ore."
Hancock and Bradley, local draymen
Adams County Leader, April 12, 1918
Some contacts have been let for North - South Highway. Plans for County line to Middle Fork bridge. Plan to eliminate the "Middle Fork hill"
More local men to be drafted for the war.
O.K. Livery Barn, Hancock and Bradley, Prop.
Fred Cool's
The Council Creamery
Addington Auto Co. - Dodge Autos
People's Theater
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Jul 19, 1918
"Enough work has been done on the north and south road in this county both north of Fruitvale and in the vicinity of the Middle Fork hill to indicate the vast improvement that will have been made when the work now planned has been completed." At Mesa, work "... extending from the southern slope to a point north of the summit. The new road, eliminating the grades that now separate the Indian Valley district from the remainder of the county and by natural route winding through the orchard and passing the townsite, will present a view that will be long remembered by every tourist who passes."
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Aug 2, 1918
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Baker to lease the S. & S. hotel at Midvale.
ACL Aug 23, 1918 Sam Criss store Addington Auto Company
ad - "For Sale - California stake box wagon;... also one Harley - Davidson motorcycle. J. Ingram."
ACL, Aug 30, 1918 "... we purchased this paper two years ago...." [F.H. Michaelson]
Frank Harp has escaped from the penitentiary in Boise
ACL Sept 6, 1918 Geo M. Winkler has sold his interest in the hardware and implement business he was in with C.T. Doughty to M.C. Fuller.
ACL Sept 20, 1918 Miss Agnes Mitchell is teaching at Fruitvale.
"Ellis Hartley and family have moved into the Dr. Brown house recently vacated by Ernest Winkler."
Boy born the to Keith Lakeys Sept 14
Clarence Schroff and Jennie B. Wilson married by Judge Weed. He is son of Walter Schroff from N of town + she a school teacher
Charles Palmer and Olive C. Moore married Sept 19
The Council school has 143 students
Ad: First Bank of Council
E.C. Smith resigned as County Clerk and Matilda Moser was appointed to fill the position.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Sept 27, 1918
E.M. Heigho resigned as general manager of the P&IN RR. Ill health. H.E. Dunn takes over.
Thousands of flu cases at Army bases in U.S.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Oct 4, 1918
More influenza cases in Army. 300 dead. 88,000 cases
ACL Oct 4, 1918
Long list of local men on draft list (includes Edward Fenner Fisk)
Fred Eaken wounded in battle. He had been rumored dead.
ACL Oct 25, 1918
"Last Saturday the State Board of Health issued an order closing all public and private schools of the state." because of the flu epidemic. So far in the U.S. there have been 14,153 deaths in army camps from the flu. That is more than the 9,985 killed in battle in the war.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Nov 8, 1918
The War is over!
Influenza took its first victims in Cambridge ... more sick.... also small pox.
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Nov 15, 1918
News of the armistice brings joy, but is tempered by more flu deaths all over.
ACL Nov 22, 1918 Outbreak of flu of last week is subsiding. Miss Mary Zink and F.H. Morrison have it from nursing the sick at the local hospital. Ban on public gatherings will be lifted if no new cases develop.
ACL Nov 29, 1918 L.J. Rainwater died of pneumonia following the flu Nov 22. He was 34 and leaves a wife and baby.
ACL Nov 29, 1918 Edward Burtenshaw reported by the War Dept. to have died on Oct 6. His parents recently received a letter from Edward, dated Oct 20 saying he was in good health. The family can't help but believe that he is really dead and the War Dept. made a mistake on the date. Edward had taken part in the battle of Argonne Woods. "In a recent letter home Edward stated that the Germans were not high-class marksmen, otherwise he would not be writing."
His parents moved to Council in May of 1901. He was "the first graduate of Council High School" after which he began to study law in his father's office. Was admitted to the bar Jan 1916. Practiced with his father until drafted.
"The words of sympathy we would express to his bereaved wife and parents utterly fail us. Stricken as he was - in the early prime of a promising life, after having passed through the dangers and hardships of one of the most trying battles of the war and with a joyous home-coming near, no blow more severe could have been dealt those nearest to him except that as time makes grief less acute they will find consolation in the fact that in memory he will ever be listed in the great roll of honor of his generation."
On another page= Burtenshaws received another letter Tues. from Edward, dated Oct 21: "... I am still in the land of the living ... and ... am well and feel fine." [Whole letter printed]
ACL Dec 20, 1918 Girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Addington Dec 18
J.F. Lowe store
Council Meat Market - Harry Sinclair, Prop.
ACL Dec 27, 1918 Sam Woods of Indian Valley died Dec 19
New Plymouth Sentinel, Jan 9, 1919--
"On Monday of this week Albert Robertson, of Weiser moved to our little city with his wife and children and are ensconced in rooms over the post office until such time as they can find a suitable residence. Mr. Robertson has secured a term lease for the north room of the Smock block and is busy having it shelved and otherwise put into shape for the opening of a new and up-to-date to grocery store. Mr. Robertson was proprietor of a general store in Fruitvale for about five years, but sold out. He expects to be open for business about the 20th of this month."
The News, Cambridge, Idaho - Jan 10, 1919
Teddy Roosevelt died.
Council has a bad outbreak of the flu - "... the worst outbreak any community in this section has suffered."
[The "Can't Sag" farm gates advertised look just like the ones at the old Gould ranch.]
ACL Jan 24, 1919 Ida Selby(40) and her son, Ray (20), died from the flu on the same day. Mother of Chester and Opal.
75% or more of the Council school kids have had the flu. No new cases recently, and if this trend continues, school will reopen next week. Those families that have not had the flu in their household will not be required to send their children to school. "... the Health Officer shall visit the schools each morning for purpose of inspection and, further, that teachers shall watch closely for any appearance of illness on the part of pupils in order that if any suspicious cases appear they may be immediately cared for."
"In the hope of stamping out influenza the Weiser City Council, in conjunction with the school board, has ordered that all absentees from school shall be reported by teachers and that investigation, looking to quarantine, shall immediately follow such reports. Police officers are authorized to call a physician to investigate any case of suspected influenza that has not been reported. Violaters of quarantine will, we read, be vigorously prosecuted."
The Congregational church will resume services "... now that the flu epidemic is about over."
ACL Feb 7, 1919 Carney Johnson, a Midvale boy serving in France and who was officially reported as having been killed in action, has written his mother that he is alive...."
Official Notice by Board of Health on the front page: The Spanish influenza epidemic seems to be on the wane in the Northwestern U.S. But: "All cases of sickness in any way similar to influenza must be reported and a physician called AT ONCE. Failure to do this is a misdemeanor punishable by fine." "All cases of Influenza shall consider themselves in rigid quarantine, the quarantine extending not only to the person sick but to ALL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD for at least one week following the outbreak of the disease." "Rooms occupied by Influenza patients must be thoroughly disinfected with formaldehyde at the time that quarantine is lifted."
W.T. Lampkin of Payette - spent some time in Council about 4 years ago
Pneumonia is what kills most victims of the flu.
ACL Feb 21, 1919 Girl born to the Lester McMahans Feb 15
A son was born to Mrs. Edward C. Burtenshaw at St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise Feb 17
There is inadequate electricity supplied to Council because of a lack of water at the generator.
ACL Mar 21, 1919 "J.P. Gray has disposed of his interests in the Mesa orchards and will surrender his management of the project ...." Will be managed by D.W. VanHoesen of New York. Mr. Gray has managed the orchards since the trees were planted. He was a property owner from the East, and was sent out here to manage.
Miss Annie Gould teaches at Cottonwood school.
Fred Cool is leaving to spend a year in Siberia for the Red Cross.
"Then and Now -- A Comparison - A Story of the Early Days In the Council Valley by M.P. Gifford" This happened "more than 20 years ago." [Had to have been 1894 or soon after.] "In the good old days of long ago, before the advent of the railroad, we were under the necessity of transporting all our goods and machinery from Weiser by wagon, a distance of sixty miles; and such roads! No bridges; no grading; and in the spring no bottom to any of it. Always at about this time of year it became the painful duty of someone to go after a load of freight; and you can imagine about what kind of sport it would be."
"The time of which I speak was an exceedingly rainy year, and in March the roads were in such condition as would mire a 'saddle blanket.' It was while this state of affairs were on that Frank Shelton, now at Bear, Idaho, pulled into the Valley. Frank was a teamster and freighter, and a good one; and although he had no load, he had nevertheless dragged the axle all the way from Weiser. His opinion of the roads registered zero and he so decided to express himself, and also further stated that there was no team of four horses in the Valley that could pull one ton without getting stuck and requiring assistance to get out of the thousand and one mud holes. This notorious explosion of Frank's was made in the one little store that Council then boasted of, owned by John O. Peters and Isaac McMahan. The official freighter for Peters and McMahan was Olaf Sorenson, who was known as the best teamster in the country, and who owned a four-horse team that would pull anything loose at one end. Peters stated that he was satisfied that Sorenson could bring a ton through; Shelton thought differently, and said he would bet one hundred dollars that no four-horse team could do it. John O. Peter's faith in Sorenson was such that he at once 'plunked down' the $100 and the bet was on. Next day they started for Weiser - Isaac McMahan, Olaf Sorenson, Frank Shelton and a few others, to see the fun. Shelton insisted that the lines be taken from Sorenson and given to McMahan, although McMahan was unacquainted with the team, but it was finally arranged that he would drive. Now, 'Mack' was to pull one ton from Weiser to Council and was not to take more than three pulls in any one place. Well, you should have seen the fun! If ever a team covered itself with glory it was on this occasion; time and again both axles were dragging in mud and it would look like it was all off; but after three days of heart-breaking work 'Mack' made it through and won the bet. I doubt if any other team in the county could have done it."
Such were the conditions then. Compare them with those of today. Nevertheless, we all had good times - going to dances and spelling schools - and did not think much of it."
Miss Ellen Hardy - teacher at "the Dale school"
ACL Mar 28, 1919 The RR north from Council was built in three extension: to Glendale, to Evergreen and then New Meadows
E.M. Heigho became president of the P&IN in 1903, and built it up from pretty poor shape. He says, "In November 1917, while at work in my office on a plan for the reorganization of the railway, I suffered a severe stroke of paralysis which for two months all but destroyed my sight, made my right arm and leg useless and seriously affected my vocal organs...." He soon resumed work against his doctor's orders. In Sept. 1918, he suffered an almost complete physical breakdown and resigned as general manager but remained president. Now he is resigning due to his health. "It is needless to say that it is with deep grief and infinite regret that I disassociate myself from what has been almost literally my life work, abandon my home and hearth in one of the loveliest valleys on earth, and leave the locality in which my children were born and where we had hoped to spend our days surrounded by a prosperous commonwealth, happy in having achieved the maximum of possible development, in which I might feel that I had a part." He supported the North - South Highway, even though it was not in the best interest of the RR, because it was a benefit to the community.
"Dr. Brown reports the following births: To Mr. and Mrs. William Hanson, Hornet Creek, on March 22, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marble, Pleasant Ridge, March 26, a boy."
Whale meat for sale at the Council Meat Market. It became more popular during the War because of the shortage of other meat, but this is the first time it has appeared in Council.
[It seems to be common for editors to refer to a single man as living at "bachelor's flat" or "bachelor's corner", etc. - kind of a typical tongue in cheek humor of the day.]
[Motion pictures and live acts appear at the People's Theater regularly... also, public gatherings. Movie prices = 15 cents and 25 cents , sometimes a dance afterwards. Silos are becoming THE thing for farmers to build for storing crops. Pictures in Council Lumber Co. ads look like the old silos on the old McMahan places.]
The News, Cambridge, Idaho - Mar 28, 1919
Mesa orchards change hands. J.P. Gray sold to D.W. VanHoesen. In the early days of the orchards, planting fruit trees on land to sell to investors was so popular that thousands of acres in the West were planted. Many areas were unsuitable to growing orchards. "With many promoters the original plan was clearly to buy cheap land, set to trees and sell tracts at bonanza prices to eastern persons who longed for the great our-doors." Never the less, it caused prices to plunge. Mesa is "... one of the foremost apple and peach-growing industries of the United States conducted under on management."
ACL Apr 18, 1919 A boy scout organization has been started at the Congregational church.
Geo Phann [Pfann], who has been employed as a machinist for the "Pin" road has taken charge of the Winkler blacksmith shop.
Typical editor's style: "Anderson Moser, who was a resident of this neighborhood at a time so early that Council mountain was but a little hill, ..."
ACL Apr 25, 1919 W.R. Brown, manager of the proposed local baseball team announced the formation of a PIN league that includes Huntington, Payette, Weiser, Midvale, Cambridge and Council.
ACL May 2, 1919 "... J.H. McGinley, who came here some three years ago from Nebraska, is developing a hobby for buying farms. Last week he bought the Chaffee ranch at Fruitvale. The property consists of 152 acres and is first-class in quality. This week he bought the Farset place, 120 acres, three miles north of town." Also bought 40 acres a mile north of town. "As county commissioner of this district, Mr. McGinley has been giving most of his time to road work, and merely buys a farm or so during lunch hours."
Albert Adams recently purchased the Jackson barber shop equipment and has sold a half interest to Mr. Keckler and they have entered into a partnership.
ACL May 16, 1919 W.E. Fuller resigned as justice of the peace and county brand inspector because state law wouldn't allow him to also serve as deputy sheriff at the same time (which he is now).
Herbie Glenn is home after "... serving in the 347th Machine Gun Bn. which took part in some of the heaviest fighting of the war."
The Methodist church may be reopened here.
Ad: Twite & Leonard Auto Co.- in the Freehafer building. Oakland Sensible Six - Touring car, $1245 Roadster, $1245 Additional for wire wheel equipment, $75
ACL May 30, 1919 Report of A.L. Price, of the State Dept. of Education to the Council school board, in part: "The building is of brick veneer constructed about fifteen years ago. Upon investigation I found that the brick on the front of the building on the right hand side was considerably out of line and is now being held in place by means of braces. The floors and plaster in all the rooms are in very bad condition. I find also that the building shakes when the bell is rung. I may add here that it is not advisable to swing a bell on the framework of the roof as was done in this case." 12 ft ceilings. There is no fire escape from the second floor which has an average of 60 students. The building has no plumbing, just a "keg from which drinking water is obtained. The outhouses are not fly tight with screens and are 75 feet from the school instead of the required minimum of 300 ft.
ACL Jun 6, 1919 C.L. Weed and James Winkler have purchased the fixtures of the grocery store conducted by the late Mr. Rainwater and are preparing to open a grocery in the Weed building, across the street from the Council Pharmacy. It will be called the Council Grocery Company.
Will be meeting to organize an American Legion chapter.
ACL Jun 20, 1919 "William McClure returned last week from Moscow where he has been attending college since his discharge from military service."
New Plymouth Sentinel, June 20, 1919
“Albert Robertson returned Tuesday morning from Midvale, where he has been the past three months putting in the crops on his 120 acre ranch near that place. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson and brothers, Oliver and Peter accompanied him home, and were favorably impressed with this valley, They left Wednesday morning for Letha.”
ACL Jun 27, 1919 A sheep herder found the scattered skeleton of a man about 5 miles east of Kramer. Is assumed to be another sheep herder named William Johnson who worked for the Butterfield Livestock Co. and who disappeared about a year ago. A rifle with an empty shell in the barrel and with the safety tied with a handkerchief was with the skeleton in a position to indicate that the body may have lain across it. “A gold watch and some metal money was found with the skeleton. Upon being wound, the watch commenced running. Dr. Brown states that the skull was blown into bits and and he is making an effort to reassemble the pieces.” Dr. Brown and Sheriff Young went to investigate, and found evidence that was not consistent with a suicide - could have been foul play. “The fact that one leg of the man's overalls was seemingly soaked with blood and that the blood had also worked down into the shoe is, at least at first thought, hardly in harmony with a suicide theory. It is not thought that this would have occurred after a skull-shattering head wound. It is stated tat Mr. Johnson, whose remains the skeleton is supposed to represent, was married and had a family living near LaGrande.”
"We read that Henry Ford has invented a new-fangled safety alarm that is especially intended to give warning against excessive speed. At thirty miles it shows a white light, at thirty-five a green light, and when the car strikes a forty-mile clip an instrument plays "Near My God To Thee."
ACL Jul 4, 1919 S.G. Addington to sell Fords. His son, Hugh, will go for training in Detroit.
ACL Jul 11, 1919 "The Howe brothers - Roy and Orville - have leased the Brooks blacksmith shop...." Mr. Brooks is in ill health and will take a long vacation.
Boy born to the C.A. Phillips July 4 [Paul?]
ACL Jul 18, 1919 C.A. Collins, field secretary for the Evergreen Highway says the Council should benefit from tourist trade after the North - South Highway becomes part of the Evergreen highway system. "His predictions are base upon observation in other parts of the country that have been opened to national travel by the building of through highways." Predicts at least 10,000 cars through here per year. Editor says if this happens, "...10,000 tourist cars should fix things so that we can catch a homeward ride almost any time when out fishing."
Beatrice, wife of R.E. Wilkie, died in Grand Junction, Colorado. Maiden name: Davis, born in Council 1887. Came to Grand Junction 2 years ago with husband and son, and Mr. Wilkie took over the sales agency for Palisade coal. Her parents live there too.
A concrete sidewalk is to be built from Lampkin's store to the court house. [Apparently none before]
ACL Jul 25, 1919 A temporary school building is being built on the school grounds 28' X 38'. Nearly all of the materials used will be used in building a permanent building if a bond passes next spring.
Chas. Ham has bought the Hancock and Bladley livery barn and dray business.
ACL Aug 1, 1919 Fred Cool writes from Omsk, Siberia
ACL Aug 22, 1919 Very dry year - farmers worried
Harry Bradley has bought the Tolbert Biggerstaff ranch at Glendale - 200 acres - homesteaded by Biggerstaff some 30 years ago (he's retiring because of his age)
The Council Creamery is closed - deep in debt - local farmers want to reopen it
Professor D.C. Livingston has completed an inspection of the Seven Devils Mining Dist.
ACL Aug 29, 1919 Some local people want to enlarge the Lost Valley Reservoir and irrigate land from Fruitvale to Cottonwood, including the "Ridge" north west of town.
The drought has caused a lack of water at the Adam Co. Power and Light Co. generator to the extent that the Leader was not able to power its presses on time this week.
ACL Sept 5, 1919 E.H. Day bought the Pomona Hotel which formerly belonged to the late Senator Brady. Frank Long was the proprietor. [F.E. Long]
Farmers on the Ridge are investigating the feasibility of bringing irrigation water from Lost Valley reservoir.
"On Sunday two auto-trucks, fitted with racks that looked like miniature stockyards and loaded with sheep, passed through town on the way north. It is possible that, in line with the progress of the times, the same animals will be brought through town next spring loaded in airships. Sure, the world do move."
"After months of hard work by the Rev. E.L. Iverson the Congregational community recreation ground is now ready for use by the community. Two lawn tennis courts have been arranged for and also ground space for playing croquet."
New Plymouth Sentinel, Sept 5, 1919
“Mrs. Anna Ketchum, postmistress of Starkey, was the guest of Mrs. Robertson the first of the week, and while here looked after business interests."
ACL Sept 19, 1919
Mesa Orchards selling peaches for 1 cent per pound and Bartlet pears for 5 cents a pound.
Mrs. J.F. Lowe has taken charge of the Cottonwood school
ACL Sept 26, 1919 A. Rankin of the Ridge and a surveyor, a Mr. Stanley, were inspecting the country between the Ridge and Lost Creek with regards to bringing a ditch to irrigate the Ridge. "They had climbed to the crest of a high cliff near the river and, being somewhat tired, seated themselves on the edge of the cliff to rest. Mr. Rankin was permitting his feet to hang over and ... the side of the hill gave way and the two men found themselves mixed with sundry tons of rock as they were rolled, skidded and slid down the mountain side. Mr. Stanley was not injured, but Mr. Rankin has since been nursing a badly jammed leg and a multitude of smaller bruises."
ACL Oct 3, 1919 Engineer French, of Weiser, says about three fourths of the Ridge can be reached by irrigation water at a reasonable cost, but the remainder may be cost prohibitive.
"A Much needed cement sidewalk leading to the court house has been partly completed." "Another walk is being built from the Addington block to the O.K. livery barn. The latter walk fronts on lots owned by the Oddfellow lodge."[This was between the SE corner of Illinois Ave and the "street" just east of the town square, ... and going east to South Galena. The O.K. Livery was a big barn on the SE corner of Illinois and S. Galena]
The Improvement League wants to start and annual fair in Council
ACL Oct 10, 1919 Ben Shearer died in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. Father of Bill Shearer - once owned the P.H. Miller ranch on Hornet Creek.
" On October 26, ... the hands of all the clocks ... will be set back one hour. This will mark the end of the operation of the daylight saving law, a war measure."
Dr. Burke, dentist, of Fruitvale
"Mrs. Mary Tomlinson, the mother of Mrs. James Harp, Mrs. Rollie McMahan, Mrs. Ralph Yantis and Messrs. Harry and Edward Tomlinson, died ....Oct 7 ... buried at Winkler cemetery ...." age 71 Services by Rev. Baker.
ACL Oct 24, 1919 Fred Brooks died in Iowa Oct 8. Was in bad health since having the flu last winter born 1868.[former Council blacksmith - very robust, strong man until he got the flu]
"Mrs. Jessie Parker and children, who have been working in the fruit at the Council Orchards during the past five weeks, returned to Crooked River Saturday on account of Miss Pearl being ill with an attack of appendicitis. Mrs. Parker will reopen the Crooked River stage station [Kramer] which has been closed during her absence." [This was Dick Parker's grandmother.]
Bids wanted for building a one-room school house at Wildhorse = 20'X32' - rock foundation, brick chimney. To be completed by Dec 1, 1919
ACL Oct 31, 1919 C.A. Warner turned over the Palm Cafe to Mr. Addington
ACL Nov 7, 1919 C.I. Rush has been setting up a sawmill on Cottonwood Creek about 7 miles upstream from the highway. It formerly operated south of Cambridge.
Girl born to the Arthur Hulses Nov 2 [Edna Rice]
Halloween pranksters put a buggy on the roof of Sam Criss's store [later Merit store, then Shaver's]
ACL Nov 14, 1919 County paid E.F. Fisk $19.50 for labor
Son born to F.S. McFadden
Harry Sinclair sold the Council Meat Market to Fred Weed
Jim Henson and Jim Ward are building a foundation for a sawmill on the Hancock & Bradley ranch north of Starkey to move the Tomlinson mill from Fort Hall hill to that place. They have bought timber along the river.
ACL Nov 21, 1919 The trunkline of the Evergreen highway will run from Texas to the Canadian border at British Columbia
ACL Dec 12, 1919 "Last Sunday a few of the local ex-service men met in Council and organized a post of the American Legion. The post is named in honor of Bert Harpham, who was killed in action in France."
A. Rankin grew more than 1,000 bushels of corn on the Ridge this summer without irrigation: 20 to 45 bushels to the acre. He said, "I plowed early in the spring; harrowed down carefully immediately after plowing so that no harrowing was left over until the next day, thus retaining the maximum of moisture. Then I floated it perfectly level and followed by listing it from ten to fourteen inches deep; followed the lister with harrow, then worked the ground with harrow and float until again level. Planted between May 20 and 25. Since there was no rain there were practically no weeds and I gave no attention to plant cultivation."
There were 500 cases of smallpox in Idaho this year.
ACL Dec 19, 1919 Married at the courthouse: Miss Clara Canaan and Verne Harrington, both of Dale. Miss Mamie McClure and Mrs. O.M. Hubbard served as witnesses.
The State is investigating the fact that Council hasn't been getting enough electrical power.
ACL Dec 26, 1919 Matilda Ann Whiteley died Dec 21st. Came to Council about 13 years ago - her husband, Joseph Whiteley, died nine years ago. Survived by five kids = Wilborn C., Bona M., Isaac A. and Samuel J., and Mrs. Edna Koch
Most Council papers for part of 1915 through 1919 were lost.
Next is "THE ADAMS COUNTY LEADER", Edited by Fred H. Michaelson, who was a wonderful word artist. Vol. 14 goes through Oct 29, which is Vol. 14, No.52,... then Nov 5 begins Vol 15 (No. 1)
FIRST ISSUE ON FILE AT LEADER OFFICE, Following the Council Leader for Sept 17, 1915:
Adams County Leader, Jan 2, 1920 - Vol. 14 No. 9
Matilda Moser is County Clerk
Addington Auto Company
First Bank of Council
Council Pharmacy
Council Lumber Company
Council Grocery Company = Just across the street, E. of Post Office (Carl Weed's building)
Valley Drug Store
Council Meat Market = F.E. Weed, prop.
O.K. Livery feed and sale Stables, C.L. Ham and Sons, Prop. = dray line - autos for hire.
"The Cool - Donnelly Co."
P.L. Gaarden down from Bear...
Council Orchards still has its own news section
Robert Young is Adams Co. Sheriff
Dr. Carter - Dentist in Addington building
James A. Stinson, Attorney
Dr. E. Vadney, office in rear of Valley Drug Store
Dr. W.M. Brown, adjoining Bank building on Main St.
L.L. Burtenshaw - Attorney
J.A. Carr, real estate
Sam Criss' store
Council Hardware and Implement Co.
People's Theater
Hot Springs Lumber Co. - doesn't say where
Mary E. Tomlinson died not long ago - Ralph Yantis, executor
“The Cool – Donnelly Co. has had a crew of men at work putting up ice taken from the Weiser river. The ice is something like twenty inches in thickness, and, says Mr. Donnelly, unusually cold.”
“Estray—Long yearling; red with red-white face; overslant in one ear and underslant in other; branded ‘50’ with half circle beneath on left ribs. W.V. Emery.”
Adams County Leader, Jan 9, 1920
Adams Co. Light and Power Co. has too many customers - can't supply all the power
W.T. Lampkin store - clothes
ad: Fred Schultz - fur buyer at Council. (One of, if not the first man that Dick Fisk sold a hide to.)
Hugh Addington left to train in Detroit Ford factory
“Those who attended the dance given at the People’s Theater on New Year’s night by the American Legion seem to be unanimous in the opinion that the event was one of the most enjoyable of the kind ever held here. There were 130 tickets sold and we are told that there were, spectators included, approximately 300 people in the hall. In short, the party came close to being an all-community affair.”
Large ad for Ford automobiles that could be purchased at the Addington Auto Company in Council. The ad said the demand for cars far exceeded the supply, so customers needed to order as soon as possible to get on a first-come, first-served list. “If you by a Ford car now, don’t think you have to ‘store’ it. It is no longer popular to ‘lay-up’ your car for the winter. Buy a Ford car now and use it now.”
Adams County Leader, Jan 16, 1920
P.H. Miller closed deal with a copper syndicate to work Badger and other mines near Cuprum
James Kesler - jeweler - Harpham bldg, Council
Students graduating from Council High School: “Ben Dillon, Dorsey Donnelly, Lester Gould, Olive Hallet, Lila Moore, Crystal Weed, Daisy Hancock, Rhoma Hancock, Harry Fuller, Ethel Downs, Grace Fuller, Claud Ham, Martin McCall, Mable Poynor, Opal Selby, Thelma Lampkin.” In the “Intermediate Room,” Mildred Winkler, Clarence Hallet and Georgia Kesler” are listed, among others. May and Lester Marks are listed as in “First Primary.”
Adams County Leader, Jan 23, 1920
"Council Valley Club" organized
Flu scare in area - people put in quarantine for several days if they have it.
Boy born to Mrs. Ralph Yantis
Pete Kramer of Summit
Announced that Bernard Eastman of Payette would be at the courthouse to talk about the National Evergreen Highway Association. Mr. Eastman was going to talk about the “plans and purposes of the great highway of which the state road through Adams County will become a part. To those who may not be familiar with the Evergreen Highway, it may be stated that the plan now well under way, contemplates the linking and routing of the many state and federal roads, constructed or in contemplation, that will go in forming a continuous all-year highway across the United States.” “Judging from the amount of travel on similar roads already perfected, it is apparent that the number of tourist and other cars that will pass through this county when the route is well established will be almost beyond the comprehension of those who have not given the matter consideration.”
Adams County Leader, Jan 30, 1920
Highway news- " case the road work, now contracted, beyond New Meadows..." "Whether work will be continued on the highway through this country during the coming summer..." Part of "Evergreen Highway" across the U.S.
Summary of Eastman’s talk. In part, he said the average tourist car contains four people, and that they each spend an average of four dollars per day on gas, oil, repairs, food, clothing, etc. The paper continued, “He also said that after careful calculations based upon the records of highways of less national importance, it is predicted that 5,000 cars—20,000 people—will pass over the route and through Council next season in case the road work now contracted beyond New Meadows is completed to the point where the highway there will be passable next July.” “One of Mr. Eastman’s purposes her was to urge that Council provide a suitable camping ground for tourists. . . “
L.L. Burtenshaw - County Pros. Attorney
W.M. Brown, County Physician and coroner
Jess Lawrence has bought 1/2 interest in Addington Auto Co.
Co. Commissioners petitioned to enlarge school dist 39 to include "Cuprum and Landore school districts heretofore lapsed,..." Petition denied.
Leo J. Rainwater estate notice.
Adams County Leader, Feb 6, 1920
Stuart M. French's lot at Starkey was taken by the County for the State Highway - He was reimbursed
Sounds like a state highway in partially done, and there is a push to finish the job.
One case of small pox in New Meadows
Hot Springs lumber camp near New Meadows
Flu spreading in Idaho, but not like last year
Adams County Leader, Feb 13, 1920
Stephen A. Robertson died Feb 8th --age 86, buried Kesler Cemetery. The paper said, “Uncle Steve” is “said to have spent approximately forty years in what is now Adams County. His wife died during the summer of 1877 and their three children died within a period of two years from that time. The deceased will be remembered as a representative of a care-free type of the early pioneer, the active years of whose life had been spent in the great outdoors at a time when in this part of the country there was no limit to elbow room—at a time when not game laws prevented him from bringing down a deer and the native trout sought not the protection of fish warden. In the lore of the wilds he was rich; of worldly possessions he had little or none. His old friends tell us that they had never known him to do an act of intentional unkindness—and much is embodied in such tribute. May his soul rest in peace.”
J.H. Bolan, one time owner of the old Overland Hotel...
born--boy to Mr. & Mrs. M.M. Addington Feb. 9 at Mesa= their 5th son.
boy to Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Griffith Feb 9
Adams County Leader, Feb 20, 1920
J.D. Woods, Dist. engineer says of North-South highway surveying: From East Fork to Tamarack, able to save about 4,500 ft. "in four miles of line over the present wagon road." "... able to eliminate "Mail Cabin Hill which, as you know, is one of the worst obstacles on the road."
H.H. Cossitt recently opened a "tire vulcanizing shop" and Vollie Zink has joined him as partner. They retread tires. " said to be the first machine of the kind brought to the northwest."
died= Lynn Wilkerson on Feb 14 at 8 a.m. while sitting in a chair. Had the flu, then pneumonia, then "a heart affliction"--age 27, life-long resident of Indian Valley
boy born to Mr. & Mrs. John R. Manning Feb 17
girl born to Mr. & Mrs. R.B. Joslin on Feb 12
Married= Earl D. Dodge & Ruby Button -- both of Goodrich on Feb 17
Adams County Leader, Feb 27,1920
"The Sheppard of the Hills" to show at People's Theater
Weds. morning, fire started in Adams building and burned 2 buildings opposite the town square. Adams building used as residence. Other building: Cossitt and Zink vulcanizing shop, owned by Col. Heigho. "All that remains of the row of frame structures is the small building occupied by Mrs. Foristall and the one used as a carpenter shop by John Bast."
Born= girl to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Warnock of Hornet Crk. Feb 17
Born to Mr. & Mrs. Wm Hahn, a boy on Feb 23
Adams County Leader, Mar 5, 1920
Mrs. Arthur Wilkie of Ashton, Idaho...
Leader office evidently still on Galena St.
Fordson tractors for sale at Addington Auto
Married= Feb 25--John Roberts Forbis and Grace Audry Branstetter -- both of New Meadows
Miss Clare McDonald, teacher of the Ridge school....
Lucy Spahr, teacher at Orchard school
Adams County Leader, Mar 12, 1920
Geo. Winkler died Mar 9... born 1856
ad: Twite and Warner Auto Co. - selling Overland Autos
Ad: Power Co. advertising electric washers
Adams County Leader, Mar 19, 1920
J.B. Lafferty resigns as Sup. of Weiser Forest. His successor: Lyle F. Watts
"A dozen or more" small pox cases reported at Goodrich
Adams County Leader, Mar 26, 1920
Stuart French - engineer for proposed irrigation project - 15,000 acres to be irrigated around Council, east of the river, all the way to Cottonwood creek. Reservoir proposed at Price Valley.
Boy born to Mrs. W.E. Baker Mar 19 (Wayne?)
Adams County Leader, Apr 2, 1920
North - South Highway: current road to New Meadows goes "over the Fort Hall , East Fork, and Mail Cabin hills,..." "grades are too steep" and is hard to keep up. Maintenance costs $5,000 per year - Middle Fork to Meadows. Survey between Glendale and Woodland expensive, but saved a mile of road.
W.T. Lampkin has been in business about 1 year
Mrs. Lucy Spahr - teacher at Orchard school
Fred Cool is doing Red Cross work in Siberia!
Adams County Leader, Apr 9, 1920
J.B. Lafferty now a real estate agent near Weiser
Meadows or New Meadows: Geo. Brinson [George Brinson built the Hotel Heigho and the RR depot—or at least did the brick work.]
6" snow fell on Orchard dist. April 1- peach crop feared lost
S.G. Addington - chairman of Board of Trustees, Village of Council
Old Whiteley store West of square declared a public nuisance and dangerous eye sore, along with other "Fariello" building and other trash to the N+W of Whiteley bldg. Ordered removed in 60 days
Divorces granted: Martha Kramer from Pete Kramer
Hazel Childers from Claude Childers
"The Addington Auto Company yesterday received a carload of Fordson tractors and Mr. Addington has been giving demonstrations of the pulling power of the machine. Attached to a road drag, it lugged everything that got in its way and it was the general opinion of those who watched the demonstration that the tractor is competent to do a marathon race with a bunch of gang plows."
Adams County Leader, Apr 16, 1920
Mrs. Sam Woods (Margaret) died April 5. born12-1-51 married Samuel Woods 1867. To Indian Valley 1882
Charles Warner and Lena Warner divorced - Mr. Warner got custody of 2 kids
Adams County Leader, Apr 23, 1920
Rainwater brick bldg recently bought by John Hancock at executor's sale and leased to W.R. Brown who will put his pool hall there and convert present place into an ice cream parlor.
Council buying a Fordson tractor to grade streets = cheaper than hiring a team and will pay for itself in 2 years.
Adams County Leader, Apr 30, 1920
32 years ago, L.L. Burtenshaw practiced law in Whitman County Washington
Last summer, Biggerstaffs sold their ranch north of Starkey, and now have bought a place at Payette.
S.G. Addington has 8 used cars to sell [next paper says $160 to $500]
Adams County Leader, May 7, 1920
Harry Bradley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley, visiting from Centerville, Iowa
Well drilled - first step in constructing a pressure water system at Mesa.
Fred Cool back from Siberia
Born to Mr. & Mrs. John N. Meneeley of Indian Valley a boy May 2
Adams County Leader, May 14, 1920
Housing shortage in Council
New manager of Creamery is James S. Showers--takes the place of S.T. Beck who has been in charge since last August
Births: girl to Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Rush of Mesa May 9
girl to Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Jackson, Indian Valley, May 11
girl to Mr. & Mrs. Orville Perkins May 8, Indian Valley
Found dead in bed--J.W. Hoffman, a bachelor about 60 years old who had a homestead at Woodland--night watchman at Nord sawmill
Adams County Leader, May 21, 1920
Large Sawmill to start up on Pole Creek with crew of about 25 men. Owner, W.C. Dodge. # "auto trucks" will haul lumber to Council.
Since most of the Civil War veterans have now died, there has been a waning of honoring the dead on Memorial day. The American Legion is trying to bring it back, performing the role the G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) used to.
Will Evans runs Mesa - Council stage, delivering mail
Born--boy to Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kidwell of Council May 17
Adams County Leader, May 28, 1920
Council Creamery to start making ice cream
"E.E. Frances, the blind piano tuner of Boise,..." will be in Council [same ad in papers for years]
25 cents to swim at Starkey [from editor's comment in passing]
Married--Clarence Goode and Ruth Purcell, both of New Meadows
"We are in receipt of a card announcing the birth of an eight-pound boy to Dr. and Mrs. R.T. Whiteman, of Cambridge, on Sunday, May 23. The newcomer's name is Robert William--and we'll bet a biscuit that he looks just like his Dad, even to the little bald spot on his thought dome."
Adams County Leader, Jun 4, 1920
LaGrande Young succeeded H.E. Dunn as president and general manager of the P&IN railroad as of the first of the month. Dunn resigned because of ill health.
Contract let for 3 1/2 miles of highway between Starkey and Eastfork... teams and men
Council has 4 grocery stores, but none that only sells clothes. Lampkin sold his grocery stock to Sam Criss and will now only sell men's and boy's clothes and dry goods.
First ice cream from creamery - will produce every other day for about 8 months of the year.
Births: girl to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Del Bar of New Meadows June 1
girl to Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Richardson May 20, Indian Valley
Marriage license issued June 1 to Victor O. Hinkley and Josephine Blicks, both of Riggins
Adams County Leader, June 11, 1920
New work on state Highway will "eliminate the difficult Eastfork grade... considered one of the most trying grades between Council and Grangeville...."
Married: June 9--Gertrude Hoover (daughter of Wm. H. Hoover) and John A. Kilpatrick of Weiser.
Births: girl to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Gordon of Crane Creek.
baby (no gender given) to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Skeens on Friday.
Adams County Leader, June 18, 1920
Harrison Camp died June 12
Vollie Zink and Edith Lakey married at Weiser
Frank Shelton of Bear
Obituary of Sarah Price Gifford, mother of M. P. Gifford and Eliza Draper. died June 10. buried in IOOF cemetery--born in Wales April 1, 1839. To US at age 12. Married Moses Gifford in 1858. to Council in 1893
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffman of Cottonwood June 14, a boy.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hemmelberger June 14, a boy
Adams County Leader, July 2, 1920
Wm R. McClure married Marie C. Freehafer (Senator Jim McClure's) parents) The bride is the daughter of A.L. Freehafer.
Births: to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fouste, June 29, a boy--to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Shaw of Cottonwood, June 29, a girl.
Adams County Leader, July 9, 1920
Fred Hancock died July 7- born 1893 in Council
William E. Berry died July 3. Buried at Indian Valley Cemetery.
"Gus Sears, carpenter in chief for the P+IN, has completed the building of a neat pavilion at Starkey Hot Springs. The structure is a hundred feet long and fifteen feet wide and is intended for the accommodation of excursionists."
In either this paper, or around this one: Sterling McGinley was in a Los Angeles earthquake.
George Gould's new Oakland auto hit on RR track by train. [He wasn't in it.]
Heavy rain - 3 cars had to be abandoned between Council and Midvale because of the mud.
Adams County Leader, July 16, 1920
Poor fruit year all over NW
Died, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducher of Tamarack. Buried in Meadows cemetery. Born, boy to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finn of Fruitvale, July 15. [I wonder if this should have read "James" Finn?]
Gus Vadney bought Whiteley shoe and harness business
W.H. Campbell funeral last week
New Meadows - Krigbaum Hot Springs
Adams County Leader, July 30, 1920
Elizabeth David returned from Boise to spend the rest of the summer with her father at Bear
Clarence Hoffman married Opal Selby on July 25.
Clarence Hersey and Miss Evelyn Barbour, both of Middle Fork, were married on Monday, July 26 by Judge Weed.
Adams County Leader, Aug 13, 1920
Mrs. Eva Leslie, teacher at "little log school house among the tall pines by Crooked river..." came down on the auto stage and on home to Nampa
Indian Creek school, teacher = Miss Gladys Sutton of Cambridge. The school is "...on the very eyebrow of the beetling cliff above the Snake river,..."
The RR from New Meadows to Grangeville still being investigated and advocated.
Adams County Teachers:
Orchard--Mrs. Lucy J. Spahr
New Meadows--Principal, Mrs. Clara A. Diggles; assistant, Miss Lena Svendsen
Middle District--Miss Pearl Mitchell
Meadows--Principal, Miss Gladys Pollard; assistant, Mrs. Frances Abshire
Little Salmon--Miss Florence Lewis
Tamarack--Edith Karr
Alpine--Miss Alice Higgins
Council--Miss Grace Gray; Miss Esella Ingram; Miss Mary Zink
Adams County Leader, Aug 20, 1920
Dick Ross now lives in Portland
"Postmaster Winkler has asked that we call public attention to the fact that there is an electric light, with switch located just inside the door, available at the postoffice for those who wish to get mail at night and that it is desirable that such light be used in preference to the striking of matches. It is quite usual for patrons to scatter paper upon the postoffice floor, and in the evening when there is no office help on duty the throwing of matches or cigarettes upon the floor is particularly dangerous."
Edward McCallum, of Baker, and Miss Alice Higgins, of Council were married at Baker, August 14.
Meadows: Clyde Merritt died Aug 7 in Boise hospital
Indian Valley: old timer, Than Herington died at his home at Brain, Oregon on August 13 -- age 69.
Adams County Leader, Aug 27, 1920
Total real estate and personal property evaluation of Adams Co. for 1920 = over $5,000,000
Adams County Leader, Sept 3, 1920
Teachers: Last year This year
Dale - Mrs. Wallace ??????
Ridge - Miss Clare McDonough Miss Agnes Mitchell from Moscow
Fruitvale- Mrs. Louise Monteith Miss Katherine Clarke, of Boise
and/or Melva Harbin-Grangville
Bear - McCord Shinkle McCord Shinkle
Crooked River- Mrs. Eva Leslie Laura Reffner
"Council's new school building is nearing completion...." (must mean the big addition to the brick school)
"Mrs. Otto Brauer has leased the Addington rooming house...." Mrs. Addington had been running it.
Mary Macey [who apparently has been living elsewhere for 15 years] is back visiting - he was an old time freighter "during the early days of the P+IN RR,..."
Bids wanted for cement street and alley crossings
Adams County Leader, Sept 10, 1920
New irrigation project still being studied - would entail enlarging the Robertson - Sevey ditch to irrigate most of the Council Valley east of the river, all the way to Cottonwood Crk.
Apple market poor - buyers controlling it, and other fruit prices.
Arthur H. Nunnallee, of Cambridge, died at the hospital at Wiser on Tuesday and will be buried at the Cambridge Cemetery
Luther Palmer died at the home of his son, Charles Palmer, at the age of 72. He was visiting from out of town.
James G. Button of Goodrich died at the Dodge sawmill near Council on Thursday of last week of appendicitis. Formerly ran a sawmill at Goodrich and was sawyer of late at the Dodge mill. Age 52.
Adams County Leader, Sept 17, 1920
Some teachers and schools named
The Dodge sawmill at Council mentioned
Adams County Leader, Oct 8, 1920
Leader office and presses moved - didn't say where
Mark Houston of Cottonwood Creek died in a hotel fire in Robinette, Oregon on Oct. 4. Youngest son of Thos. and Armila Houston and was born on the homestead in 1892.
Mrs. Harry Sinclair of Cambridge died Sept. 28
Nels Nelson, an aged gentleman who came to Council in June, died at the Addington Hotel on Monday morning. age 78.
Adams County Leader, Oct 15, 1920
The Bert Harpham Post, American Legion bought corner lot W of Pomona Hotel... formerly owned by Mrs. Hancock of New Meadows. Will erect a building.
Starkey - Dr. W.M. Brown and Leonard Griffith bought Kleinschmidt's holdings at Starkey: all of the resort except some private lots.
O.E. Downs sold out his farm on the Ridge and moved to White Salmon, Ore.
New school at Wildhorse
Adams County Leader, Oct 22, 1920
Wm G. Koontz died at Walla Walla - 60 years old - left Council recently - was a resident here 15 years - Brother of Gene Koontz
James Winkler retired from the Council Grocery Co. and dissolved his partnership with Carl L. Weed. Mr. Winkler sold his interest to Carl's brother, Charles J. Weed. Charles has taught college in China for about 20 years, and has just come back from there. The store will continue under same name.
Adams County Leader, Oct 29, 1920
The American Legion is collecting donations with which to build "a memorial in honor of the boys from this county who lost their lives in the war. Instead of erecting a mere monument of cold stone it is planned to build a suitable American Legion building. Since the erection of such buildings has become quite general throughout the United States and their purpose fully known, there is no apparent necessity for discussion as to the good sense of the plan. The boys have contributed heavily out of their own purses, and it strikes us that every person who has a spare dollar can well afford to give something--and if all give in fair proportion to their means the problem will be solved without difficulty. Personally, we would dislike to walk past a soldier memorial in this county and feel that we had not contributed at least some small part of its construction." Come on, folks, let's 'kick through.' "
At the People's Theater October 30: Harry Carey in "Human Stuff." On November 2: Douglas Fairbanks in "Arizona." There will be a "big dance" after the show.
At Mesa an employee was seriously injured while driving a team under the tramway. The cable hit his head, opening a three-inch gash.
Lampkin's store is selling lady's and men's shoes priced from $8.00 to 12.75. Men's sweaters are $2.00 and up. Flannel shirts for $2.50, $3.75 and $5.00.
Adams County Leader, Nov. 5, 1920
"On Friday evening, Nov. 5, the Orchard Community is expected to meet at the school house for the purpose of organizing a literary society."
Orchard District: "W.H. Hoover finished picking apples last week Wednesday and is now completing the packing of the same. Messrs. McClymonds, Missman, Hill and Annia have all finished the picking and are also busy sorting and packing."
"The American Legion requests that we announce that it will give a dance and basket supper at the People's Theater on the evening of Armistice day, Nov.. 11. Everybody invited."
Adams County Leader, November 12, 1920, on front page:
"There are many persons who predict that gasoline-driven automobiles will become obsolete when the newly-devised Baker steam car is produced in quantities equal to public demand. Specimens of the chief working parts of the car were on exhibition at the Addington garage during part of the week and attracted much attention. The mechanism of the car presents a completely new plan of auto locomotion, and upon inspection the method appears so sound and free from technical and delicate parts that one wonders why some genius did not think of it long ago. The engine is placed in the rear of the car. The boiler, a coil affair, occupies the place given to the driving apparatus of a gas car. Twenty-seven gallons of water is carried and, it is stated, this quantity is sufficient for 700 miles of travel. After the water has been converted into steam and served its power-making purpose it is returned to the tank through a condenser and is thus used over and over again. Any low-grade fuel oil is used and it is claimed that a gallon of crude oil, hard cider or such, will drive the car twenty to thirty miles. the engine furnishes up to 400 horse power and, it is said, is capable of driving the car at a rate of 200 miles an hour--if any person should be fool enough to want to ride that fast. It can also be driven at a snail's pace. All in all, the 'wagon' looks like a sure winner and the members of the Addington Auto Co., who are agents both for the machine and stock in the manufacturing company, predict that it is destined to put benzene buggies in general in the second-class division."
The News, Cambridge Idaho - Nov 12, 1920
Long obituary and tribute to J.L. Baker "... the greatest preacher the Upper Country has ever known." Front page.
Adams County Leader, Nov 19, 1920
James Fisk and Henry Glenn working on roads around Fruitvale
Council Pharmacy bought from L. Griffith by his brother in-law Mr. Alcorn
"A second dray line has been established in Council, with Earl Fuller as proprietor."
"Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Mickleson and family moved to Nyssa last week Monday, where they have winter quarters. They and others connected with the Deseret Sheep Co. began moving the flocks several weeks ago. Aaron Anderson, Chas. Poynor and Roy Shaw are helping them through."
Adams County Leader, Nov 26, 1920
"The Gray's Creek school started again this Monday morning, after a five-weeks vacation on account of smallpox."
"The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson died and was buried Thursday in the Indian Valley cemetery."
"Dr. I.S. Carter and Miss Mary Hoover were married at Shoshone, Idaho, on Nov. 18."
Will Hanson and Frank Peck have bought the livery and dray business of C.L. Ham and Sons
Fred Cool is the county chairman of the Red Cross
Adams County Leader, Dec 3, 1920
"The roads have neither top nor bottom." [It warmed up and thawed]
Adams County Leader, Dec 10, 1920
Mark Winkler Jr. married Lillian Williams
Adams County Leader, Dec 17, 1920
Road conditions influenced turnouts at events [and events probably were planned around the road conditions.]
Guert Gilmer, age 48, died at his home on Hornet Creek, Dec. 13 of mouth cancer. He left a wife and seven children.
Boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Milligan of Tamarack on Dec. 10
Notice to creditors of W.G. Koontz, deceased. Dated Nov. 27
J.F. Hollenbeck, "formerly an old-time resident of these parts," died at Pollock on Dec. 5
Adams County Leader, Fri Dec 24, 1920
Charles Seymour died in fire at Mesa Sat. - big front page story. "One of the most unfortunate disasters within the history of the county occurred last Saturday night when the Mesa packing plant and storage house was destroyed by fire which resulted in the death of Charles P. Seymour, of the firm of Van Hoesen & Seymour, proprietors of the big orchard property."
"The fire was discovered as it broke through the roof of the warehouse soon after nine o'clock. Mr. Seymour, accompanied by R.A. Mulvihill, the latter an employee of the firm, was seen to enter the building. It is now known that the purpose of the men was to put in operation a fire extinguisher. When they failed to return, their fellows, protected with wet sacks over their heads, formed a chain and entered the rapidly-burning structure. When about twenty feet from the door they stumbled upon the prostrate form of Mr. Mulvihill and dragged him to safety. He had followed a pipe line that had led to the door, but had succumbed before he could reach safety. Although nearly unconscious, he mentioned the name, 'Seymour,' thus making known that the latter was in the building. Further efforts to save the unfortunate man were of no avail."
"When the walls gave way Mr. Seymour's charred remains fell free from the building and rested just outside. It is believed that after an unsuccessful effort to put the fire extinguisher in operation he attempted to escape through another door than that through which he had entered but, being overcome by the smoke and flames, stumbled across a fruit conveyor from which he did not arise." He was 48--came to Mesa two years ago with Van Hoesens
"The warehouse and packing plant was one of the most modern in the west and contained upwards of fifty carloads of apples."
The J.H. McGinleys moved out to their Fruitvale ranch
Adams County Leader, Dec 31, 1920
S.G. Addington has recently been advertising Baker Steamer autos and promoting the company's stock. The cars and trucks run on any oil type fuel, which is cheaper than gas. Water is condensed after becoming steam, and reused. Said to be fewer moving parts than a gas engine, and last longer with fewer repairs. 20 to 30 miles per gallon... they will be the wave of the future.
Adams County Leader, Jan 7, 1921
Girl born to Herschell Robertson of Bear
Big sale on clothes t W.T. Lampkin's store
Adams County Leader, Jan 14, 1921
The Kootlas case will be appealed to the Idaho Supreme Court. He was sentenced to a term of five to twenty years in the State Penitentiary. "Because the Supreme court is far behind with its work it is not improbable that Mr. Kootlas will be a guest of the county for a considerable time."
New County Commissioners were sworn in: Sherman York, Jonathan McMahan, and Mr. Robinson. [Robertson?]
"Every single person whose net income for 1920 was $1,000 and every married person whose net income was $2,000 or more is required to file a [tax] return under oath with the collector of internal revenue for the district in which he lives on or before March 15, 1921." At this time, Federal income tax was a pretty new thing. I think it started in about 1914.
Indian Valley: "Mrs. Thomas Murphy passed away at eight o'clock Sunday morning, after many months of suffering from cancer of the stomach, . . ." She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Woods.
"On January 8th relatives from Council and Fruitvale gathered at the home of Mr. and Ms. William T. Harp, at Fruitvale, the occasion being their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The visit was a complete surprise, for Mrs. Harp was busy making soap and Mr. Harp was hauling hay. William T. Harp and Millie Jane Hall were married Jan. 8, 1871 near Berryville, Carrol County, Arkansas by James Harp, the groom's father. They crossed the plains by mule team in 1880, arriving in Indian Valley on July 3rd, 1880. Settled in Council in 1892, and have made this Valley their home ever since. Mr. Harp who is now 73 and Mrs. Harp 72. . . ."
"Ten days ago there was no local ice suitable for harvest, but since the late imitation of a cold snap the ice on Leek's pond is ten or more inches thick. Chester Selby, Lee Zink and Clarence Hoffman have the contract for putting up ice for the Council Meat Market, and are busy on the job."
Adams County Leader, January 21, 1921:
Indian Valley--"Miss Margaret Leichliter and Mr. Al. Van Sant were married on January 8 at the home of the bride's aunt, Ms. Clyde Patrick, at Seattle."
Preliminary report on agriculture in Adams County, given out by the Director of the Census: 484 farms, of which 479 are operated by white farmers and five by colored farmers. In 1919, some 8,540 acres were planted to wheat (99,781 bushels); 1.207 acres in oats (25,047 bushels); 315 acres in barley (4,577 bushels); 21,561 acres in hay (26,179 tons). No figures were given on fruit.
At the People's Theater on Jan. 25--John Barrymore in "A Test of Honor."
Advertisement on back page for the Adams County Light & Power Co.--"While there has been no market reduction in electrical appliances, we will give twenty per cent discount on all appliances and fixtures purchased during the months of January and February. This is your opportunity to save money if you intend buying at some future date."
Adams County Leader, Jan 28, 1921
Frank G. Whitney, age 72, died last Sunday morning at the home of his nephew, Roy E. Cameron, who lives south of Council.
Indian Valley: "Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byers have a bouncing baby boy at their home, born January 20; weight eight and three-quarters pounds."
Indian Valley: Married December 20, 1920: Fred Tennoll and Ellen Carlton.
"Married--at Cambridge on Saturday, January 22, Mr. Jess Green and Mrs. Jessie Griner Ensley."
Frank G. Whitney, age 72, died last Sunday morning at the home of his nephew, Roy E. Cameron,
who lives south of Council.
"These are good days for logging. Louis Hayter has employed Alva Ingram to help him deliver logsto Morrison's sawmill. Andy Gerulf has 'Slim' Fry helping him deliver logs to the same place. Oliver
Anderson has for some time been, and still is, delivering a fine lot of logs to Olaw Pierson's mill where the latter will convert them into lumber as soon as the spring season opens. The heavy and continuous rains played havoc with many of the canyon roads this winter causing extra work and much inconvenience."
"Louis Prout is sawing logs into stovewood lengths, with his Ottaw saw, for Mr. McClure." [This was a brand of drag saw] The McClure mentioned would be William McClure,
former US Senator, Jim McClure's father.
"Wm. Camp is sawing wood on the Hoover homestead, using his Wade saw. Harry Lakey is helping
at the same place." ["Wade" was a brand of drag saw.]Inez Burger
Indian Valley: "Mr. and Mrs. Earl Byers have a bouncing baby boy at their home, born January 20;
weight eight and three-quarters pounds."
Indian Valley: Married December 20, 1920: Fred Tennoll and Ellen Carlton.
"Married--at Cambridge on Saturday, January 22, Mr. Jess Green and Mrs. Jessie Griner Ensley."
"A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Canaan on Wednesday evening of last
week when a party was given in honor of Mr. Canaan's sixty-sixth birthday. Nearly 100 guests were
present and the evening was spent at social games and dancing. Refreshments were served and it
was not until the early hours of the morning that the 'Hornet Creek Orchestra' planed 'Home Sweet
Home.' "
Notice from the Council Village Board, A.L. Hagar, Clerk: "Patrons of the local water system are
notified that the reserve water in the local reservoir has been depleted to the danger point and that
extra care must be used to prevent wastage in order that there shall be sufficient reserve water in
case of fire. Presumably the storage supply has been reduced during the cold weather as a result of
faucets being left open to prevent freezing of pipes. In the public interest it has become necessary
that this must be done with extreme care against wastage, if it is done at all. Unless this notice serves
its purpose it will be necessary that the meters, which have been dispensed with during winter, be put
into action as a matter of public safety."
Adams County Leader, Feb 4, 1921
Girl born to Mrs. Charles Ham
"As the outcome of a disturbance at the Middlefork schoolhouse on Friday night a goodly number of the residents of that district were in Council on Monday and Tuesday, in attendance upon a trial in
the Probate court. The defendant was Henry Teem, a young farmer of the Middlefork
neighborhood, who was charged with assault with a deadly weapon."
"The offense being a felony, which carries a penitentiary sentence, the trial was in the nature of a
preliminary hearing. From listening to the evidence we gathered that on Friday night there was some
argument at the school-house and that John Shaw was struck upon the head in such a manner that he
was knocked to the ground and remained unconscious for a considerable time. Examination by Dr.
Brown, as related on the witness stand, showed two wounds upon the head, one of which was
severe and the other slight. Witnesses testified that they saw Henry Teem reach into his pocket and
then strike a downward blow. Since Mr. Shaw is the taller man and, according to testimony, was
standing erect at the time he was struck, it is obvious that the chief wound could not have been
created by a blow from the naked fist. On the other hand, none of the witnesses gave testimony
indicating the character of the weapon, if any, that was used. The fact that a bob-sled was standing
near where Mr. Shaw fell was entered as an element in the case and may or may not have had
foundation in fact." Teem plead guilty and was fined $100.
Albert Furguson, of Goodrich, died on Tuesday of last week at the home of a sister, Mrs. Hopper,
at Portland. He was buried there.
Adams County Leader, Feb 18, 1921
Last summer, the blister mite showed up in orchards north east of Council and some tracts of Mesa. " of the worst enemies of the fruitgrowers..."
Ben Clark has purchased the Gus Vadney shoe and harness shop.
Adams County Leader, Feb 11, 1922
"A barber shop is being installed in the Billie Brown billiard hall." Mr. Jolly, prop.
Adams County Leader, Mar 4, 1921
"M.C. Fuller and John Fields have purchased the O.K. livery and dray business from Hanson and Peck..."
Adams County Leader, Mar 18, 1921
"George Gould and sons, with other help, have branded their young cattle. It required three days to do the work."
Adams County Leader, May 20, 1921
Teacher School
Lura Reffner Crooked River
Frank Hutchins Indian Creek
Bonnie Mae Campbell Wildhorse
Lillian Cox "Hornet Creek"
Mary Shaw Dale
McCord Shinkle Bear
D.F. Richey Glendale
Everett Ryals, son of Mrs. James Ward recently had a leg amputated... still in serious condition in Boise Hospital.
Adams County Leader, June 10, 1921
Mr. S.J. Edmunds was pastor of the Congregational church in 1916. Mrs. Edmunds just died in Portland.
Highway will not be built through Council as the road inside the town is a municipal matter. The highway will stop at the south end and continue at the north edge of town. "In order to connect with the highway at the northern town boundary it will be necessary to turn at the Council Pharmacy corner." [Galena Street]
Big funeral in the opera house for Edward Burtenshaw. There were too many people for the house to hold. He was a lawyer and had practiced here with his father, Luther L. Burtenshaw. He joined the army for WWI and died in France of the flu in Nov of 1918, just 10 days before the armistice was signed. His body was just now shipped from France. His wife had a baby boy, Ed Jr., 3 1/2 months after his death.
Adams County Leader, June 17, 1921
"Everett Ryals, of Fruitvale, who recently underwent amputation of a leg, was in Council on the first of the week. For some time there was little hope that his life could be saved, but he now seems to be well on the road to recovery."
Dr. W.E. Fuller is now living at Bonners Ferry.
Married--Benjamin David Clark and Ruth Esther Mills, both of Council, June 11.
Adams County Leader, June 24, 1921
"W.T. Haines has moved his harness and shoe shop from the Oddfellow building to the Whiteley frame building east of the town square."
Some pointers on the fishing laws: "The amount of trout taken in any one day must not exceed fifteen pounds and one fish. It is also unlawful to have in possession more than thirty pounds, either fresh salted or dried, at any one time. In computing the number of pounds of game fish which any person may catch or have in his possession the fish are to be weighed dressed, with their heads on. If the heads have been removed the limit for any one day's catch is twelve pounds. It is also unlawful to catch more than fifty trout in any one day or have in possession more than a hundred at any one time."
Indian Valley-- Mrs. Margaret McPherson Schafer died in Boise, June 18, age 23.
New Meadows-- "A marriage license was issued on June 13 to Frank E. Hullett and Marjorie R. Suter, both of Nampa. Miss Suter was at one time a resident of Meadows."
Mesa has 1150 acres of apples, 100 acres of peaches and 50 acres of pears. 800 acres of this orchard, plus 2500 acres of alfalfa and grain, are owned by Mr. D.W. Van Hoesen, whose individual investment here amounts to $650,000. "The tramway is equipped with its own telephone system, and will handle four packed boxes of apples a minute all day long."
Dr. Brown reports the birth of a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russell on June 20.
Adams County Leader, June 24, 1921
"Mrs Alice McMahan has moved to Starkey where she is serving as cook at the Hot Spring hotel."
Adams County Leader, July 1, 1921
Matilda Snow died - born 1845 in Denmark - wife of Bernard Snow. Came to Indian Valley in 1882. Mother of E.B. Snow. Obituary
John Hancock appointed deputy game warden for Adams County
Auto Stage line established - daily between Weiser and McCall... will hurt the railroad's business.
Evidently Tom Heady died about a month ago. There is a "Notice to Creditors" by his executors.
No services at Methodist church because of the Chautauqua.
Adams County Leader, July 8, 1921
Married: Wm. Earl Winks and Miss Gladys Leola Craddock, both of Cambridge, at Council on July 5.
Jim Winkler will open a grocery store in the Oddfellow Building
Neal Poynor, forest ranger at the Iron Springs station above Bear.
Adams County Leader, July 15, 1921
Highway construction from foot of Mesa hill to Council to begin
July 29, 1921
Pole Creek sawmill closed - ran out of money--operated by Elmquist & Peterson
Married: Robert Caseman and Miss Josephine McGinley, at Weiser, on Sunday [July 24th]. "The groom came to this county last year and conducts the farm on Westfork that was formerly owned by Charles Ham. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. McGinley of Fruitvale."
"Wm. Marks on Wednesday commenced grading for the new switch on the P.& I.N. R.R. which is under construction to benefit the Council Valley Orchards." Railroad
New Plymouth Sentinel, July 20, 1922
"As the result of a fracas on the Middle Fork of the Weiser River Friday, H.H. Hamby is in the hospital at Ontario, suffering from a gunshot wound in which parts of this ear, cheek bone and nose and an eye were torn away and fifteen shot were left within the walls of his brain. It seems that Mr. Hamby and Geo. Ulmer of Payette were stopped by Boyd Welker, a deptury game warden of Council, and following and argument and scuffle, Hamby is alleged to have diarmed the warden. Then they took their car and drove toward Council. The warden, who served in France, evidently did not like the idea of being disarmed. He is alleged to have followed the Hamby car, securing guns an ammunition and calling friends in capturing the party. After passing through Council on the way to New Meadows, it is claimed Hamby and Ulmer were overtaken as they waited for a pack train to pass, and that Hamby was shot from ambush without warning by a person alleged to be Deputy Sheriff Lutz, a business man of Council deputized by Welker, who had worked his way to position is front of Hamby's car."
New Plymouth Sentinel,Aug 3, 1922
"A.H. McConnell returned the first of the week from McCall where he has been looking after matters connected with the establishing of what is planned as the largest 'fur farm' in the northwest. The farm is to be knkown as the Idaho Silver Fox Farm and is located about a half mile east of McCall."
Adams County Leader, Aug 5, 1921
Work on north -south highway started 2 years ago between New Meadows and Grangeville. "Two places in the canyon of the Little Salmon known as 'Devils Elbow' and 'Hells Half Acre' are now a broad paved way." "The toilsome hill which formerly separated Whitebird from the Big Salmon river has been eliminated and the road is now on water grade." Description of the switchbacks there.
Dorris Koontz to teach at Glendale
Janice Lowe " Lower Dale
Alice Beier " Wildhorse
Anna Ross " Dale
Methodist church doesn't seem to has a resident preacher. Various evangelist and church officials come here to hold services.
Adams County Leader, Aug 12, 1921
Cipriano Garcia arrested for killing a grouse with a rock while working on the railroad. The Judge suspended sentence.
Etta Hillmon to teach at Fruitvale.
Water Carnival to be held at Starkey: swimming, diving and other contests. "Tub races, sack races, lighted candle races - water polo. A "Jitney Dance" will follow.
Council Orchards: "The work on the new switch for orchard accommodations is progressing nicely. The grading for the track is completed and the work of laying the ties has begun. The wagon road to the switch is being graded...."
Adams County Leader, Aug 19, 1921
List of teachers in Council school
Adams County Leader, Aug 26, 1921
Moses Addington killed in a gunfight in Missouri. He was the father of S.G. Addington and former Council resident. Age 68
Came to Council 1888 and here until he moved to MO 4 years ago. He is survived by sons Moses Jr., John, and S.G. "Bud". He killed one man in the fight, and another that Addington shot in the incident may well die soon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Darland sold their ranch on Hornet Creek about 3 years ago and moved to Boise.
"Three carloads of bushel baskets have arrived in Council during the past week..."
[Perry McCumpsey was married about this time, by Herbie Glenn]
Sept 9, 1921
Dr. F.B. Laney (geologist) on "The Grand Canyon of the Snake" [Hells Canyon]: "There is nothing of its type comparable to it in the United States."
Adams County Leader, Sept 16, 1921
There is a section of the north - south highway about 1 1/2 miles north of the section now being built by Samuel Smith [somewhere north of Fruitvale] that is "... rough, treacherous and miry and is crossed in four places by the railroad,..."
Will Fifer up from Parma supervising repair work on building occupied by the Keckler and Adams Barber shop.
Adams County Leader, Sept 30, 1921
Commissioner Proceedings: "E.F. Fisk, road overseer, presents drawing of the bridge to be constructed over the West Fork at Fruitvale, and same is approved."
Adams County Leader, Oct 21, 1921
B.J. Dillon resigned as County Prosecuting Attorney
Nov 11, 1921
August Hoffman died - age 62 - father of Bert and Clarence
Sam Harp died in Milton, Ore. - brother of William Harp and Mrs. George Robertson of Fruitvale, and Mrs. George Winkler, daughter of Alex Kesler. Settled on the Frank Galey place until Sam sold out to Galey and moved to Oregon
Adams County Leader, Nov 18, 1921
W.R. McClure is now Adams County's prosecuting attorney
Ray Sailor married Anna Winkler Boyd
Mark Winkler Sr. died today - obituary next week
"First airplane" landed at Council, in a field at the west end of town.
Adams County Leader, Nov 25, 1921
Obituary of Mark Winkler Sr. - born 1858 - came to Council with his parents at the age of 20 on Aug 8, 1878. In 1880 he settled on his place "just north of town and remained there until his death. He was the oldest settler in Council living on an original homestead,..." 1898 married Carrie Anderson. Had 2 kids= Mark Jr. and Anna Sailor. 2 step daughters= Mrs. Lulu Osborne and Mrs. Matilda Davis.
A Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.) was organized Friday evening at the school.
A.W. Kite died. His widow= Mae Baker Kite. Leaves two kids= Melvin and Wanda
Bear school teacher: Alberta Dibble
Indian Crk. " B.E. Romey
Ridge school " Eleanor O'Leary
Airplane landed near Council. Enough of an event to warrant front page story, although the tone was not one of excitement, just interest in an unusual event.
Adams County Leader, Dec 2, 1921
Oliver Robertson married Edna Evelyn Finn, both of Fruitvale
Adams County Leader, Dec 9, 1921
"The aged Arthur David of Cuprum of Cuprum is seriously ill at the John Kesler home north of town. Mr. David was brought to Council last week from his home on his mining claim at Cuprum in order that he may receive medical attention."
Adams County Leader, Dec 23, 1921
Robert Young now runs a rooming house in Mountain Home
Adams County Leader, Jan 6, 1922
J.E. Glenn's brand was a quarter circle US on left shoulder. Earmark: swallowfork in R ear, underbit in L ear
ad: Winkler's Cash Grocery
P.J. Clark "had a contract for putting in bridges on the North and South Highway between Council and Fruitvale."
John Freeze of Freese-Freehafer mine...
Winifred Brown teaching at Kuna
Bob Zink just made an auto trip on the N-S Highway to Spokane "At one place the car broke through the ice in the road and settled to the axles in water." It was a very difficult trip. [note the use of the word "car". This is one of, if not the first time, I've seen it used in this paper.]
John Poulson bought a ranch just above Starkey "some time ago" [This is the main ranch at Glendale which Jim Williams owns at this writing.]
Adams County Leader, Jan 13, 1922
Indian Valley: "Howard Hunzaker, the rural route man,..."
More of N-S Highway to be built
Mention of Council Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.)
Adams County Leader, Jan 20, 1922
W.A. Weltz died at Burns, Ore. - farmed on the ridge
W.B. Rice to replace L.F. Watts as Sup. of the Weiser Forest Feb 15
County paid E.F. Fisk $237.00 for labor - he was appointed a road overseer for 1922
Joe Lorton, who ran the Council Pharmacy, now of Cambridge...
Arthur David mentioned
Adams County Leader, Jan 27, 1922
Forester Lafferty says $1000 would make Black Lake road usable buy autos
School at Bacon Gulch, Dist. 12 [on road to Goodrich?]
Chief Forester Lafferty says that 20 known elk in the area around Bear are known to survive of those planted there several years ago.
Boy Scouts organizing in Council under guidance of the Cong. Church
Adams County Leader, Feb 3, 1922
C.I. Rush died - son of Clyde I. Rush - came to Mesa in 1910 - it was his nice new home that was built in Mesa not too long ago.
Gay Johnson married Anna Gould (George's daughter) Jan 29. He has a ranch on Cottonwood.
Hardy Harp died in Boise. He moved there several years ago. He settled the present J.E. Glenn place in 1880 near Fruitvale. Brother of Wm Harp, Mrs. Geo Robertson, and Elizabeth Winkler. He later bought the present Mrs. Josephine Caseman place.
Adams County Leader, Feb 10, 1922
First radio in Council referred to as a "wireless telephone" see photo copy.
About 26 miles of the North - South highway is to be built this summer between Woodland and Round Valley.
Adams County Leader, Feb 17, 1922
Sheriff Zink
Cong. church - Rev. Hagler
Adams County Leader, Feb 24, 1922
Auto drivers must buy a license and have "the receipt pasted on the windshield...."
W.W. Adair has been managing the Council Creamery. He has left for Portland. A.L. Hagger temporarily running it.
Adams County Leader, Mar 3, 1922
In places, the State Highway between Whitebird and Riggins is costing $65,000 per mile
"The Fishers will soon move from the Leader building..."
John Fields awarded the contract for mail route from Council to Cuprum for $2,400 per year. "The stage line will be conducted in connection with the Fields and Fuller livery and dray business."
E.F. Fisk planted the first Siberian alfalfa to be planted in this area.
Adams County Leader, Mar 10, 1922
Flu reaching epidemic proportions in Idaho. Advised to avoid crowds. Plans to close the People's Theater and community hall "during danger periods." Local school ordered temporarily closed by Dr. Brown.
P.L. Gaarden of Bear
A.O. Huntley advertising he wants to buy turkeys to put on his ranch. According to the editor, he plans to put bells on them to keep coyotes from killing them. Apparently Huntley has a phone - no number given.
[I have noticed that L.L. Burtenshaw has been on the Council board of school trustees for a long time. Seems like he usually hands out diplomas at graduations and gives and oration.]
Dr. Vadney is a local Doctor.
Albie Ross Krigbaum of Meadows died = pioneer - 52 years old - married Annie Osborn in 1896
Cong church closed because of flu outbreak
Adams County Leader, Mar 17, 1922
There have been no public gatherings in Council for the past week because of flu.
Bill Evans got another 4 year contract to carry mail : Council-Mesa. He apparently uses mules.
Dr. W.M. Brown - office adjoining bank bldg on Main street
Dr. Vadneys office "in rear Valley Drug Store"
Dr. Carter - dentist - Addington bldg
Adams County Leader, Mar 24, 1922
2nd trial of Dr. W.E. Fuller for embezzlement of public funds while serving as deputy sheriff. He was found not guilty by jury. In the first trial, the jury couldn't agree.
schools open again after flu closing for 8 days
Miss Eleanor O'Leary finished term as teacher at Ridge school and left for her home at Weiser.
Miss Ruth Lampkin closed term at White school
12 lot owners mentioned in tax assessment lists, at Starkey.
Fruitvale Development Co. mentioned
Adams County Leader, Apr 7, 1922
"In order to provide an automobile park, the Council Valley Club has purchased seven lots, located across the street and west from the court house,..."
John T. McKee recently bought Will Winkler's ranch north of town, and also the Hawkes barber shop located in the billiard hall.
Charles Ham Sr. has bought W.T. Lampkin warehouse - will put on storefront and use as "automobile accessory station". He will sell gasoline.
Annie V. Addington divorcing S.G. Addington. He has been absent from Council for over a year.
April 1, all hunting and fishing licenses expired. Licenses run from Apr 1 to Mar 31
A. Rankin selling his ranch on the ridge = 520 acres
Radio phone broadcasting stations are now operated in 35 U.S. cities, plus 230 government stations. Once "a toy", now becoming "a household convenience"
Adams County Leader, April 14, 1922
J.H. Bridgewood - now living in Mt. Home - renting his W Fork land - 80 acres
Teacher at Glendale = Doris Koontz
Teacher at Hornet Creek = Janice Lowe
Apr 21 issue missing
Adams County Leader, Apr 28, 1922
This is the last Leader paper under Fred Michaelson. The new owner and editor is E.E. Southard, formerly of Portland, Ore. Michaelson was editor for 6 years.
H.H. Cossitt moved his tire vulcanizing shop into C.L. Ham's "auto service station."
Miss Anna Ross, from Payette done teaching at Dale
Adams County Leader, May 5, 1922
Mention of Griffiths who manage Starkey
The annual Adams Co. Fair is held at Indian Valley
3 students graduating from Council H. School: Alma Kesler (later Lappin) was one. Ceremony at opera house May 11
Editor living in rooms over the printing office
Former editor Fred Michaelson mentioned as a probate judge in Adams Co.
Sign of the times: ads for Hams service station and O.K. Livery stable in the paper right next to each other!
Adams County Leader, May 12, 1922
Geo. H. Peters sent letter from Boise saying a state history is being prepared...asked for data such as diaries etc. Matter referred to Bill Winkler.
When anyone buys a car, it seems to be news
L.L. Burtenshaw won first place in a shooting contest a week or two ago, and now won one at Payette (shotguns; probably trap shooting)
Robert Young, now of Mt. Home
Adams County Leader, May 19, 1922
Schools mentioned: Crooked River, Indian Creek, Hillsdale
Teacher: School:
Mrs. Etta Hillmon Fruitvale
Miss Janice Lowe Hornet Creek
Miss Alice Pine Indian Creek
Miss Anna Ross Dale
Many others listed, with honor students
Cipriano Garcia arrested for liquor - section hand at Fruitvale sentenced to 60 days in County jail.
L.L. Burtenshaw back from NW Trapshooter's tournament in Pendleton, Ore.
Indian Valley Postmaster = G.E. Steward
Charles Allen of Cuprum
21 people of the Middle Fork area are protesting the removal of the old bridge across the Middle Fork. This was the old wagon road bridge. They are petitioning the county to allow the old road to be abandoned as a county road, but remain open as private a road, and if the bridge is removed, that the county replace it. Two sections of road mentioned: "Goodrich road from new North-South Highway, east to old road off the Mesa" to be fenced: Old road off Mesa to be private road.
“After due consideration of the mater the Board orders that the bridge remain for the present: That the section of road beginning where the Goodrich road intersects the North and South State Highway near the base of the Mesa hill and running east to the intersection of the Goodrich road with the old county highway running north and south be abandoned as a county road and permission given for fencing of said roadway for private use…and…the old county highway down the north slope of the Middle fork hill and on north to the Middle Fork school house be abandoned as a county road but that same remain open as a private road to be kept open and maintained by the residents of the community; and that in case of removal of the bridge across the Middle Fork, the board agrees to assist the residents in constructing a foot bridge across said stream.”
see History Corner, 6-30-11
Adams County Leader, May 26, 1922
"Birth of a Nation" to show at Theater
"Wilkie Canyon" mentioned - roads in good condition there
Adams County Leader, June 2, 1922
William R. Harrington died in Kooskia, Ida May 24 - born Jan 31, 1836 in Iowa - married Lucy Loveless who died almost 50 years ago. (Diffendaffer said in two places that her name was Martha Lovelace.) Father of Robert Harrington of Council - buried in Hornet Cemetery. The new editor misspelled the name "Herrington"
Robert Caseman and Josephine [McGinley] Caseman had son Robert Jr.
Mrs. Katie Marble taking correspondence exams from Albion Normal school at the court house
"Miss Marjorie Dildine having finished her term of school at Crooked river...." went home to Caldwell
Mrs. A.O. Huntley and daughter... daughter had been attending school "in Oregon"
Girl born to Dr. and Mrs. Whiteman of Cambridge
Robert Young plans to move back to Council from Mt. Home
Adams County Leader, June 9, 1922
Ad: Gasoline, 32 cents per gallon at Addington Auto in "Barrel lots". Weiser Oil Co has "installed a tank here." "Buy gas in barrel lots and save money."
Continental Oil Co. given permit to "install a 10.5 by 29.3 tank here for gasoline ...."
Katie Marble to teach at Wildhorse
Olive Addington to teach at Hornet Creek
Doris Koontz to teach at Glendale
Race track being built at Indian Valley fair grounds
J.B. Lafferty of Weiser
Adams County Leader, June 16, 1922
Nord and Co. mill at Tamarack
Meeting to discuss Hoover Railroad spur
Mrs. Lena B. Dillon to teach at Fruitvale school
Ellen Potter of Midvale is Viola Gould's sister, also sister to Mrs. Edgar Moser [All were Duree girls from Cottonwood Creek]
Adams County Leader, June 23, 1922
New Community hall in Indian Valley
Dance at Upper Dale school
Adams County Leader, June 30, 1922
Harry C. Bradley running for Sheriff on the Republican ticket [he may have run for this office before]
Mrs. Rosella Imler died at Indian Valley - mother of Marvin
Son born to Mrs. W.E. Baker, June 26, 10 lbs.
Girl born to Mrs. Verne Harrington at North Hornet June 27
Geo. S. Mitchell - postmaster at New Meadows [may have meant Old Meadows]
Photo taken by Bill Winkler of Deputy with "Smilin' Bill", a moonshiner
Lots in Council owned by Pete Kramer foreclosed upon by sheriff
State Game Warden has closed Bear and Lick Creeks to all fishing
Adams County Leader, July 14, 1922
E.C. "Pinky" Baird died
New Highway between Council and Fruitvale not accepted yet by the state because of poor condition
Anna Ross to teach again at Dale
Mrs. O.M. Hubbard to resign as county school superintendent and will be principal at New Meadows school
Adams County Leader, July 21, 1922
Payette man shot by lawmen as he fled from game warden. Big front page story
Adams County Leader, July 28, 1922
Hawkeye mill at Tamarack
Nord and Co. mill at Tamarack has a lath mill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barringer were guests of A.O. Huntleys- Mrs. B to spend summer there. [Grace Barringer was later a reporter for the Idaho Statesman. She wrote at least one article about the Huntleys for that paper.]
Mrs. H.H. Cossitt died (Minerva) 67 years old. The Cossitts came to Council in 1899.
E.F. Fisk is Fruitvale precinct committeeman for progressive party
Pete and Martha Kramer being foreclosed on for $7,850.80 plus interest owed to F.H. Lyon. Sheriff will sell: W1/2 SE1/4 and E1/2 SW1/4 of Sec 11 and W1/2 NW1/4 Sec 14 and N1/2 NE1/4 Sec 15 all in T18N, R3W
New Plymouth Sentinel, Aug 3, 1922
"A.H. McConnell returned the first of the week from McCall where he has been looking after matters connected with the establishing of what is planned as the largest 'fur farm' in the northwest. The farm is to be known as the Idaho Silver Fox Farm and is located about a half mile east of McCall."
Adams County Leader, Aug 4, 1922
Council - Fruitvale highway accepted by state
L.L. Burtenshaw went to a trap shoot tourney in Portland
Katie Marble lives on the Ridge
Adams County Leader, Aug 11, 1922
Miss Lena Thompson of Weiser to teach Ridge School
Adams County Leader, Aug 18, 1922
Ad for bids to take down the old Middle Fork bridge: 40 ft. span, steel... to be installed on the West Fork of the Weiser river West of Fruitvale on cement abutments. "Also to cut new channel for stream, the same to be where the stream is now cutting out, the dirt from the new channel to be placed in old channel."
Adams County Leader, Aug 25, 1922
Project proposed to add to Lost Valley Dam to get more water for Council area
Fred Cool retired and sold out his share of the store to Dale Donnelly
Opera house got new roof and inside redecorated: cost $500 - manager= Mr. Brown
Plans to enlarge school - now are 7 high school rooms
Winifred Brown to teach at Council H.S.
Adams County Leader, Sept 1, 1922
A decision has been made in favor of the Hoover RR spur and work has started
The Weymouth Orchards, Lawson Hill manager, "adding 50' to their packing and storage plant on the railroad just above the depot."
Garage and auto repair shop occupied by L.M. Twite near the depot gutted by fire. Bldg owned by A.L. Freehafer of Payette
Mose Fuchs listed as owning 202 lots in Helena on which he owes back taxes.
Adams County Leader, Fri. Sept 8, 1922
Leslie Baker injured in dynamite accident
Arthur "Frenchie" David killed himself
Committee to meet to form corporation to "legally hold in trust the title to the Hornet Creek cemetery, and to procure and hold title to a road leading to the same, and to transact any business...." concerning it.
W.E. Freehafer and W.M. Freeze have sold their Cuddy Mountain mining claims to Boise parties for $30,000
John Bast bid the lower of 2 bids submitted to move the Middle Fork bridge
Mrs. Carrie Low has taken the school sup position formerly held by O.M. Hubbard
Mrs. Anna Addington, now of Prairie City, Ore. (Hugh's mother- Bud's ex-wife)
The Vadney drug store...
Arthur Robertson and Orson Smith brought Arthur David's body in to Council Monday [Sept 4]
F.A. Wilkie owns land just N. of Dale school
Adams County Leader, Sept 15, 1922
Winifred Brown married Robert M. Lindsay "a hardware merchant of San Francisco", Sept 2 in that city, and they will live there. She will not teach here as planned.
Joel Richardson, Manager of Nord and Co mill at Tamarack, married Helen King = eastern girl. Joel is the son of Stephen Francis Richardson of La Grande. The couple will live in Tamarack. He is a law school graduate and member of the Oregon bar.
Fred Lappin had Typhoid fever last week
[The RR resents to stiff competition from "auto stages and trucks" using the new North - South highway. The RR has paid much in taxes over the years, part of which paid for the highway, and the trucks pay no fees at all to use the improved roads.]
Adams County Leader, Sept 22, 1922
Dr. Frank Brown now of Salem, Ore.
Cipriano Garcia in court again
Adams County Leader, Sept 29, 1922
Good fruit crop - no worms or other pests seen yet anywhere
"Mrs. Hanna Ketchum and daughter, Mrs. Beckstead,..."
Adams County Leader, Oct 6, 1922
Henry H. Tomlinson died - Winkler Cemetery - about 80 years old Henry Tomlinson - born May 25, 1839 - lived most of his life in Nebraska. Survived by no one more closely related that the nieces and nephew he was staying with here the last 10 months [This was an uncle, apparently of Ralph. Henry, son of Ralph and Sarah, moved to Canada - had a wife and 3 kids]
Upper Dale school bought a piano
Idaho Governor D. W. Davis spoke at the Theater last Monday
Fred Cool is moving to Portland or Newberg, Ore. for his health
"The section crew of Goodrich is putting in the Hoover spur this week."
Adams County Leader, Oct 20, 1922
U.S. Senator William Borah spoke at the Peoples Theater
School football team organized recently - showers being installed in the first floor of the school.
Good article on expansion of school curriculum
J.T. Sult of Roseberry visiting his daughters, Mrs. J.V. Morrison and Mrs. J.P. Glenn.
Adams County Leader, Oct 27, 1922
The goal of the Federal Government is to build a national system of roads in this country that will make the "...highways of the ancient Romans ... pale in comparison." [The state has been helping counties pay for building the NS highway, each county is to take over maintenance, once built.]
Well at Upper Dale school done
Adams County Leader, Nov 3, 1922
County proceedings:
John Bast paid for installing West Fork bridge: $1743.20
E.F. Fisk, labor, $387.00
"E.W. Fisher,... funeral expense of A. David, 75.00:..."
"The Petition of G.T. Hamill and others for the creation of a road 50 feet wide...." from about [the present Y near Shumways] (mention of Josephine McGinley Caseman's place) "to connect old county road aforesaid with the North and South highway and running between part of the G.T. Hamill ranch..." and Mrs. Caseman's. [The old road was recently replace with the straight north and south highway that now exists from Council.]
Adams County Leader, Nov 10, 1922
Council's first ever High School football game will be against Payette at Council.
Ed Levander and Emsley Glenn trapped coyotes and foxes. See photo
Adams County Leader, Nov 17, 1922
Football game against Payette - Council lost 10 to 0 "...some of our boys probably had never seen a football game until the present season, let alone playing the game themselves."
"Cancer is now killing one out of every 10 persons over 40 years of age."
A.C. Leader is now 17 yrs old
"We need twenty thousand people in Adams County, and we need at least two thousand of these in the town of Council."
"Dr. Brown reports no new cases of scarlet fever this week."
Adams County Leader, Nov 24, 1922
"Peter Kramer, one of the big ranchers of the upper Hornet creek,..." has sold out and gone to live at Hillsboro, Ore.
Editor teasing Bill Winkler about getting married.
Adams County Leader, Dec 8, 1922
Ridge School will have a literary program, dance and dinner Friday.
Mrs. Angusta Foristall died - music teacher and choir director
Adams County Leader, Dec 22, 1922
Son born to Mrs Tom Green, Dec 16, formerly of Johnson creek
Adams County Leader, Dec 29, 1922
Scarlet fever cases, but no epidemic as Weiser Signal says
Adams County Leader, Friday, Jan 5, 1923
The "Radding Bargain store" established in old W.T. Lampkin store = grocery and clothes
"Many Fruitvale farmers who started out for Council the latter part of the week were compelled to give up their trip on account of bad roads."
Adams County Leader, Jan 12, 1923
"William T. Robertson, postmaster at Bear,..."
Rev. S.P. Hagler, formerly minister of the Congregational church, appointed chaplain of the house of representatives in Boise.
Dr. W.M. Brown - office adjoining bank bldg on Main street
Adams County Leader, Jan 19, 1923
D.W. Van Hoesen died - Adams Co. Senator = obituary
P.L. Gaarden of Bear has lived about 30 years in this area.
Herbert Glenn - Justice of the peace, Fruitvale precinct
Road overseers to get $3.50 per day and $2.50/ day for team of horses
Gospel meeting to be held at home of J.P. Glenn, Fruitvale
Adams County Leader, Feb 2, 1923
Still hot on the organization of the Council Valley Irrigation District. Want to raise Lost Valley Reservoir dam and dig a canal from immediately below the confluence of Lost Creek and West Fork.
Big dance at Ridge School Feb 9
Adams County Leader, Feb 9, 1923
Pearl (Mrs. John) Woods, of Bacon Gulch, died
Adams County Leader, Feb 16, 1923
Part of railroad Street in Council to be vacated- legal description
Adams County Leader, Feb 23, 1923
Miss Lela Kesler- daughter of John Kesler, married Roy Womack
Continental Oil Co. to install large tanks by RR
Tomb of Tutankhamen to be opened next Sunday. "Great wealth of jewels and gold are expected to be unearthed,..."
Adams County Leader, Mar 9, 1923
Mrs. Electa Garcia learned her father, W.R. Spear died in Colo.
Adams County Leader, Mar 16, 1923
C.E. Cox, Fruitvale Postmaster
Adams County Leader, Mar 23, 1923
Leslie Baker and W. B. Jones arrested for booze at Ridge school
Adams County Leader, Mar 30, 1923
Radding store closed already - leaving town
"...1,732 elk are now scattered over ... southern Idaho..."
Roy Bethel is building a new house at Fruitvale."
Adams County Leader, Apr 6, 1923
Claude Childers married Dora May Haydon at Herbert Glenn's house at Fruitvale. Both from Wildhorse. No preachers could be found in town, so they went to Herbie who is a justice of the peace.
Jim Henson has a sawmill at Woodland
Azurite mine opened
Adams County Leader, Apr 13, 1923
Rev. Thomas Gordon - new Cong. pastor
Spring is here - you can tell "by the number of people who are ... getting their cars ready to run."
Adams County Leader, Apr 20, 1923
Pioneer= Wilson A. Williams of Meadows died
Mrs. Tom Glenn of Cambridge died of flu - buried in Winkler Cemetery
Adams County Leader, Apr 27, 1923
John Kampeter of Hornet creek died - 24 years old - oldest of 9 kids
Adams County Leader, May 4, 1923
Lester Gould graduating High school
First car to make it through on the road to Meadows was Weds. (May 2nd) except for one that had to have horses pull it through some "slides" on the highway. "The road north of Council is hardly ready for traffic yet, however."
Adams County Leader, May 11, 1923
40 more acres of apple trees planted at Mesa
"The body of Arthur David, buried here last summer, was disinterred last week and sent to Boise by daughter, Miss Elizabeth David, and there to be cremated, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased before he died."
Adams County Leader, May 25, 1923
Katie Marble finished term at Wildhorse school
Adams County Leader, June 1, 1923
"Miss Marion Huntley of Cuprum returned to her home last week from Weiser, where she had been attending the Intermountain institute the past year."
"The Addington hotel will be taken over June 10 by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brauer, who have had the place the past year or so, retiring from the business."
Charley Winkler back from college to practice pharmacy.
Adams County Leader, June 22, 1923
There is a "Burtenshaw trophy" that goes to any trap shooter who can win it 3 times.
Charley Winkler went to Boise for drug store job
Adams County Leader, June 29, 1923
Fred Hunziker - Tamarack Postmaster
End Book
Adams County Leader, July 6, 1923
1922 was very dry and wheat and corn and hay crops were almost a complete failure on the Ridge. E.F. Fisk brought in some Siberian Cossack alfalfa this year ('23) that was 4 feet high.
Adams County Leader, July 13, 1923
American Legion building going up. Built with local contributions as a memorial to war vets.
Vollie Zink resigned as sheriff (was Sheriff for past 5 years) Chester Selby is filling the office now.
Isaac Glenn accused of dynamiting fish on West Fork - jury found him not guilty.
"The P+IN motor car running on the rails arrived last Sunday morning for its trial trip, bringing most of the officials and newspaper guys of the lower country, a total of 27 persons. Hereafter it will make the trip opposite the regular train,..." running between Weiser and New Meadows.
Adams County Leader, July 20, 1923
Obituary of Harriet Zink
John Lyons formerly of Meadows, now of Nampa + son Maurice (in Meadows news section)
New banker = N.H. Rubottom
Adams County Leader, July 27, 1923
Mammy white died after long illness (Ella) age 84
Adams County Leader, Aug 3, 1923
Alfred W. Huntington is visiting here. He lived in this area, and ran horses here 40 years ago. Huntington, Oregon is named after him. He now lives in Fresno, Calif.
Martha Kramer's name is now Stevens - [she must have remarried former wife of Pete Kramer]
Adams County Leader, Aug 10, 1923
"Yesterday the body of the elder Rush, buried at Mesa, was disinterred and permanently buried in the Oddfellows' cemetery here. It is understood the burial ground at Mesa will be discontinued."
Adams County Leader, Aug 17, 1923
Mrs. George Robertson died - age 63 - maiden name= Martha Harp. She crossed the plains in 1880
Adams County Leader, Aug 24 issue missing - too bad because the results of the big water district election was to be known.
Adams County Leader, Aug 31, 1923
Teachers and schools listed:
Wildhorse - Katie Marble
Upper Dale - Hazel Snell
Fruitvale - Irene White
Glendale - Doris Koontz
Bill Camp always seems in charge of maintaining the East Fork ditch.
Clarence Schroff is building a packing house at his place. Hoover has one well underway.
Son born to Oliver Robertson Aug 24
Adams County Leader, Sept 7, 1923
W.C. Sherer died at Alpine
Evergreen camp ground established by the Forest Service
Household goods of Mammy White to be sold at public auction Sat.
Adams County Leader, Sept 14, 1923
Obituary of W.C. Sherer + Thomas Harrell
"Orchard section" to have a fair at the school (they did this before) Ribbons awarded - lasted one day.
Girl born to H.A. Clarks on Ridge Sept. 10
Miss Helen Young of Kuna was to teach Ridge school, but resigned, and "Miss Cora Numalee" of Cambridge has taken her place. [Dick Fisk is sure her name was "Nunnalee" - she was mean]
Adams County Leader, Oct 5, 1923
Rev. J. Edwin Deacon became the Methodist preacher for "New Meadows, Council and several other points, comprising what is called the Meadows Valley circuit."
Adams County Leader, Oct 19, 1923
Power lines being extended to the Hoover and Lamb packing plants at Council orchards this week.
Adams County Leader, Nov. 16, 1923
New Doctor in Council = D.P. Higgs
Johnny Fields and [W.E.?] Fuller, who have operated the stage line and livery barn in Council, sold the entire business to Frank George from Fairfield, Idaho. "The transfer includes the barn, stage line and contracts for carrying the mail to Cuprum and up the Hornet creek line."
O.W. Mink, Weiser man, killed a 23 point buck in the Seven Devils. It weighed 300 lbs. and had a 32" spread. (see Dec 21)
The Adams County Leader is 18 years old this week
The Lamb packing plant, was recently finished
Adams County Leader, Nov 23, 1923
Charles Allen of the Red Ledge
Adams County Leader, Nov 30, 1923
Miss Ethel I. Baker married William B. Jones - both of Fruitvale
Adams County Leader, Dec 14, 1923